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winning objective based games


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hello guys,


im in abit of a sad mood lately because it seems that whenever i play a objective based scenario i get my arse handed to me somehow. mind you i ussually play small games of 1000 points and since i play blood angels i dont got alot of units in my army....


i run 2x10 man tactical squads mounted in rhinos, a baal predator, vindicator and chaplain with 4 death company.


what would be a good way to get a better chance of winning some games? without changing my list if possible? the only thing i can think of is to combat squad, and i hardly ever do that anymore because ive got terrible experience with that...

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Okay, first thing to remember is that postioning yourself on the board is very important. You want to have your two tactical squads able to take objectives at the end of the game (taking into account random game length!). Your other units sole purpose in life is to deny other objectives to the enemy. Be willing to sacrafice your Chaplain if it means killing the last few marines/firewarriors/whatever in an opponents scoring unit.

Myself, I usually combat squad in objectives games. Have one squad with a heavy weapon camping out on a closeby objective, and the other half with a sergeant (powerfist, yes?) and a special weapon in the rhino. DON'T leave the rhino with these guys if you can help it; do drivebys with your flamer/melta. Leaving them in the rhino makes them that much harder to kill. With a Vindicator and a Predator the opponent should be bust enough to ignore or use lower strength weapons on the rhinos.


Remember, it doesn't matter if you have lost most of your army if you hold more objectives than the opponent. :tu:



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Generally speaking having more than the minimum Troops helps a lot (combat squading is great, but you're easier to run off as a result). As Blood Angels you can be extra clever and use RAS since they take the fight to the enemy which takes some flak off your Tacs and as Troops they can then start claiming enemy objectives!


I also find that mercilessly hunting down your opponent's scoring units near objectives does a good job, especially if you're finding it hard to capture some for yourself. I keep a constant eye on the objectives relative to models (ie who can claim and in how many turns) each player turn and that really helps me stay on top of things.

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Use your non-scoring units to mince the enemies! Then clean up afterwards by siezing objectives in mid-game, remember to focus on camping with your tac squads, use your rhinos if necessary to just sit there within 2" (with the squads still in there). Don't advance too soon either, you need to be the player with the freshest units at the end of the game. The main way that all payers fail at objective based games is that they don't protect their scoring units! These are your lifeline and protect them with every means necessary, if that means sacrificing your predator mid-game, so be it!


As I mentioned before, try and cut up the enemy scoring units as much as possible and they'll offer little resistance when you need to sieze the enemy's objectives. That Baal pred should do the trick against most foes!


Most of what i've said is a repeat of previous advice, but it works!

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well like i said i cant see many ways of making my current list work without adding more troops, either tacticals or assault marines. to make points however i see no option other than removing the vehicles, which would remove the entire point behind this themed army...


perhaps i can rework my list abit to see if i can get a better working list?


aside from altering my list all i can do is basicly focus on killing opposing troops and keeping my own alive? as thats already what im doing i really cant see much else that i can change. the points range of 1000 points doesent allow for alot of variaty and i can regulary play 1500 pts battles as well so perhaps try those out a couple of times? 1000 pts games are very limiting in my experience so perhaps playing bigger games will prove to more satisfying?


thanks for the comment all, gave me some things to ponder on :)

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Bring a land speeder or two. They can move 24" over any obstacles including your own and enemy models and land next to objectives just in time, especially if you go second. If you move 3 land speeders to contest an objective, the opponent must destroy all three to claim that objective. That takes a lot of firepower and assault capability if the speeders just moved at full speed so they gain a cover save and are 6+ to hit in close combat. This is especially deadly in a two objective game. Keep everything on your objective defending it and at the last moment throw those land speeders out there.


You can also use rhinos to block LOS to your troops guarding the objective and to slow down enemy assaults. Just remember the objective of the game, to hold more objectives than the enemy.

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Kill 'em all.


Best victory condition ever, if your opponent lacks an army he lacks a battle.


(Just had to say this, previous advice is good)


I've seen some battles and read battle reports where wins could have been easily been had if they hadn't focused on the enemy instead of the several free objectives lying on the board. I'm not saying to ignore the enemy and just rush for all the objectives, just that killing the enemy doesn't win you the mission. You could have your entire army on the board without losing one model but can still lose the game.

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Kill 'em all.


Best victory condition ever, if your opponent lacks an army he lacks a battle.


(Just had to say this, previous advice is good)


I've seen some battles and read battle reports where wins could have been easily been had if they hadn't focused on the enemy instead of the several free objectives lying on the board. I'm not saying to ignore the enemy and just rush for all the objectives, just that killing the enemy doesn't win you the mission. You could have your entire army on the board without losing one model but can still lose the game.


Ah, but killing them all DOES win the game, I'm not saying its a great tactic but its what I like to try to do.

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Kill 'em all.


Best victory condition ever, if your opponent lacks an army he lacks a battle.


(Just had to say this, previous advice is good)


I've seen some battles and read battle reports where wins could have been easily been had if they hadn't focused on the enemy instead of the several free objectives lying on the board. I'm not saying to ignore the enemy and just rush for all the objectives, just that killing the enemy doesn't win you the mission. You could have your entire army on the board without losing one model but can still lose the game.


Ah, but killing them all DOES win the game, I'm not saying its a great tactic but its what I like to try to do.


Well if your games are always that one-sided, then more power to you.

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Games one sided?


I like to think the games I happen to play are fairly well balanced. I only have twenty two scoring bodies after all at 1500 points because I prefer death-dealing to holding onto a piece of ground.


My tactics vary, I'm no genius but I go with what I find fun.

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Games one sided?


I like to think the games I happen to play are fairly well balanced. I only have twenty two scoring bodies after all at 1500 points because I prefer death-dealing to holding onto a piece of ground.


My tactics vary, I'm no genius but I go with what I find fun.


By one-sided I mean you can always count on beating up your enemy so bad that you don't have to worry a whole lot about the objectives.

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Games one sided?


I like to think the games I happen to play are fairly well balanced. I only have twenty two scoring bodies after all at 1500 points because I prefer death-dealing to holding onto a piece of ground.


My tactics vary, I'm no genius but I go with what I find fun.


By one-sided I mean you can always count on beating up your enemy so bad that you don't have to worry a whole lot about the objectives.

You cant count on anything in this game, except that basic marines cant wound a Wraithlord. :).

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You cant count on anything in this game, except that basic marines cant wound a Wraithlord. :P.


Haha. Reminds me of 3rd edition, when Wraithlords were considered the ultimate in 40k cheese.

Wait, theyre not?


Oh yeah... necrons.




Seriously though, @ the OP can we see a detailed list? You seem a little light for a 1000pt list:


On second thought, its all good.... Ill just make one, and see how it goes.


Id try this:


Chaplain- Jump Pack- 120pts.


4 DC *2Free* with JPs- 80


10 Tacticals- Rhino- Meltagun, Missile Launcher- 250pts.

10 Tacticals- Rhino- Meltagun, Multimelta- 250pts.


Attack Bike- MM- 50pts.


Vindicator- 125pts.

Baal Predator- HBs- 125pts.




Yeah, 250pt tactical squads are just to much. I tried putting this list together about seven different ways and each time thats what kicked me in the pants. DC really need a tweak *Crosses fingers for new codex*.


So, Im not sure what your theme is, just that you want infantry supporting these two tanks... so lets try again:


Chaplain- JP- 120pts.


4 DC*3Free*- Jump Packs- 45pts.


5 Tacticals- Razorback- Meltagun- 170pts.

5 Tacticals- Razorback- Meltagun- 170pts.

10 Tacticals- Rhino- Meltagun, Multimelta- 250pts.


Vindicator- 125pts.

Baal Predator- HBs- 125pts.


1005pts. Hrmm.



Well you said 1500 was an option, lets see how that one goes:


Chaplain- Jump Pack- 120pts.


4 DC *4Free* with JPs- 20


5 Tacticals- Razorback- Plasmagun, Powerfist- 200pts.

10 Tacticals- Rhino- Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Powerfist- 275pts.

10 Tacticals- Rhino- Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Powerfist- 275pts.

10 Tacticals- Rhino- Meltagun, Multimelta, Powerfist- 275pts.



Vindicator- 125pts.

Baal Predator- HBs- 125pts.

Whirlwind- 85pts


1500pts, 4 scoring units, still an armored company. What do you think? It seems 1000pts is just an awkward place for mounted BA.

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Marines really suffer in 1000 points or fewer. We just don't get enough units on the board.

That being said, it looks like you're aiming at a mechanized list with heavy tank support, yes?


In that case, consider dropping the Vindicator, and going with more light vehicles instead. 5-man squads in Razorbacks give you more armor saturation.


I'm guessing your Death Company get smoked crossing the table. Consider buying them a Rhino.


Also take a look at small-point upgrades that increase your number of shots per turn. Things like pintle-mounted sotrm bolters on your tanks, or even hunter-killer missiles (though BA get hosed on HK missile costs). The unlimited range krak missile shot works a treat in small-point games like that.

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