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Scout Bikes


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I am in the process of creating my own SM Chapter with a focus on "hit-and-run". As such I plan that it will be bike-heavy and fluff-wise, probably a successor chapter of the Raven Guard (maybe the Raven Lords?).

In any case, I don't have any experience at all yet with Scout Bikes. As I understand it, Scout Bike Squads will not count as troop choices when a captain rides a bike. As such I would take no more than one unit since I need my other Fast Attack slots for ABs.


I would like to include the unit more for fluff reasons, but must say I am intrigued by the Rapid Fire grenade launchers. They seem annoying to opponents :) Any good experiences with them? I would try to stay out of assault range and just pick on weaker units with it.


The other thing I really need advise with is the Locator beacon. I would like to include some Ass Termies when I expand to 1500 and wonder if the locator will help that cause, or be a waste of 25 pts. Also, it reads that the locator "must already be on the table at the start of the turn for it to be used" [sM Codex, pp67]. Not understanding that part at all.


At this point, if I had to make up a unit I would go for this:


6 Scout Bikes including Sergant

>3 grenade launchers

>possibly a locator beacon


That's 185 pts including beacon. Not sure if I should bother giving the Sergant anything. I want to stay out of combat so I dont want to spend another 25 pts on Pfist and Cluster mines also seem a waste. Combi Weapon?


Finally the question, do you use Scout Bikes Squads? If so what purpose do they have? If not, how come?



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The Locator Beacon must be on the table the turn you plan to use it for your Terminators. SO, if you have the SB in reserve, and they are not on the board the turn you DS your Terminators, then the Terminators cannot benefit from the Locator Beacon or it's rules. B)


Scout Bikes are worth every point. Biker movement, Relentless rapid firing krak grenades or blast marker?! Booby trap a terrain piece and, with good planning and little luck, no fail Terminator deployment from space. All that is a bundle of badass.


Proxy them first. At $12 a pop, testing should be done before investment.

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The Locator Beacon must be on the table the turn you plan to use it for your Terminators. SO, if you have the SB in reserve, and they are not on the board the turn you DS your Terminators, then the Terminators cannot benefit from the Locator Beacon or it's rules. :P


Scout Bikes are worth every point. Biker movement, Relentless rapid firing krak grenades or blast marker?! Booby trap a terrain piece and, with good planning and little luck, no fail Terminator deployment from space. All that is a bundle of badass.


Proxy them first. At $12 a pop, testing should be done before investment.


So by default of the SB being on the table, so is the locator beacon. I dont have to announce to my opponent the "act" of laying the beacon on the ground then? Bikes on table=beacon on table=DS Termies can use


Other general question: Silversmith82 recommended to take Pfist and melta bombs. That brings the unit to 225 points (with cluster mines). Since the rest of my army will have lots of melta death, and regular biker sergants will speed around with Pfists, would you still keep this sergant equipped?

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Other general question: Silversmith82 recommended to take Pfist and melta bombs. That brings the unit to 225 points (with cluster mines). Since the rest of my army will have lots of melta death, and regular biker sergants will speed around with Pfists, would you still keep this sergant equipped?

Why PFist AND MBombs? One will do. I would give Melta Bombs and Combi-Plasma, Or PFist and Combi-Flamer. Or if you're planning on keeping a good distance from enemies, just a plain Combi-Melta is better.

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Why PFist AND MBombs? One will do. I would give Melta Bombs and Combi-Plasma, Or PFist and Combi-Flamer. Or if you're planning on keeping a good distance from enemies, just a plain Combi-Melta is better.


The people who take both always say that it's so you can destroy AV14.

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Why PFist AND MBombs? One will do. I would give Melta Bombs and Combi-Plasma, Or PFist and Combi-Flamer. Or if you're planning on keeping a good distance from enemies, just a plain Combi-Melta is better.


The sergeant can only take one special weapon because it replaces his bolt pistol. I think a fist on him is a necessity because he isn't getting the extra attack in close combat anyway, and it is just so versatile. It is a lot better than the melta versus everything but land raiders and monoliths, and can be used every turn. It also isn't like the rest of the squad can dish out any anti-tank or is any good in close combat.

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Why PFist AND MBombs? One will do. I would give Melta Bombs and Combi-Plasma, Or PFist and Combi-Flamer. Or if you're planning on keeping a good distance from enemies, just a plain Combi-Melta is better.


The sergeant can only take one special weapon because it replaces his bolt pistol. I think a fist on him is a necessity because he isn't getting the extra attack in close combat anyway, and it is just so versatile. It is a lot better than the melta versus everything but land raiders and monoliths, and can be used every turn. It also isn't like the rest of the squad can dish out any anti-tank or is any good in close combat.

I was under the impression that CC weapons didn't count as special weapons, seeing as how he has 2 CC weapons anyway. Or is that normal bikers?

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I was under the impression that CC weapons didn't count as special weapons, seeing as how he has 2 CC weapons anyway. Or is that normal bikers?


That's only Chaos bikers and HQ units on bikes.


The scout bike sergeant doesnt have two ccw, its true he can only have one upgrade but i didnt think meltabombs were a replacement item, simply an addon piece of wargear


Correct. He mentioned taking a power fist and a combi-weapon together so I thought I would mention it.

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I was under the impression that CC weapons didn't count as special weapons, seeing as how he has 2 CC weapons anyway. Or is that normal bikers?


That's only Chaos bikers and HQ units on bikes.


He mentioned taking a power fist and a combi-weapon together so I thought I would mention it.

Fair 'nuff

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Well you can.

But are you talking about midgame or starting the game with them?


Joining them mid game is meh. Pros and cons, but not that different from any other IC joining some squad.


I do not suggest joining the captain with scout bikes as they lose all the rules you paid for (scouts, infiltrate).


My 7 Cents.

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