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Infiltrating Tactical Squad


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If Sicarius is taken as the HQ choice, and he then grants a tactical squad with a dedicated transport the infiltrate ability, when and where does the dedicated transport get deployed?


From the BRB, a squad embarked in a dedicated transport may not infiltrate. Ok. What happens if the squad is NOT embarked in the dedicated transport? I assume that I would deploy the dedicated transport normally, and then deploy the tactical squad as per the infilatration rules.

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It's very useful to do it if you're facing an army you would like to assault as soon as possible. Like against necrons, guard, tau, etc. You only do this if you got the first turn, of course, and if you're ready to take big casualties with those tacticals.
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If the squad is not embarked on their transport, you can either start the transport on the table during normal, non-Infiltrators deployment, or keep it in reserve to arrive empty and alone.

The onyl thing you cannot do is deploy it with another unit inside of it.

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Overall I don't think it is very useful other than objective babysitting with lascannon. 4th edition could have tons of infiltrating veteran and command squads on the cheap with CC weapons and two special weapons, similar to a Chosen squad in the Chaos codex. A tactical squad isn't exactly heavy on the close combat power, and if you are fighting necrons, guard, and tau, you can be assured that a tac squad out in the open will get fried in a hail of lead in the turn or two or three it is out of reach of anything, or assaulted by something bigger and badder than it. C'tan, anyone? You will just be sacrificing the unit for no good reason or they might be ignored or easily sidestepped. Mounting up in Rhinos sounds a lot better to me to get the tacticals where they need to go, whether that be the enemy's lines or whatever. Scouts are cheaper, are more tooled for CC, and have that invaluable scout move so that they can close to within 12" of any enemy before the game starts, or even come in from the table edge if you don't want to infiltrate.
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Infiltrating is nice but is one of the few more 'useless' skills given by sicarius unless you have shrike with you too (then in which case go for the turn 1 charge). Tank hunter and counter-charge are far better as they offer a more seen benefit over the games time as you don't get just one thing from it (counter charge helps as 18 odd MEQ attacks with 4 MEQ power weapon attacks is quite fierce and tank hunter can make a krak rocket lascannon power for tanks and a lascannon a demolisher strength shot!).


Reminds me of when back in 4th edition I had all my marine infiltrate with the trait system, good fun alphraius style (it was alpha legion inspired and was fun to deploy 1500pts worth of troops up close and personal however didn't work too well)

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Hi everyone,


Thanks for the quick responses. Based on the advice given, a TLLC Razorback seems a good match for an infiltrating tactical squad. Deploy a plasmagun / multi-melta tactical squad in a forward position and use the TLLC razorback for long-range support. Having said that, I do agree with previous posters that tank hunters, scouts, and counter-charge seem to be better skills than infiltrate. In fact, I'm trying to think of an opponent for which infiltrate would be ideal.


Certainly against mechanized armies, tank hunters will shine. Against horde, assault-focused armies, counter-charge would be very useful. In most other situations, scouts grants significant tactical options; use the scout move to reposition or move forward, or hold in reserve and outflank.


When would infiltrate be useful? Possibly against small, elite forces (e.g. Deathwing) as a way to direct the flow of battle? Or when supported by close-combat scouts also infiltrated into a forward position?



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Or when deploying second so as to line up a side armor shot on heavy enemy armor like say a Plasmacannon Leman Russ? Or when you need to get close enough to meltagun that basilisk in hiding on turn 1?
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