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dem's batreps


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hello brothers,


ive been musing with the idea of keeping a track of my games for a while. ive seen alot of people keep track fo their W/L/D ratios and other than bragging rights i never saw a use for it.


ive got one for my own now however. keep track of every game, see what i lose to and why. keep track of what stupid mistakes i make and learn from it for once in my life. my list is also quite...weell to put it lightly, if someone gave me a gun, id have blown my own legs off a long while ago :whistling: my lists handicap myself severly. and i guess thats ok but its slowly starting to be dull.


i started with this list right before 5th edition popped up because i thought it would be nice to give a mounted force a try. since then ive had some very nice results, but mostly mediocre ones. ive since then learned that while a themed force is nice to play once in a while, focusing on it completly isent all that fun (for me)


back in fourth ive also had a mix of everything in my army and that worked amazingly so my first 10 games will have the added challenge to find the biggest handicap in my force.


and now that i made that clear, onto the first batrep :)


first game, 1500 points versus a space wolf player. the entire army was burrowed from the store and proxied because...well to be honost i was very very bored after waiting 1.5 hours for someone to play and asked if someone would mind borrowing from the store and play me with that (since noone had an actually army of their own with them...) the kid that showed up had played wolves a few times but hadent played 1500 pts so far (i think) and was mostly a fantasy player, but he was up to date with the rules.


i wielded my mech 1500 pts list


chaplain, jumppack, plasmapistol

7 dc (4 bought)

10 man RAS with fist

10 man tac, rhino, fist, mm,mg

10 man tac, rhino, fist, pg, mm

baal predator with heavy bolters

baal predator with heavy bolters

vindicator with dozerblade


he wielded:


wolf lord(sp?) with terminator armour, storm shield, thunder hammer, sage of ?? (something about doing more damage to stuff with T5 or better?) and an item that made him always hit on +3's in hth.

accompanied by: 5 terminators, 2 with TH/SS, 1 with 2 wolf claws, 1 with heavy flamer and chainfist and 1 with SS and frostblade

riding in a land raider crusader.

he had 2 blood claw troops with pw, and pf vet(from elite slot) riding in rhinos.

1 thunderwolf cav with SS/frostblade

8 wolves

5 long fangs, 2 with missle launchers 2 with lascannons


the terrain very simple, fortress of redemption in the middle, both had 1 building in our deploymentzone, and some random terrain in spots that we dident go to the entire game. we played for killpoints (he disliked objective games, i dident mind) and we had 1.5 hours to pull the entire game off (he had to leave at a set time)


i had first turn he dident sieze initiative. i had both predators to my right, alongside the dc (wanted to flank him) and the rest was to my left. his wolves and landraider with termies were to my right the rest was to my left mirroring my deployment.


i zoomed everything forward, killed some wolves to my right. fired vindi at the rhinos, immobilizing one, and shaking the other.


he moved everything (save the fangs) forward, disembarked the immobilized rhino, his second rhino disembarked, some bp's fired at my RAS wounding none. he shook my vindi and charged my RAS with his thundercav, he killed 3 of mine, i wounded him once, i passed LD.


i moved my dc a few inches from his closest bloodclaw squad, disembarked both tacs, both baals fired at the crusader, taking its assault cannon off and shaking it with some nice rending shots. both tacticals ripped his wolves apart, leaving only 4 standing. he missed his ld test and had to flee but wanted to see his unit in combat with my dc, even after i told him what would happen. they all died before they could strike back, and the RAS killed off the thundercav and moved to the side abit to prepare to assist the dc with the blood claws that would charge them soon.


his second turn his raider moved with 8 inches from my RAS, disembarked the termies. his rhino moved away, and his blood claws got ready to charge. his shooting felled 1 dc. and his fangs shot at my vindoi shakking it. the blood claws and termies charged. combat with the claws was a tie, my RAS were killed to a man, but not before taking one of the termies down with them! huzah ^_^


both tacticals stayed put, my vindi moved away a few inches (to make the termis hit on 4+ if they did charge them and to clear the LOS for my tacticals, vindi popped smoke, baal's drove after the raider. baals dident touch the raider, i killed 1 termi in total (IIRC) and combat with the blood claws was a draw (3 deaths on both sides)


his third turn he moved the termies towards my tacticals, lining up the flamer to hurt both squads. he fired his fangs at my rhinos oddly enough (probably felt my smoke launchers would negate his shooting? happend last time i played him) and did diddly, becuase my tacticals provided a cover save.... in combat he double assaulted both tactical squads (they were B2B so he dident have much choice) i lost combat, killed one of them lost 4 or 5 marines mixed from both squads. 1 tactical squad failed their ld test whilst the other (biggest unit) stayed in combat. they ran 9 inches. the dc killed the blood claws off without taking any further casualties.


my fourth turn, marines regrouped and walked back, vindi moved aside to let them pass and dc moved to the fangs. shot the vindi at the raider, shaking it. dc charged fangs, tac charged the lord in the termi unit (only one they were in B2B with) and strangely enough, noone died in close combat here :tu: the dc killed off the fangs.


at this stage he had to leave soon so we insttead focused on the melee with the terminators. in which i killed off the last one (lord still had 1W left) and he called the game. he had 1 VP i had 5. so a victory for the mounted angels ^_^ although it wasent really a challenge of my gaming abilities. although he knew the gamerules he dident play 40k much at all and so made some horrible tactical mistakes. his list was also...not optimal to say the least and the wolves (the real wolves i mean) were a free VP here. the terrain was also somewhat unconventional and that dictated alot in this game but in the end, it was a fun game!

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second game, 1000 points versus a guardplayer. although the player denied it, i cant help but feel he tailored the list against mine. it is no secret in the store that i run a mech list and the played asked if i wanted to play against a list he had build. he warned that the list would be hard and somewhat cheesy but i digress, i wanted to take on any game i could find!


i ran at 1000 pts: chaplain with jumppack

4 dc (2 bought) with jumppack

10 man tac squad with plasmagun, fist and rhino

10 man RAS with fist

baal with hvy bolters

vindicator with db


we started right after the guy from game 1 left. he had, 2 vendetta's. banewolf with heavybolter. command squad with lascannon and vox. veteran squad with lascannon and vox, veteran squad with shotguns and grenadiers. primaris psyker. banewolf and the shooty leman russ (20 S5 shots a turn one) with 3 heavy bolters in hull and sponson.


the terrain was very open, with the GW 40k wood in the centre (the one with the ruined rhino) both had a building in our deployment zone, and thats about it. a small ruin to the left and right but we hardly ever got there.


i won the roll to go first and elected to let him take it. he set up all infantry but his shotgun veterans in his ruin. vendattes flanked the ruin. the banewolf was to my right and the rest was to the far left. i had placed my vehicles as closly behind the walls of the ruin as i could, hoping to NOT get destroyed first turn and it payed off. my vindi got stunned, my rhino got shaken and that was basicly it.


the tacs disembarked, walked 6 inches and ran 6 inches. RAS jumped and ran as well. my baal zoomed 12 inches behind my RAS and popped smoke.


his 2nd turn he stunned the baal. reduced both squads numbers by about 4 and taking off both PF's (damn wound allocation :pinch: ) his banewolf moved forward 6 inches hiding behind the woods.


my second turn the vindicator moved up, as did both infantry squads. dc jumped forward and ran into the woods aside the banewolf. i was very carefull with placement of my units here because of the looming banewolf (was told it was a fast vehicle so could move 12 inches and fire its chem cannon :turned: ) vindi shot at the banewolf, scoring a massive penetrating hit but the woods (that dident block LOS mind you) gave him a cover save that he passed (?!?!?) aside from running to get closer to hit vehicles i did nothing here.


his third turn, he zoomed his banewolf 12 inches, and toasted 4 of my 6 remaining RAS. he moved 1 vendatte and disembarked veterans and psyker. he shook my vindicator (again) and fired but aside from that nothing.


my third turn my dc charged the veterans. the remaining 2 RAS charged a veteran unit and my tacticals charged the banewolf. both charged infantry squads were wiped out to a man (both to a sweeping advance) and the tacticals tore off the chem cannon from the banewolf. (which i was very happy about since they were in a perfect flame template line :geek:


his fourth turn he moved command squad down the ruin (had hid my RAS with the extra movement underneath him so he couldnt fire ^_^) his banewolf moved behind my vindicator. he fired at my vindi, doing nothing. (or if he did i dont renember) he charged the RAS and killed them. shot abit at the tacs and killed some of those to.


my fourth turn charged the command squad, and he just removed them. no rolling was done, the vindi shot at the vendatte hitting, penetrating badly, only shaking. tacticals charged the leman russ, immobilizing it.


his fifth turn he killed of my vindi, tacticals and 1 dc. dc charged an immobile vendetta (he only pivoted in place) but he claimed that he moved anyway so dident do much damage, only shaking it.


his sixth turn he moved his vendetta away and dident do much with the other (memory abit fuzzy here)


my sixth i charged the russ with the dc and chap, taking its cannon off.


his seventh turn he rammed his banewolf in my rhino, blowing it up, suffering no damage himself (rolled badly) and he shot and killed my last dc.


my seventh turn i killed his banewolf with a penetrating krak grenade. at this stage we thought (or rather he) that we had just completed turn 5 and so wanted to keep going. i wasent sure WHAT turn we were on since we dident keep track of it. he rolled a d6 and rolled a 3, we kept playing, needless to say my chap died horribly, passing all the heavy bolter shots that got thrown his way but just couldnt shrug off all those lascannons...


i left this game with mixed feelings. the guys is decent enough but i couldnt help but shake off the feeling that he tailored his army to kill mine. even if he did though, nothing wrong with that and it was a fun yet annoying game. i seemed i couldnt roll anything other than shaken's. and some things he did:like roll for cover because of the trees that werent in the way? or the oivoting in place that made me hit him on 4's? not to sure about those.... anyway i digress, 1000 points games are hard for me and im glad i gave the RAS a chance :) only 2 of them killed off an entire squad of 10 man and killed 2 more when THEY were charged. they dident earn their points back or anything but still they performed nicely!

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Well, I'd also feel a bit aggrieved about the pivoting in place (as it says in the rulebook that that doesnt count as moving - pg 57, col 1, para 6 should you need the ref), and it sounds like he's still thinking of last edition's area terrain providing cover, rather than TLOS as it is now...


Not quite, did he have 1 or 2 banewolfs in that army? In either case, without much ranged firepower to destroy vehicles you're always gonna struggle against them as you practically have to survive 1 round of firepower from it to reach it in CC (usually the first targets I try to pop with shooting when I'm against them).

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had another game today. it was actually the same player, and same army as my first game. he only switched the wolf pack for a lone wolf.


we placed a few buildings, a placement of trees and a wreck on the table, deployment was dawn of war with seize ground as mission we had 4 objectives, both had 1 in our deployment zone and the other 2 were in ruins in the middle left and middle right.


i won the roll to go first and deployed a tactical squad and my RAS as combat squads. one combatt squad with MM to my left on the ruin with an objective, the other 5 marines were waiting 12 inches away from the table edge waiting for their rhino-ride :huh: RAS combat squad with PF was behind the wreck and the other combat squad was to a small ruin to my right. my chapy was behind the RAS.


he copied the move with his bloodclaws, keeping them 12 inch away awating pickup, same for his lord. he dident sieze initiative.


my turn my army came on the table, the RAS combat squad to my right and my MM combat squad dident move, the rest moved forward. i was able to kill one of his bloodclaws with the MM.


his turn his army came up, he shot abit at my DC with his LRC, nothing happend.


second turn, i moved slowly and carefully. his LRC was on his right flank alongside a rhino with bloodclaws. since his terminators were pretty much the biggest thread on the board i went for the road that avoided them the most, while keeping my RAS behind in order to get an objective at the end of the game. i shot my vindi at his long fangs, blowing up 3 of them and making them run off the table. did nothing aside from that


his second turn his turn he moved his rhino towards the woods, (strafing actually) but kept his blood claws inside. his LRC fired some more at the DC but i kept rolling saves or FNP's... his thunderwolf charged my DC but did no wounds, whilst beeing killed off in turn.


my third turn my rhinos both moved 12 inches forward, flanking his rhino (and actually blocking his LRC from joining in the fun) and both squads disembarked. the 5 RAS with PF moved aside the disembarked tac squad. vindi tried to shoot the LRC through a ruin but missed horribly. both baals fired at his right rhino and immobilized, weapon destroyed and stun it. the 5 man combat squad with meltagun immobilized his left rhino while the 10 man tacc squad rapid fired at the lone wolf. (well plasmagun did, he failed both his invul saves so he bit the dust right there <_<) tried to assault his rhino with my RAS but had to move through terrain to get there, as my own tac squad was blocking movement. so yea..dident make it :)


his third turn his blood claws disembarked, his LRC moved 12 inch forward through the ruin and disembarked his termies. his other blood claw pack also disembarked from the crippled rhino and moved to the ruin with the objective. shooting cost me a tac marine from my 10 man unit and 4 from my MM combat squad at my home objective, last man standing succeeded his LD test (sadly the MM also died though....damn wound allocation....) in the assault phase i killed 1 charging terminator, and 2 charging bloow claws. lost 4 of my RAS (sarg survived) and lost 5 tacs so uh...lost combat. both units failed ld test and ran both getting away.


my fourth turn the tac squad kept running. the RAS sarg regrouped and moved to capture the objective. my DC jumped from behind the ruin ready to charge the termies. the 5 man tac squad with MG moved backward abit, but still in range to rapid fire (idea was that if he moved after them he would move away from the objective B) ) the 5 man RAS that i had kept behind moved forward towardds the bloodclaws on the middle right objective. my baals opend fire, killed about 5-6 blood claws, he passed his LD test. vindi fired and scattered, but still managed to kill 1 termi, and a blood claw. 5 man combat squad with MG also killed a few blood claws. the DC then charged the terminator squad and lord, and killed them all off before they even got a chance to attack back.


his fourth turn, he actually wanted to concede right there, but he changed his mind when he found out his vehicles could still contest. his 4 remaining blood claws moved through the woods, and killed off the RAS sarg. his 2 blood claws from the right squad had to keep running because they were about 2 inches away from my RAS.


my fifth turn my DC finished off his 4 blood claws, i blew up his right rhino with the baals.


then he did concede :rolleyes: i had lost 5 RAS (1 sarg) 10 tactical marines (taken from 2 squads) and er...thats it. he lost his terminator squads, LRC had lost the TLAC somewhere, he had lost 18 bloodclaws, 5 long fangs, a lone wolf, a thunderwolf cav and a rhino. and the other rhino was immobilized....not to bad i think :D


i then asked him if he wanted some help with his list. this was the third time i played him (second time since i started keeping up with win/loss ratios) and there were some glaring flaws in his list. his uber unit of terminators, lord and LRC took about half the points on his list. i asked him what things he wanted to keep, told him some things i thought he should fix (anti-tank mostly; and more troops) i asked him what he wanted to keep. why he used a 2 wound HQ when a better one was only 30 points more (for +1 WS, A, LD etc i dident see a reason why not to) and finalyl why he dident consider taking units he normally wouldnt take.


when we were finished he had settled on a lord on wolf, 2 claws, belt of russ (i think) and saga of warrior born. a unit of 13 wolves would accompany him, and keep him safe while trying to get to close combat.

unit of 9 BC with pw and vet with PF mounted in rhino with extra armour and dozerblade

unit of 9 BC with pf and vet with PW mountned in rhino with extra armour and dozerblade

unit of 10 grey hunters with 2 meltaguns and pw mounted in rhino with extra armour and dozerblade

predator with lascannon sponsons, dozer blade and extra armour

vindicator with siegeshield and extra armour

unit of 5 (or so) bikers with meltagun, pw and meltabomb

this was his list more or less. may have some wargear wrong, dont know....anyway il battle him again next week see if his list works out better then.


the more i play 1500 pts games the more i like it. my 1000 points list lacks RAS, among other things and when i think about it isent that fun to play. even if i switch a tac squad for them the list doesent work as well as does the 1500 pts list... its just...incomplete somehow :rolleyes:

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Even though you won....I notice in turn 4 you say the Tact squads failed to regroup.....but unless you did this willingly...SMs auto re-group after fall back.....

Perhaps they were out of coherenc or an enemy was within 6 inches which would prevent regrouping.

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thanks for the response guys :) yea the tacticals were half an inch away from his terminators so had to keep running ^_^ tried to keep my batrep somewhat short by leaving out some minor details


had another battle today, 1000 pts battle against nids. like i said earlier i have a hard time with my 1000 pts battles and this one was no different.


my opponents was one of the GW's staffmembers, since no other 40k players were around. (a problem im running into alot lately....) his shift was over and he dident mind to play a game. he had no armies with however and we agreed hed just proxy some models and borrow stuff from the store.


he had a tyrant with wings, extra senses, bonesword&whip, scything talons and warp blast (iirc that was it)

he had 3x 10 termagaunts

1 unit of 10 stealers with extended cara (so a 4+ armour save)

10 gargoyles

4 raveners with uh...template ranged attack thing (dont know the name...)

2 zoanthropes with synapse and warp blast.


just looking at the army i was facing somewhat scared me, those were ALOT of models! most of them were squishy gaunts mind you but my marines were outnumbered 2 to 1. (i was expecting more but now that i see the numbers on paper it was 2 to 1 :D ) we had 4 ruins and a base of wood on the table. table quarters deployment with 4 objectives on the table. i had won the roll to go first


i placed 1 combat squad on the objective in the building in my DZ. my predator and vindi were in front of the rhinos and my DC were behind those. (was carefull, if he had first turn he could fry my rhinos right there... and AV 13 is alot harder to crack then AV 11...dident know his zoan's only had 16 inch range though......) he set up his units stretched out on his DZ. his tyrant was to my left, his zoans to the right and the stealers in the middle. his gargs and raveners he held in reserve (lucky for me, like i dident already have enough to shoot at) he dident get to sieze initiative.


my first turn my rhinos zoomed forward. vindi moved to the right, so the rhino could pass. DC jumped behind the rhino. baal overcharged and moved forward 6 inches. my baal fired at his gaunt squad infront of his stealers, taking down a few. the vindi killed 6 of one his gaunt squads and that was it


his turn he moved forward....his zoan's targetted my vindi but missed with their warpblast. (thought it was blast but he said he needed to roll to hit? i dont know...)


my second turn. the combat squad to my left disembarked from the rhino. to my right the 10 man squad did the same. the right rhino went to block movement (and LOS) from the nid AT fire. the vindi moved 6 inches in a ruin so it would at least get a cover save if some of the fire did break through :) my DC jumped to the side abit, to get a counter charge off in my next turn, as it was painfully obvious i would be in combat by the nid's next combat phase.... baal overcharged again (lucky dice) and moved backwards 6 inches so it would still be able to fire all weapons, but not get charged. my shooting accounted for all except 2 of the gaunts on my left. the entire gaunt to the right (all 4 of em) that were close to my rhino. and 3 stealers (damn 2 gaunts gave them coversave :pinch: made 4 out of 7 wounds from the baal)


his second turn his army walked on (suprise there!) his zoan's again did nothing, both his gargs and his raveners showed up. he flanked the gargs and raveners aside from my DC and the raveners very close to my home objective. he only killed 1 DC with shooting. the tyrant flew to the middle of the board, killed 3 marines with warpblast and charged alongside the 2 remaning gaunts. the stealers charged my combat squad with fist. only 1 tac remained from the combat squad, and he fell back, winning the initiative roll (lol?) the tyrant killed all but 2 of my second tac squad and i only killed off 1 gaunt and doing no wounds on the tyrant :P (powerfist died to a wound from the no reteat rule......)


it was looking pretty grim now....and it was only had played 2 turns!


so to start off my third turn the last tac squad kept running. my baal used overcharged engines (again) to move 6 inches backwards (fire all weapons and get hit on a 4+ in combat? yes please!) dc jumped to a spot between the stealers and the gargs (so if the stealers somehow survived the shooting phase i could deal with them anyway after that) my left rhino zoomed 12 inches around the building. my baal and rhino took care of the stealers. the combat squad holding my home objective and the last tac marine (who actually ran into the unit :P) fired at the raveners, taking 2 down and putting a wound on a 3rd. the vindi shot some gaunts from HIS home objective. (forget to move and the only thing i could see so...yea) killed a few gaunts, dident wound a zoan. my combat phase saw the last tac marine dying to the tyrant. and my dc wiping out the gargs without any return hits. i used consolidation to get into a ruin, so i would hit him before me if i got charged by something.


his third turn his tyrant jumped after my baal. his raveners moved to my objective (suprise there) and his last remaining gaunt stayed put. he fired both zoan's at my rhino stunning it twice with enormous penetrating hits (so i wasent complaining). his zoan's shot at my tac squad with the blast thingies scoring a few wounds and making me fail 3 wounds (ouch) his tyrant fired at the baal doing nothing and then charged it, tearings its TLAC off, immobilizing it and stunning it. his raveners charged the 2 tacs, killing one, and suffering a wound in return.


and....that was the game. the store was closing!!!


yea thats right...closing. i arrived somewhere around 3 o clock at the store, and it was open from....12? 1 o clock? there was a group of players who were busy from that time on, and had only started putting models on the table around 2:30. since i dislike team battles for various reasons (and could only deploy 500 pts to begin with i wanted to join in) i politly declined. the game was so sluggish that people had to leave by turn 2....one left at 3:30 and one at 3:45 and then they just all packed their bags and left


so i had played no games yet and ALL the 40k players who were in the store at the time suddenly packed their bags and left....2 ork players, a marine and a guard player....luckily one of the staff asked me earlier if i had played against someone from the store before. he was finished with work by 4 and dident mind a game.


the game could have played out various ways. i could have been wiped off the board horribly, or it could be a draw. we both agreed that my dc would make short work of his tyrant. we also both agreed that my rhino wouldnt have much trouble killing 1 gaunt... and well, i have a vindi among things left and 2 gameturns to contest or kill off his troops. we kinda dident expect my single tac to win combat from the 2 raveners and the other marine would still be running his arse off so yea....draw it is then :) was a fun game, a draw as result; i can live with that!

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goody! had 2 games today! and armies that i hadent fought against before! huzzah!


first game today was about 1275 or so points. what i mean by that is that we both wanted to play 1500 but my opponents dident have enough of his troops and cant proxy today (store policy) so we opted to play 1000 points plus a single aditional unit. my opponents wanted to play his chosen and i opted to add a 10 man RAS with fist.


my list was thus:

chapy with jumppack

5 dc (2 bought) with jp's

10 man tac squad with pg pf and rhino

10 man tac squad with mm, mg, fist and rhino

10 man RAS with PF

baal predator with heavy bolters

vindicator with dozer blade


his list the following:

Lucius the eternal

5 terminators with mark of nurgle, 1 heavy flamer and 1 with 2 LCS

10 chosen, one with 2 LCS 3 with powerweapon with icon of slaanesh.

5 noise marines with doomsiren, power weapon, blast master and all other marines had sonic weapons

5 noise marines with doomsiren, power weapon, blast master and all other marines had sonic weapons





the mission we rolled for was sieze ground with dawn of war deployment (the more i play it, the more i like it ^_^) the terrain was pretty staight forwards, woods with crashed rhino in the centre, and arranged around that were 4 ruins, in my DZ, one in his DZ and to 1 to the left and right of the centre. on the 4 corners of the board (we were playing on the realm of battle or something so we had 4 cornered hills on the table ^_^ my opponent thought it would be fun to place baricades (Which he made very clear gave a 3+ cover save....) on those hills. 3 objectives total, 1 in my DZ, 1 in his and one in the centre of the woods.


i won to roll to go first. i deployed 1 combat squad of the RAS to my left. 10 man tacs with pg and pf stayed in the objective in my DZ. my chapy was behind the building with the 10 man tac squad in it.


lucius and 1 5 man noise marine unit went on my left flank behind on of the hill barricades and the other noise marine unit stayedo n his objective.


he dident sieze initiative. my army came rolling on. my vindicator moved up the right flank, my baal on my left. 1 rhino with a 5 man combat squad with PF and mg was alongside the vindicator. the otehr rhino was empty. the combat squad with MM was moving along the board and was running to keep up with the vehicles. the DC came up and i let them move behind the baal predator, jumped the chapy to join them. the 5 man RAS with PF came up and i moved them behind the vindicator. the 5 man RAS that i deployed moved behind the building to the left so i would get a cover save IF he shot at me. i had nothing in range to shoot.


his turn his terminators came up, whilst he kept his chosen and 3 obliderators in reserve. his shooting killed 3 of my 5 man RAS combat squad to the left, i passed my ld test


second turn, the 2 man RAS jump inside the building none dying to dangerous terrain. the vindicator moves 6 inches and so does the rhino thats besides it. the baal predator overcharges and moves aside 6 inches, i move the left rhino to block LOS to the DC and make the 5 man tac squad with MM hop aboard (no idea why i did this....) my 5 man RAS with PF jump to the woods in the middle and walk into the woods by running. my baal kills off one of his terminators. the vindicators scores a hit but kills none as he passes all his cover saves.


his second turn 2 obliderators come in. one lands near my vindicator but the rhino ubscurs(sp) it. the other lands behind the other rhino to my left. his troops stay put, except his terminators who keep strolling towards my lines. his terminators shoot at my RAS, doing nothing. his noise marines take out a RAS from the fist unit. and the obliderator on the right destroys my rhino with a penetrating 6. his noise mairnes then begin to pound the disembarked tacticals with everything they got, killing everything but the melta, who passes is LD test. the other obliderator fires at my left rhino's rear armour but fails to hit (woot)


my third turn, the lone melta marine moves towards the obliderator. baal tries to overcharge but fails. the DC jump from behind the baal and surround the obliderator. RAS in the middle keep walking through the woods. vindicator stays put. the lone meltagunner fries the obliderator, and to the left the mm does the same from inside the rhino ^_^ the dc had fired their bp's though so cant move out of the way if he fires his S8 AP3 template at them (ouch). vindicator again scores a hit and after wounding 5 i am awarded with a wonderfull 1 kill *grumble*


his third turn, rolls snake eyes for the last of his reserves. his terminators move to the other side of the building my DC is camping, one RAS dies from shooting (think it was the fist? not sure...)


fourth turn, DC move up towards the termies. baal stays put, vindicator stays put. RAS finally moved through the woods and are now in charging range of the noise marines. the lone meltagunner moves and runs in the direction of the middle woods. the rhino with the MM in it drives forward 12 inches and sits next to the objective. (4-5 inches or so though, theyre backup in case i need to take the objective the last second) Baal, RAS and vindicator shooting accounts for some of the noise marines, killing all but 2 i beleive. the vindicator hit AGAIN (thank god it dident scatter) and hes less fortunate with his cover saves. seriously i dont think this scatter dice has missed a single time this battle ^_^ my DC slaughter his terminators and consolidated back into the ruins. the RAS assault whasts left of the noise marines and kill all thats left (2 i think?) without taking any casualties.


his fourth turn both his reserves come up. his chosen outflank aside the DC. his last obliderators lands behind the vindicator. his noise marine unit moves from its cover and start slogigng towards the objective my RAS is camping on. Lucius detaches from the squad and heads towards the DC. the obliderator fires at my vindi, stunning it. combat sees the DC and chapy killing 2 chosen, whilst losing 1 DC and getting a wound on my chapy in turn. a draw.


my fifth turn. the 2 RAS (renember? from turn 1 shooting? ;)) jump out of the building, NOT dying to dangerous! huzzah! the RAS hide 3 inches next to the objective but out of LOS from the 5 noise marine unit (in case he wants to blast me off it...) the baal stays put but pivots in place. my vindi poppes smoke. baal and the 10 man tac squad with PG thats been camping on my objective all game and totally not kill the obliderator thats killing my tanks.....the tactical marine from the rhino fires and annihilates Lucius ;) DC and RAS completly wipe out the chosen without suffering any casualties in return. (terrible rolling on his part)


his fifth turn he blows up my baal with his obliderator and uh...thats i think, dont renember him doing anything else because:


he concedes defeat. he doesent want to continue believing he lost the battle. i dont blame him TBH. he had 1 obliderator and a 5 man noise marine squad left. i had ALL 3 objectives and the gross of my army was intact. i had lost 5 RAS, 4 tactical marines, a rhino, baal predator and 1 DC. he was downright crushed....


i have to say it was a fun game that was exciting till the end. i was very afraid of his reserves and got very lucky that they arrived piecemeal! detaching an IC from a unit is a very bad move from...well ever unless your sure to get him into combat the very same turn. he dident and lucius got molten to a smelly pile of goo. imho i won this game more to due bad dice rolling and bad tactical moves on the part of my opponent then anything. but hey, a win is a win ;)

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second game of today was 1000 points match against necrons. from the very start i was feeling like this would be a horrible match as from the start i saw his monolith....


he ran, lord with orb

unit of 10 warriors

unit of 10 warriors

unit of 5 scarab swarms

unit of 3 destroyers

tombspider with 2 ccw's



we rolled for kill points mission with table quarter setup (cant be arsed to look up the proper names :P) he won the roll to decide who went first and let me have first turn. terrain swas the same as previous game.


since we had to stay 12 inch away from the centre and play on a 4" by 4" table i dident have much of a deployment zone. i placed my 4 vehicles in line with the DC behind it.


he placed his monolith as far forwards as he possibly could and piled all his model behind it. and when i say pile i mean it...more than half of his models were on their side :D he dident sieze initiatitve


my baal and vindi moved right, the rhinos went left DC moved behind the rhinos. vindi shot at the lith scoring a penetrating hit. sadly i only destroyed one of his weapons (which means **** against a lith....) baal fired at his spider, doing nothing.


his turn he shot the particle whip at the closest rhino, blowing it up and taking a DC marine with it. his destoryers zoomed about 12 inches from the front of the other rhino and stunned it. his scarabs moved towards my lines.


2nd turn, the rhino-less squad moved through the woods. the other squad disembarked and moved 6 inches towards the destroyers. DC joined the fun. vindi scattered of the lith and landed on his warriors, he got a cover save since the blast would have gone through the lith LOS wise and a few fell. the destroyers got shot to pieces by the tactical squad before the DC got a charge off, so they ran to "not" provide a nice target for the particle whip. the tactical squad in the woods rapid fire the spider to death.


his 2nd turn his warriors remain put. his scarabs zoom towards the woods. his particle whip scatters off the 10 man tactical squad (who would have all died most likely) and lands on my DC instead ( ;) ) 3 out of 4 die and i allocate 1 to my chaplain, thinking i can easily pass the invunerable save...i roll a 1.... his scarabs charge the 10 man tac squad and get in turn cut down to a man, without doing any damage at all (lol)


my third turn the lone DC marine zooms towards the lith (closest target) to doom his life and spend the rest of his days scratching its paintjob.... the tac squad from the woods moves out and gets in charge range from the warriors (3 inch consolidation move from massacre and 6 inch movement on difficult terrain ^_^) vindi shoots at the lith, dont renember what it did. baal fires at the warrior unit closest to the tac squad, kills a few and the other tac squad moves and runs through the building on the other side of the table. i charge his units and hardly do anything.


his third turn, he teleports hiis warriors out of combat, both warrior squads rapide fire the tacticals and they run.


fourth turn, tacticals regroup (was actually to close to do that but totally forget about it) and recharged the warriors. the other tac squad moved up and rapid fires the other squad. the regropuped 3 man tactical

actually provide him with a cover save now, as i positioned them at a stupid spot. baals and vindicators dont do much.


his fourth turn. he teleport the warriors (again). rapid fires again. causing the tacticals to run (again)


fifth turn. tactical keep on running. the other squad moves up and fires on the closest (and still biggest) squad with lord in it. the tanks join in on the fun, and nothing much gets accomplished.


his fifth turn he fires both squads on the tactical squad (the one that isent running) and reduces its size to 4 (actually 5 as i forget to move one of the models :pinch:) pass LD test.


sixth turn. (actually thought this was fifth turn, must have missed something down the line....) tacticals finally break from cover. and assault the warrior squad. (note that there is no powerfist) i win combat by 1 (lost 1, killed 2) he rolls 2 6's for LD and i wipe him out with sweeping advance


his sixth turn, 5 warriors left=phase out.


so yea, we kinda made a boo-boo on the turn but eh, happens. KP wise i was in the lead for the major part of the game but model count wise i was losing badly. i had 1 one man squad left, and 1 three man squad left. a baal, vindi and rhino and a DC member that dident accompish anything... KP wise he got 2 from me (rhino and chapy) whilst i got 4 (his scarabs, destroyers, 1 warrior squad and his lord)


a very hard fought, and not very enjoyable battle i must say. whilst i understood why my opponent took the lith i dident enjoy playing it very much. i thought that i had no chance of winning when the whip blew up my DC and chapy. the tacticals (well 1 squad) were slow to get through terrain whilst the other regrouped and re-charged a few turn. his tactic relied alot on his lith which was both frustrating and boring. the game was close, and dull...


also some issues arose from whatever or not his warriors got a cover save, one of the save said he did and i agreed believing him to be correct. the issues is still unclear to me however. i fire my vindicator at his lith and scatter ontop of his warriors. he gets a cover save because LOS wise the lith blocks it? by that logic i wouldnt be able to fire at them in the first place! can you guys tell me whats the correct way to adress this?

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From the chaos game (I haven't had time to read the Necron one yet)


I don't believe you can deploy 1 combat squad and keep the other in reserve. If you want to combat squad in Dawn of war, all you can deploy is the unit you are combat squadding and an HQ. This is the reason I stopped planning for my list to be able to combat squad.


Since the Monolith is a skimmer, it is unlikely it actually blocked LOS to the warriors, so they probably should not have gotten a cover save. Its really hard to say though, as it really comes down to LOS from the Vindicator to the warriors.


Lits lists are hard sometimes and can be annoying. But their weakness is in lower phase out number. Good job getting the phase out.

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From the chaos game (I haven't had time to read the Necron one yet)


I don't believe you can deploy 1 combat squad and keep the other in reserve. If you want to combat squad in Dawn of war, all you can deploy is the unit you are combat squadding and an HQ. This is the reason I stopped planning for my list to be able to combat squad.


Since the Monolith is a skimmer, it is unlikely it actually blocked LOS to the warriors, so they probably should not have gotten a cover save. Its really hard to say though, as it really comes down to LOS from the Vindicator to the warriors.


Lits lists are hard sometimes and can be annoying. But their weakness is in lower phase out number. Good job getting the phase out.



James- youre right on the combat squad thing.

However, regarding the skimmer issue - on a big flying base the lith floats about 1/2 inch -if that - above ground. Its really tough to see the Warriors - and if they can be seen, they definitely get a cover. Remember skimmers now block LOS just as every other tank, unlike in 4th ed where they were ignored.


edit: And "what Koyote said!!!"

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gah,, you guys want me to bring my camera next time? :P


il (hopefully) going to be having another game today but im waiting for a jobintervieuw...the person im supposed to call isent pickup here phone <_< really annoying...


and james, i dont know if i kept the combat squad in reserves....the games are all abit hazy because there are multiple hours between actuall gameplan and me beeing home and putting them to text....most of it ir spot on but stuff like deployment or when the sargeants die (and they all died to rapid fire wound allocation <_<) i cant be sure off.


the vindicator could only see the lith so i guess the warriors getting a save was correct after all. still wasent fun to see 8-10 warriors who got a wound and then only 3-4 getting a wound, of which all but 1 get back up due to WBB...i hate necrons....

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so to all you nawsayers, ive got a word for you...PICTURES!!! moewhahahaha!

played a game against the local (and upcoming ) space wolf player, the same one ive played against 2 times before but this time with a viable list ^_^

ive taken pictures off the battle but mind you the camera (or rather its batteries) dident last till the end of the game but there wasent a whole lot so show when it did....

we dident roll for scenario, just played sieze ground with long side deployment (forget name) heres a picture:


thats my deployment zone, the blue tank is my second baal predator that ws proxied with a store model for now. in the 2 ruins in the corners ive got a combat squad with multi-melta each.

his deployment:


as you can see hes even more mechanised then me :turned: hes got 4 units of 10 grey hunters all with 2 meltaguns and 3 with powerfists. he has canis wolfborn with 2 thunderwolf cav's, one with meltabombs. 2 packs of 7 or 8 wolves, 2 vindicators (one with siege shield). so yea...6 vehicles against my 5, 42 models against my 38...and ALL his models had ccw+bp (a fact i forget and soon would be reminded off....)

anyway i got first turn as he dident sieze the initiative. both rhinos zoomed forward 12 inches and popped smokes. my right rhino got stalled by over charged engines but the other one did manage to pull it off. the vindicator moved forward, but as dident want to block the baal's fireline i stayed in such a manner that both could fire (although he would get a cover save against the vindi). my assault marines moved to the building on my left and i forget to move the DC (oh dear...) my shooting accounted for his most left rhino and uh...thats it mostly :P the unit inside got pinned and the vindi blast was spot on but i only shook the rhino...1 wolf died not much of a kill count after a single round.


picture of the downed rhino.

his first turn the zoomed the 3 remaining rhinos forward. the vindi on my left moved through the building, as did the one to my right. none of his models disembarked and his shooting immobilized my left baal. other then that his right vindi shot at my 5 man combat squad but only killed one of the bolters. all his rhinos popped smoke.


picture after his first turn.

realizing that id have to do something about his vindi's i decided to block LOS with the rhinos. i disembarked the left squad beforfe moving but only disembarked the right squad after the rhino had moved. since the vindi's now coudlnt pie-plate my troops anymore i jumped them past the immobilized baal. ready to charge something next turn if i could. the 5 man combat squad with melta was moving through the woods towards the vindi and managed to immobilize it with the melta. i shot off a storm bolter from one of the rhinos and shook it but other than that, again did nothing... my opponent made about 10 cover saves this turn, all of which would have done damage to his vehicles (from immobilizing to downright blowing up...) the only one he faield was from one of his wolves, which got hit by the vindi blast (strangely enough the vehicle remained unscathed...)


picture of my left flank.


picture of my right rhino blocking his vindi. tac squad fired the plasma at his rhino, dident penetrate (but if i did he would have had smokes! GRRR)

his turn his wolves moved forward alot. 2 rhinos zoomed to my right flank and one disembarked its load of grey hunters. the vindi that i blocked with my rhino moved through the terrain and dident immobilize itself (argh) his wolves used fleet of foot and his shooting accounted for ONE marine of the right combat squad as i rolled a butt-load of armour saves. his rhinos stormbotlers and the greyhunters rapid fire dident seem to do much... then he shot with his right vindicator. the atttack hit, and blew up my proud tnak with a pen 6.....1 dc omdel got a wound but passed its armour save....

in the assault phase he assaulted the DC with both his wolf packs :blink: (forget about the 12 inch charge thing....) i lost a member of the death company to the hounds and killed a few in turn (i forced a LD test anyway) but he passed his ld test. Canis wolfborne and his 2 thunderwolf cav's charged the rhino but since it had moved he hit me on 6's. only 1 hit got though and it immobilized my rhino. in his turn i kept attacking the vindi because my marines were still close enough to attack it. (page 63 for peopl who dont think you can do this ;)) and destroyed his vindi in his own turn (woot)


picture of my left flank, immobilized rhino and destroyed vindi!


DC in combat with the wolves. only 5 DC members in screen (the sargeant model was a proxy as i only had 6 DC members with me ><)


and the 4 man combat squad with grey hunter pack behind them.

my third turn my assault marines jumped next to my rhino, intend to charge his wolf cav's. the melta squad climbed over the wrecked vindi but 2 died due to dangerous terrain rolls (seriously? <_<) my right combat squad with MM moved towards the grey hunters and the other combat squad to the right alligned themselves for the charge. my shooting took 2 wounds of his thunderwolves. (both got 1 wound left). my right MM squad couldnt get the charge due to missing out 1 inch on the charge roll (terrain...sigh) and so the other unit charged by itself. my DC was already locked in combat. the assault squad charged the thunderwolves, as did the now 3 man tac squad... canis wolfborn killed the 3 man tac squad before they got a chance to do anything and i only managed to take down of the thunderwolves, but passed the LD test. the DC routed the wolves, as the last 2 ran away and i consolidated 3 inches towards the ruined tank in the middle, trying to get a cover save but half the unit was still outside it ><. the 4 man tacticals managed to get a draw out of the 10 man grey hunters squad, both sides losing 1 model only.


big melee in the middle of the board, notice the running wolves, upright wrecked vindi (placed normally for dramatic purposes :-P) and the missing 3 tactical who were a bloody pulp....


the now 3 man tactical squad against 3 times their numbers...

his third turn. his 2 rhinos with grey hunters moved past their brothers who had disembarked. both squads stay onboard their rhinos. his wolves run further away. the squad from the wrecked rhino move into the terrain with the right vindi in it. said vindi tries to move away but immobilizes itself in the terrain. both his grey hunter squads fire at the dc, killing the 3 not in the terrain. (read somewhere that if 50% or less isent in terrain you take the worst hits, the ones not in the terrain so they died here) combat with the grey hunters to my left sees my tactical squad reduced to just the sargeant and i only kill one of his, but pass LD test. the assault squad manage to put 1 wound on Canis (yes with all their attacks...) and suffer 2 or 3 (think 3) casualties in return, pass LD test.

the lone argeant desperatly tries to take down some grey hunters with him (should have hit with his powerfist then <.<)


the somewhat reduced in size DC.

my fourth turn. i decide to move my left combat squad from the safety of its building and run towards the objective in the woods (right next to the destroyed vindi) move and run 6 inches so get their nicely! baal on my right stays put but adjusts his facing to not get melta'd in the side. (kinda pointless as he can move 12 inches but oh well) the DC jump over the big combat to help the RAS a hand. my shooting goes against the rhinos, i manage to immobilized one and take the stormbolter of the other. but aside from that nothing much.

in combat the lone tactical sargeant finally goes down (mind you after passing all his armour saves, the grey hunter PF takes him down) but he did take one down with him, which means that after 3 turns of combat he finally hit and kill something...... the grey hunters use their consolidation to hop back aboard their rhino. my chapy charges Canis and the 2 DC charge the lone thundercav whos still in there. the thundercav bites the dust, and canis gets a wound. the RAS again take a beating and the PF for a third combat phase in a row misses all its attacks (why does he even have that thing?)


the still big melee thats going on in the middle of the board.


the left MM combat squad (MM proxied with the missle launcher)

his foutrth turn. the grey hunters pack in the rhino without a stormbolter disembark and start walking around the wreck in the centre. the grey hunters from the immobilized rhino also disembark and start walking towards the centre (mind you the other ones were walking around it :P) and the grey hunters from the other rhino also disembark (lots of disembarking there). the 2 meltaguns moving towards the centre target the left baal and blow off its TLLAC

he 8 man grey hunter squad (the one my first combat squad was fighting) charge my MM combat squad, wiping them out. the grey hunters that moved around the centre charge my RAS, and alongside Canis kill off 3. Canis devides his attacks (he got 7 from surrounding models 0o) and splits them evenly between chaplain and RAS. the chapy makes all his saves. i kill of canis and 1 rending attack kills of a grey hunter. i lose combat, make saves. the RAS dident get to attack because they were only in contact with Canis *sigh*


immobilze and turretless baal.


big melee before casualties.


big melee after casualties...

fifth turn. we rolled if we would be playing a sixth turn and we will. i dident have much to fire at, and when i did it dident accomplish much. combat is where the action is and my chapy bites the dust, i kill 2-3 grey hunters. both RAS die.


whats left of the "big" melee.

his fifth turn. he blew up my right baal. moved around abit. blows up my right baal and manages to get 3 objectives with 3 grey hunter packs respectivly. my DC kill of more grey hunters then i lose (none) but he passes LD test.


hmmm where did my baal go?


"big melee"

and those were the final 2 pictures. to summarize what happened after this. i shot with my tactical and immobilized baal at his middle grey hunter pack, trying to make them fall back. kill off about 4-5 but they dont fall back. he shoots the rest of my baal's heavy bolters off. kill the 2 dc members after 3 rounds of combat and tries to kill my last tacticals in the seventh turn, failing and leaving me with the hefty sum of 3 tacticals, an immobilized rhino, and an immobilized baal predator without any weapons.

of his army remained 1 immobilized vindicator. 3 rhinos all in semi-states of disrepair. 1 grey hunter pack of full strength (the one next to his vindi) 1 pack 8 man strong sitting on my objective. and 2 4-man packs in the middle of the board...

uh...yea...i blame the dice!

seriously my combat phases almost couldnt have been more horrible. out of all the powerfist attack that i got only 2 or 3 hit home 2 of which were against canis when he was on his last wound so even then 1 was wasted...sure i made some bargains and made some faulty mistakes (12 inch charge...ouch) but nothing that couldnt been handled with. the sheer magnitude of horrible dice rolling however meant it wasent meant to be. that said the dice only seemed to be disfavourable when i wanted to attack and kill stuff. i made a ton of armour saves and LD tests....

was an enjoyable game in the end though, well played by my opponent and not so well rolled by me i guess :)

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Hi mate,


Only one question:

Have your combat squads used their MM or did your opponent just passed all his cover saves?

I was wondering where your anti-tank-weapons had gone when his rhinos were riding over the table without being harmed in any way.


Maybe it would be wise to replace the MM in the combat squads by MM mounted on Landspeeders or Trikes, if that fits the points. B)




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