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How many sternguard with Pedro?


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So I am looking at including Pedro in a list, and have been torn about how to build my list around him. At 175 points you are only paying 25 points for all his super storm bolter and inspiring presence over a regular chapter chapter master with power fist. (Maybe the best deal in the whole codex) That said, I still feel that I need to take advantage of the hold the line ability with some sternguard, but how many should I take? Even at 10 strong they are pretty squishy compared to other elite options, but at the same time they may be the most all around deadly units in the codex, especially to hordes, MCs and Tanks (if bringing combi's).


I play at 2500 points, and my current list has 790 points left. Currently my list has 2x Phobos Land Raiders, 10 Assault Terminators, 2 10 man Tacticals with rhino, Lysander and Pedro



I feel good about this core, bu I am wondering if I add sternguard how much I should add because though I have good long range AT in the large number of lascannons (2 TWLC on the LRs and one LC in each tac Squad) and good AT in the assault I lack the highly mobile melta weaponry that is so effective. So I was wondering how I should spend the rest of my points to best support what I have in my army now, and what will best take advantage of Pedro's abilities.


Thanks for the advice,



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If it was me, I'd probably go with 2 squads of them.

1 larger squad (7+) in a Drop Pod or Rhino and a Power Fist. Get up close and make the most of their rapid fire goodness.

1 smaller squad (5-6) in a Razorback with 2 Heavies (probably Plasma Cannons). Camp an objective and provide cheapish fire support.

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Well, for your list, I think you need more anti tank.


So the best idea is to get 3 mm/hf speeders, 3 mm attack bikes (total 360 pts), and then buy yourself a full ten men sternguard squad in a rhino. Either give them dual heavy flamers or dual meltaguns (I prefer flamers). This will also leave you enough points to get a vindicator or more attack bikes.

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Yeah, I would have know that atleast one squadron of MM+HF speeders is going in cause I love speeders. My big dilemma is actually how to divide up the point I have left between fielding my normal amount of speeders 2 squadrons of 2 MM+HF speeeders (280 points) and how to spend my points on the rest of my elite slots.


I like the idea of having 2 units of scoring sternguard, but I don't want to put them in just because they are cool, they have to play a role. I am actually looking at my list right now, and I could run three speeders each as its own unit, and that way I could get to more armor/targets each turn, though I would probably use the HB instead of the HF since its not in a squadron.


Also a quick side quesiton, how essential is it to have a powerfist in a sternguard squad?

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How many Sternguard when taking Pedro?

- Why, 30 ofcourse!


Sternguard are rarley NOT good to take, if you keep 2 Sternguard units within 12", that's 20 extra attacks...

I field mine in 10 man units with a heavy flamer and 2xcombi-weapons, usually flamers or meltaguns, and a power fist for the sergeant, in a rihno ( they'll get a drop pod as soon as I've build and painted everything I have on my desk...).

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I'm experimenting with a list that uses Pedro + 10 sternguard in a beacon pod on turn 1, to mess up an opponent right from the start. This pod drop is backed by 2 squads of terminators and 1 asault squad and 1 speeder squad. Tactically it needs some finessing (on how and where I do it). It uses a scout telebeacon as a backup device. In a prior weekend's tournament of 3 games (see blog, non-standard scenarios), this was used to good effect vs chaos marines; did bad vs T5 biker marines (primarily because of bad reserve rolls), and did pretty well vs orks, in tight terrain conditions. Benefits: Every unit drops unerringly near the pod, ready to benefit from Pedro's inspring presence. Negatives - puts Pedro at risk early, and his orbital template cannot be used till at least Turn 2. Couple with a librarian for added support.


My prior Mech-focused lists all use Pedro and sternguard.


A good 1750 version vs terminator-rich opponents is a sternguard of 10 with a PW and 2 Plasma Cannons plus Pedro. The unit splits - half stay with the PCs as a demidev squad that can take a local objective, say deployed within 12 inches of pedro but in cover. The other half including sergeant and PW (or PF) become Pedro's bodyguard (deployed in cover or in a Rhino like a command tank). Try to use Pedro's orbital template on T1. If/when the opponent deep strikes in terminator (or equivalent nasty assault unit) or disgorges them from a LR into the front of your line, you smack them first with the PCs, then wipe up with the rest. Doubly good to mate this group with a libby with null and dome. Your opponent has to reroll made invuls, and your sternguard accompanying Pedro+libby get 5+ invuls. If you are really saavy with your use of this como, having a few combi-meltas add to the devastation. This kind of list is supported by las-plas spam, rhinos, razorbacks, and preds, assault squads and terminators as ready reserves / counterattackers.

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I'm experimenting with a list that uses Pedro + 10 sternguard in a beacon pod on turn 1, to mess up an opponent right from the start. This pod drop is backed by 2 squads of terminators and 1 asault squad and 1 speeder squad. Tactically it needs some finessing (on how and where I do it). It uses a scout telebeacon as a backup device. In a prior weekend's tournament of 3 games (see blog, non-standard scenarios), this was used to good effect vs chaos marines; did bad vs T5 biker marines (primarily because of bad reserve rolls), and did pretty well vs orks, in tight terrain conditions. Benefits: Every unit drops unerringly near the pod, ready to benefit from Pedro's inspring presence. Negatives - puts Pedro at risk early, and his orbital template cannot be used till at least Turn 2. Couple with a librarian for added support.


This unit did just fine against my list, actually. It tied up 50% of my army, and I was only saved by the mobility of my bikes, and the durability of my Venerable Dreads. I was forced to castle my entire force in my deployment quarter to deny the backfield drop, which really stymied my early movement potential.

The key to the drop is that locator beacon. It allows pinpoint delivery of additional supporting units, which is HUGE for pod-dropped forces.

The tricky part is keeping the pod alive, so the beacon still functions. Pods aren't super hard to kill since they're open-topped. You want to do what Ming did, and drop it someplace where it isn't in plain sight of every missile, lascannon, and multimelta on the board.

Some redundancy in beacons might be good too, if you're using more than one pod. Drop a second one nearby that's also got a beacon, and you've got great redundancy.

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I'm painting 3 Sternguard (Deathwatch) Squads, 2 x 10 man and 1 x 9 man + Chaplain. Two of the squads have a heavy flamer, 3 combi-meltas and a melta gun for assaulting bastions or buildings. The other has a pair of plasma cannons and some combi-plasmas for longer range work. I doubt that I'll use all 3 squads unless playing a game of Apocalypse or Planetstrike.


I'm trying to find an alternative figure to use with Pedro Kantor stats. The Games Day Sgt. with raised power fist and storm bolter is a nice sculpt but I see no way to add a Deathwatch left shoulderpad without risk of ruining the figure.

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