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Epistolary with tda and ss, taking gate and a dmg one


10 termis 2cml

10 termis 2ac


Full sniper squad with telion and ml

2 full tact squads, with rhino and wpn loadout yet to decide


It seems pretty solid and more important, fluffy and impressive looking army (*) to me...


(*) i deployed my 20terms with ic's on my desk and almost pissed my pants because of how aesome it looks... xD

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I really much appreciate ur comments, and im gonna follow them concerning the libby, th ac-cml one, i'll keep the ac for 2 reasons, 1st, when shot both, they really shine and 2nd, SWs ACs are awsome xd

Howevet, im gonna stick to the original spirit of the list and go for the following



Libby with tda and ss


10terms 2xcml

10terms 2x ac


Telion+8snipers, one of them with ml

10 scouts, 4shotguns, 5ccw sgt with shotgun pf and meltabmbs


2x 5man scout with pw, meltabombs 2shotgun 2ccw


5man scout with bolters and 1hb


2lss hf

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The list you would fear the most would be something like the following:


2000 pts "Sample Tourney List"


Master of the Forge: Conversion Beamer, Bike - 155 pts


Tactical Squad: 10 Marines, Lascannon, Flamer, Power fist, Razorback - 245 pts

Tactical Squad: 10 Marines, Lascannon, Flamer, Power fist, Razorback - 245 pts

Tactical Squad: 10 Marines, Lascannon, Flamer, Power fist, Razorback - 245 pts

Heavy Support

Predator: Heavy Bolter Sponsons - 85 pts

Predator: Heavy Bolter Sponsons - 85 pts

Predator: Heavy Bolter Sponsons - 85 pts


Dreadnought: TL lascannon, Heavy Flamer - 145 pts

Dreadnought: TL lascannon, Heavy Flamer - 145 pts

Dreadnought: TL lascannon, Heavy Flamer - 145 pts

Fast Attack

Land Speeder Squadron: 2 Land Speeders, Multi-melta & Heavy Bolter - 140 pts

Land Speeder Squadron: 2 Land Speeders, Multi-melta & Heavy Bolter - 140 pts

Land Speeder Squadron: 2 Land Speeders, Multi-melta & Heavy Bolter - 140 pts


This is what I took to 'ard Boyz last year, and due to dawn of war shenanigans and blind luck, I wasn't able to take first place. It was the absolute terror of the tourney floor though, and I literally saw people drop their jaws when they saw my army list.


If you make your list 2k and can say confidently that you can beat this list, I think you'll dominate the tourney. Good Luck ;D

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Being sincere, i dont think your list would be the bane of me. I can take care of the ls teams with ease, while ignoring the dreads. They are gonna kill, what, 3 terms per turn? Tacticals wouls be next. 30 marines are ripped of by 15-20 termis. Scouts screwing around, meltabombing your preds, whose shots would just *cling* on my 2+ fellas and telion and his boys headshotting yor motf-ap2 weapon tactical guys...


Tbh, not much of a threat...

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  • 3 months later...

Hey, I'm new to B&C but most certainly not to the game.


I have a "mobile gunline" list which puts out more firepower than most IG armies I've encountered. 2000 points, and I'm sure it could wipe 30 bodies clean off the board :P


Mobile Gunline (2000 pts)


Master of the Forge-115pts

-Power Axe



Tactical Squad(10 men)-220pts





Tactical Squad(10 men)-220pts





Tactical Squad(10 men)-220pts






Dreadnought(1 model)-125pts

Rifleman Pattern


Dreadnought(1 model)-125pts

Rifleman Pattern


Tactical Terminator Squad(10 men)-460pts

-Cyclone Missle Launcher

-Cyclone Missle Launcher



Fast Attack

Land Speeder Squadron(2 models)-200pts

-Typhoon Missle Launcher


Typhoon Missle Launcher



Land Speeder Squadron(2 models)-200pts

-Typhoon Missle Launcher


Typhoon Missle Launcher



Heavy Support

Vindicator(1 model)-130pts

-Siege Shield


This list is essentially:

1 Demolisher Cannon>>>>Large AP2 blast, this monster will chew up chunks of termies for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

3 Lascannons>>>>AP2 and wound on 2s, though Lysander's Storm Shield could help, so I'll target these on your LSSs

4 Multi-Meltas>>>>AP1, need I say more? these could move 12 inches and fire, as they are on my Typhoons, so your Speeders are going to have to watch out.

3 Meltaguns>>>>AP1 Assault

4 Twin-Linked Autocannons

12 Missle Launcher shots>>>>So, you're thinking that AP3 can't hurt you. I'm going to use frags instead to drown you in dice... 5++ isn't going to help


and a lot more dakka...


Few players at my local store could field that much firepower, even IG. And even if they could without copying half my list, it still isn't mobile enough.

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Being sincere, i dont think your list would be the bane of me. I can take care of the ls teams with ease, while ignoring the dreads. They are gonna kill, what, 3 terms per turn? Tacticals wouls be next. 30 marines are ripped of by 15-20 termis. Scouts screwing around, meltabombing your preds, whose shots would just *cling* on my 2+ fellas and telion and his boys headshotting yor motf-ap2 weapon tactical guys...


Tbh, not much of a threat...

If I were running that list:

If you ignore the Dreadnoughts, I'm going to run them along the flank as they take pot-shots at your termies, while at the same time walking them towards your Scouts. Remember, Snipers are S3 Rending against Vehcles, factor in the BS3 of Scouts and you have a 1/36 chance of glancing the Dread, and a 1/108 chance to actually do anything. Once they get close, you have 2 options:

-Run from cover, giving up shooting, only to get shot to pieces by the AP4 Heavy Bolters from my Speeders

-Stay put and get roasted by Heavy Flamers


Seriously, you think your Scouts and their 3+cover saves are so hard to defeat? spartan249 will use Bolster Defenses from his MotF to give his Tacticals a 3+cover save too. And they are power-armored. And they have BS4, and worse of all, they have lascannons, which would pretty much ruin your termy spam.


Meltabombing my preds? Whose shots will cling harmlessly on your termies? Come on, My preds won't be shooting at your termies, they'll be shooting at your LSSs, and 1 turn of shooting will make those Scout Suckers walk, and get mowed down by the Flamer/PF Razorback Combat Squads.


Once your Scouts get owned I'll focus my entire army's firepower, and you get drowned in dice, you're going to fail those 2+/5++ saves once in a while.

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