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The value of Extra Armor on Rhinos


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suck! :)


You know what I just realized?

Codex Marines Dozers don't have the 6" limitation on movement. They can move the full distance and still be able to reroll their tests.

Chaos can move 6" or less only.

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Chaos armour has spent 10k years immersed in the stuff of chaos... dont be suprised if they have gotten a little rusty...


As for the question is extra armour good? The simple answer is undoubtedly yes... but are they worth it? Absolutly not.


The best way to run rhinos is cheap and plentiful... a lucky shot will destroy a rhino regardless of what happens.. imho its better to have spares than fractionally more durable ones.


If the armour was even as little as 5 points cheaper, you'd see it a lot more often... but as it is, it is simply too expensive for the minor bonus it provides.

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suck! :)


You know what I just realized?

Codex Marines Dozers don't have the 6" limitation on movement. They can move the full distance and still be able to reroll their tests.

Chaos can move 6" or less only.


Oh come on. At least you have tactical marines that don't suck to fill those rhinos.

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suck! ;)


You know what I just realized?

Codex Marines Dozers don't have the 6" limitation on movement. They can move the full distance and still be able to reroll their tests.

Chaos can move 6" or less only.

At least you can take a dozer blade on a land raider.


I'd love a reroll on that dangerous terrain test, even if it meant my LR was only moving 6" that turn.

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Another possible way to look at the cost of EA is, yes it is 50% of the rhino's cost but it is a fraction of the cost of the whole tactical squad.


Thats a reasonable way to look at it, but then you have to ask the question "just how important is it to get that Tactical squad across the board?"

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Another possible way to look at the cost of EA is, yes it is 50% of the rhino's cost but it is a fraction of the cost of the whole tactical squad.


Thats a reasonable way to look at it, but then you have to ask the question "just how important is it to get that Tactical squad across the board?"


That is my is what I am saying, but I really should have said the unit in the Rhino because if they are something like Sternguard you want to keep them mobile.

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Thats a reasonable way to look at it, but then you have to ask the question "just how important is it to get that Tactical squad across the board?"


in a competative setting its really important. in one turn thats contesting an objective within 12", and over the game a possible 84". thats massive. and one contested objective is the difference between losing and tying, or even tying and winning.

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Extra Armor, while expensive, is definitely a good investment. Rhinos are the only way your tactical squads and other infantry squads are going to get from A to B, and to have that stopped for a turn can be lethal to the squad and detrimental to your game. EA has lent me victory many times when I would normally have been defeated soundly. I never leave home without Extra Armor plating my rhinos and land raiders. Moving is key to a defense against CC and positioning to avoid getting even worse hits pelted on me where I was hit.
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I use it on my three Rhino's ofcourse it is 45 points but the last two games when one RHino was stunned it kept riding so my 200+ unit was able to get into the fight.

If you ask me the Extra Armour is worth it I had to many times my RHino's standing still for one round just to get shot the second round without moving.

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Yes every one of my rhinos has extra armour, but that maybe down to my style of play. My sallies need to get their flamers and meltas into range fast, so I need to keep my rhinos moving. So it's an absolute must for me. Plus you know it will be shaken on the turn you must get your guys out! Marines need to get close and if your transports can't move and your guys stuck inside how do you get your guys into the fight? Think of it as a 15 point investment to keep your marines mobile and not a 15 point upgrade to a Rhino! A small static force like marines will get out manoeuvred if you can't move.



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I play black templars, so my rhinos cost a whoping 50 points, but extra armor is only 5. So, for me, a 10% increase isn't so bad.


Further, Black Templars are primarily assault (close combat) oriented. I'll often employ rhino rushes to get at my opponent as quickly as possible. For me, an entire turn of not getting to move will usually mean the difference between winning or losing. Therefore, a rhino that can't move doesn't help me at all. I can only afford so many land raiders with power of the machine spirit.

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Ea is just GW making money. All las preds and devestators go up in price to discourage that play style and so people who had loads of those before now need buy more stuff. They are also trying to make most upgrades more points to make you buy more stuff (if every 1500 point player bought one more unit...).


Woh i just made my first conspiracy theory! now i officially qualify for the crazy club!!!!

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GW already has the money angle covered by making sternguard veterans and ironclad dreadnoughts. I doubt that making lascannons "worse" or devastators less expensive has anything to do with money.

Note: I say less expensive because my plasma cannon devastator squads cost me 60 points less to field all of them. I don't know about you, but in the galaxy I live in, a negative modifier is described as "less", not "more".

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