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dem's batreps


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Only one question:

Have your combat squads used their MM or did your opponent just passed all his cover saves?

I was wondering where your anti-tank-weapons had gone when his rhinos were riding over the table without being harmed in any way.


first turn neither were in range.

second turn he passed his cover saves of his rhinos

third turn the right squad moved so couldnt fire, left took a wound of the thunder cav's IIRC. the other wound was done by the baal and 1 wound was done in close combat by the RAS, now that i think about it :cuss

fourth turn right MM missed and died in his assault phase, left MM walked and ran, dident fire.

fifth turn left MM fired at grey hunters

sixth turn fired at grey hunters

seventh turn fired at grey hunters


so my multi-meltas took down a few grey hunters and tore off 1 wound from a thundercav, thats about it

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no more games this year guys....im busy finishing my titan for the 2nd of Januari at which point il be roasting nids with him :D maybe my BA army can join the fun as well, im not sure as of yet. (hope i can though, 1000 points of marines AND a titan? feels like christmass all over again ;))
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Good battlereport, and good game! As a wolf player myself (I am gonne go BA as soon as I get up some tanks) I realy enjoy a good bloddy melee! Wolf's just are so bloddy, and you always end up in a gritty melee at some point, something the BA exels at as well. I usualy play against nids, so we like to keep those chains sword oiled up. :P
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  • 3 weeks later...

played 2 games yesterday, dident bring the camera though lads, i completly forget about it.


the first game was against a marine army. i hadent played against codex marines much yet so was eager to get a shot at them. the player i knew was renown for his strong army lists around the shop so i was interested to see what army he would bring to the table.


he brought:


pedro kantor

10 man tactical squad with flamer and missle launcher with a rhino with dozer blade

6 man tactical squad with meltabombs riding a lascannon razorback

6 man tactical squad with meltabombs riding a lascannon razorback

10 man sternguard veterans with 4 combi-meltas and meltabombs riding a rhino with dozerblade

10 man sternguard veterans with 4 combi-meltas and meltabombs riding a droppood

dreadnought with twin linked lascannon


thats the list, as you can see it pretty much relied on massive ranged power. pedro rode with the droppod unit. my opponent was kind enough to write up his army list but i dident look at it to be honoust, and since the army was completly proxy this gave some nasty suprises....


the table lay out was pretty straight forward, both had a ruin in our DZ, i had a huge one to my right that was about 15 by 15 inches. he had an additional piece of woods in his DZ in the middle, nothing in the centre.


we rolled sieze ground and kill point mission and he won the roll to go first. he deployed a rhino and razorback to my left next to the woods, the dread IN the small woods. a razorback in to the ruin to my right and a rhino to my right.


i decided to turtle my forces in my DZ. i feared his droppod might land and blow my tanks to bitt. a baal and vindi were between the 2 ruins. the dc behind them and behind them the 2 rhinos. my assault squad was to the left, behind the ruin and the 2nd baal to the left of that. when i placed my DC my opponent complained that i ruined his battleplan because he wanted to land his pod there, so i must thave done something right yes?


i siezed initiative to my suprise...and his. i started the game with immobilizing and shaking the right razorback. did nothing else of significance.


his turn his left flank moved up, the rhino to the right moved up as well. his droppod landed the huge ruin to my right and they disembarked so the pod block LOS to them. his dreadnought shot at my vindi but rolled a 1 for AP. his left razor (whom i dident know had a lascannon) shot and did the same.


my second turn i moved my forces forwards slightly, but the overall placement stayed the same. i shot at his left razor stunning and immobilizing it. shot at the right and shook it.


his 2nd turn pedro called in an orbital bombardment, it immobilized my right baal and blew up 3 DC. his right rhino rode out into the open but my opponent forget he couldnt fire when he moved it. his dreadnought fired, rolled 1 to AP...


my third turn my assault squad moved to the edge of the ruin to jump out next turn. DC moved to the right towards pedro and his boys. my 2 rhinos i zoomed 12 inches towards pedro. with my shooting i blew up the left razor with the vindi, also taking out a few sternguard with the blast, and the exploding razorback *gleeee* the baal blew up the right razorback with an penetrating 6 and killed of a few of the pessengers. i kinda forget myself here that i cant fire my multi-meltas after i move my rhino, but luckily they dident kill anything so it dident make any impact on the game. i was leading with 2 kill points to none.


his 3rd turn the missle launcher squad disembarked and moved to the right edge to the huge ruin, pedro moved out of the sternguard and joined them. the rhino then rode back to the place the sternguard were previously located (???) both disembarked squads started moving towards my lines. and the sternguards went into the ruins to gte a nice coversave. the 10 man tac squad fired at my dc not doing anything. the dread fired at my vindi, rolling a 1 for AP. the previously 6 man squad (lost a few models) charged my vindi and blew off its demolisher cannon (luckily the only thing they did) i have to say i think my opponent did some screwy movement here. he measured 6 inches then placed them so that he would have some extra movement and just barely got off his charge, but i digress, dident say anything because it was going so well for me.


4th turn i zoomed 2 rhinos towards his tacs and disembarked the squads. dc jumped out of the building, avoiding death by dangerous terrain. my assault squad walked out of the terrain towards the tacticals. my shooting phase my opponent removed the tacticals rather then let me do anything, i moved my assault squad towards them as i intended to charge afterwards so they were somewhat where they would be otherwise. my shooting killed off 6 of his 10 sternguard, but as my opponent dident allocate wounds at all im left to wonder if i could have done any worse damage... my baals fire at his left sternguard unit and they left failed their LD and ran. i charge and put 2 wounds on pedro and kill off a few more sternguard, he kills of a few DC but nothing else. 3 VPS to none


his 4th turn the left sternguard regrouped and moved back to the ruin. the right razor unit moves up and charges the DC from behind, his dread moves out of the woods (rolls 3 d6 for movement because my opponent believes its a monstrous creature :ph34r: ) and the left sternguard unit moves back into the ruin in the hopes of doing something next turn. his rhino with sternguard unit zoomed behind my most outer rhino and disembarks its cargo, after a round of shooting with AP 3 rounds im down with 5 tacticals and hes down by 2 sternguard (i love gets hot rolls :blink:) i fail LD test and my tactical run. and since theyre like 3 inches removed after the first run and still within 6 inches of his sternguard.....yea 1 VP to him.


5th turn, we roll to see if we get another turn and roll a 1. last turn then....i move up my assault squad towards the pedro/DC melee. the remaining tactical squad does the same, my rhinos both zoom of to different directions to try and deny him any free VPs at this stage. the baals and vindi fire at the sternguard unit reducing them to just 2 combi-meltas. they pass LD. in close combat i lose my chaplain to pedro he passed his invul saves sadly. i kill of a few of his sternguard and put down a few of his razor unit. combat is lost for me by 1 IIRC but the DC passes his armour save aand the rest pass LD. 3 VPS to 2.


his 5th turn. his 2 sterngaurd move towards my vindi. his dread moves towards my immobilized baal. his rhino tries to ram my left rhio in the rear but is just short of movement. his sternguard go after my right rhino. his sternguard only manage to immobilize and stun my right rhino. the left rhino is unscathed. the 2 sterngaurd dont manage to destroy my vindi (forget what they did, one dident manage to penetrate at all with snake eyes AP) and the dread only manages to break off 2 weapons and stun the crew. in combat i slaughter pedro and the sternguard, but lose the last DC member. his razor unit is reduced to 2 members or so but is in combat with 10 assault marines and 7 angry tacticals.


that was the game though. 5 VPS to 3. i was incredibly lucky with my opponents horrible dice rolling. all his lascannon shots (and i do mean ALL) rolled a 1 to AP. in the last turn he could have gotten a potential 4 VP's (the rhino was a stretch but not impossible) and got none, only scoring 1 in combat. my opponent was constantly complaining throughout the game and apparantly nothing bad ever happend to him because every bad roll was "thats never happend before" or "this is unfair". he seemed to pass most of his armour and cover saves though. was a fun tactical game.

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the 2nd game was against dark eldar. i knew the store had a kid frequent it that played the army, but i hadent faced a game against them yet.


his list was roughly: lord with shadow field, some kind of mask, some powersword that let him wound on 4's, combat drugs and some pistol. he had a retinue with 4 PW's and 5 warriors with various kits. riding a dragon raider?

4 units of 10 warriors with all 2 dark lances (eek)

unit of raiders with dark lance.

unit of 6 or 7 or so bikes with an added hq with a 2+ poisend weapon.




thats what i can renember of the list anyway.


table lay out was pretty much the same as last game, with the exception that the woods was now placed in the centre of the board. we played objectives and 12 inch deployment. i won the roll to go first and took it. vindi to my left, baals and rhinos formed an armoured wall in the centre and assault and dc behind that.


he placed a warrior unit on the hill to my left, one on the hill to my right and 2 in a ruin with an objective on the top floor. his raiders were behind a ruin and his 2 talos and bikes were in the centre behind a ruin. he couldnt sieze initiative.


i moved my vindi forward 12 inches and popped smoke. my 2 rhinos followed him (dident smoke though) and the baal stayed and fired theiur heavy bolters at the right warrior unit, taking down a few. the jumpers moved behind the vehicles and ran


his first turn he moved stuff forward, fired at my vindi with lances but either missed or i passed cover saves. his 2 talos fired at the assault marines and i failed 3 out of 4 saves and then failed ld, they ran 10 inches. his bikes turbo boosted 24 inches to my flank.


2nd turn, assault marine regrouped and moved back to where they were. vindi moved forward 6 inches and the 2 rhinos moved up as a shield for the vindi. dc was aside the 2 rhinos. the vindi shot and obliderated all but 1 warrior. one of my rhinos then shot him off with its storm bolter. both units in the rhino shot at the nearby raider with their meltaguns and scored a pen 6. with a 6 inch explosion that touched 19 out of the 20 warriors in the building. both units got 5 wounded but the top one only lost 1, the lower one lost 3 (or so) i shot at one of his talos, causing 2 wounds (damn T7 is hard to crack...)


his 2nd turn his raider with lord moved to assault squad and disembarked its cargo. talos moved forward. the raider unit shot a dark lance at the forward rhino, wrecking it. the 2 warrior units then shot at the tacticals, killing some with dark lances but i passed all the armour saves i had to take (to the dismay of my opponent ;)) his right hill mounted warriors shot at a baal, shaking it. the bikes shot a dark lance assault thingy at the other baal and took its assault cannon off. the lord and retinue charged the 4 assault marines (shooting) and the lord killed them all on his own, but lost a wound due to combat drugs.


3rd turn, i moved my vindi aside, jumped the DC back and disembarked the tactical squad. the unit belonging to the wrecked rhino moved towards the ruins. the shaken baal moved aside, to not get charged. the other baal fired at the wounded talos, taking it out. i fired my vindicator, scattered 7 inches and landed on my own vindicator. a big penetrating hit later and my vindicator was gone :blink: resulting explosion luckily dident take any DC along with it.... the disembarked tactical squad fired and killed off the remaining raider unit. DC charged the lord and retiinue. chaplain got killed before he could do anything, i killed of his entire retinue and lost 2 DC in turn. his lord lost a wound to combat drugs (again) and failed his -4 LD test. couldnt catch him with sweeping advance but consolidated into the woods for a hard needed cover save. the tactical squad charged the warriors in the ruin and killed them all off. consolidated underneath the ruins so those inside couldnt fire at them.


his 3rd turn his lord kept running. his bikes moved towards my 4 DC and killed 1 with shooting. his remaining talos moved out of the terrain finaly but wasent in charge range yet. his warriors and "lord" raider fired at my 2nd tactical squad killed about 5-6 (bad cover save rolls) but passed LD. his bikes charged the DC. killed off 2, and lost 2 of his normal bikes for a draw.


fourth turn my baals could fire normally again and overcharged and moved 6 inches to get some protection against his assault. my tacticals in the ruin moved upwards towards the eldar warriors and the other tactical squad moved towards the bikers. my shooting dident do much, the baals only wounded the talos once with rending. combat my DC was reduced to 1 model, but the remaining tactical suqad's fist took down some bikes making them lose combat. they failed LD and ran. couldnt catch with sweeping. his warrior unit in the ruin got charged by my tacticals, i won combat combat and this time did catch something with the sweeping advance ;)


his 4th turn, his lord's raider moved over my dc and tacticals, taking off with the DC marine and the remaining boltergunner, leaving the tactical sargeant just standing there :P his talos charged a baal and destroyed it. he shot with his warrior unit at my baals but wasent in range.


5th turn, we rolled for another turn and got one. i shot the mm and meltagun at the lord's raider and blew it up with a pen 4 (open topped and ap1 ;)) shot at his talos, scoring 1 wound. moved around to try and not get charged. the rhino followed and shot at him with storm bolter, not doing anything.


his 5th turn, he charged my baal, immobilizing it and tearing a few weapons off. he shot at the tacticals abit.


6th turn, rolled for 7th turn and got it. moved rhino 12 inch and fired rhino at talos, dident do anything. tacticals fired back at the warriors. killing a few. he killed of my baal in my own assault phase :(


his 6th turn he charged the rhino, scored 1 hit, penned it and blew it up. fired at my tacticals, killed of 1 or so.


7th turn fired at the warriors, killed 1 or 2. charged the lone tactical powerfist into the talos (becaus i could) and lost him :D


his 7th turn his talos moved towards me, he killed 2 tacticals with shooting, i passed ld.


i won the game with 1 objective against none for his. but boy was this a close match! dark eldar are nasty and in particular that lord and talos. his T5 bikes (codex doesent mention the toughness in brackets so my opponent took advantage of that) were also a pain but after 2 rounds of combat were out of my hair and off the table thanks to the fact that they couldnt regroup (my troops closer than 6 inches :ph34r: )

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10th battle was against orks.


he had:


big mek with kustom force field

21 orks with powerklaw nob, big shoota, rokkit launcha

21 orks with powerklaw nob, big shoota, rokkit launcha

20 orks with powerklaw nob, big shoota, rokkit launcha

10 stormboyz with powerklaw nob

all nobz had a bosspole

battlewagon with kannon, 2 big shootas, deff rolla and wasent open topped anymore

6 gretchin with 2 kannons

3 killa kans with 3 custom mega blastas or whatever the gizmos were called

snikkrot and 6 or 7 kommandos with 2 burnas


we played standard 12 inch deployment with 5 objectives. we had 5 ruins, 1 in the middle 2 in both our DZ's and a small ruined predator in the middle of the edge of my DZ. he won the roll to go first and took it.

from left to right deployed: stormboyz, gretchin with kannons and kans. deff koptas, unit of 21 with big mek. unit of 21. battle wagon.


in response i deployed my vindi infront of his wagon, 10 tacticals in the ruin to my (left from the vindi) ontop of the objective, 2 baals left from that with dc behind them. assault marines and 2 rhinos (1 with crew) left from that. i siezed initiative.


my vindi shot at the wagon and missed. baals fired at the most right unit, some died. rhinos zoomed to my left followed by the assault marines.


his 1st turn, battlewagon zoomed forward, deff koptas turbo boosted behind the centre ruin. big mek&co moved towards the centre ruin and right mob moved into his right ruin. his stormboyz moved forward 20 inches and hid behind a ruin to the left, near my rhinos. his shooting either missed or i passed armour saves.


2nd turn, vindi blew up his wagon.rhinos moved to the stormboyz who were denied a cover save now. i killed all but 2 with shooting. assault marines moved behind the rhinos in case i would need to support them next turn. (shooting went after the moving so i dident know id reduce the squad to 2 men :P) baals overhcarged and moved forward 6 inches. baals and tacticals fire at the right mob again, killing a few more. he passed LD test on his stormboyz.


his 2nd turn, kommandos dident come on. stormboyz moed towards tacticals. killa kans clanked on forward, as did the mob with the big mek. mob at the ruin moved all models within it finally. his unmounted squad moved forward. he fired the unmounted squad and the ruined-building squad's rokkit launchas at my vehicles but failed to hit. his deff koptas zoomed from behind the ruin and shot my baal in the side, destroying it. the explosion took 2 DC along with it. the stormboyz charged and killed 2 marines with powerklaw, but i wounded the nob once and killed the normal stormboy off, a tie.


3rd turn. assault marines moved behind the ruined predator, DC jumped infront of the deff koptas. remaining Baal overcharged, moved 6 inches away from the unmounted squad, wo were coming awfully close. vindi stayed put. vindi shot at the unmounted squad and killed off 10!!! (half the unit) the baal and the right tacticals then fired and killed of 6 or so more. they failed their LD test and were gone. i tried to block his kill kans with my rhinos, hoping he would charge them (and since they moved 12 inches they would hit on 6's ^_^) fired their stormbolter on the big mek's unit. the dc fired and wounded the deff koptas once (plasma blew in the chaplains face but dident wound him) then charged and did another 3 wounds for no in return, was still in combat with 1 kopta though ( rolled SOOO many 1's this turn, unbelievable....) tacticals killed the lone stormnboy mob off.


his 3rd turn, he moved his big mek and unit forward, called a waaagh. unit in his ruin stayed put, kill kans moved to the tacticals in the ruin (to my suprise)snikkrot came on the table and was placed behind my right tactical unit. his big mob charged the DC (damn waaagh) and killed all but 1 or 2. i killed a few in return and some died due to their fearless, no retreat rule. (DC was still horrible, so many 1's...) snikkrot was just 2 inches short of charging my tacticals (luckily for me)


4th turn, the assault marines jumped out from behind the wreck and charged the big orky mob. the tacticals to my left wrecked one of the kans with a MM, but careless placement of the PG meant it couldnt fire when they were in rapid fire range :angry: baal fired at the right mob unit, killing some. the right tacticals fired at snikrot and the lads but only killed about 3 with their entire shooting phase (so many 1's to hit...) did put 1 wound on snikrot though! the rhinos zoomed towards the kanons, killed 2 of the crew with their stormbolters and caused the gretchin to run. the assault marines dident do anything impressive though. out of their 24 attacks i rolled 9 ( NINE!!!!) 1's to hit, and only caused about 4 wounds....PF did better killing 2 and the chapy killed 1 or 2 as well. in turn i lost my last DC member and 2 assault marines. he lost combat by 3 however and lost a further 3 due to no retreat rule (starting to like to more and more :devil: )


his 4th turn, kans charged the tacticals, not doing anything but suffering no damage either. mob on his objective fired rokket at the vindi, hit this time but not casuing any damage. in combat some more orks died, some assault marines died, won combat by 3 again. snikkrot and 3 kommandos charge the tacticals but get cut down to a man before they get to attack. consolidate into the building again.


5th turn we rolled to see if we would get another turn, and we dont. my 2 rhinos zoom 12 inches towards his objective holding orks. baal, rhino and tactical squad unload their fire into the orks on his objective and kill all but the nob, who fails his LD test and legs it. wipe out the orks in the melee in the centre and tear off a DCCW from one of the kans. lose some tacticals though.


at this point it was obvious he had just lost all his troop choices and thus couldnt win against the 2 objectives i had but he was a sport and we kept playing the melee of the kans vs tacticals to see what happend. lost another tactical and stunned 1 kan (which he ignored)


a very enjoyable game against a very nice player. he played this list because he liked it and dident want cheesy overused units like nob bikers and the like. the army had a nice feel to it and only really lacked in AT power. my melee units were nigh useless with the amounts of 1's i rolled all game. i won in the end but it had more to do with the horrible armor orks have then the amount of wounds i did as every wound was basicly a kill.


after the game we went for something to eat and drink for a while and he may join me in the upcoming tournament (local games day of sorts) which is a doubles tournament. nothing's certain yet but id like him to be my ally, we get along quite well and have simular vieuws on the hobby :) something very vital for a partner to a doubles tournament imho

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thanks midnight :) and yea Tycho probably wouldnt approve :P the plan is for him to hold onto the objectives in objective games whilst i go zoom around killing stuff with bikes and lascannons and charge stuff (if its wise) against swarm players like other orks or nids its kinda the point to let him get into close combat, because mobs of 20 orks are gonna do alot more damage then 5 assault marines or 4 dc and a chaplain. that said however i look forward to the tourney, its just not sure if hehs gonna go or not, he has to check if hes got enough money to go around this month, but id be very psyched if he can go :tu:


and about the many games, i play 1 or 2 a week. i dont find that very much...but i gottaa say i do frequent the shop more nowadays...one of the only benefits of beeing unemployed is the spare time i guess...

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@koyote oh not this again!!! ive got a tournament coming up this weekend, how about i take pictures of that and post them up, will you get off my back then? :D


and @ Wildfire, watching people sleep for 8 hours? thats... kinda creepy :( but yea, i can inmagine youd have plenty of time to watch some batreps :o

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Dem - I was looking at that batrep vs Dark Eldar, and I think your enemy got his Lord rather wrong. IIRC (and its been a while since I've faced a Lord with Shadow Field for this very reason) they only have 3W, and the Shadow field gives a 2++ save, but the first time the Lord fails a save/suffers a wound (cant remember the precise wording) he loses the Shadow Field and suffers and additional wound as it shorts out. So he should have been down to 1W and a 5+(?) save by the end of his turn 2... Which makes him a much less scary prospect (a BP usually suffices at this point for me).


Maybe go for a re-match some time?


(I'm also a bit curious about those T5 bikes - as DE are only T3 to start with surely they ought ot have only been T4?

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Koyote Posted Today, 03:09 AM
QUOTE (Demoulius @ Jan 19 2010, 02:21 PM)

@koyote oh not this again!!! ive got a tournament coming up this weekend, how about i take pictures of that and post them up, will you get off my back then?


Nope, but it's a start.


rats, i knew it :lol:


@Leonaides: the lord only lost wounds to his own combat drugs, as they allow no sort of save (or so he said) he still effectivly had his 2+ invul save, but as he was running and within 6 inches of my force i just ignored him and let him run of the table :D the reason his bikes were T5 is because (as he explained it) the statline for the bikers was just T4, it wasent T3 (4). so he added an extra point ontop of the T4 for the bike.....kinda a sad move he agreed himself but one he would pull with anyone who would allow it. since im overall a easy going guy i allowed it. (well that and it dident really help him in the end so yea :lol:)

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the reason his bikes were T5 is because (as he explained it) the statline for the bikers was just T4, it wasent T3 (4). so he added an extra point ontop of the T4 for the bike.....kinda a sad move he agreed himself but one he would pull with anyone who would allow it. since im overall a easy going guy i allowed it. (well that and it dident really help him in the end so yea :))


Totally incorrect, here. The bike T includes the bonus. The DE 'dex is from before split T was invented, so takes S8 to instakill.


If you want something show him, look at the FAQ under the errata section. The second one lists the bonuses a bike gives a character.

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Totally incorrect, here. The bike T includes the bonus. The DE 'dex is from before split T was invented, so takes S8 to instakill.

well aware of that m8, was just throwing the DE player a small bone cause he had found a small glitch in his little 2nd edition codex :)

well guys, ive finished the tournament yesterday (actually judging by the time now 2 days ago) and i did make pictures! not as many as id liked sadly.

the day in its entirety was a huge succes but there were sad moments in 2 out of 3 days games which i will get to of the games itself.

il give a quik run down of our list (our=mine and my teammate)

i ran, at 750 pts. Lemartes, a 5 man assault squad with fist, 10 man tactical squad with PW, flamer, lascannond and HB razorback, 2 single MM attack bikes and 4 DC marines with jumppacks.

he ran: ork big mek with kustom force field, mob of 21 orks with shootas, 2 rokkit launchas, nob with powerklaw and boss poll, a mob of 21 with sluggas and choppas 2 big shootas and nob with poweer klaw and bosspole, mob of 11 ork boyz with sluggas 1 big shoota and nob with power klaw and boss pole, mob of 10 orks with shootas and 1 big shoota. mob of 10 gretchin and a runherd, 2 kannons with 6 orks gretchin crew and a zzap gun with 4 grew grechins.

the first game we played was dawn of war deployment with 4 objectives around the table. we won the roll to go first and took it. the tourney rules meant that as a team you could only place 2 troops and 1 hq (as opposed as 2 troops and 1 hq per player) or so our opponents told us, we werent there the previous year they were. i deployed my lascannon tactical in a ruin, placing the lascannon ontop for LOS and keeping the bolter marines down so all would get a cover save. my teammate deployed 10 gretchin on oan objective near our centre and i dpeloyed lemartes behind he lascannon team.

our opponents deployed a unit of inquisitorial stormtrooper in an objective to our right. a combined infantry squad (20 man) in the centre near one of the objecives and deployed a lord commisar into that unit. they dident want to roll for sieze initiative so we started.


that was our DZ before we did anything.

we let everything but my assault marines and razorback unit come up. we deployed our forces on a stretched front, sending roughly 2 mobs towards the centre, 1 bike to the left and the DC also went through the middle. i had let 1 attack bike hide behind the hill in our DZ because we dident know where enemy armour would show up, so decided to take no chances. my lascannon tacticals fired at the combined squad, doing nothing because of the terrain.


picture of our first turn.

at this stag eim sad to report i forget to take pictures for a long while so il summarize what happend in their first turn and our 2nd turn. on our left flank 3 penitent engines showed up, a chimera with 10 veterans (i think) and a (this was abi sketchy) a immolater?? had the same armour and housed a 6 man sister unit. they moved forward first turn. in the middle a leman russ showed up with lascannon and heavy bolter (i think dont really recall) to the right a chimera with his HQ command squad showed up and the infantry platoon's command squad showed up. to the right of that a unit of 10 inquisitorial storm troopers showed up. (come to think of it i dont know where the sister's hq was but i guess it was with the sister in the immolater...) their shooting was really spectacular, the leman russ wanted to fire but dident see anything, the guard squad wanted to fire back at the lascannon squad but also couldnt see anything.

our second turn i flew my DC with lemy forward and ran into ruins. i zoomed my attack bike which was hiding and turbo boosted it 24 inches to the left. the ork mobs moved forwards (most right one had the big mek btw) his kannons moved up the hill (damn that dawn of war deployment!! :-( ) and the small mobs of 10 were in the middle and to the left moving forward as well. the zapp gun was to the left. the zzap gun fired at the immolater immobilizing it. my attack bike fired and missed (or dident penetrate)

their second turn, the squad of sister disembarked from the immolater. penitent engines moved to the middle. leman russ moved abit for LOS porpuses. the unit of 20 stayed put. the chimera to the right moved abit to the centrel. the storm troopers in the open moved towards the big unit of 20 guardsmen. then came their shooting. the leman russ fired at a unit of boyz, wounded 9, killed 9 (failed 5+ cover from the kustom force field) the chimera aparently had melta guns and a plasma pistol in there and had used an order that forced me to reroll cover saves? he gave the order to himself and fired at the death company, thankfully he missed alot and only scored 2 wounds. put the melta wound on the dc, failed the cover save and let lemy use his invul save, which he failed as well. some other shooting (cant recall what it was) also caused a wound on lemy but i failed the armour save.... aside from that not much damage


2nd turn, not much damage had been done to either side.

on our 3rd turn we started going all out. my razorback came in and moved12 inch forward. assault squad came in and landed on spot behind a tower on the right, where they had an objective with storm troopers. looking at the time we only had another phase left (we had lost an ENTIRE HOUR due to the tournament organisation itself.......) 1 attack bike fired at the penitent engines, hit but failed to wound because i rolled a 1.... the other attack bike scored a pen hit 6 on the chimera and blew it up. i hit 1 sister with the blast but caused no wound. those inside werent pinned. my dc jumped to the centre and charge the huge squad. i pulled them off the objective with the 6 inch move they had to make. my teammate had fired with his kannons and boyz mob but wasent in charge rang (just 1 inch short or so....) in comb\t i killed 8 without any losses to myself and suffered no losses in return. they passed LD because of the stubborn rule from the commisar....

opponent 3rd turn. penitent engines move forward some more. sisters moved forward abit forward. command unit of 5 with flamers moved around the assault with the dc, and ran towards the objective. the unit of storm troopers in the open moved and ran onto the objective. leman russ fired some, scattered horribly IIRC. in combat i reduced what was left of the guard unit to a sargeant and the commisar.....(seriously is there NO drawback to stubborn??!?!?!) and...that was it. we were out of time (so our timetable said anyway) our opponents had 3 objectives to our 1 and scored a crushing defeat (or whatever it was called) and scored 18 out of 20 points. we got the remaining 2.


DC and lemy in contact with commisar and sarg.


the centre of the table.


left flank, notice the guardsmen, they came out of the chimera that i blew up. shot abit at the orks, killed 1 or 2...

and now heres on of those things that i spoke of earlier. we lost this purely due to bad organisation. looking around us people were playing some 30-45 minutes after our game and noone told them to stop. but aparently were in a huge hurry to call it a day and quit right there, knowing im SURE that another turn would cause them the game and give US a crushing win......

nothing i can do about it now but the ending of that game was utter bullcrap.... another turn and wed have 3 have contested (perhaps siezed) all 3 of the other objectives. my assault squad would have charged the storm troopers. a unit of 21 orks (still unscathed i think) alongside a razorback with 5 tactical marines would sit on the on they were about 5 inches away from. a unit of about 12-13 orks and one still 11 strong would move forward and do the same to the one 5 inches away from them. our opponents would have charged with the penitent engines but aside from that they had a leman russ, some sister and 5 guardsmen in a chimera to conest with aside from that. and i dident take any shooting from our phase into account.....

but like our opponent said: oh well you lost to time, it sucks i know how it is had that last year myself. oh well lets pack our things and turn our report in ;)

*edit* forget to include the picture from turn 3

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the 2nd game was acually against some locals from GW rotterdam. i knew their list and they knew ours so this meant we could go right to the battle and not ask questions and such which saved us time that could go towards the game.

their list was:


lord with MoS, terminator armour and deamon weapon

5 noise marines with doom siren, 4 sonic weapons

5 noise marines with doom siren, 4 sonic weapons

10 chosen with 1 pair of LCS, 3 PW"s and a flamer.


suit lord (with BS5) plasma and missle. some other upgrades that i dont really care about. his 2 bodyguards had the same.

unit of 8 firewarriors without any upgrade.

unit of 8 firewarriors without any upgrade.

hammerhead with upgrade that gave him a cover save whenever something hit him that came from more then 12 inches away. and BS 4 or something or another

hammerhead with upgrade that gave him a cover save whenever something hit him that came from more then 12 inches away. and BS 4 or something or another

and that was it....i told them in our local GW that they would have massive trouble in the 2 objective based scenario's but they dident really alter their lists....fine by me i guess

we had a very nice board with some necron terrain. we played the 12 inch deployment and the "1 objective per side" mission. we placed ours in the dead centre and the placed theirs on our left flank. dont renember who won to go first. i deployed 1 attack bike to my left, the other to the right (to take a shot at their armour that would no doubt want to flank us) my razorback to the left, behind a wall, my DC to the left of the wall and the lascannon combat squad in the centre, but having LOS to their objective. my teammate deployed 1 unit of 11 boyz alongside my razorback &co. the rest was to the right. the gretchin provided a cover screen. 1 unit with big mek was ontop of our home objective. the other units were behind the gretchin. the zzap gun and kannons were very close to our table edge. i held my RAS in reserve (again)


our DZ.

our opponents beployed both fire warriors units near the objective. 1 unit of 5 noise marines near the objective as well. 1 hammerhead to the left ,1 to the right. 1 unit of noise marines with lord was to the right and the unit of chosen was infiltrated behind some crystal rocks to our right in our DZ (he was out of range some 13 inches away....) they got first turn


opponents DZ

our opponents were pretty static. entire left flank stayed put except the hammer head who moved abit to get to fire through the wall somehow. nothing much happend here. on our right flank the chosen moved through the terrain. the entire right flank opend fire on my attack bikes but i passed all my armour/cover saves. only the LAST shots (dont know where they were from) i failed 2 armour saves and he bit the dust sadly.


opponents chosen unit after their first turn of movement.

our first turn we moved forward. i moved the orks to the left (we decided to just use eachothers models to save time, dident want the same like last game to happen) firing dident do much as we were firing through our own army, generating armour saves, and our opponents were in terrain or behind eachothers units OR had an upgrade that gave them cover saves anyway *cough* tau hammerhead :) *cough* we did manage to kill 3 of the noise marines though but thats all we did....

opponents second turn they moved through the crystals. werent in shooting range of anything and ran. the tau commander jumed over a wall and was now joining the fray with the fire warriors. other then the new addition the entire left flank did the same as last time. they fired the doom siren this time through a small crack in the wall. could see the headlights on my razorback (<_<) but they failed to penetrate anyway... right flank was moving up, hammer head on the right fired at the orks on our objective, killed 1 or 2 or so... the one on the left fired at our orks i think but all our units got a cover save in some way so not much harm was done :D

our 2nd turn my razorback moved forward 12 inches and popped smokes. attack bike moved forward and fired at the damned hammerhead but they passed cover save. orks and gretchin fired and killed ALL 8 firewarrios (and hear this, 2 of the 8 got killed by gretchin!!! WHAHAHAHAHAHA) at this point i kinda renembered to take pictures ;)


heres a picture of that.


picture of those chosen, strutting through the cover, still 3 in it.


their right flank.


and our left flank after shooting.

our opponents 3rd turn. the chosen finaly cleared the terrain. the noise marines moved to the centre and the lord detached and joined the chosen. their right hammerhead stayed put. their shooting took out my attack bike and destroyed my razorback with a pen 6. the blast took out 2 orks and none of my marines, past pin test.

our 3rd turn, my RAS arrived and deepstruck behind the wall next to the objective. my tacticals moved forward. my teammate called a waaagh and sprinted everything forward. the gretchin ended up in the smal bit of terrain where the fire warriors used to be. the unit of orks that were walking alongside me were er....alongside me (they sorta caught up, the razorback meant my troops were ahead the whole time :lol: ) and a big unit of angry orks was also in range to charge his noise marines, lets get a picture of that shall we?


sadly this is a picture were battle was already joined. i took 1 wound off the suits with the flamer and then charged, scoring 3 wounds (both suits) the unit alongside me charged as well and killed of the commander. the unit of orks who charged the noise marines lost 2 of their numbers and slaughtered them in turn. we consolidated towards the firewarriors and the objective.


like so

opponents 4th turn. they had lost almost their entire left flank (and their objective) but still split their firing. the hammerhead tank shocked the orks and tacticals that were a few inches in front of him and we both failed our LD tests <_< the chosen moved forwards some more but were still far way the objective. the noise marines were the same distance but at adifferent angle. the noise marines fired at my RAS and scored 5 wounds. i rolled 4 armour saves for the tacticals, failing 2 and rolled 1 for my vet, failling it as well (making him the most useless upgrade i have in my army...seriously) passed their LD test. the rest of their shooting costs my ork teammate a about 10 orks, but he passed his LD test asfter using his boss pole :P 1 mob was reduced to just a nob but he past his ld test as well.

our 5th turn, my tacticals regrouped. moved 6 inches towards the hammerhead. orks moved closer to the firewarriors and the hammerhead as well. the RAs jump over the wall 2 inches away from the fire warriors. i jump my Lemy+DC 12 inches towards the chosen, making sure not to block LOS to my lascannon and his kannons/zapp gun. our shooting kills all but the lord, the entire chosen unit was gone. most had died from bolt pistols as well :huh:


before firing.


their failing left flank.

my RAS, charged the tau fire warriors, and the lone nob as well. my RAS and the 6 man mob charged the hammerhead. the nob wrecked the hammerhead before i got to use my grenades, and the combat with the fire warriors sees us killing them all. catching the remaining 2 (or so) with a sweeping advance.


note the hammerhead is still present in the picture, but it was very very wrecked indeed :-D


the right flank. the only thing our opponents had still standing. a lone lord, 5 noise marines and a hammerhead.

had they had another turn it would have done them no good. he could have charged the orks but wouldent have gotten 3 inch within range of it, whilst the mob would most likely still be on top of it. at the most they werent but we already knew right after starting our previous turn that we wouldnt get another turn. if we would have i would have moved my lascannon combat squad towards the objective so the ork mob could have charged the lord....

either way our opponents had lost this battle they decided to use this list imho. the idea behind it was good but they had to few numbers to achieve anything. the chaos player had 21 models and no vehicles. the tau player had 2 vehicles, and 19 models. put thtat together and you have 40 models and 2 vehicles for a 1500 pts list. not much strength in anything. though granted they tried and were a great blast to play against. we had both objectives, had lost no units aside from razorback whilst we killed of all but about 400-500 pts of their army. we can guess it probably, a massacre. 20 pts for us, none for them.

*edit* il post up the 3rd game tommorow guys. to tired to do it now

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3rd game was against a nid and tau team.


flyrant with 2x talons and upgrades up the wazoo (no other way to explain it)

carnifex with 2x talons and tons of upgrades

2 x zoanthropes

brood of 12 termagaunts

brood of 12 termagaunts

that was about it


commander with shield drones and upgrades up the wazoo (4+ invul, 4+ FNP etc etc :blink: )

3 suits, also with shield drones

unit of kroot with some hounds

unit of (i think) 12 fire warriors with S5 pinning weapons riding a devilfish with the "get cover save if attack comes farther then 12 away" upgrade and smart missle system.

we had table quarter deployment kill point mission. we won the rol lto go first, took it

kept DC and RAS in reserves as we expected them to come forward fast, and the extra units could deliver a nice flank attack. teammate deplloyed his entire army.

our opponents had a somewhat odd depiction on whetever or not youd get a cover when we looked at the terrain so we made sure to get cover saves for units that needed them (combat squaded lascannon, kannons and zzap gun) i intended to flank with my atack bikes and held my razorback to a flank in case they would offer a good flank move. my lascannon was ontop a ruin for good LOS, his 4 bolter mates were behind terrain so all got a cover save. my teammate was filling the rest of the board :cuss


our DZ

first turn: except for my bikes our entire army remaied static, my bikes moved 12 inches to the side and fired at a zoanthrope to the side, killed it dispite its 4+ cover save. 1 kill point for us. we had wounded the flyrant several times but due to intervening gaunts he got a cover save, only suffered 1 wound.

their 1st turn. everything moved forward somewhat sluggishly, they fired abit but most things werent in range or dident do much. the flyrant wounded himself once by jumping in terrain (lol)


the flank where the zoanthrope used to be. gaunts ahd filled the gap now.


nids were on the move, tau were still static

2nd turn: my RAS and DC arrived on the first reserves roll i make ;) just when i want them not to....sigh. i hold them back somewhat, posistion them somewhat so they cant be directly charged. bikes adjusted their posistion abit so they werent in charge posistion but that they could fire at the fex and deny it a cover save, 1 MM hit, 1 wounded. bolters wounded once but he passed armour save. my teammate fired at the nids some more, we removed 1 warriors this turn but aside from that basicly all their cover saves were passed.

their 2nd turn, flyrant jumped into the woods near our right flank, wounded itself on terrain again, now had 1 wound remaining (lol) the devilfish moved forward and disembarked its firewarrior cargo. their entire shooting phase (except the warrior) went towards the gretchin. only 1 model in the unit remained after cover saves, the ork runtherd, he passed LD.

our 3rd turn, bikes backed up again and fired at the fex. 1 MM hit, rolled a 1 to wound :pinch: we made the mistake of sending the runtherd forward, hoping to stall them and forgetting we played kill points. i move my razorback to the flank of the flyrant, hoping to get a charge off but i dident hear the guy passing by saying this was our final turn...................... try to take off the final wound on the flyrant but fail all to wound rolls with my heavy bolter. fail to shoot down the devilfish and my teammate fires the kannons with their blast weapons at the firewarriors, killing about 7 or so due to unlucky armour save rolls, they pass ld test. ork shoota boyz also kill about 6-7 gaunts with their guns, but they are within synapse range so stay put.

their 3rd turn, they kill the lone runtherd, move army forward abit and the flyrant jumps out of terrain (not killing himself sadly) and kills off my razorback. the gaunts fire back at the shoota boyz and kill 2.

end of opponents 3rd turn pictures


the flyrant just popped my razor.


centre of the board.


my bikes backing up and the orks who were flanking.

were out of time and our opponents win 2 kill points to our 1 (the zoanthrope from turn 1) we lost.....AGAIN due to time. we had started some 15-20 minutes later then we had to, so something was taking alot of time, not sure what. but either way we dident have our 10 minute warmup talk either. we did that during our own time and while it only costs us 5 minutes those are 5 minutes of our game we dident have. if we did have the warm up run we would have had 10 more minutes (5 more minutes of playtime +10 minutes of warmupttime -5 minutes of warmup that we needed=we can start early and win 10 minuets) to the game making it about 25-30 minutes which could have meant another round.

despite that this was a minor loss it was loss due to poor organistion on the tournament event. sure we probably would only have had another turn but that turn would have meant a huge difference. the flyrant was about 8 inches away from my DC. the tactical squad from the razorback was also nearby. the nids and firewarriors were in charge range of half our ork horde and we would have called a waaagh meaning some 2-4 more killpoints for us, while the nids wouldnt have been able to do all that much concerning kill points as the mobs were to huge for them to kill in 1 turn.

maybe im reacting overly dramatic about this but im somewhat pissed that im losing games by turn 3 because the tournament people dont got their things in order. im paying good money (granted not a great bunch of money but still im paying) for a tournament in where i shouldnt have to worry about hurrying up. shouldnt have to rush myself and make mistakes that might costs me the game or just think ahead 1 turn and not worry about turn 4 because it wont come anyway <_< that isent right.

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maybe im reacting overly dramatic about this but im somewhat pissed that im losing games by turn 3 because the tournament people dont got their things in order. im paying good money (granted not a great bunch of money but still im paying) for a tournament in where i shouldnt have to worry about hurrying up. shouldnt have to rush myself and make mistakes that might costs me the game or just think ahead 1 turn and not worry about turn 4 because it wont come anyway <_< that isent right.

Wow, sorry about those issues. Running out of time stinks in a tournament.

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Hmmm - maybe ask the organisers for a timetable before you part with money? If it looks like they're being a bit close with the times, tell them so and keep your money. For a 1500pt game I'd expect to have somewhere near an hour and a half to play it in, with extra time before the game to find your table, wait for the opponent, 5 min discuss on terrain/swap lists (if thery were doing it) and a clear central time-keeping system (organiser with a whistle/bell/fog-horn or whatever is appropriate). Sound like they didnt really organise very much TBH...
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thanks fur the replies guys.


we actually had an hour and a half for each game, and were supposed to have 15 minutes before each game to get aquinted, ask about eachothers list, swap lists, solve any issues with terrain etc etc. or rather we were supposed to....


the problem was that right at the start of the tournament things went amiss. the doors opened at 10:00. the first pre-game thingies were supposed to start at 10:!5. we just passed the counter at 10:30. the first game was supposed to start at.....10:30. we started the first game at 11:05, and then had to have the warmup thingy etce etc ;)


i hear alot of people who have had simular experiences at tournaments so i guess its a wide spread problem.... we werent going there to WIN per se but its kinda annoying when you lose in such a way....


that said one of the GW members that i know from the local store said they have an e-mail adress for the organizer who always welcome suggestions on how they can do stuff better and the like. so perhaps il just mail them some suggestions and see if they can do something with it.

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