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How to beat genestealers


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Heavy Bolters often are viewed as having limited application...but possibly they would be better than Plasma Cannons for this one mission? Certainly I'd take one of the two over Missile Launchers for this.


I agree with the general consensus: massed ranged fire power.

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Just a thought - Dakka Predators... 85 points of genestealer death each...!


I'd second that. Its so cheap that you can treat it as semi-disposable.


A Whirlie would also be nice for incendiary rounds :)


Or maybe here's an idea:


Captain, bike, relic blade

4 Bikers, 2 flamers, Attack Bike

4 Bikers, 2 flamers, Attack Bike


Shoot and scoot :)

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Broodlord + 8 genestealers + 3 with sything talons + some other biomorph i dont realy know


Not sure by what you meant here do only 3 genestealers have talons?

If so his list is not legal unless there are house rules allowing such a thing.

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How about sternguard/command squads with stormbolters? Can the stormbolters fire if they move 12 inches? That would give you rolling fire,combined with speeders and 5man tac squads rocking a sb on the sergeant you might stand a chance.
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Easy in my opinion,


Captain on bike, hellfire rounds, meltabombs (Or power sword / lightning claw etc)


bike squad (3 bikes with 2 meltaguns, + sgt, attack bike with multi melta)


bike squad (3 bikes with 2 flamers, + sgt, attack bike with heavy bolter)


Quick mobile firepower, genestealers get close? turbboost 24 inches. turn and open fire at 24inch range with bolters, multimeltas and heavy bolters (up to 36 so can snipe)

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This would not be a friendly list at all in anyways, but it's a potential counter for his stealers, which also doesn't sound like a friendly list.


100 Point Hq of your choice (captain, libby, motf, chappy really doesn't matter)


2 x 5 man scout squads (yer choice again not a huge difference) 150 points


Land Raider Redeemer 250 points


You have one sacrificial unit to throw at him and everyone else can just sit in the redeemer while it's flamstorm cannons and assault cannon chew up his stealers:)

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A Redeemer is only 240 pts, so the 10 points can be spent on something else. I actually field a variant of this list:

Libby-Force Dome and Something else, usually smite or Machine Curse



LR Crusader


Libby and Scouts go out to support LRC that carries other Scouts. The Libby Either Glances any Vehicle or gives the scouts a 5+ inv.

the others in the LRC just disembark when they want, and are also used as a mobile objective taker.

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Someone at my local store runs a genestealer army in our beginners tourny (all apocolypse). I know i will be playing him soon, and i also know out of about 12 games he has lost only 1 to Dark Eldar.


He runs


Broodlord + 8 genestealers + 3 with sything talons + some other biomorph i dont realy know


9 genestealers


9 genestealers


the table is quite small so this suits his army


i watched him play twice and as you expect he moved fleeted and assualted. i saw him demolish an imperial guard infantry army and also beat a blood angel list with a rhino, a tac squad, a assault squad, and some character with a cup.



what 500p list should i run to beat this



i was thinking of either getting as many bolters on the table as possible


running a dev squad with frag missile launchers


im reluctant to using anything to assault orientated as lets face it genestealers own everything in assault


Librarian-100pts. Gate of Infinity, Quickening.

5 Scouts- Powerfist, 4xBP+CCW-100pts.

Landspeeder Storm- HF- 60pts.

5 Scouts- Missile Launcher, Bolters, Meltabombs- 90pts.

Landspeeder Storm- MM- 65pts.

Whirlwind- 85pts.




Fast, with good anti-horde firepower and decent antitank. Deploy scouts in forward positions, the whirlwind and the libbie centrally- with the librarian hiding behind the whirlwind. Keep those Storms moving against this guy- 6's to hit is a pain, even for genestealers while in turn that heavy flamer will be murder on his squads, even outflanking ones. The other weaponry is really their to keep this an all-rounder list, as you may need the firepower. Feel free to switch a few things around, like dropping the ML, MBs, and the Stroms MM for a Powerfist and a HB Storm, with maybe Meltabombs on the Librarian.


Another decent option is:


Captain- Bike, Relicblade- 165pts.

4 Bikers+AB- MM, Meltagun-175pts.

5 Scouts- Powerfist, 4xBP+CCW-100pts.

LSS- HF- 60pts.


500pts, very mobile, Youll have to stay at range with the bikes, and only move in to clean up small squads after shooting has trimmed them down, but it can work... and its effective against just about any army at this point level.

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A slightly friendlier version of the LRR list would replace the scout sqauds with 5 or 6 man tac sqauds and give them razorbacks with twinlinked heavy flamers. No more AV 14 in your combat patrol;). I'll point something up when I have the chance to get my book.
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If you wish to be an arse:


HQ - Vulkan 175

Troops - 5x Scouts w/ Combi-Flamer 85

Troops - 5x Scouts w/ Combi-Flamer 85

FA - Land Speeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer 60

FA - Land Speeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer 60


Total - 465


Vulkan can hold his own against weakened Genestealer broods, The LSSs normally slaughter genestealers, with TL HF goodness they are toast. I can't think of any way to add 35 points.


For an all-taker I use:


HQ - Vulkan 175

Troops - 5x Scouts w/ Combi-Melta & Power Fist 110

Troops - 5x Scouts w/ Power Sword 90

FA - Land Speeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer 60

FA - Land Speeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer 60


Total - 495


EDIT: Bad spelling mistake.

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