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Wargear Dilema


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*EDIT* Ach, sorry. I meant to post this in AMICUS AEDES. Could a mod please move it for me? Thanks.


Firstly, my apologies if this is in the wrong forum, but I've noticed a lot of people here tend to get excited about these sorts of things.


Last week I got the Space Marine Battleforce and am trying to come up with a five-hundred point list based around its contents. I hope to use it this weekend. I have only minimal experience in gaming and this is my first attempt at setting up a legal army list. So far I've got:


Captain … 118 Points

Power Sword, Storm Bolter


Tactical Squad, 10-Man split into Combat Squads … 170 Points

Flamer, Heavy Bolter*, Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword


Scout Squad … 75 Points

Bolters, Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Combat Blade


Assault Squad … 100 Points


* I realise a missle launcher would be a more versatile sensible choice, but I've already got the model painted and am determined to use him. Plus I'll probably be versing Orks first up so it seems to fit.


Now by my count that leaves 37 points. However my lack of experience makes it difficult for me to decide where to alocate them. My idea was to give the captain artificer armour for extra durability, leaving enough to give the assault sergeant melta bombs and a power weapon. However if I forgo the captain's armour I could give the sergeant a power fist. Or I could forget the assault squad and give the scouts a heavy bolter.


I've never used scouts or assault marines so really don't know what the better option is. Or if the captain actually needs that 2+ armour save.


Any opinions/advice would be greatly appretiated, thanks!

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I would go with either a boltpistol+power weapon combo (for +1A in close combat), or a bolter/combi-flamer/stormbolter+powerfist/relic blade (since you can't get +1A with powerfists, not counting equipping another powerfist, or relic blades).


Consider giving the tactical sergeant a boltpistol+power weapon or bolter/combi-flamer+powerfist.


Also, one or two flamers in the assault squad is handy vs. Orks.


Captain ... 115

Boltpistol, Frag/Krak, Power weapon


Tactical Squad ... 190

Bolters, Frag/Krak, Heavy bolter, Flamer. Sergeant with boltpistol, power weapon, melta bombs.


Scout squad ... 75

Bolters, Frag/Krak. Sergeant with boltpistol and chainsword.


Assault squad ... 120

2 Flamers

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I've played a game with the Black Reach captain (i.e. with a power sword and boltgun). What I didn't like about his loadout was that it meant he couldn't fire at a unit and charge at them, hence my leaning towards the storm bolter. So, Shaun, that's why I'm a bit hesitant about the hellfire rounds (seeing as they require a boltgun). I suppose, then, the question with the captain's gear is whether potential ranged shots (like those from a storm bolter) are more desirable than an extra close combat attack? Also, I take it the artificer armour's not really important?


Unfortunately, Deimos, I've already put the tactical sergeant together with his stock bolt pistol and chainsword so he's kind of locked (probably still room for a melta bomb however, if it comes to it). I can always experiment with a different set-up at a later date, though, when I add more models, so thanks.


Flamers in the assault squad does sound tempting, although since it's only a five-man squad I could only have one for now.


Keep the suggestions coming! Thanks!

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I've played a game with the Black Reach captain (i.e. with a power sword and boltgun). What I didn't like about his loadout was that it meant he couldn't fire at a unit and charge at them, hence my leaning towards the storm bolter. So, Shaun, that's why I'm a bit hesitant about the hellfire rounds (seeing as they require a boltgun). I suppose, then, the question with the captain's gear is whether potential ranged shots (like those from a storm bolter) are more desirable than an extra close combat attack? Also, I take it the artificer armour's not really important?


Unfortunately, Deimos, I've already put the tactical sergeant together with his stock bolt pistol and chainsword so he's kind of locked (probably still room for a melta bomb however, if it comes to it). I can always experiment with a different set-up at a later date, though, when I add more models, so thanks.


Flamers in the assault squad does sound tempting, although since it's only a five-man squad I could only have one for now.


Keep the suggestions coming! Thanks!


Alright, your Captain can indeed take Hellfire Rounds for his Storm Bolter as the rounds work with anything "Bolter" in the title save for Heavy Bolter. For the Captain you're using, it'd be a crime not to give him the Rounds, and give him a Relic Blade instead of the Power Sword. Most cases you'll be wounding on twos with both shooting and assaulting! Also, Artificer armor is important if you like a 2+ armor save and not having to take a 4+ Invul from AP 3 weaponry. It can come in handy if you need it too!


As for your Sergeant, equip him with Meltabombs if you're going to keep him stock on weapons. He'll need that punch against vehicles if he wants to survive!(Try to get a Powerfist at a later date)


Finally, if you have a five man Assault Squad, I heavily recommend you put in a flamer. Once you reach ten man, you put in a Plasma Pistol. I also highly believe in upgrading Assault squad Sergeants with Thunder Hammers since Tactical squads can't do it anymore. Try and do that, and it may save them against Wraithlords, or other units that are highly problematic for your basic marine.

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