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Forgeworld rules for mahreeeeens


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So I've been checking the downloadable FW rules this evening, and found some non-superheavy stuff that strikes me as fun and competitive.


Here are the rules; http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/pdf/IA2Update28Aug.pdf


There's a Damocles Rhino, which is an HQ choice rhino without a transport capacity, but with orbital bombardment, an ability to reroll reserves roll, and to reroll teleport scatter dice. I really like the idea of a command rhino (though sadly it can't transport anything, as it would be awesome to use it for a command squad) and having another orbital bombardment is more then great. Also, the rhino itself can serve as mobile terrain once it expends its bombardment. :P


There's also a drop pod for dreadnoughts that allows them to assault on the turn they land. This seems very very powerful considering how cheap the drop pod is, but just think about it; two ironclads coming down on turn 1 and getting stuck in instantly would sure cramp your opponent's style. :P


There's other interesting stuff, like chaplain dreadnoughts, multimelta razorbacks, and random-shooting assault cannon drop pods that sure wouldn't be out of place in SW lists.




So, any of you guys played around with these rules? What were your experiences? Are there similar such rules in Imperial Armor books? I read some of the older books, but they were all outdated and didn't have any particularly interesting rules. The 7th installment, however, does seem full of pretties.

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That pdf is the free update to Imperial Armour vol 2, the other experimental rules seem to make their way into upcoming books with only minor changes.


My rule of thumb before using something from FW is: Would it be fun for me if my opponent used it against me?


If the answer is no, I won't take it. If the answer is yes, I'll ask my opponent if they are okay with my use of that unit/wargear/special rule before we set up for a game.


Personally, I haven't yet used any FW units, but I have played against them. For the most part, virtually every FW unit is over-priced and under-strength compared to regular GW units of the same type, so I've had no issues with them as they add flavor to the game. The one major exception is the Lucius pattern Drop Pod; allowing a Dreadnought to assault on the turn it arrives is just wrong. That one gets a firm "No" from me.



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I love a lot of the Forgeworld stuff though I only have a Helios currently who only sees day in Apocalypse, one pimped ride for my Iron Priest.


However I will be working on a drop company (with suitable first company attachments) and the lucius pattern dreadnought drop pod seems like an ideal unit for the formation. Obviously I'd need permission to use them but I feel a couple of rampaging dreads in an apocalypse battle are hardly game breaking.


But I do feel that if you want to use Forgeworld rules then you either need to scratch build or buy forgeworld, I for example would buy two dreadnought drop pods to be able to use the rule and if my opponent says not it's no big deal, just means some hunter killer missiles somewhere. However this is just my opinion on the matter.

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My rule of thumb before using something from FW is: Would it be fun for me if my opponent used it against me?

Ofc, the way I see it, BOTH players would use FW rules. Would make no point for just one player to have it, as that would give him an unfair advantage.




The thing is, I do hope this stuff gets into the next vanilla codex. :D

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My rule of thumb before using something from FW is: Would it be fun for me if my opponent used it against me?

Ofc, the way I see it, BOTH players would use FW rules. Would make no point for just one player to have it, as that would give him an unfair advantage.




The thing is, I do hope this stuff gets into the next vanilla codex. :D


But only if that player wanted to and had the capacity to use the rules. Thing is Forgeworld rules have been designed for integrated use with 40K, they even say so, hence why points costs change.

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I for one am looking forward to asking my opponents permission, then dumping the Deathstorm followed by a Lucius borne Ironclad. Why more people dont complain about the Deathstorm I will never know -


Shooting 3 Whirlwind templates at EACH unit within 12" and LOS when it lands or shooting 12 Assault Cannon shots (4 x 3) at EACH unit within 12" and LOS! Ouch that has got to hurt, even with the BS2. Good bye Ork hoard army.


All for 75 points and 1 Heavy Support position.



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Yep, but then you end up playing a mission where your opponent can keep their whole army in reserve and the Deathstorms have nothing to target as half your DPs have to deploy on Turn 1

So you deploy the ones with Troops instead, and deploy them back. *shrugs*.

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Agreed but either way you've wasted the points spent on DPs

How so? If I deploy in an intellegent manner, safely, anywhere I want how is it a waste that Im doing so in an intellegent fashion?


Just because something isnt used as extremely as possible doesnt make it a waste. Taking something thats supposed to be an advantage and turning it into your own weakness... thats a waste. So Ill deploy at the half way point of hte field, near cover, with my DP and set up a nice bunker as it were.... and when my opponent comes in Im likely in a better position than he is. Then later my DSDPs and other DPs come in... and beat the heck out of him.


Itll be great :).

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Of course, but deploying your DPs too far forward can also cause problems when you want to drop in the Deathstorms - afterall it's not as if they never scatter.


I use DPs regularly but I'm just whinging that dawn of war and deep striking demons are a pain - don't mind me!

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I've used some of it, mostly to get access to update stuff (getting Razorbacks cheaper than in codex BA or other updates). I've faced the Mortis dreads a few times, they seem fairly costed.
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I've used some of it, mostly to get access to update stuff (getting Razorbacks cheaper than in codex BA or other updates). I've faced the Mortis dreads a few times, they seem fairly costed.


One Dark Angel player used a Mortis Dreadnought with two twin-linked autocannons at my club. In a single turn, it killed a Wraithlord. Four hits, four wounds, three failed saves. Fairly priced indeed. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Agreed but either way you've wasted the points spent on DPs


Drop Pods with that kind of fire power can secure and objective! droping 3 of them around an objective(try to get within 12" of each other acounting for scatter) and id like to see an orky horde or deamon army who would feel comfortable taking that! Put a rhinoed tactical squad in there and you've got holding objective surrounded by 9 whirlwind shots and 42 assault cannon shots! Even full gaunt Tyrandis will have a problem taking that through numbers alone! Compound that with maybe the rest of your army protecting it or off captureing the rest forceing your opponent to either spit troops or lose objectives!


But only if that player wanted to and had the capacity to use the rules. Thing is Forgeworld rules have been designed for integrated use with 40K, they even say so, hence why points costs change.


I have always assumed FW stuff would fit best in an Apocalypse setting personally. Then it seems almost required for Dreds to assault on the drop cause there is so many points being thrown around, this doesnt apply to everything in their range but you get my meaning. Otherwise it would fit best if the 40k players agreed on it beforehand.

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I've used some of it, mostly to get access to update stuff (getting Razorbacks cheaper than in codex BA or other updates). I've faced the Mortis dreads a few times, they seem fairly costed.


One Dark Angel player used a Mortis Dreadnought with two twin-linked autocannons at my club. In a single turn, it killed a Wraithlord. Four hits, four wounds, three failed saves. Fairly priced indeed. :P

a mortis with two twin linked autocannons is 100% IDENTICAL to what you can build in codex space marines.

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  • 1 month later...
My rule of thumb before using something from FW is: Would it be fun for me if my opponent used it against me?

Ofc, the way I see it, BOTH players would use FW rules. Would make no point for just one player to have it, as that would give him an unfair advantage.




The thing is, I do hope this stuff gets into the next vanilla codex. ^_^


But only if that player wanted to and had the capacity to use the rules. Thing is Forgeworld rules have been designed for integrated use with 40K, they even say so, hence why points costs change.



I have seen a tyranid(4th dex) and orks combined force hit a wall of black templar with a baneblade in their midst. That baneblade made things not fun for everyone, as neither of those two players had enough anti armor to properly counter the super heavy tank before the huge templates inflicted mas casualties. I would say that both sides definitely need to be fielding big FW/apoc choices or be fully aware of what they are facing so they can build for it.

I of course am speaking of casual play, where I aim for fun and interesting battles, and to the warp with how many wins I get.

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I field the Siege dreadnought quite often, as a friend of mine stated: "Alex you are a flame:cuss" and I do consider myself guilty of that ( and that being the reason I play sally successors ) as well as the Chaplain dread, simply because the fig is sweet, and my "squad" of dreads needed a true "sergeant" :P


The dread-pod-of-death is from your own point of view, a blessing from the emperor. Having 10 dreads in total, the lucius pod would be as sweet as tac marines being allowed heavy flamers as a heavy weapon, but frankly it's just too damn good. So even though it makes me cry on the inside to say it, I wouldn't use it. Getting 3 Ironclad charges from space round 1 is just not fun, at all... In a just-for-the-slaughter apoc game where noone really cared abut winning I mght use them, but that's about it sadly.


Other than that I love the different LR versions ( shown in that I have 8 :P ), except for the helios and the prometheus ( which I have one of >< ) since they stripped it of it's imp coms. Together with def weapons now being str 4 or less turning it to something that I find utterly useless for it's cost :(


In general I like FW stuff, but the rule of thumb is to make sure your oppondent knows what's coming, so that he can prepare for it as he wishes ( feld his own, chage his list, or simply prepare himself mentally for the awesomeness to come ) ;)



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