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CC Scouts in LSS


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I'm planning a CC Scout unit in an LSS and can't decide the best loadout.


I do want a powerfist on the Sergeant, since it will probably come in handy and will look cool (which is generally my first consideration;)).


I'm not sure whether a combi-weapon (combi-flamer?) would be worth it on the Sergeant, or perhaps go with a simple shotgun?


As for the other guys I wondering whether 2x bolt pistol and CCW and 2x shotgun would be good all-round mix?


I'll open this up to the floor ;)

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in a full ten man unit mixing in some shotties is usually wise, but as stated above ccws are needed to make best use of the LSS cerberus launchers.


As for the sergeant if you have ten points a flame template is always handy, if not the shotgun in the way to go.



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Thanks guys.


Would you perhaps still mix in shotguns if you combat squadded the 10 man unit and had them both in LSS's? If they both target and charge the same unit, I guess it might generally be pretty equivalent to one 10 man unit alone?


Of course, if only one unit makes it to combat you might run into trouble, but with LSS's I expect reaching combat might not be too much of a problem.

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At that point, it might be effective to mix. If you have 2, 5-man Scout Squads approaching the same target with two LSS vessels, Having each team of 5 with 3 CC gurus and 2 Shotguns would likely be effective, but as I've never used this combination myself, I'm unsure. Having an additional template to thin out enemy numbers would be beneficial however.
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although i have in the past combat squaded to use 2 LSS there are only two situations i would ever do this again.

firstly if i needed the extra force org spot and secondly if i wanted to run a twin HB LSS.


to be honest sergeants are the beating heart of a scout squad, its the only way to get any upgrades bar a heavy weapon, and i think the LSS is deserving of at least a combi-weapon!

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If you combat squad that means the scouts can't outflank onboard the LSS (afaik). This is bad, as the LSS dies to a stiff breeze.


That said, I have had great fun, and a lot of success with a LSS (Heavy Flamer is a MUST!!!) and a 5 man scout squad, sergeant with powerfist, and scouts with CCW/pistols. Always outflank this unit unless you have first turn and want to scout it for a first turn assault. Personally I outflank, and can usually deliver a heavy flamer template to where it is most needed. Sometimes the scout blaze away with their pistols from onboard, but usually they pile in to whatever just got bbq'ed.


Like GC08 said, you want maximum CC wounds to make best use of the cerebus launcher.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have used Scouts in 2 games now. Both times in a LSS with Multi-Melta. The Sergeant is armed with PF and combi-melta. This comes in at 110 for scouts and 65 for storm.

In the first game (1000) they wrecked a Land Raider first turn. In the second game (2000) they wrecked a Land Raider (LLS's multi-melta) and immobolized another (sergeant).


Obviously they won't be that good all the time, and I had first turn both games, but I'd trade 175 for 250 any day.


If only Storms were dedicated transports =(

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If only Storms were dedicated transports =(


I think that their utility and popularity wasnt fully appreciated when the codex was being written. That is the only reason I can think of why they arent a Dedicated Transport. After all they can only transport 5 scouts, which are still not brilliantly survivable. I think the popularity of an all scout army would be greatly increased, at the moment its a largely static army where you ahve to fight between scout bikers of LSS.



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