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WIP Blood Angel Van/Honour guard


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Getting back into painting after something like 8 years out!


Love the Vanguard models and Blood Angels so went for the obvious nice Honour Guard squad.










Will uplaod more recent pics soon, i have since re done the red basecoat with machrite red and started the bases!


That will teach me to undercoat white instead of black!

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My only beef, upon a nice inspection, is that I think the green needs a wash or something. I think the flat tone is drawing away from the nice look your have there.


Not bad, but should be altered for a better effect.


Love the gold in the top down photo, it feels so much cooler, like a bronze helmet. If you could make it look like that all the time! Perhaps a few glazes of white? "Bleach" it a little?


Other than those little things, these are some great minis!


good luck!

Thanks for all the feedback folks! Here are some more recent pics. I had to go back over the red with machrite to get a good base colour and will begin to build up to a deep blood colour. They were very blotchy in the other pics so that is the next challenge. The machrite also helped tidy up all the places i sliped with black and other colours.


Still a ways to go, more highlights over the model in general, jump packs etc.







So I started bringing the red up today (until it got too dark)


Looks a little orange to me right now, but I think after a 2nd coat and a wash will tone down ok, but they are beginning to definately look more like Blood Angels than Ravens.



Based up they look particularly awesome :turned: I especially like the guy on the right, blatently going 'Boing!'


I have learned a hell of a lot doing these guys, hoping to get the red looking more uniform after another coat and a wash of some kind


Thanks muchly

Ok, so I am still layering the red...But to my eye it looks streaky, am I going crazy? Because it's getting frustrating now haha.


Any ideas/suggestions or criticism appreciated!





they look really goood mate. Red is such a hard colour to get perfect so don't beat yourself up. I would say that the bolt gun metal on the chesat straps looks like ( i might be wrong) you have left black gaps between the links. Looks a little harsh. might be better if you cover it all than wash with badab black. Other than that they look great. Might buy some myself.
Wow, these look fantastic! mind sharing how you did the gold?




Gold is:


- Black Undercoat

- 50/50 Scorched Brown & Shining Gold

- Sepia Wash

- Shining Gold

- Sepia Wash

- 50/50 Shining Gold & Mythril

- Sepia Wash


I am a fan of Sepia!


That is where is it right now..I am unsure if I should go as far a Mythril highlight since I kinda like em now.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jump packs pretty much done with base coats again, stuck together...Now to clean the models up, highlights, final details.









I can finally see the light at end of the tunnel with these guys!!! :P

Ok, more done


Added another layer or red (which I think I am giving up on now) and them stuck together, now i am getting to the final stages, highlights and general tidy up. These be some better pics before I start highlighting without the annoying flash on my phone.


Anyone suggest any improvements por favor!













  • 2 weeks later...

Nearly there finally! only thing left is highighting red and a few minor touches llike text on the purity seals.




Learnt a lot doing these minis, hopefully my next squad (a 10 man Veteran Assault squad using Sternguard and Veteran models) will look a little better and will come much quicker!


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