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Best loadout for 5 man Assault Terminators


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So I was looking at the assault terminators and I am wondering what the optimal loadout for a combat squad of assault terminators is. I feel like the TH+SS terminators outclass the dual LC ones in almost every way, but I wanted to ask you guys what you think, (and what the mathammer says.)


I know anything that is above I4 Hammernators win against, and same for anything high toughness, but I was wondering if anyone can do the math for TH+SS vs dual LC against MEQ and TEQ it would be greatly appreciated.





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im not great at math and never rely on it tbh.


what you need to realise is that both have pros and cons:


TH/SS are good vs everything, but are I1 which means everyone gets to attack first, 2+/3++ may seem nigh on invulnerable but to massed attacks anmd/or power weapons you can start to lose a few.


Claws have massed attacks with re-rolls, but struggle against MCs and are useless against armour.


Id have 3 claws and 2 TH/SS in a unit for the best of both worlds, but it is possible to run competatively without being flexible.

If you run alot of dedicated anti tank (MM bikes for example) then you can run 5 claws in a raider with khan and cassius.

Or if you facing alot of mech you may aswell go with TH/SS squads.

All in all for an all rounder armu id suggest taking a mix.



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thanks guys, That was what I have been thinking was running some combination of the two, I was just wondering if a full squad should be dedicated (aka a 5 man TH+SS squad) or if it was better to have a split unit (3TH+SS, 2 dual LC).


I was leaning toward the latter, and what you guys said makes sense.


So in essence make sure to keep TH+SS away from an large attack volume units and use them places where there low 1 matters the least, and use LC terms to go up against something like ork boyz where they will strike first and rip through a unit.

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The best idea is to have 5 th/ss terminators accompanied by a killy HQ, such as Vulkan, lysander, beefed up captain, and the like.


If the terminators are going to run around on their own, then having 6 of them (fits well into a LR), two with LCs and four with th/ss is the best option, IMHO.

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I actualy preffer a 3:2 ratios of LC:hammers. Unless your hunting Vehicles/MC/multiwounds without .


LC are are killier vs anything T5 and below and initive can be a realy big thing. Heck in a hammers vs claws fight, The Claws win (well actualy the one who charges wins, but the LC by a larger margin, and they win "no charge" scenarios by a decent amount). Of course I will sometimes pretend my tac terms are assault terms by giving them a heavy flamer. (Heavy flamer + 8 boltershots followed by 12 power fists and 3 power weapon attacks can often be even more devistating than standard assault terms). I will throw in a chainfist too so I can eat the ocasional walker (generaly dread/kan) or land-raider

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The best idea is to have 5 th/ss terminators accompanied by a killy HQ, such as Vulkan, lysander, beefed up captain, and the like.


That works too, though even in that case I'd probably like 1 guy as twin Claws. Its not like 10 vs 8 TH attacks is really going to make a huge difference on your target.

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The best idea is to have 5 th/ss terminators accompanied by a killy HQ, such as Vulkan, lysander, beefed up captain, and the like.


That works too, though even in that case I'd probably like 1 guy as twin Claws. Its not like 10 vs 8 TH attacks is really going to make a huge difference on your target.

I dunno. Most of the time I use my assault termies to kill hard stuff. Their targets are things like hive tyrants with guards, daemon princes, ICs, heavy infantry (marines, plague marines, necrons, nobz), walkers, and big vehicles. They usually assault some big gribbly, take some casualties (1-2 termies die), and then the remaining termies :cusspwn whatever it was they assaulted. Basically, I use them as an expendable hammer - they either wreak havoc, absorb tons of firepower, and die, or they hang out in their LR until the time comes to do one specific task (say, destroy a hive tyrant and his retinue) that nobody else in the army could perform so efficiently.


Since most of the stuff they kill real well is I4/T4 or higher, the LC guys end up being just ablative wounds. The LCs are only really great against hordes and necrons. Necrons are wussies, and hordes aren't exactly the perfect target for assault terminators, anyway.


Which is on the whole why I don't find LCs in assault terminator squads all that useful, unless the terminators don't have any IC to accompany them.

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I think it's important to remember the SS in the conversation. What makes the Th&SS version so powerful is their ability to get a 3+ save vs everything. Squad of fire dragon aspect warriors fires at you, charged by a unit with a bunch of PW attacks, or fired on by a bunch of crisis suits with plasma... The LC termies only have their 5+ invul and generally get thinned out pretty quick.


I'd agree with the earlier poster that best way to run them is with a killy HQ to strike at initiative (not Lysander) or if you really need your HQ somewhere else then 1LC and 4 TH&SS.

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So I was looking at the assault terminators and I am wondering what the optimal loadout for a combat squad of assault terminators is. I feel like the TH+SS terminators outclass the dual LC ones in almost every way, but I wanted to ask you guys what you think, (and what the mathammer says.)


I know anything that is above I4 Hammernators win against, and same for anything high toughness, but I was wondering if anyone can do the math for TH+SS vs dual LC against MEQ and TEQ it would be greatly appreciated.





The best ration I find is 2/3, and personal preference to wich is the TH+SS and wich is the 2xLC.


The Extra attack with rerolls to wound at initiative is a life saver against orks, and doesnt hurt against most opponents.... and can also be a lifesaver against other TDA as an example- because going at initiative means you can kill the enemy before they have a chance to hit you, THs cant make that happen.


THs on the other hand do have a higher strength... wich you should always have atleast one of to keep this squad as tactically flexable as possible. The new SS rules are also pretty nifty, and so speak strongly for them. Still, I think Id put this on the "2" side of the equation personally.

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LC are are killier vs anything T5 and below and initive can be a realy big thing. Heck in a hammers vs claws fight, The Claws win (well actualy the one who charges wins, but the LC by a larger margin, and they win "no charge" scenarios by a decent amount).


if you let your terms get charged by other terminators then you deserve to lose them.


I prefer TH/SS over LC (but only after recently seeing their survivability!) so what I take from that is don't let your terminators get charged by other terminators. but to be fair, I'd try my best to not let that happen anyway.


I think TH/SS are the way because of the extra toughness and power they give. They can stand up to most things, even units with masses of PW. And they can take out just about everything except AV14. With LCs you are limited to charging infantry, and with so much mech around you might not find any targets close enough to charge, effectively wasting 200 points.

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I have a great experience with Vulkan + 5x TH/SS in Land Raider Redeemer. Whole unit is oriented to get into centre of the fight and kill the toughest enemy unit.

Vulkan mastercrafts all hammers, thins the numbers with his flamer and INI5 attacks. Hammernators kills the rest. They never assaults large number squads.


Before vulkan I tried this combination - Chaplain + 3x LC + 2xTH/SS in Land Raider Crusader.

They are very deadly unit too, but weaker. Rerols to hit are nice, but chaplain is only INI4 with no flamer and that matters. And I didn't like to face the decision how to alocate power weapon wounds before INI 1. If you put power weapon wounds on TH/SS terminators, you risk, that the guy is not going to strike. On the other hand LC terminators have worse odds to survive. This unit was very versatile and could be used to thin hordes.


My gaming enviroment is more mech/MC/wraithlords/council/bikenobz so the vulkan + all TH/SS is more viable.

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