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Blood Angels Tactics?


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Lo Mates,


Since i decided to go red and never look back i was kinda wondering,considering that i am a new player.

What constitutes a "rank and file" regular blood angels army? Ofcourse i ll have to buy one of each: Dante,Corbulo,Mephiston etc. I am just wondering because at this point my army mostly consists of vehicles and one tactical squad. Normally one would wait for the codex to be released before buying a pure BA army but i guess thats too far away so i ll start now. I guess in place of Veteran Elites i can buy Vanguard etc.

Was thinking that a Battleforce is a good place to start considering it has some rhinos,tacticals and assault squad but then i considered that with the same cash i could probably buy like 3-4 assault squads which would be more "blood-angely"


Anyhow please discuss some starting units which i can take to start really calling my army BA and what are the usual suspects when it comes to 1250-1500 points BA army list Appreciate your help in advance.


P.S.:So far i own 2 vindicators,one land raider,one dreadnought,one ironclad,one tactical,5 terminators and 5 scouts

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Blood Angel armies with the current dex are best when fast moving and a mix of mech (either tac squads or Assault squads) and jump infantry (in my opinion, some like all mech, while I find all jump infantry doesn't work as well anymore).


Dante and Corbulo are the default HQs, but a list does not need to have them to be effective. You almost have to take Corbulo or a chaplain, as losing control of the DC really stinks.


Since the Death Company is mandatory (you pay for them whether you decide to use them or not), you might as well make them a usuable unit rather than a throwaway. If you buy the battle force, your assault squad could be used to make your first DC models.


Look through the Army list forum. BA lists at 1250-1500 probably won't have Dante and Corbulo as that's a huge chunk of points. I'd probably go with Lemartes at that point level (to be fair, I use Lemartes in every game anyway).


Most people will have 1-2 Tac squads, an assault squad, a Baal predator or Vindicator, some attack bikes for tank killing.

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Was kinda thinking that a regular LR,being able to choose two targets n all, would be good against tank killing,being able to shoot one vehicle with one LC while focusing all of the firepower on another.......

I ve been shoved away from bikes from almost anyone i know,most common thought proccess is,that bikes need to charge eventually,the enemy will be in cover,they ll just get wiped out.

Furthermore,if i Rhino or Drop Pod my DC,doesnt that negate the need for Corbulo?I could have 5 Drop pods and just drop two Furiosos and one DC on turn one on the enemy while my main army moves in for the kill.


Btw from what you said you wouldnt use jump infantry at all if you re,and will be using DC?

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Well, attack bikes are far better at killing tanks than lascannons due to the AP1 bonus and the melta bonus. If an attack bike unit kills a Land Raider, then gets charged, so what? Its done its job.


As for jump infantry, I like to mix jump infantry and mech. I run 2 tac squads in rhinos and 3 jump squads (1 assault, 1 veteran, and DC).


Using a rhino/drop pod helps deal with the lack of corbulo/chaplain for DC. But eventually it could become a problem. If you are doing that, keep the DC small.


Also, BA don't get the drop pod assault on turn 1. They are just reserves for us (though that is likely to change in a few months)

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Uuh I DID not know that fact about the drop pods,ya know ya buy a codex,read it,then ya think that everything works like that.....

Yeah i guess then DC in rhinos is the next best thing,i can do that right?right?;)


Btw any configuration as far as equipment goes in the squads?


Whats your opinion on the honor guard?With a single sanguinary and the rest on assault?Could i use them to replace regular vets/assault squads?

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I prefer Vets, because I like larger squads. Morticon and others have done very well with Honor Guards, I suggest looking at some lists/battle reports for how they used them.


I like large squads to get power fists, smaller squads get power weapons. Veterans, I like a mix of both, usually favoring power fists/thunde rhammers.

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I rarely deep strike. Don't like the inaccuracy of it and waiting for my stuff to arrive. Bad reserve rolls and your assault squad does nothing all game.


1500 points, I'd probably have 1 assault squad (10 men) and 1 VAS (7 or 8 men). I always use 10 men squads when possible.

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So uhmm, whats the actual strategy when playing BA? Just the regular "mash your opponent's face till he cant see good" or something more refined?

What are your thoughts on Drop podded Furiosos?Are DC dreads worth it?


Btw if anyone could give a nice link in regards to a 1250-1500 BA army i 'd be more then grateful ;)


P.S.: You 'd think a BA army being assaulty n' would field more assault units :)

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Here are some examples of 1500 point lists I like.


Furiosos in drop pods are good choices. I don't use them because I don't own any pods yet.


As for tactics, use your superior mobility to pick where you want to fight. Use mobile fire power from bikes/baals/Vindicators even razorbacks to weaken targets then beat them to death.

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