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How to beat genestealers


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Someone at my local store runs a genestealer army in our beginners tourny (all apocolypse). I know i will be playing him soon, and i also know out of about 12 games he has lost only 1 to Dark Eldar.


He runs


Broodlord + 8 genestealers + 3 with sything talons + some other biomorph i dont realy know


9 genestealers


9 genestealers


the table is quite small so this suits his army


i watched him play twice and as you expect he moved fleeted and assualted. i saw him demolish an imperial guard infantry army and also beat a blood angel list with a rhino, a tac squad, a assault squad, and some character with a cup.



what 500p list should i run to beat this



i was thinking of either getting as many bolters on the table as possible


running a dev squad with frag missile launchers


im reluctant to using anything to assault orientated as lets face it genestealers own everything in assault

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Someone at my local store runs a genestealer army in our beginners tourny (all apocolypse). I know i will be playing him soon, and i also know out of about 12 games he has lost only 1 to Dark Eldar.


He runs


Broodlord + 8 genestealers + 3 with sything talons + some other biomorph i dont realy know


9 genestealers


9 genestealers


the table is quite small so this suits his army


i watched him play twice and as you expect he moved fleeted and assualted. i saw him demolish an imperial guard infantry army and also beat a blood angel list with a rhino, a tac squad, a assault squad, and some character with a cup.



what 500p list should i run to beat this



i was thinking of either getting as many bolters on the table as possible


running a dev squad with frag missile launchers


im reluctant to using anything to assault orientated as lets face it genestealers own everything in assault


500 POINTS! oh crap...

I've had similar problems dealing with Genestealers, but there is no substitute for firepower. you can't beat them in an assault (not without terminators anyway) so dont even try. if he outflanks, keep your guys in the center and fire. The broodlord is the biggest problem, so be careful and take that squad out first if he infiltrates it. Normally I suggest crusaders, but in 500 points, i doubt you can afford it. but luckily Extended crapace is quite expensive in 500 points, so your boltguns will cut straight through. and why devestators when you can take missile launchers in your tac squad for free? I also suggest a vindicator or a whirlwind as pie plates say goodnight to these armies.

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Not as much as you might think actually, i would take tac squads in rhinos, at 5000 points you could afford two and a small scout squad. my list would look something like this


tac squad, rhino flamer ml

tac same as above

landspeeder with ml thing


thats exactly 1000 points, however it might not work for you do you have everything up there and do you ahve to take a HQ normally at 500 you wouldnt but if you did i would definetly take a libby with no upgrades, failing that a motf would work too

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500 POINTS! oh crap...

I've had similar problems dealing with Genestealers, but there is no substitute for firepower. you can't beat them in an assault (not without terminators anyway) so dont even try. if he outflanks, keep your guys in the center and fire. The broodlord is the biggest problem, so be careful and take that squad out first if he infiltrates it. Normally I suggest crusaders, but in 500 points, i doubt you can afford it. but luckily Extended crapace is quite expensive in 500 points, so your boltguns will cut straight through. and why devestators when you can take missile launchers in your tac squad for free? I also suggest a vindicator or a whirlwind as pie plates say goodnight to these armies.


great advice with getting missile launchers in the tac squad, it just completely slipped my mind as i usually dont use them. so the general rule is to get as many templates in as poss


am i right in thinking that if their is terrain within 12 of 1 of my models then he can assault with his broodlord on turn 1


i need a hq and i was thinking of a libby but libbys arent verry good at range and my aim is to kill as many men as possible before he reaches me so maybe a standard captain with a bolter would be better as it can fire at range and sill pack a punch when the inevitable happens

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How about

Captain - combi flamer


Tac squad 1 - missile launcher

Tac squad 2 - missile launcher








2 wirlwinds 2 missile launchers with templates


tac squads can hide in razorback if they need to

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I was going to say that flamers would do the trick. Smoke the buggers as they run at you. Hmmm lets say something like this:


HQ - Librarian + epostilary


Troops - tac squad +5 men, flamer, ML/HB



Give the libbie the Avenger and Gate of Infinity and you've got yourself a bouncing flamer




By the way according to da dex you can't have any heavy weps or special weps with only 5 guys so..

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Think of combos using scouts with Heavy Bolters, Dev's with HB, whirlwinds (or a Vindi).




5 Man dev sqaud with 4x Heavy Bolter

1 Vindi

6 Man scout squad with Heavy Bolter arm the rest with botlers

Chapter Master (the orbital bombardment may help, it's a gamble).


The Heavy Bolters will rip them apart and their range is good.


Hope this helps

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You mention him moving, fleeting and assaulting. Make sure he doesn't do that with the Broodlord and his retinue, as the Broodlord (and thus his whole retinue) doesn't have fleet.


You're going to have your work cut out at 500pts on a small table to stay away from being assaulted. Rhinos/Razorbacks/Speeders/Attack Bikes/Vindicators/Dakka Preds and Whirlwinds will be your friends. Under no circumstances use any foot sloggers ! Flamers aren't probably going to be any use - your going to be in assault after you've used them, and you don't want to be in assault with Genestealers !

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2 words. Plasma Cannons.


2x tacs w/plasma cannons/plasma guns -370 pts

Cassius - 125 pts (or MotF w/Conversion beamer for 120pts)


About 500 pts right there. Cassius gives you a really good cc for cheap, Infernus is the shaznats etc... Conversely, MotF gives you another big template. 3 big blasts a turn and rapid fire. You'll likely only get off 1 good round of shooting before they hit, but make sure to combat squad everything and setup so you can feed 1 or 2 combat squads to the charging stealers and leave them out in the open when they tear up the first squads they encounter. Then blast them again and hope that they are so few that they can't beat what you have left in cc.

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Consider getting a cap with RB/SS he is not very expensive and could be tossed to a unit of genes and hold them with their 3w and 3+inv save. Give him a jetpack to take him whare he is needed most. Besides that, vanilla dreads with hb or ac come cheap. They might cause severe dmg and can hold well if charges or charged a small weakened unit of genes having bad luck with the rending. A LSS with hf comes at 60 points and can place 1st turn template while being quite resilient due to the lack of shooting genes army have. Thay can only assault you and they'd need 6s to hit and 6s again to glance. You are most lilely to survive and place another template next turn, and hf are deadly to genes. DPing ionclad with hf can be devastating as well.


I'd go for this


Cap with pf ss and digital weapons

2x5man scout squads with hb

2xLSS with hf

Attack bike with hb


Lss should be able to get rid of almost 1squad per turn, finishing it off with the scouts. The attack bike kites them while HBing them from a far. Kill 2or3and you get its points back.

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The LSS is a good idea, heavy flamer a must. Put 5 scouts in it, bolters, combiflamer on the sergeant. Use it as a mobile firebase that can hold objectives!

10 man marines, ML, flamer, rhino. Combat squad them, fire away with the ML. The flamer (combiflamer too if points allow) goes in the rhino, do drivebys. When the genestealers pop the rhino, hopefully you can still get out and flame the now bunched genestealers (no consolidate when assaulting vehicles).

Librarian with jump pack and avenger. Use this WITH other units (like LSS/scouts), aim to anihlate a unit of genestealers.

Concentrate your fire. If he has 3 half strength units running, he can still take down 3 squads of marines. If he has lost a unit entirely, he is running out of options.

DON'T charge the Broodlord with the Libby. He WILL die horribly. Actually, I can't think of any reason you would charge ANY of the genestealers. Gun them down, and have first strike when they charge you.


Oh, and you probably know this, but DON'T set up within 12" of the table edge so the broodlord has at least 1 turn of being gunned. If you are able to, try to ensure there is terrain in the middle of your deployment area so you can lurk there.


Have fun, and toast them!





Edit; just a thought, but he doesn't have the points for extended carapace does he? If not, picture this;


Librarian drops Avenger on say 5 of them, killing 4. The rhino full of 10 tactical marines unloads, 9 marines rapid fire, one flames. Say 12 of 18 shots hit, plus 4 hit by the flamer. 4+ to wound means 8 or so wounds. No genestealers left standing. The trick is to do this without being charged by the other units of stabby death before you get back in the rhino...


Librarian drops Avenger on say 5 of them, killing 4. LSS fires its heavy flamer, hitting 4 killing 3 (same template, but he would have removed some from the first template). Scouts fire away, getting say 5/6 hits, killing 3. Still none left, only the libby is really at risk of combat, the LSS having moved over 6" right? Libby dies to second unit of zenos killing machines, fine, flame them and this time use another unit to back the LSS up.


You should be able to pick off a unit or two if you keep your mobility. :tu:

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Dudes believe me, its a lot simpler than that. He could beat a genestealer army just woth 3 hf lss. 180p vs 300


not quite, but they would do some damage.


at 500 pints id run 2LSS with heavy flamer both with 5 shotgun scouts with combi flamer

then T-fire cannon

and 100 point HQ maybe a shooty libby

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heres one for u

chaplin 100

2x scout squad with heavy bolter 160

stern guard with heavy flamers 145

and 2 attack bikes


if u do this right u wanna funnel the genestealers into a postion were u mow then down with fire

then have the attack bikes hit and run to make sure the geneies go the way u want them to ;)

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Dudes believe me, its a lot simpler than that. He could beat a genestealer army just woth 3 hf lss. 180p vs 300


not quite, but they would do some damage.


at 500 pints id run 2LSS with heavy flamer both with 5 shotgun scouts with combi flamer

then T-fire cannon

and 100 point HQ maybe a shooty libby

Why shotguns mate? I would have thought with boltguns they can ignore armour (unless carapace) and get the same number of shots? You certainly don't want to be assaulting anyway :P



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Why shotguns mate? I would have thought with boltguns they can ignore armour (unless carapace) and get the same number of shots? You certainly don't want to be assaulting anyway :P


yeah i realised that much later, someone said they didnt have armour upgrade, most of the stealers i face have 4+ saves so it doesnt matter if you use shotties or bolters

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Why shotguns mate? I would have thought with boltguns they can ignore armour (unless carapace) and get the same number of shots? You certainly don't want to be assaulting anyway :)


yeah i realised that much later, someone said they didnt have armour upgrade, most of the stealers i face have 4+ saves so it doesnt matter if you use shotties or bolters

Fair enough. The shotties certainly look cooler :)



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