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Terminator Chaplain


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Tried a few new things on this one, such as: Blood splatter, very faint zenithal high-lighting, lava base, desaturating the Eldar head and some battle damage.

No major conversions, just bulking up the armor on the back of his legs using GS and some very sloppy GS work on the top of his back.

I am fairly pleased with how the base turned out I have to admit. Next time I'll try adding some more depth to it by using some rocks and OSL lava-bubbles.




And yes, I do name my characters. I feel that it's appropriate since I finish them at such a slow pace.

I also managed to get my first decent pics using a photo box as shown below and cropping the pics in Paint.



So. Any useful C&C for me? What can I do to improve?

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My first thought is that the lighting effect from the lava's ambiance is too strong and in the wrong place. Given thesize of the flow I'd more expect it to affect the ground around it a bit more and tovery faintly illuminate the underside of the torso, knee and arm rather than the strong glow on the crux and face.
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Yeah the blood needs to be a little more vibrant, right now it looks like red, either thrown on on accident, or from the lava.

Nothing makes me think blood.


So I'd look up some tutorials on blood splatter, I'm sure I've seen at least one here in the B&C see what they do and try that. Biggest problem I can think is that the red seems to solid, not broken up in globules. Also you have a dark base so the red won't stand out very well. But find those tutorials.


I like the lava flow! I would have it affecting the rock around it more though. Right now its clearly lava, but it doesn't look like LAVAAA!! OMG RUN 4 D HILLZZZ!!!!! I'd go for that affect, give the rock nearby some orange glow!!


Good luck

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I actually like the spattering on the maul, but I think it's a bit much on the helmet. Caving in that Eldar helmet would reinforce the image of him bashing heads, so having blood on him would fit better than just "Here's a Terminator with blood on him". The name is very fitting, as he looks a little more "demon of death" than "angel of death".

What chapter is this guy supposed to be from, and does that style of helmet come with Terminators, or did you stick it on from an actual Chaplain model?

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Right, thanks for the feedback!

To do: Work on my blood technique and give the ground surrounding the lava some OSL. Anything else to take into consideration until next time?

Lord Mad Balrog: It is an older style Terminator chaplain I managed to get my hands on somewhere. For a chapter though? Your guess is as good as mine...

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