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  • 2 months later...
Loving this thread - my older brother was into Warhammer about 20 years ago and I used to read all of his rulebooks for the fluff, and also mess about with his minis, which included a Bretonnian army and a Rainbow Warrior 40k army. I got into it for a little while but unfortunately had a little brother who liked to smash up our figures. To add insult to injury my stepdad took all of our models/games to the local dump a few years ago without telling us [1st edition spacehulk with all of the expansions, loads of WFB Empre and Bretonnians, Space Crusade, HeroQuest, Talisman, and lots of 40k marines all from around 20 years ago - only consolation is that he went pale when I told him how much moneyn he had thrown away :turned:]. Just got back into the hobby and good to see some minis from my era :rolleyes:
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IMHO the old Nurgle models are some of the only and best minis that still fit in well with the current range, my fave is the one guy missing a leg and using his hand to walk.

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Heres a few RT marines I found at the bottom of my case, I ended up converting them to look at bit more acceptable with my current marines.


Plastic scout parts fit perfectily, with a bit of trimming and greenstuffing!

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My golden glove squad, MK III metal termies. Too bad they never did get a worthy banner:



My 2nd Edition DC with new plastic JPs:



I have about 3000 points of painted up "collector" eldar. Posting any xenos here is of course forbidden though.



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Heres a few RT marines I found at the bottom of my case, I ended up converting them to look at bit more acceptable with my current marines.


Plastic scout parts fit perfectily, with a bit of trimming and greenstuffing!

They look like they should be Tzeentch marines. They seem to me like they are changing size all over the place lol.

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Grey Knight Terminators








Inquisitor Terminators:









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My 2nd Edition DC with new plastic JPs:





Nice, im currently using my brothers old Death Company models as my sternguard squad, repainted of course!

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  • 3 months later...

Damn this thread brings back some serious memories. I remember when the vast majority of the miniatures pictured were "new releases" in the white dwarf!!! I miss 2nd edition a lot - including their excellent "soul" in some of the miniatures. The above shown Ordo Malleus Terminator is one of my absolute favourites - along with the same era Space Wolf Runepriest in Terminator armour. Incredible stuff. I had a lot of the models in this thread, but they have long since disappeared.


Eldar models were particularly weak during this time - and heck, most of the miniatures only were replaced within the past few years (the shockingly old Eldar Dreadnought "Wraithlord", the war walker, etc.)


My first GW purchase ever was a $50 painted set of Mk6 plastic marines. I wish to God I still had them. Beautiful stuff. $50 is a lot when you're 14 and loading soda machines for money!!! They were my pride and joy. No idea whatever happened to them.

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Grey Knight Terminators







Oh my god....................................................................... I love them so much :HQ: *faints*

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I can remember when those old style Grey Knight Terminators and Inquisitors were advertised in White Dwarf*. They are some of the most awesome looking Terminators**.




*along with Mordheim warbands

**all Terminator miniatures look awesome.


and also the most expensive pts wise, I think a squad of them cost around 1200pts ;) That was when ork boyz cost 10pts. They were reaaaaly hard. A grey knight commander cost like 600pts

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