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Wondering about Valkeries

Brother Fuzz

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Anytime they dont have inducted Space Marines they can use up a FA slot to take some Valkyries or Vendettas....


And yes, they most certainly could in apocalypse, assuming you didnt agree to disallow the option entirely.


And yes, they are certainly effective.

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That's pretty much what I thought.


My inquisition force is a squad of termies, an inquisiter, a mystic, a sage, an assassin and a familar. My main army is Dark Angels.Roughly at 6k points right now, ranging of course all slots.


I wanted to mix it up some in my game store's upcoming Annual Megabattle. 40 something players last year.Last time I took out a titant w/ a vortex grenade from my temries. Than had it turn around and get my commander. I know there's going to be more titants and atleast 2 major demons. Since I harldy play my inquisition I thought I'd help out the one other player at our store that does and go demon hunting.

Plan of attack...drop in the Inquisition force next to demon and fire! Simple huh?


Birthday wishlist: Valkyries/Vendettas, and a IG squad for storm troopers, maybe the Firstborn?



PLease ignore the really bad spelling in first post. It was 4am or so and I hadn't been asleep yet. haha.

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Due to the old DH/WH codex you can't take a Vedetta/Valkyrie in an Inquisition based army. The only way to fit them into regular non-apoc games is to take a IG army with Inquisitor Allies. That is UNLESS you play with people who have open and progressive minds. They are a really fun unit I was playing a hybrid army this past weekend with IG and DH so I could have Gray Knights zipping around in Vendettas. Really got under my opponent's skin.
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