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Devestator marines


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I like 4 missile launchers in a 7-man squad. It gives them enough ablative wounds without too much waste.


I also like that it allows me to take a storm bolter on my captain/chapter master and get back to 5 point increments rather than having 2 points just hanging out unused.

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Also I forgot, cover is your friend with Devastators, a 4+ cover save is nice if they get you with low AP weapons, perhaps a single expensive weapon such as lascannon to benefit from the Signum from the Sergeant.


Also a razorback can seriously up the squads firepower, and starting nice and cheap! Great to support an armoured rush with a twin-linked heavy bolter or sit back and provde more firepower that lasguns can't hurt.


I've also heard people talking about using five man squads with two heavy weapons in a rhino as a fortress, they can shoot two weapons out of the top hatch, but if it gets blown up there's a chance of losing a marine and getting pinned.


But cover is one of the most important things to consider, along with arcs of fire, high ground enables good fields of view without sacrificing a turns shooting.

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3x Missile Launcher and Lascannon- combat squad, use the Missile Launchers against transports, and the Signum and the Lascannon hunt things like Dreadnaughts and Vindicators/Predators/Hammerheads.


4x Lascannon- Expensive, but then again it hits like a ton of bricks. Also good at killing TDA and Meganobz in particular.... and those damn extended carapace Carnifexii.


4x Plasmcannon- Good anti-horde, good at wiping squads whove been forced out of their now dead transport, and not horride at popping transports themselves.


4x Missile Launcher- Good light-medium tank killing support, runs on the cheap side.


Best when Combinationed with a TLLC Dreadnaught about 6-8 apart. The Dread gives a creditable CC threat and can help with killing enemy armor- particularly with the plasmcannon squad.

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I'd go with 3 Plasma Cannons and 1 Heavy Bolter.

1) All the weapons are the same range

2) All the weapons are usseful on the same targets, light/heavy infantry, light armor, MCs

3) The Heavy Bolter can benefit more from the BS5 Signum then the Plasma Cannons can

4) The Heavy Bolter provides some consistent firepower incase you get some bad scatters

5) The Heavy bolter cheapens up the squad a tiny bit and is safer

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I run with the three ML and one LC. Chuck them in cover with a good line of sight. A tall building is ideal, and they can be superb. One might even say devastating. They can hurt the hordes, hit elite infantry, splatter monstrous creatures an are in their element when popping light armour. Key caution points are:


Deployment is everything. Anticipate your opponents game plan and use them to back up your own.


Don't get greedy. Don't waste their shots against av14. It may look like a bit juicy target, but that is what your opponent wants you to do. Better to take out that rhino, trukk or waveserpent which is all set to deliver his troops off at the objective. It might not kill the unit insde, but it will mean they have to footslog, removing their threat from the game. For a turn or two and giving you room to breath.

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What do you guys reckon about 2x PC and 2x LC?


I'm not sure they would work together that well, unless all you're trying to shoot them at is Terminators or 2+ save MCs.

I wouldn't trust the Plasma against medium/heavy armor and the Lascannons seem like overkill against Marines and wasted on horde.


I think 2 PCs and 2 ML would be better, since you could drop 4 cup cakes on horde or 4 high S low AP shots against heavy infantry and its cheaper.

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I agree with minigun the only thing to worry about is the PC overheating which happens and Sucks especially when its your last deve...(yea it happent to me a few times)

Wait....really?....only a few times??!!


Will you sell me your dice? Because my plasma cannoneers have about a 1:1 kill ratio (others/themselves)! :)

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I agree with minigun the only thing to worry about is the PC overheating which happens and Sucks especially when its your last deve...(yea it happent to me a few times)

Wait....really?....only a few times??!!


Will you sell me your dice? Because my plasma cannoneers have about a 1:1 kill ratio (others/themselves)! :)


The only reason is i dont use them that often. But sure ill sell you them...kidding

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I feel like you really want Lascannons, that the Combi-Predator is the way to go.

120 points for 2 Lascannons and an Autocannon (which is as good if not better then Lascannons for light armor) is a steal.

I think what's steering me towards LCs and PCs is that I don't really fancy going with the other options and want to find a way to use them well, lol.


HB: not sure this is good in a devastator squad unless you're specifically after anti-infantry, which I don't think I am.

MM: great weapon, but the range seems too short for a squad that is probably best hanging back in support.

ML: I think this is one of the best and most versatile weapons marines can field, but it seems a little... dull... perhaps I'm just bored of modelling and painting them!


Probably the most optimal loadout is 4x ML as that would be good at armour, and both light and heavy infantry.

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I feel like you really want Lascannons, that the Combi-Predator is the way to go.

120 points for 2 Lascannons and an Autocannon (which is as good if not better then Lascannons for light armor) is a steal.

I think what's steering me towards LCs and PCs is that I don't really fancy going with the other options and want to find a way to use them well, lol.



Well don't let me distract you from you goal. ;) In the end, its your army so you gotta like it right? In that light, as long as you target them at 2+ save units first and foremost, I think you'll be just fine. They will make good MC/Terminator killers.

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oddly, I run 2 Dev squads.


First is 4 HB to support my assult squads. This is an 10 man squad. The Sergeant has a storm bolter too.


Second is 4 LC to support everything else. This is a 6 man squad. The Sergeant has Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.


Works pretty well.

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I have two dev squads.

One features a Heavy Bolter, two rocket launchers, and a lascannon.

In the other its two Plasma Cannons, a rocket launcher, and a lascannon.

Either way I have a lot of range with a lot of power.

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All heavy bolters: the Spray and pray of doom, 12 shots at str5 is quite nasty, anti-infantry of death and AV10's bane surprisingly (saw a land speeder getting nailed by it)

All Plasma cannons: point, shoot and wear oven mitts. This line-up will demolish anything bar chuck norris and AV13 and up.

All Lascannon: Shoop da emprahs whoop, this line up is expensive but will hit like a freight train to any tank. Armour is something this eats for breakfast

All Missle launchers: Frag spam and krakking acts. This combo is the most verisitle and remember, frags do more damage to MEQs than kraks.

All multi-meltas: For all those vulkan lovers. Short range but a very powerful deterrant when put next to some troops for any transport or heavy tank


Thats my 2ooth of a pound sterling

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