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dem's batreps


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had another game of 1500 pts today, and it was again against my teammate from the frenzy. i wanted to try some small changes to my list though and removed my 2 baals and replaced them with a terminators squad and extra DC marine. he had at 1500 pts: *take a long breath*


big mek with kustom force field

big mek with shokk attack gun

30 man boyz mob with nob with power klaw and bosspole, 3 rokkit launchas (mob had shootas)

30 man boyz mob with nob with power klaw and bosspole, (3 ?? special weapons) mob had sluggas.

21 man boyz mob with nob with power klaw and boss pole, big shoota and rokkit launcha.

21 man boyz mob with nob with power klaw and boss pole, big shoota and rokkit launcha.

10 gretchin and a runtherd

2 kannons with 6 grethcin crew

3 killa kans with custom mega blastas

3 deff koptas with twin linked rokkit launchas


we played killpoints mission with 12 inch deployment. the terrain, even though it had only 25% terrain on it was placed in such a manner that you pretty got a cover saves if you placed your units properly. in the middle we had a big rock, he had 2 small bases of woods in and near his DZ, a crater on my left flank near his DZ and 1 in the middle near the left corner, beneath the hill. between his half and my half was a sandbag placement, providing both sides a coer saves pretty much all the time. in my DZ on the left flank was a small "church" with in the middle of my DZ an small rubble placement. to the right was a sandbag placement between the woods from the centre and the rubble placement.


we rolled off for first turn, i won the roll and made him go first. he placed one 30 man and one 21 man boyz unit on either side of the rock. gretching were stretched in front of the big mob to my left. both bik meks were in the centre. his kannons were on a hill to my left in his DZ (we played on the realm of battle board, i hate the damn hills with a vengeance :cuss ) the kans were also in the middle and the koptas were on his left flank.


i responded by placing a tactical squad in the church and in the rubble. 1 empty rhino to the left of the church. my assault marines hid behind the rhino and the vindicator hid behind the church for a cover save. in the rubble i placed 2nd tactical squad, rhino was behind it for cover, terminators were to the left of it and my DC was stretched out behind the termies and the rhino. i rolled for sieze initiative but dident get it.


his first turn everything moved forwards slowly (except the kannons but his shokk attack gun did move, nothing in LOS) the deff koptas turbo boosted 24 inches to the right behind a palcement of woods. he fired his kannons at my left tactical squad klilling 4 with blasts (curse those dice!) i failed my LD test but dident run off the board luckily enough.


in my 1st turn my rhino zoomed forward, my tactical squad regrouped and ran back into the building. my assault squqad jumped forward 12 inches behind the rhino. vindi moved 6 inches forward, terminators and DC moved to the left. the 2nd empty rhino moved to the right. in my shooting phase i fired at the big mob of 30 mobs in front of me with my vindi but because idident kill the gretchin yet he got a cover save. saved 6 out of 9 wounds.... my termies and the 2nd tactical squad then fired at the gretchin unit, killing all but 3 and the runtherd, they failed ld test but runtherd killed d3 (1 in this case) gretchin to reroll the LD test which he did make this time. my rhino to my right fired at his turbo boosting koptas but he passed the cover save he had to take (damn 3+ cover save from turbo boost :cuss)


2nd turn, the orks were moving forward some more. his entire army (barring the kannons, duh) slugged through terrai. since he was very unluck y with rolls and running rolls he was moving 5-6 inches a turn at maximum speed, nothing really spectacular. his shooting phase his kannons fired the templates at my assault marines, but he scattered alot so only 2 of my marines died. he had moved his koptas forward 12 inches and tried to pop my rhino with it but he was unlucky with his AP rolls. his kanns fired and hit as well but were also unlucky with AP rolls.


my 2nd turn, i moved my RAS forward, DC jumped forward. terminators were slugishly moving forward as well (only 6 inches a turn...snails!) the rhino to the right and the one on the left moved a few inches so he would need 4+'s to hit them in combat. the left rhino fired a tt he kannons, doing nothing spectacular. the one on the right fired a tthe koptas, also doing nothing. my shooting wiped the remaining gretchin and runtherd of the table. (not that hard...) fired my tac squad in the rubble at the koptas, but either dident hit/wound or he passed cover saves. my RAS assaulted his 30 man mob and started kicking in heads. i figured my DC would be also to make the charge but they were short just an inch. i killed off 8 orks for no kills in return so the "no retreat" rule kicked in meaning the mob would be smaller still. i was very lucky here that his powerklaw was posistioned at the very back of his unit, so was out of range this turn.


his 3rd turn. the (previously) 21 boy z unit was cleared of the terrain now and started moving towards the DC (and they were very much in assault range :cuss ) to the right flank his army slugged forward somemore, tripped and fell in the terrain and his units were now blocking eachother. his koptas destroyed my rhino with a pen 6 and 1 got wounded by the resulting explosion. the kannons fired blasts at my DC but4 (or even 5?) scattered. his big mek with shokk attack gun fired at my vindi but scattered ontop of 3 terminators and 2 DC. i lost 2 termies and 1 dc (i think only 1 dc) after the boyz unit charged i had killed all but 3 of his boyz before they got to hit. lost 2 DC from the powerklaw. wiped the orks with a sweeping advance. the Assault marines versus the orks kept fighting, winning combat again, they were still fearless though a few more died to "no retreat"


my 3rd turn. the DC moved towards my right flank, running behind the rubble to the right. i was expecting a waaagh soon so i figured i had to be ready for them. my tactical squad in the rubble killed off the entire deff koptas unit ( i love melta :cuss)the tactical squad from the church moved out of terrain and ran towards the right. the rhino to my left and terminators fired at the kannons, killing 3 crew and a kannon and they failed their LD test. RAS kept fighting, won again from the orks ( i think by one) unit wasent fearless anymore but made a ld test. (dont recall if he had to use the bosspole or not)


4th turn. having pretty much cleared his left flank he set his hopes on the right flank, trying in vain to get the slow ork mushrooms out of the terrain (perhaps they communicating with their tree friends or something?) he fired the shokk attack gun at the vindi again and AGAIN scattered ontop of the terminators :P killed another one; just the sargeant and the assault cannon now. to the right his big mob of 21 boyz was slowly starting to clear the wooded terrain. combat with the assault marines saw me winning combat, and sweeping the last few orks of the table.


my 4th turn, i moved the 2 remaining RAS (yes just 2 remaining :cuss ) to his shokk attack gun big mek, rhino also moved to this fellow. DC stayed put. tacticals from the church ran some more and were now aside the rubble. my MM fired at the kans not doing anything. my vindi moved to the right, fired at the kans and scattered on the nearby mob. taking a few out. my RAS and rhino fired at the big mek, failed to wound so i cahrged him. the normal RAS missed all his attacks, big mek hit but failed to wound and the powerfist killed the big mek off. consolidated towards my own lines, hoping to get to safety soon.


his 5th turn, his big mek with force field joined the smaller mob accros the forest whilst the 30 man mob were moving towards my 2 RAS :cuss the kans finaly got out of terrain and they killed the terminators ith their custom mega blasta thingies. the big mek's unit fired at the smaller tactical squad, killing all but the powerfist and MM (only time ever the important units dident die to wound allocation....) passed LD test. he fired the 30 man mob at the 2 RAS and killed the sarg. passed LD also.


my 5th turn i moved my rhino and lone assault marine back to my lines, hoping to deny him easy kill points. vindicator moved backwards and my tacticals stayed put. i took out 1 kan with shooting. my DC jumped over terrain and charge the big mek's mob. killed off all but 3, powerklaw killed a few of my DC and killed the rest with a sweeping advance. my opponent rolled to see if we got another turn, we would.


his 6th turn his 30 man mob moved towards my line, fired rokkits at my DC and lone DC. i took 1 rokkit hit on the chaplain, hoping his 4+ invul would save him, it dident. the DC then got hit by a ton of shoota hits and he also went down. the 2 kans charged the vindi and in spite of me moving him wwrecked him.


my 6th turn i shot at the kans, killing one with a pen 6. had moved the lone RAS and the rhino away (RAS was hiding behind the vindi before he got wrecked) we rolled for aonother turn and got that as well.


his 7th turn his kan moved towards my 2 tacticals fired, and missed. he then charged and killed them both off. his 30 man mob fired abit but dident do anythjing (passed ALL armour save)


my 7th turn, i moved the RAS and rhino to the rear of the kan. fired the tacs to the rear as well. shooting in his rear tore off his DCCW (hurah!) and shook him, which he ignored. i charged him and stunned him, he dident kill any more.


we counted the KP's and i had won the game with 8 (2 big meks, 2 mobs of 21, 1 mob of 30, 3 koptas, gretchin, kannons) to 6 (tactical squad, rhino, chaplain, DC, terminators, vindicator)


a fun and pretty exciting game. my opponent was abit unlucky with his terrain rolls though and placement of his units meant they had to move through eachother which dident go all that well. his kannons and shokk attack gun proved to be a real pain and his mobs dished out alot of hurt both at range and at close combat. strangely enough i got 5 out of my 8 kill point in close combat. my shooting dident accomlish much this game and it probably has something to do with the fact that i took out the baals. the terminators were pretty much useless the way i used them and proved to be an almost free kill.


if anyone has any tips on using terminators id welcome them as im struggling with them. ive tried using them before and failed epicly that time as well....

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Never deploy your termies from the very beginning of the game, unless you give them a land raider. Termies are "useless" until they get to CC, where their PF the 2+ save and A2 can really make adifference.


5 terminators with assault bolters + 1 AC may sound great, but 10 men Tactical squads have the same firepower at 24", and get even better at 12" when they rapid fire.


I generally use assault terminators with thunderhammers, they're absolutely fantastic in CC against virtually anything when deployed close enough to the ennemy.

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thanks for the comments on the termies guys, glad to see im not the only one who has trouble making them work ^_^


i played abattle against a friend of mine today, took my table and terrain with me in the car and drove to his house, there we set it up and i played against his 1500 wolves list. sadly no picture as i forget my camera <_< he only had 2 "real" wolves units anyway, the rest waas either proxied from his templar army or not painted at all so you guys dont miss all that much (all my terrain excep 1 piece needed a paintjob as well so uh...yea also not missing alot here either)


my list is still the following (il post it again in case people cba to back to the first page :P)


chaplain, jumppack, plasmapistol

7 dc (4 bought)

10 man RAS with fist

10 man tac, rhino, fist, mm,mg

10 man tac, rhino, fist, pg, mm

baal predator with heavy bolters

baal predator with heavy bolters

vindicator with dozerblade


(i actually forget the pp's werent paid for, and sincei have only 7 normal bp/ccw marines i ran the pp ones)


he had:

lord with frost axe, wolf talisman (i think? dident see his list but he mentioned it) bolt pistol and saga of the warrior born.

10 blood claws, powerfist

10 grey hunters, plasmagun, meltagun and fist

10 grey hunters, fist and riding a rhino (dont think these had any special weapons, could be wrong....

dreadnought with TLLC and storm bolter

dreadnought with TLLC and storm bolter

predator with TLLC and 2 lascannon sponsons.

land raider crusader (blood claws and lord went here <=)


think his list came to 1490 or something like that. we setup the terrain a building with a crater in it went in the centre of the board. i had a watchtower and a rock outcrop in my DZ. he had a ruined rhino (wreck) and a rock in his DZ. in the centre was a intact building nd a small church to either sides of the building in the centre.


we rolled for missions and got capture and control with spearhead deployment. since we only have a 4 by 4 table we reduced the centre radius to 8 inch instead of 12 inch.


i had won the roll to go first and took it. i placed the PG/MM unit in the watchtower. with the empty rhino alongside them. my 2 baals, vindi and the remaining rhino were in a line to the right, as close to the centre as i could. my RAS and DC were hiding behind the armoured spearhead.


he deployed the unmounted grey hunters as close to me as he could, the LC predator was hiding behind the church to the right. the LR crusader to the left of the predator with the rhino left of that. his 2 dreadnoughts were near the edge of the table. he dident sieze initiative.


my mounted rhino moved to the right, hiding behind the rock (wanted to flank with these) my vindi and baals moved to the right (baals overcharged) and the empty rhino rode 12 inches forward. my shooting (all of it) accounted for 2 or 3 of his grey hunter pack, nothing impresisve.


his 1st turn his land raider and rhino moved 12 inches to my left, his 2 dreads moved to the centre of the board he then opened fire and blew up 1 of my baals. either missed the rest or dident penetrate


my 2nd turn my vindi moved right again to get a better LOS to his grey hunter pack (but i kinda missed the part that my vindi wouldnt get a cover save from his shooting anymore :pinch: ) rhino to the right moved up. the empty rhino rode up the old posistion of my baal and popped smokes. the RAS moved behind the rhino and my DC also adjusted their poisition a little. pivoted the baal so his lascannons would be firing at the fron AV instead of the side AV this turn. vindicator fired at his grey hunters, wounded 4, he saved 3 with cover (argghhh) rest of my shooting also went to the grey hunters, some more died, he passed ld test.


his 2nd turn. grey hunters in the centre moved 1 (or 2) inches throught terrain, his dreads kept walking forward. land raider and rhino moved forward 12 inches again. predator stayed put. his shooting phase blew of the AC on my 2nd baal. the vindicator's demolisher cannon. shooting on my rhino (pen 6) was prevented by the smoke launchers that i had launched luckily.


3rd turn. i moved the vindicator forward (it had lost its main asset anyway...) the baal predator moved a few inches to the side (in case something nearby would charge it would hit at a 4+ at least) and popped smokes, vindicator also popped smoke. the empty rhino moved 12 inches to the left to block his transports hopefully. the rhino to the right moved 12 inches forward and popped smokes. my assault squad jumped to the edge of the ruin and fired at his grey hunters about 3-4 inches in. killed a few, he passed LD i charged and rolled a 1 and a 2 so werent going anywhere.


his 3rd turn. his rhino moved forward as it was able to moved past my rhino, his land raider rammed my rhino, taking its storm bolter off. both where now a few inches away from the watchtower (dident disembark because he couldnt charge yet) dreadnoughts moved to the right towards my rhino, predator stayed put. he shot at my vindicator, shakingg it. his dreadnoughts wrecked my right rhino and the land raider's multi-melta wrecked my left one. his grey hunter backed up and shot at my assault marines, taking one down,


my 4th turn, my rightern tactical squad moved inside the ruined church, assault squad moved forward through the ruins. death company jumped behind the watchtower. the baal overcharged to the side so it could take a shot at the rhino. vindicator tried to ram his predator, but was just 1 inch short on its range. the baal immobilized the rhino with its heavy bolters, the tactical's multi melta (who was in melta range i might add) missed its shot (as usual <_<) the assault squad fired at the grey hunters, dont think they did anything. tacticals to the right ran (1 inch) and DC ran to the left of the watchtower. my assault squad charged his grey hunters and killed all 3 (but also lost 3 in the process, had to take 1 armour save, failed it and only killed the 2 grey hunters without the fist.....21 attacks and only killing 2, yea....my assault squad isent good at what theyre for.....) consolidated towards the centre because i would need to support my home objective next turn.


his 4th turn, both squads disembarked from their squads. the grey hunters moved towards my DC (shouldnt have ran them...) the blood claws and the lord towards my tacticals. his predator shot at my vindi, taking its storm bolter off and shaking it. his 2 dreads shot at my tactical shot but only killed 1 (cover saves) he shot at my DC with his squad, killing one. the claws and lord shot at my tacticals, also killing one. he charged my DC and tacticals. the chaplain killed 4 of his grey hunters before they got to attack, DC killed off the rest (except the powerfist) and lost 3 of their numbers in return. he lost his LD test and passed his initiative test and ran off. his lord in the meantime killed 4 tacticals and his squad killed 3 more, my tacticals dident do anything and the powerfist wounded his lord but he passed his invul save. he won initiative test and i had to make armour saves for the remaining 3 models. powerfist bit the dust but PG and MM remained alive. his dreadnought also treid to charge me but failed it dangerous terrain test (guess my assault marines arent the only slowpokes :P


5th turn, DC jumped towards the melee. baal overcharged and moved a few inches to the table edge. assault marines jumped out of the terrain, passed dangerous terrain. tacticals to the right moved forward (barely) MG shot at the dread but missed its shot. baal shot its heavy bolters at the grey hunter with fist, causing 5 wounds, he failed 3. DC and assault squad charged in. his lord with 4 extra attacks directed all of them against my chaplain. he died (what a suprise) but managed to put 1 wound on the lord as well. his grey hunters attack the assault squad, taking 1 down. in exchange i took down about 7-8 blood claws. he failed LD, i won initiative test, some blood claws died.


his 5th turn. his predaotr moved backwards. his dreadnought moved in the gap towards the tacticals. his dreads fired at my tacticals, killing a few. his predator fired its TLLC at my vindi, exploding it. he charged the tacticals with the one chasing them, the other one wasent in range. he killed 3 tacticals, none of my krak grenades hit and the powerfist rolled 1's for AP. i passed LD. the lord directed his attacks against the DC this turn, killing all 3. the assault squad and 2 tacticals that were still alive killed of his grey hunters and the PF crushed his lord. consolidated towards the objective (had it eneded here i would have won with 1 objective to none for him, but off course it dident....)


6th turn, tacticals moved up towards the objective. assault squad jumped behind his immobilized rhino. baal fired at the rhino wrecking it, assault squad ran closer to the rhino so they couldnt be shot at. the melee with the dread dient go well either. i krak grenade hit, and i immobilized it. fist dident do anything. failed LD test an ran.


his 6th turn. his dread followed my tacticals (the one that wasent immobilized) and the predator fired...(dont recall if the vindi died this turn the previous one) lost a few tacticals. his land raider killed of my 2 tactical marines on the objective. we rolled for a 7th turn, we god it.


7th turn, my assault squad jumped onto my objective. 2 died due to dangerous terrain (off course, why not....) tactical squad turned around, fired its melta weapons at the dread. mg hit and failed to pen, mm missed altogether (and guess what, in melta range....) baal moved to the right.


his 7th turn, his dreads and pred fired at my tactical squad, killing all but the fist and MG. he charged them, killing off all but the fist, who did nothing for 3 turns in row. his land raider shot off my 2 assault marines.


a draw. if i sounded somewhat bitter at any place during this batrep its probably because i am. not due to my friends gameplay or list, those were all normal and he made good calls. but due to the dice rolls. all my vehicle (and anti-vehicle) related die rolls were useless. multi meltas never hit any vehicles (strangely enough they could hit a grey hunter....) and melta/plasmaguns just downright failed to penetrete each and every time. his AT on the other was spot on every time....his first shot rolled a 6 for AP and a 6 for result...would only have been worse of the diametre was also 6 (was 1 inch i think)


in the 2nd turn he shot off the 2 main guns of my battletanks.


it just seemed that whatever i tried the dice were stopping me, the assault squad failed a charge by 1 inch (alhtough fair enough the same could be said twice about his dreadnought) i must say that my DC reaped a hefty toll on his army this game. ive rended as much as ive wounded normally and they were charged once, the other time they charged they killed off a great deal of his blood claws. sadly i counted 4's as hits instead of 3's but still the damage was huge.


i feel the DC really saved the day for me, they shined while the rest of the army was just hefty luggage....and while i just got a draw in the end, it was a fun game to play. dispite the bad luck.

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thanks wildfire :) yea some things are variable whilst other things im universaly unlucky with. like my RAS sargeant who dies whenever something in the board sneezes at his direction :P every time he has to take 1 save he dies and bites the dust.... other things i was sometimes unluck with other times lucky (dangerous terrain) my opponent though was generally very luck with his AT, only after the main cannons have been shot off from my vindi and baal he aparently becamse unable to destroy any of them... in close combat his lord destroyed everything he touched whilsts his grey hunters couldnt dent a pack of butter with a powerfist :-P (werent good at taking hits either!)


anyway...ive played another game today, sadly a 1000 pts game though so like all the previous battles it was gonna be a tough one.


he had: bs5 suit lord with 3 wounds, plasma rifle and missle pod and upgrade so he could fire both. with 2 body guards with the same gear. lord had some sunlight goggle upgrade or something....

11 (or 12) fire warriors with sargeant with marker light.

11 (or 12) fire warriors with sargeant with marker light.

10 fire warriors

3 broadsides with BS 4

skyray missle thingy


for terrain i had 2 craters in my DZ, in the middle was a big ruin with a church to my left and a sandbagencampment to the right. a ruined predator and a church in his DZ. mission was d3+2 (we rolled a 1) objectives with dawn of war deployment. 1 objective was in the centre of the board, 1 in the crater near my DZ and 1 in the middle of nowhere near his DZ. i won the roll to choose who went first and decide to let him go first (biggest mistake i made all battle)


he deployed a unit of firewarriors in the church to the left and one unit to the right with the sandbags. his suits were in the centre of the ruin. since he had deployed his units as forward as he possibly could i only had a 6 inch DZ.... i deployed my 2 rhinos to the left and set my chaplain up behind them. i dident sieze initiative.


his turn his army came up, broadsides ran into the church in his DZ. the unit firewarriors ran a few inches to the ruin in the centre. his shooting wrecked 1 of my rhinos, nothing else happend. his skyray and broadsides couldnt see anything.


my turn my army came up, my baal and vindi came to my right to take out his firewarriors (wanted to take out all his troops) tacticals slogged towards the crater with objective. rhino moved forward 12 inches and popped smokes. the tacticals ran 1 inch (bah, damn run rolls) DC jumped behind the rhino and chaplain joined them. my shooting took down 1 firewarrior to the right (yes with bth the baal and vindi shooting....damn cover)


his shooting phase the blew up my rhino with a pen 6 and killed 3 DC. a few tacticals from the exploding rhino died due to other shooting.


my 2nd turn. tacticals moved into the crater. DC and chapy jumped towards the firewarriors. the smaller tac squad moved towards the edge of the centre ruin. baal and vindi moved forward abit. tacticals in the ruin and dc fired at the firewarriors. he passed LD baal and vinid shot and killed a few firewarriors. DC and chapy charged the firewarriors and wiped them out (2-3 kills from chap and 4 from DC, last remaining tau dident hit and was crushed by sweeping advance) consolidated to the corner of the church so i was closer to his units in the centre.


his 3rd turn, he killed off my DC and chapy. firewarriors moved to the edge of the centre terrain piece and rapid fired at my ttacticals (had ran 2 forwards, the rest were behind a closed door :pinch: 2nd big mistake) his shooting took down a few tacticals.


my 3rd turn, baal and vindi moved up. vindi scattered (horribly) and baal slaughtered a fair bunch of firewarriors, 4 remaining of the unit now ^_^ tacticals fired at the suits, took a wound off.


his 4th turn he rapid fired some more against my tacticals in the centre objective, killed sargeant 1 or 2 more bolter marines (unit down to plasma, MM and bolter now) failed LD and ran. he killed off some of my other unit's tacticals but passed LD. he shot at my but dident do anything( cover saves! yay)


my fourth turn, the 3 tacticals moved into the ruin 6 inches fired boltpistols. baal tried to overcharge but stalled, shot at his suits... vindi scattered horribly (again) and did nothing. the tacticals fired at the suits and killed off the 2 bodyguards. tacticals tried to charge the firewarriors 3 inches away and i rolled snakeeyes :down:


his 5th turn, he fired at my vindi and scored a pen 6. killed of my tacticals in the centre ruin.


my 5th turn, baal overcharged and got it. moved 6 inches and blew the centre firewarrior apart. the few that still lived took tail and ran for it, as he had no bonding knife were out of the game (yay) tacticals fired at his suit lord in the centre terrain, he passed saves.


we rolled for a 6th turn and rolled a 2. the game ended with 1 objective for me, and none for the tau.


had the game went on for another turn i would have gotten a draw most likely or even lose....i only had a few tacticals and a baal left whilst the majority of his army was still alive and kicking ;) i screwed myself from the start by letting him go first when i obviously should have taken it. i totally forget about half the board DZ and the fact that turn 1 used nightfighting rules.... the first 2 turns saw my army "get its wings clipped" so to speak as both my rhinos passed away and i lost 3 out of 4 DC's.....


the "win" i got out of it feels somewhat shallow when i see 90% of my army lying in pieces when hes still alive and kicking (well mostly anyway)

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Yah, against gunline tau you pretty much always want to go first. That extra turn of shooting the get when going first can be deciding. As long as you get 3 or so tacs into his lines, you can usually take out whole squads of them in CC.
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well had another game today (again against my frenzy buddy) and we both wanted to try a somewhat different list. ive done over 10 games with the mech list and i could use something new and fresh.


i played:


6 DC with jumppacks

10 scouts with powerfist

10 tacticals with heavy bolter and plasmagun

10 tacticals with multi-melta plasmagun and powerfist mounted in a rhino

10 assault marines with powerfist

5 man bike squad with 2 meltas and fist

MM attack bike

MM attack bike


he ran somethone along the lines of:

big mek with kustom force field

weirdboy with reroll upgrade

30 boyz mob with powerklaw and bosspole mob with 2 rokkit launchas and big shoota, sluggas and choppas (weirdboy joined these)

30 boyz mob with powerklaw and bosspole mob with big shootas, shootas in the unit. (big mek joined these)

7 or 8 bikers with powerklaw/bosspole nob

10 (or so) stormboyz with powerklaw and bosspole nob

7 or 8 kommandos with 2 flamers and snikkrot

unit of 10 gretchin with runtherd


we had the wrecked pred in the centre, had 2 churc like ruins in my DZ. he had the same. a woods to either side of the centre of the board. he won the roll to go first and took it. we played the game where you have 1 objective in your DZ and so does your opponent (abit tired atm, cba to look up the name) i placed it in the church to the right, he on a ruin to the left. he deployed his 2 boyz mobs to my right, hiding behind the woods and abit behind the ruin in his DZ. to the left of that were his kanns, his deffkopas, his stormboyz, his gretchin on the objective. kommandos stayed in reserve.


i deployed the HB/PG unit on the objective, deployed the bike squad behind the church. DC and assault squad were between the gap between the 2 ruins (assault marines in front) both 2 MM attack bikes behind that. scouts i deployed in my left flank IN the ruin and the rhino was placed behind the ruin. couldnt sieze initiative.


his army moved forward, deffkoptas turbo boosted to the right, he moved and ran the unit with big mek a total of 12 inches (through terrain i might add) his weirdboy rolled for power and got a 6 (waagh power) but since stuff wasent in range it dident matter. his bikes zoomed to the left. kanns moved forward and killed 2 RAS. his sotrmboyz were hiding behind the gretchin (reversed world)


my first turn i expected a 2nd turn charge so moved my assault squad and DC for a countercharge, bikes moved in (barely) rapid fire range. both MM attack bikes moved forward, rhino moved forward and popped smokes and upon seeing the huge horde i wasent sure what to do with the scouts so held them back (the second i moved them out of cover the bikes would have gotten free kills....) shooting took down 3-4 orks or so, both attack bikes missed (no suprise there) and he generally rolled a ton of cover saves....


his 2nd turn, snikkrot came in and landed behind the scouts (can he really deploy on my DZ with snikkrot?) orks with big mek moved forward, and ran. weirdboy got the waagh power (again) and his unit moved forward. bikes shot at my DC, killing one. stormboyz moved up and landed behind the bikers. kanns kill 1 MM attack bike. deff koptas landed behind the kanns and take down the other MM attack bike. he charged my 5 bikes with his big mob with big mek (damn weirdboy :)) killed off all 4 except the sarg who stood his ground, killed of a few in return and drew combat. snikkrots flamers killed off 5 of my scouts (i had piled them into a corner because they kept falling over and i couldnt reach the models very well, he hit 16 with 2 flamers......) in h2h i lose 2, kill 2. drew combat as well.


my 2nd turn, assault squad moved up to support the bikers, DC move up to wipe snikrott of the face of the earth. rhino moves up 12 inches and unloads 10 tacticals behind the stormboyz. i rapid fire them and only 2 remain (nob and 1 boy) rest of my shooting fizzles alot, HB/PG unit fires at the unengaged mob and kill 2 i think (terrible dice rolling) DC and lemy wipe out the kommandos before the scouts or the orks get to attack. assault squad charges to support the lone biker. with 21 attacks and 5 powerfist attacks i kill the hefty sum of 5 orks, lose the biker and 1 or 2 marines.....he stays in combat due to fearless, takes armour saves (passes 2 out of 3...)


his 3rd turn, his stormboyz jump behind my rhino, bikes turn around and fire at the tacticals. take down the PF and 4 bolter marines (seriously.....) pass LD, get charged, lose 3 tacticals for no return wounds turn tail and run, i do break off. the kanns fire at my DC, killing one. koptas fire at the HB/PG squad, doing nothing as i pass save, unit with weirdboy close in, roll a 4 for power (1+ attack to entire unit) and the combat with the assault marines sees more of my models dying off horribly as their terrible PF sarg fails to do anything and the ork passes his armour saves 90% of the time....squadsize is slowly decreasing...


my 3rd turn, totally forget about the 2 tactical marines, totally forget about the HB/pG squad's firing. move scouts out of cover, and jump DC from behind the building and wipe out the deff koptas. assault marines down to 2 models now. i moved my rhino towards his gretchin (making sure to move 12 inches as an angry stormboy with pwoerklaw is chasing me) fire and kill 1 gretchin, nothing big enough to warrant a LD test....


his 4th turn, 1 of his stormboyz dies to jumping, the powerklaw is now alone. he chases the rhino and fails to do anything. kanns and bikes surround DC and wipe them out. my assault squad dies (ork unit is now under 10 models though...YAAAAAY) he charges my HB/PG suqad by calling out a waagh (he was short a few inches after unning and i asked him why he dident do one, i dident mind) killed of about er......6 tactical marines, i lose LD and run.....


my 4th turn, HB/PG squad (or whats left of it) regroups, moves 6 inches towards the orks and co charges with the scouts, win combat but i dont got a whole lot left, rhino tank shocks gretchin but they apss LD test, i shoot and kill 1 with stormbolter.


i then called the game. i had to go home and it wasent enjoying the game anymore (actually after turn 2 things started going downhill very fast) the inmense luck he had with his dice rolls (never seen an ork roll so many 5's and 6's on a to hit roll for shooting attacks...) could only be matched by my horrible bad luck with dice rolls. twice i had lost half an unit in 1 combat (or shooting) phase....in the meantime he also passed a ton of saves, he only simularities seemed to be that both our powerfist/klaws dident seem to be doing much (well 2 attacks of either party werent,...but since he had more attacks... ;))


may seem kind of strange that im blaming the dice for losing me the game (specialy since thats the whole point of the game) but there were so many things turned against me that no matter what i tried to go things went awry. some things did go allright (like the things the DC charged tended to turn into a red vapour....) but they were to little and couldnt turn the tide of the game.


my opponent also had a nice balanced list, can only give him cudos for that. i hope that the next game that i play i get to test my list abit better... +1 loss for the angels in red :(

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regulars, couldnt have an AC in there otherwise m8 :P dident i mention that in my report? :P


Serves me right for skimming.


I love that unit. I would also say reconsider the advice to not deploy the termies at the start. I think having them mobile and shooting from turn one is exceptionally useful in most cases. I also almost always run them next to corbs and/or an HG to make sure they get the ignore wound and FC if need be. I use them in a support role almost entirely- never a hammer unit. Theyre almost always a counter charge unit for me. While 4 PFs cannot be ignored as far as pure power goes - i think mobile anti horde or anti-light tank is great.

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had a game today, we played a scenario from the new "battlemissions" book from GW. i played a guard player and one of the guardmissions struck my eye: war of attrition. basicly you can recycle each and every unit that has been killed, seemed like a good idea at the time ;)


i played the same list as last time with the bikes, he had:



command squad with 2 bodyguards, powerfist on officer.


unit of 5 ratlings

guardsman marbo


2 platoon with 3 guardsmen squads. first platoon had captain el raham, 1 heavy flamer and 2 flamers and all infantry squads had grenade launchers. other command squad had 2 plasma in command and all squads had lascannons. he had a single heavy weapon squad with mortars.

he had a single vet squad with 3 meltas and a chimera with multilaser.


leman russ with hull lascannon, sponson heavy bolters and sintle heavy stubbors

leman russ with turrets S6 AP4 (ignores cover) turret with heavy flamer.


S1 (poisend 2+) fast vehicle with hull heavy flamer.


as you can see the majority of his army is troops, something i dident consider when we started the scenario, this gave me a severe headache that started halfway during the scenario and it still stings while im typing this :rolleyes:


we placed terrain, ruins in the centre with a ruined pred to the left of it. 2 ruins in my half and 2 in his (all small churches) to the right were 2 small placements of woods.


following the scenario i began with placing my units, placing my assault marines to the right behind the woods. attack bike behind the right ruin, bikes and other attack bike behind the other ruin. tactical squad in the ruin to my left. rhino with tacticals left from the ruined predator (so placed that i would get a cover save most likely) and the DC was placed between the predator and rhino. held scouts in reserves.


he placed his infantry stretched out over the table. el raham and an infantry squad were in the woods opposite to my assualt squad. the leman russ was behind the woods, mortars were behind the right ruin. ratlings and a single lascannon troops were in his right ruin. unit of 10 with lascannon were placed between the ruin. a unit of 10 with lascannon in the left ruin with a command squad behind it. fast tank and the S6 leman russs were to the left on the hill. chimera with veterans to the right. following the scenario he rolled a d6 to see if he would get turn 1. on a 1 he would have it. 10 guesses what he rolled <_<


first turn he killed 6-7 assault marines, i passed LD. killed 1 of my bikes and killed 6 tacticals of my squad in the ruin, passed LD. he was able to hit 3 DC and lemy with his AP3 flamer but since AP 3 doesent dissalow feel no pain none died (and lemy passed his invul :lol:)


my first turn my assault marines jumped over the terrain. bikes came out of cover and the attack bikes also moved up. rhino zoomed forward 12 inches and the DC moved 4 inches to the left so they could now assault the unit that my opponent was so kind to place so close to my lines. tacticals and bikes shot at a unit who was in the ruin in the centre, killed a few. in the assault phase the DC wiped out a squad. bikes charged and ran another squad down (though 2 died to a dangerous test the way in :blink: ). the few assault marines killed off captain el rahem and his cronies.


his 2nd turn, captain el rahem came back (ah yes, the :cuss started hitting the fan so soon... ) as did the other units that i killed last turn :turned: and they moved to the woods behind my assault squad. his chimera moved forward a few inches. he dident move much else i think. marbo also came on and he showed up in the ruins to my right. marbo shot off 1 wound from a attack bike. the other attack bike died due to a lascannon from somewhere. i lost 1 tactical marine and they ran (><) dient run off the table though but werent effective anymore as they couldnt fire at anything now. the assault squad died to a man. and 2 or 3 DC died due to alot of shooting. Marbo killed of the attack bike.


2nd turn. the assault marines dident come in yet. scouts did though, i outflanked them and got a lucky right flank (just where i wanted them) moved them forward 6 inches to the infantry squad with el rahem close to them. the tacticals disembarked and walked to one of the new squads that had just shown up (i.e. they were a squad that died last turn and came back for some more....) DC jumped forward 12 inches and landed in front of the lascannon squad (who luckily wasent in cover) the single AB and bike squad moved towards his chimera and killed it with a pen 6 (wasent so lucky the turn before, shooting on the AB's dident do anything) bikes shot at the pinned veterans and charged them, killing them off to a man. the 3 tactical marines shot at marbo, seeing him pass 5 saves from plasma and heavy bolter but getting wounded once by the bolter...) the rest of my assault phase saw my scouts kill of unit in the woods and my DC wiping a squad with lascannon, consolidating in the ruins to the left. the tacticals killed off about 5-6 with shooting and crushed the rest in the assault. in used my d6 movement to spreead my scouts out but couldnt do that properly since el raham was right there with 3 flamers (1 heavy flamer...oh dear)


his 3rd turn. all the thigns that had just died came up again (sigh) al rahem put his unit in such a manner that the heavy flamer was in a perfect spot (was able to flame 7 scouts...) stuff came on the table all over the place. his left corner was sure crowded all of a sudden (almost everything came up here) dont really know what move where and who did what but what basicly happend is this: 7 scouts died from heavy flamer (THAT i do renember....) and other shooting saw 1 more die. he tried to take down my rhino (whom i had placed to block his S6 leman russ) and failling with everything. he shot at my DC some, killing 1 i think. he shot at the tacticals some. wiped the 3 man squad out. he shot at the rhino, immobilizing it. he charged the scouts with el rahem, killing 1 but the powerfist made sure i won close combat, they passed LD.


3rd turn, assault marines and the 10 HB/PG unit came back on board. assault marines came up to help the scouts out. the tacticals came up on the other side to help out the other tacticals. (the MM/PG squad was down to 4 man btw) the 4 man squad moved to the fast flame tank. whilst the HB/PG moved up to charge a unit who had appeared behind my rhino. rhino popped smoke, DC moved abit further into the ruin. my assault marines wiped out el rahem before him and his cronies could hit my scouts on the head. spread scout and RAS out to minimizie shooting from him (as about 4 infantry squads were nearby it was bound to come in. DC wiped out a command squad in the ruins. HB/PG tacticals killed 5 (or 6) guardsmen, but lsot 3 and he passed LD. 4 man tacticals immobilized and shook the fast tank.


his 4th turn. all of his stuff came up again (minus the el rahem unit i think) veterans came up behind my 4 man tactical squad. they shot at the 4 man squad, killing 2 (meltas, the other stuff dident do anything) the majority of his shooting went against my RAS, had 3 men left after the game. scout remained untouched (though he was hit by a scatter, but passed cover save) marbo had shot 1 RAS. he shot alot at my DC who thanks to cover and feel no pain remained unscathed. he shot at the rhino, taking its stormbolter off. combat saw me draw against the guardsmen. my 2 tacticals (pf and plasmagun) were still in contact with the fast tank, and so attacked again taking its chem cannon off and shaking it.


4th turn. the 2 tacticals moved up to the rear of the tank. the 3 assault marines jumped out (1 died to dangerous terrain :() and the scout moved out to charge the leman russ. the DC jumped out of the terrain (none died to dangerous terrain) and were placed between 2 squads. i charged the leman russ with the scout, hit once (he had moved 6 inches) and rolled a 1 for pen....the 2 assault marines wiped a squad of 10. the DC and lemy double charged a unit of 10 with lascannon and the mortars, wiping both out. my few tacticals won against the guardsmen but they won the initiative test and ran. they landed a few inches away from the table edge, i consolidated towards the rhino.


5th turn. his veterans came up and el rahem came up behind the tactical squad. veterans killed a few and el rahem and co fired and then charged. the single PF sarg died. his shooting dident accoplish anything against the DC(lascannon missed and i passed ALOT of feel no pains, lemy down to 1 wound left though...). his shooting killed of my 2 RAS (big suprise) marbo charged and killed the scout sarg (ahw) my tacticals killed off el rahem and co. he charged the DC with the command squad, killed 1 DC whilst getting wiped out themselves


my 5th turn, assault marines came up behind the veterans; whom they charged and wiped out. and the HB/PG squad came in and killed of the morats who ahd came in his turn. the tactical squad (now down to 2) charged a depleted (6 or so left) lascannon squad and failed to do anything, but the plasmagunner died, passed LD. DC pulled off another combined assault agianst 2 full 10 man squads, won combat and killed off both with sweeping advance consolidated 6 inches towards the guardsmen in his ruin, with the intention of killing those next. i had consolidated the RAS in the open (stupid as i could have put them all into the ruins >< dont know what i was thinking) i rolled to see if we got another turn and we did.


for the sheer fun of it we decided to see onto how many pooints we were now. dont know the exact numbers but he was 10 points ahead of me.


6th turn. he killed of the DC, shot at my HB/PG squad, killed 6 and i failed my LD test and ran (second time i failed a LD test i think) shooting killed 8 of my RAS (ouchie) and in combat nothing happend between the tacticals and the single PF sarg.


my 6 th turn. my assault marines jumped up to his leman russ (who dident move in his last turn) killed it with a pen 6, consolidated between 6 inches in the crashed lander in the middle. i moved the 4 tacticals in the woods so they would survive shooting (somewhat) if they got shot at inb the 7th turn.


i rolled for a 7th turn but it dident come, i rolled a 3...


a very hectic and hard game to play. i think we played 3.5 hours+ so my memory might be abit fuzzy on certain things...he had perhaps about 1000 points games of troops that JUST :cuss ing KEPT COMING BACK!!!! i know its the entire scenario we were playing i was even the one who suggested the scenario but seriously....it just became long whinded and boring after a short whilei think he said he had some 90 infantry models who came back onto the board after they were killed (and they were killed....alot)


after counting the final victory points he was ahead 100 points, so a loss for the blood angels. but since we used victory points i think it was a draw... we couldnt really find the rules anywhere but last edition had a sort of diagram so you could see if you scored a draw, a minor victory, major vitcory etc etc but i couldnt find it anywhere. whatever the game counts as in the end (will put it down as a loss) it was a very hard fought but fun battle.


i think this is the first game that ive ever played where ive crushed several entire units in a single assault phase. it is AWESOME!!! and i think il add some more assault marines to my army (i will add 10 anyway to make myself a full company) since i only had 1 unit they were soaking up the majority of incoming hits, not all that well for the health trully. it also was very apparant that i have no kind of ranged AT in my army...period. bikes are simply not a good method of AT because people know what a thread they are and people target them, simple as that. they do have T5 but it simply isent enough, people dont shoot the weak stuff at them, they trully want them dead. the attack bikes for some reason also dont work for me, same reason as for the normal bikes....


only played 2 battles with the bikes so far (several more with the attack bikes) and i just dont know. i think il be adding something else AT in my list to fill the gap, perhaps a dakka pred or a dreadnought. they would stand next to the HB/PG unit anyway (as its ranged AT they dont need to attack alongside the RAS or DC) and that would offer me a more powerfull firebase. im leaning towards a dreadnought atm as it would be a more intimidating thing to charge. the dreadnought can also kick some stuff in close combat and perhaps i can afford another dread i would make it a furioso...im not to sure on that. what do you guys think?

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only played 2 battles with the bikes so far (several more with the attack bikes) and i just dont know. i think il be adding something else AT in my list to fill the gap, perhaps a dakka pred or a dreadnought. they would stand next to the HB/PG unit anyway (as its ranged AT they dont need to attack alongside the RAS or DC) and that would offer me a more powerfull firebase. im leaning towards a dreadnought atm as it would be a more intimidating thing to charge. the dreadnought can also kick some stuff in close combat and perhaps i can afford another dread i would make it a furioso...im not to sure on that. what do you guys think?



I think you should try a squad of 3 attack bikes rather than 2x1. With the bikes lost you could actually go 2x3 no?

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i could do more attack bikes yes. will i? no :lol:


had a game today against the frenzy ork teammate. he ran:

big mek with shokk attack gun.

big mek with kustom force field.

unit of 10 (i think?) Lootas

30 boyz mob with 2 rokkit launchas and big shoota, shootas for the mob and nob with power klaw and bosspole.

30 boyz mob with 3 big shootas, sluggas and nob with power klaw and bosspole.

unit of 10 (or so) grethcin with runtherd

3 deffkoptas with twin linked rokkit launchas

10 (or so) stormboyz with nob with power klaw and bosspole.

3 killa kans with kustom mega blasta

unit of 8 (i think? or 10?) bikes with powerklawnob with bosspole.


thats about it. we played one of the space marine scenarios from the battlemission book. we played the 3rd space marine scenario "desperate defense" or something like that. basicly i was holding a last stand against my foe (orks in this case). i had an objective in the centre of the board (placed it in a bunker for the scenario) and had a 12 inch sphere (6 inch diametre) to place my troops. my opponent had to stay 6 inch away from THAT sphere but could place his troops anywhere other then that(any table edge as well) troops failing LD tests retreated towards the closest table edge. my opponent couldnt place any heavy support or hq's on the table but we we were reminded before starting turn 1 of this (as we both had missed this little line) so my opponent was hurt by this as he missed the kustom force field's cover save.


for terrain we had (like i said) a bunker in the middle surrounded by barricades. the rest of the terrain was somewhat scattered around the board. a small emplacement of woods to my right very close to my bunker but the rest was pretty far away.


deployment was also different compared to normal 40k scenario's in that it was identical to how deployment went back in 4th edition (for those who havent played during that time il explain) 1 player starts (we rolled off for this, i won opting to go first) by placing 1 unit, then the other player places a unit. you continue doing this until both sides have depployed anything they wanted. the space marine (me in this case) was allowed to put units that were either fast attack or units that could deepstrike in reserves.


i had deployed my HB/PG unit in the bunker as the objective holder. my rhino and tactical squad (wasent on board) were placed to the south side of the bunker against the barricades. my scouts were in the northern part up to the barricades. DC and Lemy were to the western part of the bunker. my opponent had placed his stormboyz to the western part of the board, behind a ruin (and in charge range of the DC...) a unit of boyz to the south with big mek kustom force to the south. next to them he dployed the lootas, half in cover behind a building. the northwestern corner he deployed his bikes. in north-east corner he deployed his other boyz mob with the gretchin shielding them from the front (like he always does :lol: )


we diced off for first turn and he got it (may have cursed a litte :lol: ) his stormboyz jumped over terrain, a few inches away from my DC. his gretchin and the unit behind moved forward and ran, and were now awfully close to my barricades (less than 1 inch...) his other unit moved forward and fired at my tactical squad. with 2 rokkit launchas, a big shoota and 52 shoota shots he only managed to kill 1, was very luck with armour saves...his stormboyz charged the DC and before they got to attack i killed all but 2 and the nob. nob missed ALL his powerklaw attacks and the 2 stormboyz dident do much either as i passed all but 1 armour save and then passed the FnP save. he rolled LD, failed and was run down with a sweeping advance (dont know if he used banner, i guess he did..)


my first turn, DC jumped over to the boyz unit to the south, MM/PG tactical squad moved alongside them. rhino moved over the barricades, passed dangerous terain test. my MM tactical squad rapid fired at the boyz mob, took a few out. rhino fired at the lootas and the HB squad fired at the northern boyz squad (dident roll to well for to hits though) scouts fired at the gretchin. the DC reduced the boyz squad to just the mob (after the initial casualties he had to take 12 armour saves for no retreat, lost him all but his mob and he also lost a woundi n the process) the scouts wiped out the gretchin, and consolidated back behind the barricades.


his 2nd turn, he rolled for reserves, his kustom force field big mek showed up, moved towards the back of the boyz unit and joined them, his dekk koptas also showed up and they shot at my MM/PG tacticals, lost 2, passed LD. he moved his bikes around abit and shot at the tacticals, causing some wounds. in combat he wiped my scouts with his boyz mob and big mek (did kill some of his orks in return though) the 1 wound nob also died to mass rending attacks from DC (lemy hit a fair few times but dident wound...) consolidated the DC towards the centre of the table.


my 2nd turn rolled for reserves, only 1 attack bike showed up....i moved it a few inches away from the lootas (since they could show up on whatever table edge i wanted!!!) the rhino moved alongside the bike. DC jumped to the centre of the board, 6 man tacticals (MM/PG) moved towards the deff koptas, tacticals on the objective fired at the bikes but the plasmagunner blew himself up and the rest dident wound (lol, talk about fail :P) in my shooting phase the lone biker shot at his lootas, killing one. rhino shot at them as well but dont think they did anything. in combat the attack bike WIPED the lootas (killed one, suffered no wounds in return and he failed his LD test and i rolled higher for initiative test) DC tore of a fair chunk out of this boyz mob, lost 3 DC models to the powerklaw, no other models got wounded) killed 1 of his deff koptas with my fist, he passed LD. also tried to hit and run but failed.


his 3rd turn, the other big mek showed up, he placed it near the woods and walked into it so he would at least get a save. his bikes moved around abit again, shot at my tacticals again the HB died (or he did last turn, cant renember) in combat i lost my last DC reduced the mob to about 8 or 9 models. he killed 1 tactical and i put 1 wound on the deff kopta, a draw. he tried to hit and run again and failed again.


3th turn, assault squad and bike squad showed up. bike squad showed up behind the big mek, my assault squad a little to the south of them. i jumped them up about 2 inches away from lemy and the orks. turbo boosted the attack bike to the north, rhino moved to the north as well and fired at his bikes. my bikes killed the big mek with their meltas (failed cover save). assault squad took down his big mek, and his boyz. killed another deff kopta, he passed LD.


his 4th turn, he only had his bikes left on the table but his killa kans showed up next to my bikes. killed 1 with shooting, charged and killed 2 with close combat attacks. i tore one of their weapons of with fist and passed LD test. his bikes shot at my tacticals some more (like the previous 3 turns <_<) since they were on the objective they were fearless. i killed of his last deff kopta (FINALY)


my 4th turn, attack bike dident feel like showing up <_< (rolled 1 for reserves) tacticals now free from combat moved and ran towards my objective. lemy and assault squad jumped over to his bikes, lemy joined the assault marines. the attack bike and rhino shot at the bikes. i charged with assault squad+lemy and the attack bike in the biek squad. killed all the normal bikers and put 1 wound on the nob, he killed lemy with his klaw and was run down (or rather my opponent just removed him) if he would gotten out of combat he would havce run either way so i can kinda see that. i wrecked one of his kans, only suffering 1 wound in return due to lots of misses, just my PF biker left now.


his 5th turn, he killed the PF biker.


my 5th turn, attack biker showed up, other biker moved 12 inch alongside him inside melta range but missed. the new found biker shot and also missed. the MM tactical shot at him, he failed his cover save and blew 1 up! HUZAH!!!! he rolled for 6th turn and got it.


his 6th turn. killa kan moved towards the bikers, shot and missed so charged and killed a single attack bike.


my 6th turn, i blew up his last killa kan with a MM scoring a massacre!


gotta say, its been a long while since ive tabled someone...it dident feel right for a number of reasons:

first of all my opponent was HORRIBLY unlucky.

second i on the other hand was horribly lucky....its kinda like our last game except the dice rolls were reversed this time....

and third, the board we play on at our FLGS is (and always is) a 4 x 4 board. these scenario's simply arent meant for such small boards. granted i probably suffered from that the most, getting charged in turn 1 and 2 but it still doesent take away that the board is simply to small. he for example dident have enough space to put his army together on 1 flank.


i HATE it when i win a game due to luck. 40k is first and foremost a tactical game in my mind and i think it stinks when your almost guarranteed to do some serious damage (like first turn charge on the DC) and in turn all the hits that matter (powerklaw) miss and the rest are saved by armour....nothing much you can do against that really...


other then that, his shooting was ungodly good (makes me want to suggest to tell him to give tau a chance or some other army that shoots awfully good :D ) his LD test hardly ever were succesfull (though they ARE orks and his deff koptas were able to pass them -_- ) also not sure if we did hit and run properly, we just rolled initative tests all the time and i kept rolling 5's and 6's while he was stuck with 1-3...


i dont know. its a win. but like some other games that i play it dident feel like one, maybe because a friend of mine was losing?


edit- the d3 S7 guys are actually lootas :-D thanks for that Red Fury, changed it in the batrep

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recalculated my win/loss/draw thing as i like to keep trac kof it and had less games put in there then i had played. i ignored the games from the frenzy list (as games that end by turn 3 dont count in my book...turn 5 or 5+ only...) and found i had slacked off my own wins :blush: ah well....


seen alot more new players in the store these last few days, hope i get a game against them next week :) otherwise our store hosts a "campaign" starting from April, basicly the one who wins the most games gets braggings rights and gets to take the campaign map home :lol: excited about it to say the least :) since this also oes hand in hand with the release of our beloved codex (note im not say re-release....that pdf was no proper dex :)) so im double excited i guess! :)


not sure if i want to try a mechanised list, a jump list or a hybrid list but i guess thats an discussion for another time! be patient guys, more games next week! il bring my camera this time ;)


-edit note- also skipped the win from frenzy, only fair no?

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that setup was strange, but seemed fun. I mean you started the game in the middle of the board surrounded by orks in range of being charged first turn! That and the whole back and forth deployment followed by a dice roll to see who gets to go first. One of the things I really like about 5th ed is the deploy 1st move 1st or deploy 2nd move 2nd mechanic, except for the 1/6 chance if they steal the initiative. Remember back in , was it 2nd or 3rd...they all just blend together now, when each race then added their strategy rating to the die roll for 1st turn? Orks hated that so much .



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oooh thats what you meant. well we played a scenario from the battle missions so we couldnt really help it :P it was a "last stand" sorta mission, marines holding out till back up arrives. i found it a nice change of pace compared to the standard missions :mellow:
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had a battle today, due to insomnia (just had 4-5 hours of sleep) i forget my camera...pity to because this scenario was a pure blast to play! and it was with the templar friend that i played a game against recently, only this time we were teamed up against 3 armies of 1000 pts, with both of us wielding a 1500 pts army.


i wielded:


Captain with powerfist, combi-flamer and jumppack (a model i took out of my display shelf and thought would be fun to include in the list for fun)

7 DC

10 man tactical squad with powerweapon, lascannon and flamer

10 man tactical squad with heavy bolter and plasmagun

baal predator with heavy bolters

vindicator with dozerblade

MM attack bike

MM attack bike


whilst my templar buddy ran:

chaplain in terminator armour with stormbolter, terminator honours and adamantine mantle

champion with the preferred enemy vow

5 normal terminators with 2 assault cannons

6 close combat terminators, 2 thunder hammers and shields (chapy joined these)

dreadnought with assault cannon ( i think, he died rather quikly) with dreadnought close combat weapon

land raider crusader

5 man crusader squad with bolters, MM and flamer

5 man crusader squad with bolters, MM and flamer

10 man crusader squad with close combat weapons and (i think) a powerweapon.


the terrain was pretty straight forward. fortress of redemption in the middle (our fortification, we had to hold it....or rather the tower in the centre <_<) and surrounding this were some placements of ruins here and there. some craters but plenty of open space between cover and our fortress


the scenario was a mission from the planetstrike books, and we used the rules for it as well. both sides had 2 points to spend but we (the defenders) had 2 more that we had to spend on our fortification. we decided to put a battlecannon on our fortress with the 2 points that must be spend on defense, and used the other 2 on an ammunition store and a command centre. not to sure if we did this right but both these 2 strategems worked for the entire fortress, not just 1 section of it.


our opponents did dawn assault and some other thing that dident really impace the mission....whatever it was we had nightfighting rules and were at -1 LD the first turn....


our opponents were 1 deamon player, 1 marine player and an ork player. they all dident really know eachother and lists werent perfect for the scenario but er...anyway onto the lists (or what i can recall of them)


the deamon army was something akin to: skullltaker on deamon mounty thingy (dont recall the name of the bloody thing ><) herald on mount, bloodthirster, 3 units of 10 or so bloodletters and a unit of 10 or so bloodhounds.


orks ran 1 unit of 30 boyz with a big mek with kustum force field. unit of 10 nobz (with upgrades up the ***, FnP for the entire unit, all had a 4+ save, all had a 5+ invul save, most had a big choppa, some had powerklaw if i recall correctly) the warboss joined this unit, he also had a big choppa. unit of 5 or 6 tankbustas and a unit of 5 or 6 lootas.


marines ran (for as far as i know, player was abit unclear about his army...) master of the forge. tactical squad with misssle. tactical squad with missle. scout squad with shotguns, 4 snipers and 1 heavy bolter. also had a unit of 10 devastators (or less? not sure....) with 4 missle launchers and sarg with signum. he also had a ironclad in a pod.


in this scenario we could only deploy our forces with the fortress or within 12 inches of it. we (my teammate and i) could only deploy half of our total points (so 1500 pts between the 2 of us) on the table. i deployed my tacticals squads in the turreted and centre part of the bastion whilst the devastators were holding the missle silo (that we dident use btw) part of the bastion. my vindi was with his rear against the fortress (so no rear shots). my teammate deployed his 2 unjits of within terrain some 12 inches away from the bastion, covering our flanks. his dread was between these 2 units in the open. he also placed his shooty terminators near the dreads and crusader squad, awfully close to the board edge.


our opponents then deployed half the deamons (and yes yea read that right, the deamons deployed normally....) unit of bloodltetters, flesh hounds and herald some 12 inches away from the table edge. devastators and lootas were in the left corner. scouts were in a ruin (fortified by master of the forge) but combat squaded, snipers and hvy bolter in here, shotugns were in the open. tankbustas were to the far far right corner (on their lonesome, with not a friend in the world :P ) opponents had first turn.


just seconds before the game began the GM (gw employee) moved our fort a few inches back to the edge we were standing on and said the opponents couldnt pick sides to deploy from (board was abit unbalanced) and instead told them were to come from. namely the side they were on. also at this time (game was about to begin) a dark eldar player walked in and asked if he could join in...which he could with 500 pts, but he would arrive via reserves as we were so close to starting. he had a unit of jetbikes, talos, 2 units of dar eldar warriors and lord with 2+ invul and retinue in a transport.


first ordenance hit that landed immobilized my vindicator....so that was a useless piece of machinery now if i ever saw one.... the other bombs targetted my friends crusader squads. 2 scattered off target and 2 hit. but he passed his cover saves. the whole army moved forward. shooting dident do anything spectaclur. perhaps 1 marine died, not sure. pod with ironclad landed 2 inches away from our dread, he fired his 2 flamers at the terminators behind and charged the dreadnought (flame passed through the dread, wounded but passed save) and he blew up our dread with a pen 6. our dread however scored the same result back on our unlucky opponent!!!! , fleshounds charged a unit of crusaders killed 1 and lost 1 of their numbers, a draw.


our turn only the terminators moved....(yea i know..original but we were defending and stuff was already in the right places where we needed them) shoooting took out some ork boyz, put some wounds on the ork nobz and we took down a few bloodltetters. combat with the hounds saw 1 marine hit the dust and 1 hound doing the same....


2nd turn, army kept slugging forward, sluggas and bloodletters were now a few inches away from our fort. to the right a unit bloodletters and the nobz kept slogging their way towards our lines. skulltaker showed up on our left flank. shooting saw the scout snipers killing 2 terminators (bad armour save rolls....) and the lootas killing 1 crusader with their long range shooting. combat with the hounds saw our crusader losing 2 models and only doing 2 wounds back (or none at all, cant recall) and he fled! 3 whole inches <_<


our 2nd turn, the flamer crusader (he had a flamer btw!) kept running. my teammates close combat crusaders with champion(dont know whetever he rolled for them seperatly or not, just that they arrived) and close combat termies with chaplain showed up while my DC and chapy came in. the eldar jetbikes came in and started harrying a unit of devatators on the left. i moved them 12 inches from the table edge, whilst the crusaders were right behind me, setting our eyes on the nobz. shooting saw more orks and bloodletters die left and right but the nobz were now so close to our fort that they were out of LOS from the devastators so they just picked a different target now :P here and there stuff died, numbers werent so super high.except for the HB/PG unit who used the reroll for their shooting and were now was reaping a heavy toll on the orks, even with their cover save! in close combat i put a huge dent in the ork lines. with 6 rending wounds and a ton of wounds as well the only 2 models that were left after my charge were a powerklaw and a painboy (both with 1 wound) my teammate had also charged his crusader unit and was about to attack when my opponent just picked up the unit and called it a day (for the unit anyway!) consolidated back towards the fort as were going to get charged either way, but close proximity meant we would have the counter attack special rule!


their 3rd turn, bloodthirster showed up as well as the last unit of letters, both on the left flank. shooting took down all the jetbikes. in close combat the skulltaker and a unit of letters charged the chaplain with close combat termies. after the dust settled we had lost a great deal of termies but since we targetted their letters still caused lots of wounds in return as well only lost combat by 2. since my teamamte was screening the DC with his crusader squad they were now charged by the bloodhounds and 4-5 letters. wiped out to a man, only the champion was left (no wounds) herald charged the 3 remaining shooty terminators and killed 2, got 1 wound put onto him.


our turn 3. my captain came on, nothing else. captain moved 12 inch from the tablde edge towards skulltaker and charged. shooting saw me taking off 2 wounds from the bloodthirster and er...thats it IIRC...maybe i shot some scouts, dont recall. combat saw my the last powerfist terminator died to the herald. my captai alson bite the dust. skull taker directed 3 attacks against him, 3 hit 2 wounded, passed 1 invul save but failed one. he hit a 4 to wound but according to my opponent he was instant deathed ( :blink: ) the rest of his attacks he directed at the chaplain. the 2 remaining bloodletters got killed by the LC terminators (hammer/shields died previous turn to wound allocation...stupid 4++ saves, he rolled 3's....)a wound was put on skulltaker ( believe he already had 1 but now skulltaker had 3? only 1 left at any case...) i intended to charge the bloodletters but my opponent just removed them (dident want to see his pretty models get their faces stomped in i guess :devil: ) consolidated towards the herald.


their 4th turn, bloodthirster busted our left bunker section of the fort and the orks pilled in. only killed 1 ork (failed ld test for counter attack...) but took 5 casualties in return, so my troops ran. they charged a full unit of bloodletters in the close combat terminators and wiped out the remainder of the unit. he charged my DC with his herald, i got counter attack. he killed 2 DC, i killed off the herald in return, awesome trade!


our 4th turn, my teammates raider, my baal and both attack bikes showed up. eldar also had his talos and units of warriors arrive. we placed all on our left flank. our shooting saw alot of the orks on our objective bite the dust, but since i was in such a hurry to go to the shooting phase i completly forged to move my flamer and the squad closer to the orks. the result of that was that i only could charge and attack with of my models, which further results in the powerklaw getting to attack, but luckily he ran (dont ask me why, both got wounded twice but my opponents insisted taht he lost combat....) and i ran him down with the sweeping advance. used the d6 movement to move further in the fort.


oh, and btw alot of shooting went into the bloodletters and skulltaker who dident see the end of this turn :P


their 5th turn, bloodthirster charged the unit inside cover. i attacked first cause he dident have frags, caused about 4 wounds which he all saved, he then killed off 4 or so, i failed LD and ran further in the fort (GM told us to run away from the source of combats in this scenario...)


our 5th turn, we killed off the thirster with shootin attacks (and mind you EVERY UNIT we had fired at this guy, he only lost his 2 wounds to the last unit to fire at him, the land raider)


we rolled for 6th turn and even got a 7th turn but the game was already decided when we killed off that bloodthirster. nothing was even remotly close enough to capture our objective. a unit of 4-5 tacticals treid to run towards it and were then gunned down.


the game ended with our team having left: 2 units of 4-5 tacticals, unit of 10 devastators, immobile baal predator, Lemartes and 2 DC, single MM attack bike, land raider crusader, some spread out dark eldars.


our opponents had left. 2x5 tacticals (think they were tacticals anyway) with missle launchers.the sniper and hvy scouts were uncathed, only 2 shotgun scouts were left. the lootas and tankbustas were also present but not active on the field. dont renember if the devastators survived...perhaps they were the ones running towards the objective? it doesent matter.


overall, a fun game. with the bloodthirster and all it was a pretty close call even! some things that irk me though. communication in these "mega games" as our store calles them is always very very poor. my templar teammate and i had planned some stuff in advance but it was hard to get our opponents attention. they either dident hear us, were talking with people who dident participate in the game or were already taking shots/attacks from 1 of my other teammates. i can understand how that is, i get that to but its still frustrating. my throat is still dry from all the talking and trying to get peoples attentiont (which is hard even when you know their names...)


rule bending, at some cases i beleive the rules were abit bent or misinterpretted. i dont own a deamon codex or army so i dont know all the ins and outs but that skulltaker i just crazy. rend anything on a 4+ and cause instant death with EVERY wound? sounds abit much....it was also so incredibly hard to keep track of wounds because the ork player kept removing the :cuss wound dice away from models! which resulted (in numerous cases) that we were unsure in how much wounds were caused on what models....this really really REALLY slowed the game down, so much that half of us were considering stopping the game before turn 5....it took me and alot of pursassion to keep the guys in the game, the demon player had none of his models left on the board (thirster was a store model) so he just went off to the painting table and my templar buddy told me to control his units for him while he went to buy some stuff from the store, and some stuff for his gf...


like most big games, hectic but ALOT of fun. and a win to boot this time, cant complain there! 11th win so far, not bad at all :-P

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