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Segway Bike


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I hope this doesn't violate the Power Armor only rule. Most of the bits are from a space marine scout bike ( so power armor), even though this is an IG model riding it.


This is a christmas present I made for a friend of mine. It's a Segway for an IG objective marker I made out of a scout bike.


I suppose he could also use it as a standard bearer or sergeant. I'd let him count it as a close combat weapon or something. Let me know what you think!








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Round exhaust, same as the regular bike underplate. Is a segway supposed to be square.


And for the record, if you look close, that's a communications backpack from an IG box. Vox-Caster, I think.


But the arms are both marine scout arms (1x scout biker grip arm, and 1x scout arm with bolt pistol).


The flag came from an old Space marine command box.


The large imperial eagle on the flag came from a space marine drop pod (I put black templars on mine, so I had the imperial eagle, imperial fist, ultramarine, and space wolf ones left). These make excellent vehicle and banner flair, I must say!


The segway is mostly bits from scout bikes and space marine bikes.


The "mast" holding up the steering column is a sprue bit from a recent Space Marine Drop Pod I assembled.


The only IG stuff is the head, torso, legs, backpack, and hip flair (water canteen, empty knife holster, and grenades).


I'm glad people like it! Thank you so much for the feedback. I gave this to my buddy on Tuesday evening, and he's pretty excited to get to use this in a game. Going to use it as a fancy sergeant. We're going to count the segway as a close combat weapon.

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Alright, “objective markers” are clearly a borderline case to begin with but as stated in the first post, this was made for an IG army. Now that we’ve had our chance to review, appreciate & deconstruct the model it’s time to put this one to rest.




With all appreciation for Kronk to give us the exhaustive bits list.



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