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Master of the Deathwing; Belial

Capt. Tates

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Hi there! I originally posted a couple of Pictures of my Belial on the Belial Showcase.

Found Here.

As i'm actually working through this project and taking pictures as i go along a may as well try my first online project, bare with me people i'm not the greatest modeller/painter in the world but i am trying.

Well here we go this is what i started with:


The shoulder pads were not glued on at this point, the purity seals and the Winged Sword emblem on top of the Iron Halo has been removed temporarily as well. I decided i wanted to dabble in the art of 'Greenstuff' and try and create some robes for the little guy.

Here's my first go at GS work:




For some reason the GS turns out looking grey on the camera, i have no idea why this is! Anyway i think its an ok first go.

After a little bit more work on the front and back of the robes, adding a belt, starting the creation of the basewe have:


This is what i'm going to be doing to him tommorow:


Hope you like and i would appreciate any tips and hints.

C&C welcome of course.

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Hi there mate! great effort so far! cwry original!


I would say, what you need now, is to pop down to WH Smiths, or an art shop, hobby shop, whatever, and pick up some reubber tipped sculpting tools, they make sculpting cloth far far easier, and will let you get folds/smooth textures (almost like cheating!).


What you could do (maybe - depending on thickness) is ad a second layer ontop of what you have (once you have the tools for the job) and add folds/smooth things over.


Hope that helps!

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Thanks alot! I have got a sculpting set but they're metal, 15 tools double sided for £8.00! Maplins in England. Will rubber be THAT much better? I did try some folds originally but they wasn't really working, the GS so far is quite thick and he's starting to look chunky, i may give it a go, if it fails i can rip it off before it drys completely, thanks for the advice though.
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Hi! Yeah, rubber is definately worth it! It used to take me ages, and i would really struggle to get something I liked.


Just as an example, heres a model i did a while back, using the rubber tipped sculpting tools :P



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thanks :P - was just to show the effect.


There is a way to 'cheat' temporaily, just to practice with.


Do you have a pencil with a 'hard' rubber/eraser end? ok if you do, cut it so it looks like this (4th one accross)




, and keep it wet and you can have some fun... just don't be rough with it (adding more 'yellow' to your green stuff will keep it 'softer' for a bit - just a tiny bit more though).

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