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Chaos dreadnought


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I was thinking a close combat chaos dreadnought, with 2 ccw and a hvy flamer, with or without extra armour at 105 or 120p, is it worthy of inclusion, as it is a true cc monster,with 4 or 5 S10 attacks, and when included in a mech list with 3 rhinos and a prince will be lower in priority for enemy antitank weapons, and a 6 on the crazed table will be helpful, only a 1 will wreck plans... what do you think? Worthy or not?
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Its not a bad choice. Even with the issues dreads have, the opponent will have to deal with it because if you don't, it will hurt you.


If you are doing it, go with Extra Armor. You don't want to get stunned and be unable to charge.

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Guest Herald of Desolation
Yeah... Our dreadnoughts suck. Which is unfortunate. Because I'd buy one from Frogeworld if they didn't suck so bad.
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Dreadnoughts are great. Theyre cheap and flow with the rest of the army. They take up an elite slot (unlike a defiler) and are a real threat that your opponent has to go out of his way to kill.


Ive run 2 DCCWs with heavy flamer with great success, and Ive been trying 2 dreads with 2 plasma cannons, which I think is even better (the odds of killing the other dread is incredibly low, <1%).


The crazed roll sucks, but if you always assume it will do something stupid, you can accommodate for it. I think theyre extremely underrated.

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and a 6 on the crazed table will be helpful, only a 1 will wreck plans...


Not true. I tried dreads a while ago, and I've rolled a 6 and had a dread run after a unit he had no nope of reaching, run out from behind it's cover LR out in fire of enemy, and run over to a squad that was about to be wiped out by unit of int.5 brzrkrs b/c they were 1" closer then the squad I needed him to assault (meaning the s/m bikes he should have assaulted could meltagun it next turn).

1 and 6 are both bad b/c it means he is out of your control. Dreads are never competitive b/c they are only in your control 66% of time only, they are only for fun.

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I run shooty dreads (plas/ML) and unlike most players I pray for fire frenzy,you just have to use them wisly in most cases I move my dreads to an area where there only going to be able to draw LoS to an enemy unit or something they have a very low chance of killin if its my own.In some cases my dreads have won me the game by going FF and wiping a hole squad out,putting me either 1 notch up on kill points or removing a squad from an objective.I havn't come to a game without atleast 1 dread and most of the time I have 2 or 3.
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In an army with all things considered. I like having 3 melee dreadnoughts in my zilla.


3 defilers, 3 dreads, abbadon, greater daemon, and a prince with the troops filling the rest up. Which number about 40+ on average making them also a hard bunch to crack. All in 2000 points.

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I plan to run 2 Close combat dreads in my army. The fact that they are so cheap and take up elite slots rather than heavy is great. The fear of the "crazy table" isn;t a big problem, how often do you roll a 1 or a 6?? (Yeas I know statisticly it's a 1 in six chance for each)
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The fear of the "crazy table" isn;t a big problem, how often do you roll a 1 or a 6?? (Yeas I know statisticly it's a 1 in six chance for each)
~33% of the time, making a dreadnought unwanted by most players in any kind of environment where you need to actually control your units. e.g. at tournaments.
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The fear of the "crazy table" isn;t a big problem, how often do you roll a 1 or a 6?? (Yeas I know statisticly it's a 1 in six chance for each)

~33% of the time, making a dreadnought unwanted by most players in any kind of environment where you need to actually control your units. e.g. at tournaments.


Yeah, that's only 2 #'s out of a possible 6, how often could that possibly happen ? ;)


Even in my gamimg "group" it's friendly but is competitive enough, that I would only use dreads against the "not as good" players.

Against the more competitive players, I need all of my units doing what I tell them to.

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Guest Herald of Desolation
At the cost of an elite slot, I would never field a dreadnought. I have a hard enough time making my possesed what I want them to do (and that's a mighty big IF, I even field possessed), I don't need to worry about another unit not doing what I want.
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People are definitely blowing the crazed table out of proportion. I was once under the thought that anything that you cant control is useless...until I actually tried the thing.


It's all about risk vs reward, and playing to accommodate for the crazed table. The fact is, the dreadnought provides a role that nothing else in the book does.


Like I said, I now equip them with plasma cannons (see here for why: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...;#entry2179347) . However, the primary objective is to RUN up the field and to get into close combat. Unless theres an opportune moment where some Space Marines or Terminators are out of cover, they are running up along side the rhinos. This means a 6, 98% of the time, is doing what it is intended to do anyways. Just like that, I cut odds of a "bad" result in half.


I am always playing under the assumption I cannot use them the next turn. I will never base a strategy around depending on them. However, 85% of the time they do exactly what I want them to do.


The dreadnought is the only unit Ive ever had single handedly win a game for me. Sometimes people will ignore them and use anti tank fire on rhinos, only to be charged by 4 S10 dreadnought attacks. Even if the unit has a powerfist, each attack only has a 5% chance of destroying it. I never really realized how durable they are in close combat until I saw fist after fist completely wiff.


For 100 points, dreadnoughts are now a must in my list. Im not talking about "for fun" either. I mean my real list. They provide plasma cannon fire which is fantastic as well, to make up for the one advantage of an obliterator Im missing out on (I use 2 combi preds and havocs, much more firepower with them).

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It's all about risk vs reward, and playing to accommodate for the crazed table.

maybe in a 1750 or 2k points list , but europe plays 1500 in tournaments . If I take two dreads , I have a big chance of one of them doing what I dont what [what sucks , doest matter if it just stands there or opens fire and actually hurts something].


I will never base a strategy around depending on them.

so when you plan to intercept unit X or tar pit unit Y you have to put down an extra unit "just" incase the dread goes stupid and doesnt do what you want . All on top of him failing at the task given[well a single plasma canons in the age of+4 cover aint that great] or blown up during your opponents turn.


This means a 6, 98% of the time, is doing what it is intended to do anyways

ok my math aint great[in fact it rather sucks], but am almost positivlly sure one has a bigger chance to roll a 1 or 6 durning one turn then 6%.

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Basing the dreadnought around a strategy is not really good sense because of the random table in any light I would imagine. My dreadnoughts have always been re-enforcers. They enforce when they get around to it.
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k my math aint great[in fact it rather sucks], but am almost positivlly sure one has a bigger chance to roll a 1 or 6 durning one turn then 6%.


I think what he means is this: He intends for the dread to run up the field shooting stuff and then get into melee. If he fire frenzies, he isn't doing the running part but he's still doing the shooting. If he rages he does no shooting but more running. Either way the dread is getting in their faces and doing a lot of damage for a very low point cost. A plasma cannon and heavy flamer dread is cheap. 110pts i think. Thats very little for a unit with this sort of damage potential. Sure its not reliable to always be useable for a very specific job on any given turn, but you can rely on it to do something painful/threatening for your opponent.

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  • 1 year later...
Hi I'm new here and relatively new to the game but still like to add my own opinion. Couldn't you take a Dread with a missile launcher and a CCW with Heavy Flamer? I mean if it :cuss you can just shoot frags at your own units with no real problem with damage and if it shoots at enemies just use Krak or frag based on what its trying to hit. You also get the Flamer that can only hurt your opponent and if it decides to charge let it it has that CCW and all the Anti infantry killing power you need. Again only my opinion but I was considering this build.
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I was gonna reply here, but then saw that this topic was over 1,5 years old.


Horus722 - Welcome to the forum, but please don't make a habit of making your first ever forumpost a necro-post.


And as a reply to your question; Yes, that's a viable tactic (your opponent will disslike you for it, but it's perfectly legal), and is the main reason why missile launchers is the preferred ranged weapon on my Chaos Dreads, unless when I go with an extra CCW instead.


Now please let this topic do what all our Chaos Dread pilots really wants to do: Die in peace.

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