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Space Hulk Ahoy!


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A Christmas Project that I hope to finish by February..


So.. I present to you SPACE HULK.. army!

It uses all the Space Hulk terminators along with 2 LR's and a Dreadnought.

I'm using the Space Wolf rules for them as I feel they represent the models better than the Deathwing rules.


(all models have Terminator armour where applicable)


Lexicanium Calistatius (Counts as Logan) = 275


Brother Claudio (Lone Wolf), WC's = 65


Squad Lorenzo

- Frostblade/Storm Bolter

- Heavy Flamer/Power Fist

- Storm Bolter/ChainFist

-2x Storm Bolter/Power Fist

= 225


Squad Gideon

- Thunde rHammer/Storm Shield

- Assault Cannon/Power Fist

- 3x Storm Bolter/Power Fist




- Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer,

= 115


Drop Pod

= 35


LR Redeemer

- Extra Armour,

- Multi Melta

= 265



- Extra Armour,

= 265




Only thing I'm undecided on is whether to have a redeemer or Crusader.. I can definitely test out both options.. the redeemer is cooler but the Crusader more deadly.. moving 12" and firing the AC and bolters is nasty!


Now, I don't want to ruin my lovely SH terminators.. as I still want to use them for Space Hulk. So simply sticking them to 40mm bases is out of the question. I also don't want to buy and cut up a tonne of plasticard because frankly, my cutting skills suck big time!


I've collected ALL the 40mm bases I own and came up with an easy solution meaning I don't have to spend any money (yet) and can make the bases interchangeable!





I took a 40mm base, stuck the terminator to it temporarily, marked out where his base was and then cut that area out, then I removed the sides, filed it flat and stuck it down! Easy!

The bases are the same thickness as the Space Hulk bases too, meaning they mesh together quite well, imagine cutting 2mm palsticard into circles.. it'd be a nightmare!


I'll eventually magnetise them and base them properly in a nice Space Hulk theme.


Oh for those that don't remember or haven't seen, here's one of my painted SH models:









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That is some nice work. I prefer green blood for 'nids myself, but very nice!


i like the idea that nids blood will differ as they adapt to the species they hunt so different colours of blood would work for me :)


thats a good idea with the bases and the painting is brilliant, the blue really complements the red!


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