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Ferrus Hammer


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Since I have come back to the hobby I have jumped around to and from about 10 different projects. I have finally decided that I need to stop playing with projects and start a workable army. I chose Iron Hands. For those of you who have followed any of my other WIPs you will know I get to OCD with kitbashing or bit swapping armies, this one is no different. This army will be more themed for fun play than a competitive tournament army. It will be a a very heavy/shooty army. Themed with a firing line feel for the squads and a heavy, cold and mechanical feel for the figures. I want a very oppressive and/or Terminator feel. I am trying to get at least one Iron Hands bit on each figure, not counting shoulder pads. Storm Bolters and Thunder Hammers are a sign of position in the Hammer of Ferrus sect. The recipe for my figures are:


Head: Bionic - Iron Hands or Plastic

Torso: Iron Hands or MK8

Arms: 1 Iron Hands and 1 Normal or Heavy Weapon

Legs: Iron Hands or MK6 - Standing, Walking or Kneeling

Backpack: Devastator for Sgts and Large Skull for Non-Sgts

Bolters: All will have scopes


Anyway here are some pics:























Would love to hear opinions and suggestions. Will have painted pics up tonight.

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Here are some pics of my Sgt. It turned out very promising for what I was looking for. Debating on painting the studded shoulder pad all metal. Opinions?




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Thanks guys! I will try to get some pics of the face later tonight.


Heavy Bolter guy:





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iron hands... i love it!


great painting, very clean. I think a badab black wash would do you alot of good. If you want to make your armor pop more, you could try some easy highlights, or even easier(and probably better looking) paint your models a very, very dark grey... and then badab black wash the whole model to darken the armor up - but at least this way youll get some highlight and shadow in on the armor.


Great work, keep it up.

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Love the colour of the guys flesh. An idea I had for that head but have not been able to do due to other projects is on the first layer of skin tone, paint some very fine ice blue lines like veins around the bionics, then continue layering so that they are very faint and look (surprisingly) like veins. Stupid idea?

Also, comletely agree with earthen, hammer those washes, they are arguably the best thing GW have bought out in years.

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Looks great, wish I could use that many Iron Hands bits but I already own most of the plastics I need and I'm on a low budget. I would definitely try highlighting the black, personally I use about 50:50 codex grey to chaos black then a finer highlight of pure codex grey, but I'm sure there are better methods out there. I've actually got a sergeant with same head and torso and with palid skin too :tu: definitely a very Iron Hands look that combination.


Are you getting your Iron Hands bits from GW or is there a way to get them seperately?

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Looks great, wish I could use that many Iron Hands bits but I already own most of the plastics I need and I'm on a low budget. I would definitely try highlighting the black, personally I use about 50:50 codex grey to chaos black then a finer highlight of pure codex grey, but I'm sure there are better methods out there. I've actually got a sergeant with same head and torso and with palid skin too :tu: definitely a very Iron Hands look that combination.


Are you getting your Iron Hands bits from GW or is there a way to get them seperately?

I have heard hawk turquoise is good as the very extreme highlight, mixed with a little black. and try bitzbox.co.uk, they usually have everything you may need

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I always liked the cyberpunk-ish feel of the Iron Hands bitz...


I would invest in the Deathwatch upgrade set. The bolters come with nice scopes already moulded, and the heads all have bionic eyes on them (whether helmeted or barefaced).


As for the army itself, liking the modelling of the figures. I'm actually planning to create a Chaplain soon that uses a Necron head as its helmet, so maybe that will sate your lust for Terminator if you wanty to use it. Oh, and to top it all off, the Chaplain is called Ahnuld Rorshach. Now say that in a heavy German accent :P

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great painting, very clean. I think a badab black wash would do you alot of good. If you want to make your armor pop more, you could try some easy highlights, or even easier(and probably better looking) paint your models a very, very dark grey... and then badab black wash the whole model to darken the armor up - but at least this way youll get some highlight and shadow in on the armor.


Sorry to hi-jack this thread, but that's a very, very clever technique that I'd not have thought of in ... 40,000 years.


And the Iron Hands are great looking models, they have a very efficient, militaristic dynamic.

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