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dem's batreps


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Speed reading is a secret mod power.


Truthfully, I hadn't read the whole thing yet when I replied. The rules issue caught my eye and I read that first.


Personally, I prefer to avoid big games like this. It can be a real hassle to make things work right and all it takes is one jerk to ruin it for many (thankfully that doesn't seem like a problem with this game).

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Midnight Runner Posted Today, 08:03 PM

Hey just read your dreadfest thread, have you played that yet? It sounds cool (need some photo's with that for sure though lol)

actually no, thats coming up next month somewhere...i really really hope i dont forget the camera for that event, cause the way it sounds its gonna be loads of fun. would be a shame if i cant show any pictures, no?


about the big games JamesI, gotta have to agree with you on that. there were some cases of rules beeing misinterpretted and mistakes are eaily made in such games. made some small ones myself, liek for example when the baal came on the table i fired all the weapons even though rulewise i could only fire 1 (forget i dident have overcharged engines) people are also constantly ruhsing you, are you done moving yet? are you done firing yet? sometimes even moving to the assault phase while your still doing basic movement :D tends to give the games a rushed and forced feel sometimes but luckily the one trying to rush us had only 1 or 2 units (the DE player) so we just asked what he wanted to do, if it dident involve anything any units we intended to shoot/assault wthen we just let him loose.


truthfully i havent the faintest idea what he did all game...i just heard him make some comments and/or complain every now and then. gotta love that Talos though, its a tough nut to crack when ur against it, but this shooting took down ALOT! including the last wound on the skulltaker :D


and secret mod power eh? where can i get me one of those? :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

woah, its actually been a month since ive posted something? probably is since i havent played a game in that much a time :P

a friend of mine (ork player that ive played against alot already) and i agreed that we wanted a change of pace. we always played in the GW (or their frenzy) and since i have a gametable with plenty of terrain at home i invited him to came over to my place for a game!

since i ALSO have a 6 by 4 table (the local GW does have one but its a enormous pain in the *** to be able to play on it) we decided to try out a 2000 pts game. the first time for both of us

we made a list on the fly (i decided to take my 1500 pts list and continue building on it) and he more or less did the same, trying out some new units.

i ran:

Lemartes - 125 pts

5 man scout squad with 4 sniper rifles and a missle launcher - 120 pts

7 DC (3 bought) with jp's - 125 pts

10 man tac squad with pg, mm, pf and rhino - 180 pts

10 man tac squad with pg, hb - 215 pts

10 man tac squad with mg, mm, fist and rhino - 275 pts

10 man RAS with 2 PP's and fist - 305 pts

baal pred with hvy bolters -125 pts

baal pred with hvy bolters -125 pts

vindicator with dozerblade - 130 pts

land speeder with hvy bolter and assault cannon - 100 pts

land speeder with hvy flamer and multi-melta - 75 pts

2000 pts on the dot.

he ran (roughly, dident ask to see his list)

warboss with powerklaw and bosspole

big mek with kustom forcefield

30 boyz mob with powerklaw and bosspole, 2 rokkits and a big shoota

30 boyz mob with powerklaw and bosspole, 3 big shootas

20 boyz mob with shootas (and IIRC 2 rokkits?)

12 boyz mob with powerklaw

11 boyz mob with trukk (dont know what else) warboss joined these

unit of 19 gretchin with runtherd

3 killa kans with kustom mega blastas

10 lootas

10 kommandos, 2 burnas and snikkrot.

battlewagon with 2 big shootas.

3 kannons

unit of 10 bikers with powerklaw

3 deffkoptas with rokkit launchas

phew....those are ALOT of units :blink:

since this game was played at home (and i dont want Koyote killing me in my sleep :unsure: ) ive got pictures!

this is a pregame picture, with all units on the table:


note the bundled terrain, we thought what was roughly 1/3 of the table and this picture was taken then, just before my mom called for dinner.

after eating we rolled for deployment and mission, getting 5 objectives and the classic 12 inch deployment zone. i won the roll to see who goes first and let him deploy his stuff first (so i could respond to his units in kind)

close-up of his bad moonz vehicles:


adding some pictures as links since im not sure it can all fit in my post otherwise....

his deployment:

deployment 1

deployment 2(orks halfway in the table werent deployed yet)

Deployment 3 the right flank

and a picture of his whole deployment from the side:


my deployment:

My Deployment 1 (scouts in the bush)

My deployment 2(the rest of my horde, turtling)

i rolled a d6 for sieze initative and dident get it.

he kept a few units in reserve: kommandos and snikkrot, the gretchin, the 12 boyz mob in wagon and deffkoptas

his first turn his units started moving, his bikes turbo boosted and thats about it. his shooting saw my vindi losings its demolisher cannon -_- so yea... i now had a mobile pillbox! awesome....

ork turn 1

Ork turn 1 right flank

my first turn my 2 rhinos moved to the right. (against my initial plan btw, plan was to stick together but i figured 20 tacticals were a good flank...right?) my left baal stalled, the righter one rolled a 2 but could still move. the vindi moved out of the way and the speeders moved about abit. i blew up a killa kan, killed a few lootas (who failed ld and ran) and thats the first turn


2nd ork turn, the bikes moved to the edge of the woods with the scouts, killed the missle launcher and a sniper. they failed LD test and ran so dident get charged. snikkrot and co came in and charged the HB/PG unit...il let the pictures do the talking.



so yea, that hurt..i think he also blew up the unpainted baal this turn.

my 2nd turn my 2 rhinos moved to the right, unloaded their squads. hvy flamer speeder killed about 6 or 7 kommandos with 1 woosh of his flamer (i love it already ^_^) and the DC finished off the rest. my shooting saw another kan get taken down (assault cannon from the speeder IIRC) and my RAS moved to the side to get ready for a flank charge next turn. my 2 tactical to the right made some nice moves to. the meltagun fired at the battlewagon (he was in meltarange) and scored a PEN 6! 14 of the 20 orks died in the resulting explosion, and i lost 2 of my own marines to the blast as well :o some of the orks in the centre building died to the shrapnell as welll. the other tactical squad fired at the bikes, killing 1 or so, nothing to impressive. the socuts also fired at the bikes, putting 1 wound on the nob (his choice)


now cleared DZ

the main horde

things dident look THAT bad so far right? well it was about to get a whole lot worse....

3rd turn for the orks: the koptas and the wagon came in. the koptas outflanked and he rolled a 5, deciding to put them behidn the baal....the wagon moved 18 inches and unloaded its boyz. the warboss wagon (that i hadent noticed tbh) came from behind the building, moved 12 inches (or 18, not sure) and unloaded its boyz as well. what remained of the battlewagon mob moved towards their attackers and he called out a waagh. the main horde moved towards me as well. shooting took down 4 DC (seriously failed about every save i had to make ><) his koptas immobilized my baal and shot off its TLAC. the unit from the new wagon rolled a 1 for their waagh move so 1 died and they werent in charge range but the warboss and co and small unit charged the tactical marines. a gruelling combat later and i only had 3 models left (PF, MG and MM) passed LD (sadly) his bikes shot at my other tactical squad killing the PF (damn wound allocation) and a few bolters. passed LD.

hey, where did all those orks come from? 0o

my 3rd turn.

i finaly decided to throw my RAS and DC in the fray now. last turns shooting phase had cost me dearly (and he dident even fire all that much at me...) and i had to go while i still had some bodies left. my hvy flamer/MM speeder moved alongside them and the AC/HB speeder also concentrated on the koptas alongside the baal, killing 1 total, they passed LD. firing on the ork mob in the centre building instead. my RAS shot its 2 PP's at the kan, blowing up 1 of my own men and not doing anything else.... charged him and immobilized him, lost 1 RAS. the DC thinned the ork horde alot, lost 1 model to the powerklaw. the last 3 remaining tacticals died in the combat. the other tacticals stepped inside their rhino and ran, leaving their lost brethern behind, better than losing only 1 squad then losing both right? shot at the bikes with the scouts, he passed armour save from 1 sniper rifle hit. the now squadless rhino was moving to block the bike's path.

previously contested groundnot so much anymore....

he aint going anywhere...but neither am i...

ork 4th turn, his warboss and co jumped back in their trukk and rode after my rhino. but he wanted to move passed me but he couldnt, since my rhino was blocking his path, he opted to not move pst me over terrain. his bikes shot at my rhino and killed it with a charge. rest of his shooting dident accomplish much. combat with the kill kan saw me tearing off its weapons, losing nothing in return, lost a DC to the klaw and nothing much else happend.

none shall passdont let the image fool you, thats a rhino, not a razorback :D

charge....edyep, went down fast

nothing much...big bloody melee

my 4th turn, tacticals disembarked, rhino and vindi blocked the ork trukk's movement. shot at him and shook him. hvyflamer/MM speeder flew to the orks in the centre building and killed about 6 with his flamer. the AC/HB speeder also fired at them, killing 1 or so (bad rolling on my part) combat saw me doing absolutely nothing to the kan, but he dident do anything back either. lost another DC to the klaw. baal had put 2 wounds on the deffkoptas (both down to 1 wound now)

things are grimRAS cant kill a kan that has no weapons and cant move, and Lemartes is surrounded with no more DC around...

his 5th turn, his warboss and co disembarked and wrecked the vindi in close combat. his shooting took out both my speeders. the bikers took down my 3 remaining scouts. in combat i FINALY took down the can. ork nob fizzsled all his powerklaw attacks and Lemy killed 4 in combat! HOE RAH!

im sorry am i in the way?useless vindi shield=win!

Lemy with 1 wound done to him, and a greatly reduced ork mobhe still has 2 wounds left, dont worry :P

BOOM!!!!the kan went out with a blast, literally. taking down 2 assault marines (more then he killed in close combat) and 2 lootas from the nearby ruins.

my 5th turn, RAS went to support Lemy but came just to late. i put 1 wound on him but the fist was left to take him down, which he did but not after the powerklaw took lemy down as well. baal had finally taken care of the deffkoptas. the tacticals jumped back in the rhino and zoomed up 12 inches so they were still holding an objective.

at this point we rolled for another turn and we got it, but i took some pictures of the objectives before we went on.

centre objective poor marine is held captive.

titan head is held by the orks.

other objective held by a whole trukk of ork boyz

summary of the last turn: warboss and co charged the rhino but failed to damage it. the crew jumped out and ran to the wrecked rhino. RAS jumped to the centre ruin to sell their lives dearly.

to the death!lone RAS sargeant as the game closed

wreck itthey tried, and failed.

sole survivorsin a green tide.

it had been a very hard fought battle but the game defenitly went to the orks. i had made a grave error with sending the 2 tactical squads off on their own. they were quikly overwhelmed and i had lost a fair chunk of my troop choices. the RAS was also painfully unable to take care off a single measly killa kan. it took them 4 ****ing close combat phases to best the damn thing. and when it did go down it took down more of them with the explosion then it had with the whole combat....

it wasent all bad for me mind you. my speeders performed above exspectations and...well...thats really all that did better then expected. my vehicles died at a horrible fast rate whilst my close combats dident go exactly according to plans either. the luck of the dice i guess. my opponent had a fine fine horde list. very well put together and his 2 trukks did a very nice move on me as well, its my own fault that i lost this.

next time im sticking to plan....and bringing speeders...lots and lots of speeders! :-D


pictures seem to have fixed themselves overnight...

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thanks brother, Lemartes died to the powerklaw just as the RAS charged to support him. he killed of the Ork big mek by his own (not sure i mentioned this? the unit had the big mek with kustom force field in it...) the normal RAS killed of the orks, put 1 wound on the nob and the nob died to the powerfist, but simultaniously with the fist killed of Lemartes.


it was in the fifth turn:

my 5th turn, RAS went to support Lemy but came just to late. i put 1 wound on him but the fist was left to take him down, which he did but not after the powerklaw took lemy down as well
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  • 2 weeks later...

had a game today (well 2 actually, but only 1 against my ork buddy) we were both trying something new out, for me the new dex for him new units.


i ran:

episolary with jumppack

sanguinary priest with jumppack and powerweapon

techmarine with powerweapon (for the reinforced ruin thingy and because i have a cool looking model B) )

10 man assault squad with PF and 2 meltaguns (liby and priest go here)

6 man assault squad with pw and metlagun riding a TLLC razorback (cheap! cheaper then tacticals and alot better at fighting)

10 man tactical squad with PF, MM and PG (my standard cookiecutter of d00m ^_^ )

8 man scout squad with camo cloaks and pf (for objective holding obviously)

baal predator with heavy bolters

vindi with siegeshield

speeder with MM and HF


he ran something along:

big mek with kustom force field

big mek with shokk attack gun

unit of 10 lootas with 2 shorter ranged weapon upgrades (name?)

unit of 30 mobs with powerklaw (some heavy weapons) and shootas (IIRC)

unit of 12 boyz in a trukk with powerklaw

unit of 12 boyz in a trukk with powerklaw

unit of 20 shoota boyz with powerklaw and 2 big shootas

unit of 3 deffkoptas with twin linked rokkit launchas

unit of 10 grots with runtherd

battlewagon with 2 big shootas and deffrolla

looted wagon with big S7 AP3 gun (looted vendetta incidnetily, really nicely done as well)


thats about it.


we setup the table, have some ruins scattered, ruined predator in the centre and woods to my left on a hull. both had 2 ruins near our DZ and in the centre right there was a small church ruin. we had 4 objectives, the ruined predator was one, one in the church to the right, in the centre of the board and 1 in his right ruin.


i won the roll to go first and took it. deploying my tacticals in the ruin. baal and vindi were palced behind it so IF he took initiative i would at least get a cover save. assault marines and co were in between the space left by the 2 tanks with the techmarine aside the tacticals. the razorback was in my far left corner with a good POV over the battlefield (and since he had range he dident need to get close!)


my speeder and scouts i held in reserves (the scouts mostly because i forget to infiltrate them ><)


he deployed his 30 boyz mob in his centre deployment with the kustom forcefield in it. the other big mek deployed alongside the lootas in his left ruin. his looted wagon (lol wagon) was behind the right ruin. his trukk was to the left and his battlewagon to the left as well, next to the right ruin.


he rolled a d6 for initiative....and got it (glad i played safe here....) he moved everything forward, his trukk moved ontop of the predator objective. his shooting opened up with the shokk attack gun, he targeted the 5 tactical marines ontop of my ruin and rolled for strength, rolling a 6's.....poof 5 tacticals gone without even rolling to wound or rolling for cover or whatever.....yea.....


the rest of his shooting saw the other 5 tacticals dying, with him rolling barely any misses and me barely passing a single armour save.....


my turn, my razorback zoomed 12 inches towards the rest of my lines. baal went 6 inches to the right, vindi 12 to the left. assault squad moved inside the ruin (oh! which was reinforced btw!) so i could hopefully get a succesfull charge of next turn. my shooting phase took down the trukk on the objective (razorback zapped him) took down some of his crew, baal and vindi opened up on the big mob, taking down a few.


his second turn he rolled for reserves, got his deffkoptas in, which suprsingly outflanked behind my baal (sigh). his army moved forward some more, shooting wasent really all that interesting, his deffkoptas luckily only shook the crew of my baal. his troops were in the middle of the field now.


my 2nd turn, rolled for reserves, rolled snake eyes...go figure. the dice their way of giving me the finger i guess :P anyway assault squad and co jumped out, losing 1 to dangerous terrain. baal drove 12 inches backwards behind my home ruin (front facing the deffkoptas) and popped smoke. vindi took a shot at the battlewagon and scattered 2 inches. and i swear to go if he had scattered 1 mm less i would have hit him. this was rediculas i hit the pipe on the wagon but since the hull had stopped a few mm before that i was a thalf strength. S5 vs AV 14....yea....not gonna happen.... my assault squad ****ed the big ork mob and the last wounds got lost by...er.... i think we did something wrong here, my opponent removed him saying the model would die to no retreat wounds anyway but he was the only model left (nob with 1 wound) since he he lost ocmbat by like....15 or so he should have rolled snakeyes to pass his LD test but still, he wouldnt get wounds, just a very terrible LD test ;) i digress though, result was the same. those pesky orks were out of the way and my units were now facing 2 5inch templates of doom....yea wasent exactly happen about that, librarians powers were overkill (S10 and the preferred enemy one)


his 3rd turn, gretchin showed up, he placed them behind the ruin with the objective in it. walked them 6 inches and ran them towards the building. his battlewagon rammed my razorback with his deathrolla, blowing it up. the crew from said battlewagon disembarked and fired at the assault marines. his lootas fired at the assault marines and his looted wagon fired at the assault marine....casualties? about 3 or so. both templates scattered horribly and his shooting was horrible, and what did get through was mostly saved by armour and FNP (lets hear a little hurrah for FNP!) deffkoptas shot at the vindi, stunning it. baal was blocking shots but coversave dident save anything.....(luckily the damage wasent major)


my 3rd turn, scouts arrived from outflank, arriving on my left flank near the woods on the hill. they moved to the edge and then ran inside....the woods...the assault marines now without ride walked up to the (former) trukkboyz. assault squad jumped at the 20 man boyz mob to ask why they were so unsporting. baal drove 6 inches closer to the deffkoptas and vindi popped smoke. the baal took revenge for the 2nd turn and wiped out the deffkoptas with 1 volley. 6 man assault squad charged the orks and killed 2 or 3, nob killed 1 or 2, he passed save. the RAS with priest and priest wiped the 20 boyz mob out to the man, suffering 1 casualty in return.


his 4th turn, he made a ramming move towards my vindi with his battlewagon, tankshocking the RAS in the process and guess what? they failed LD >< meltagunner died to the deffrolla. were about 4 inches away from the table edge right alongside the end location of his battlewagon (sigh) his 2nd wagon full of boyz arrived late for the party and deployed 12 inches from his boardedge alongside his objective ruin. the tankshock on the vindi stunned it (again...) but luckily did no other damage (like to the razorback) the placing of his battlewagon was also insanely bizar. we had several people come check this out and all came to the same conclusion. the vehicle arrived at such an angle that it arrived on the line between front and side. there was no clear way to decide this so we had the local GW employee throw a dice and it was decided he hit the side. luckily the damage was minimal this time.... not having much else to shoot at he shot at my scouts and vindi but failed to do anything. in combat i killed all but his nob (down 1 wound btw, ALL normal attacks dident wound....) and he killed all except my sargeant with PW. passed ld test.


my 4th turn, speeder arrived, moved 12 inches from my table edge about 2 inches away from the rear of the battlewagon (i swear if they werent wearing helmets they could smell the orks down there....) scouts moved as far as possible towards the wrecked predator. baal moved 12 inches and fired its TLAC at the trukk, immobilizing and stunning it. speeder MISSED its MM (always when hes that close....) and scouts were just an inch short of making the charge to help the sargeant out, who failed to hit (or wound cant recall) 3 times and then was cut to a paste by the wounded nob.


his 5th turn, battlewagon moved 12 inches in an attempt to ram my baal in the behind was just a few inches (1.5 or so) short. passed dangerous terrain. his shooting immobilized my speeder and pointed alot of fire at my scouts but the 3+ cover save made sure the damage was minimal (if any, cant recall) there was no assault phase.


my 5th turn, scouts moved out of terrain, and shot the nob in the face (actually i wanted to forgo the shooting and kill him in charge, as i would in cover then but when i couldnt make the charge my opponent let me shoot anyway, the good sport that he is ^_^ speeder destroyed the deffrolla from the battlewagon at about 20 inches range (go figure, at 2 inches he cant hit the broadside of a titan but at long range he can? :huh: ) baal started firing at his gretchin as i noticed the game was starting to close rapidly. vindi did the same casualties were minimal killing 2 or 3. they passed LD.


we rolled for 6th turn and got it.


his 6th turn the units from the 2nd trukk started to make a break for the objective in the ruins, his shooting killed all but 4 of my scouts (even with cover saves due to intervening terrain) passed LD test. his wagon was trying desperatly to stop my baal by shooting it in the rear, but it wasent making much of an impression tbh.


my 6th turn vindi moved forward 12 inches to contest the church ruin, baal moved 6 inches to the side so the orks wouldnt get a cover save (which they still did, were very stretched out and half were behind terrain) vindi fired at the gretchin again, scattering horribly. scouts moved behind the predator ruin to go play hide and seak....price beeing their lives! :-P shooting wasent that effective sadly, and the 7th turn would determine if this was a draw or something else entirely.


we rolled........and got a 7th turn.


his 7th turn. his boyz moved past the ruin and charged the vindi, wrecking it (even with needing 6's to hit....damn powerklaws!) rest dident do much, he tried to shoot the baal but his shooting fizzled...


my 7th turn i tried to place my baal that i contested both objectives, deciding at the last second to place it half an inch more to the church...which proved to be an mistake. my shooting dident accomplish much as the gretchin were still there all 3-4 of em. i was about 2-3 mm's away from BOTH objectives so contested NEITHER and lost the game by 2 to 1.


but what a game it was! i had to fight through the teeth at every turn. this game had so points were things went bizardly good for either side that it all remained interesting, it wasent one sided at all (save the combats with the assault squad :) )


after a disatrious start where i lost an entire unit before it did anything i came back kicking ass and taking names with my assault squads, but i kinda feel the squad's uberness was its undoing. the combination of these 2 powers was so intense that i ploughed through entire units, leaving myself exposed to alot of painfull template hurt. the first time i was lucky to come out relativly unscathed, the second time i got tank shocked and my "brave" marines ran off the table <_<


that said i think im starting to like assault squads more and more. for some reason my anti-tank on vehicles works alot better then on my infantry. its harder to kill and since there are multiple threats to choice from its making life difficult for my opponents. the assault squads however can hide in terrain fairly easily, take out squads at a time and the only reason their numbers got dwindled so quikly was because they were unsupported. FNP is an awesome power but with stuff like powerklaws and AP 1-2 thrown your way it wont save you and your numbers will dwinlde till you dont got enough left to safely assault...well anything. at the endgame i had 2 assault marines, my priest and my liby. and shooting thrown their way would have meant a specialst died (meltagunner, priest, liby, powerfist)


speaking of meltaguns....i absolutly LOVE meltaguns on jumppackers! i never actually assembled my VAS but now i know what it feels like!!! i havent pointed them towards vehicles yet mind you but the mobility coupled with a devastating charge makes me all warm and fuzzy inside!


the scouts on the other hand im not to sure about anymore. they dont really fit this army tbh and i think il just add back my 2nd baal in the future. on the other hand the reason i added them in the first place was because i wanted to have more troops in my list, and with their cloaks they survived a load of attacks that would have even terminators cringe in agony....not to sure on them, need some advice on what to do with them guys!


any comments on the list as a whole is welcome to btw!

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second game today was against a local thousand sons player. he ran roughly:


lord with mark of tzeentch, terminator armor and deamon weapon

4 terminators, 3 with powerweapons and twin linked bolters and 1 with heavy flamer and chainfist

riding a possesed land raider

unit of 9 thousandsons with sorcerer with doom bolt

unit of 9 thousandsons with sorcerer with doom bolt

unit of 9 thousandsons with sorcerer with doom bolt

(might be wrong on the numbers, was his gods sacred number or something...)

defiler with twin-linked lascannon and additional close combat weapon.


thats i think.


setup of terrain was pretty identical except that i was in the other position on the table; and the woods was moved from the hill to the centre of the board, as the conclusion that we took from last game was that we dident have enough terrain on board. firelanes were to big and there werent many safe spots on the board. the woods fixxed that nicely. we had 3 objectives, 1 in the centre and we both had 1 to palce in our DZ, placed mine on the ruin to my left, he on his ruin to my left.


i setup first, deployed baal and vindi between my 2 ruins, scouts on the objective together with techmarine. razorback was to my left, assault squad and co hiding behind baal and vinid. tactical squad was in the ruin to the right, speeder behind them.


he placed his defiler on his left flank, a unit of 1ksons in fron t of him, 1 unit of sons on his objective and 1 on the right. the raider was to the right as well.


he dident sieze initiative...


razorback moved forward 12 inches, speeder turbo boosted 24 inches alongside him (they can do that right?) baal and vindi moved forward. assault squad jumped to the edge of the terrain and ran inside it. tacticals moved forward as well (dident run) to get a goof firing position for next turn.


kill 2 sons from both squads outside cover, razorback fired at defiler and failed epicly.


his turn, his suads stumbled forward and fired. 2 at my ASM 1 at my tacticals. cover and FNP (MM tactical was in range of the priest ^_^) meant none died this turn. he fired lascannon at something (cant recall) with his defiler, did nothing and wanted to fire his battlecannon. unaware that you cant fire both in the same turn. raider moved forward a few inches, shoook my baal.


2nd turn, assault squad slogged further inside the ruins. tacticals moved out and joined them with an 6 inch run. baal moved behind my ruin to the right for a coversave from the raider and my shooting dident do a whole lot tbh.


his 2nd turn, he shot his defilers BC at my big pile o troops in the centre, and luckily scattered alot catching only 1 of either squad in the blast. the rest of the phase wasent very impressive either with me losing 2 more assault marines in total. his raider fired at my vindi but the cover saves i got from terrain blocked all damage. his left sons unit shot and charged my speeder, shaking it twice (lol :lol:)


my 3rd turn. speeder turbo boosted 24 inches to stand behind the ruin with his objective (a bad idea in retrospect) assault marines jumped out of the woods (sanguinary priest dying from the jump <_<) and assaulted the right unit of sons. librarian got perils for his S10 psychic attack but the pref enemy one came through. i wiped his squad and consolidating in the ruins with his objective (underneath his squad even so he would have to move to fire at them) tacticals stood still and fired at the sons on the top floor, felling one. 6 assault marines jumped out of their razorback and ran towards the unit of sons, but a turn of awfull rolling saw 1 dead at both sides, a draw.


his 3rd turn, his sons moved down from the ruin, rapid fired the assault marines but since we agreed that all ruins were area terrain i got an coversave that blocked most of the damage he charged and i won combat by 1, he lost 1 more model to no retreat. his raider disgorged its terminator cargo who charged my tacticals in cover. i killed 1 with the fist and lost all but the powerfist and a single bolter marine, failed LD and ran for the hills! (ruins in this case :lol: ) he consolidated in the woods. the assault squad and the 1ksons on the left were battling it out as well, both sides not doing much to eachother so that wasent going nowhere really fast...


and BING the store was closing (god thats annoying....) so at a point where the game could have gone either way we had to stop....such a shame. we called it a draw and packed our bags. since i only count games i can complete (or at least bring to turn 5...) this one isent going to the win/loss/ratio (for anyone who cares...i dont tbh, just fun to keep track :lol: )


kid was great fun to play and its a shame some of the guys at the store seem to dislike him, saying stuff like "its

im not telling his name

demo wins." or "have you read the fine print? you lose on a 1+, 1's mean you lose as well..." was kinda taking the fun out of the game. gonna see if i can score a rematch with him without these...er....people...around. hes a really nice guy so i dont understand whats their problem with him :huh:


on the performance of the units: i posistioned the priest nicely here (specialy compared to the previous games were he always was in the wrong spot....) and the amount of wounds this guy let them shrug of is incredible! 4+ cover with 4+ FNP against rapid firing ap3 bolters is GOLDEN!!!! for the 90 pts he costs me now hes a bargain! a shame he killed himself jumping out of some trees though, he was sorely missed in the following combat phase :D


scouts were doing a fine job of sitting on the objective and picking their nose. since they had camo cloaks and were sitting in a fortified building my opponent dident bother shooting at them (and i wouldnt either with a 2+ cover save....) i have the odd sensation though that im wasting points here and there so id like some feedback on that from you guys as well. should i keep the cloaks or the techmarine? 3+ cover for tacticals is very good to and would offer the same benefit to the scouts, saving some 24 points for...something else. on the other hand the techie sets me back 65 pts and basicly offers the increased cover save (and not all boards have a ruin in your DZ) and is a nice pesky bug with a 2+ save....he cant capture or anyything but hes a single model and could distract some fire that would otherwise go into more important units :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

havent been able to contact the guy from last game, but did play a game today at my home. met a friend at the local GW this friday and since we couldnt game there (not enough time and lack of tables available) we decided to do it my place. he came over at 3 pm this afternoon with a 2000 pts list. since i dident have a set list put one on paper.


i came up with the following:

Epistolary with jumppack - 175 pts

2 sanguinary priest, both with PW 1 with JP - 155 pts

Furioso with heavy flamer - 135 pts

10 man tac squad with MM, PG and fist - 205 pts (SP on foot joined these)

10 ASM with 2 meltaguns and PF - 235 pts

10 ASM with 2 meltaguns and PF - 235 pts

8 scouts with PF sarg - 139 pts

TLAC baal pred with HB sponsons - 145 pts

TLAC baal pred with HB sponsons - 145 pts

speeder with MM and hvy flamer - 70 pts

vindicator with stormshield - 155 pts

10 man devastator squad with 4 ML's - 210 pts

2004 pts, asked him if he minded that. he said no, otherwise i would have counted the heavy flamer on the furioso as a stormbolter.


he ran:

captain with jumppack and dual lightning claws

chaplain with jumppack

command squad of 7 (i think) on bikes, 2 with PW, banner, apothecary and a model with powerfist and stormshield.

5 close combat terminators 2 SS/TH and 3 dual LCS

squad of 5 sternguards with 2 meltaguns in a droppod

10 man tactical squad with ML, flamer and PF with a HB razorback with extra armour

10 man tactical squad with ML, flamer and PF with a HB razorback with extra armour

10 man tactical squad with HB, PG, PF mounted in a droppod

10 man assault squad with 2 PP's and fist


was pretty amazed when i saw his pile of models, but he held the majority in reserves which suprised me a little. but i expected he had a gameplan so decided not to ask.


we deployed the terrain pretty evenly, placing a big ruin in the centre (one that had a huge gaping hole in the middle though so still allowed plenty of LOS :lol: ) a hill, some trees and a rock to the left (the white part of the gaming board, its something i still have to paint in browns....) some ruins to the centre and the right. a watchtower on the edge of the city to woodlands board and all the pieces of the battle of Macragge crashed lander were scattered across the board. on my right in my DZ was another hill. we rolled for mission and got sieze ground (thats the one with d3+2 right?) and rolled a total of 5 objectives. we wanted to start at this point as we were busy setting up various things and chatting about random stuff that an hour had already passed so we set up the objectives pretty quikly:

-both had 1 in our DZ (but 12 inch away from other objectives) ruined rhino in my DZ a ruined building in his DZ

-the centre of the board (the ruins that is) was an objective.

-the watchtower was an objective

and lastly

-part of the crashed lander was an objective as well, to the far left.


i won the dice off to go first and took it. i combat squaded my devastators so that both the hills in my DZ had a 5 man combat squad with 2 ML's on it. i placed my 2 baals, a 10 man ASM squad with Libriarian and jump packing SP behind them for cover (SP was proxied with a chaplain)

Right flank


in the centre i placed my tactical squad with foot slogging SP on the ruined rhino objective. to the left of them was my Furioso (his debut game btw :lol: ) with the vindicator and my second ASM squad behind the vindi for cover.

Middle part of my DZ


my left flank was pretty bare, with only the devastors occupying the hill, in the distance you can see the most leftern objective

left flank


my opponent then started deploying his units. he combat squaded his tactical squads(both of them) keeping 4 bolter and the ML in ruins and putting the rest in the razorbacks. on my right flank he kept his ASM squad behind his razorback in case i might have LOS to them somehow (which would have been impossible but cant be to sure i guess)

Opponents DZ right flank


middle ruin


his command squad on bikes, chaplain and captain and 2nd razorback were in the far left, hiding behind the big rocks. (models on foot are proxy models for the bikes, IC's are WYSIWYG)

opponents DZ left flank


after he was done deploying i infiltrated my scouts on my left flank inside the woods so they could stall his squad of pure epic d00m or die trying (probably the latter)


i rolled for red thirst and got it on my tacticals and my right ASM squad. dident read the furioso entry so dident know he had it...or that he had WS6...or that he had AV 13 on the fron....

he rolled for sieze initiative and got it but dident want first tun to begin with so he let me keep first turn (gotta have more opponents who say that :tu: )


i started by moving forward, my shooting killed 3 of his right tac squad and 1 of his left tac squad, couldnt see anything else so hoped the damage from turn 1 wasent that bad.


he aimed the droppod with his sternguard a few inches away from my vindi but it scattered next to my ASM squad (ontop infact but he had to move so he could land and landed to the left of them) his hsooting cost me 4 assault marines :-( but luckily i passed lD (or would have lost the squad right there....)

some assault marines last words - did you guys hear that?


his razorback moved forward, followed by his ASM squad on my right flank, truth be told he was abit generous with his movement but i dident care enough to comment on it.

right men, i want 2 straight lines!


middle ruin


and his command squad with nearby razorback moved forward at a pretty fast pace...

sarge, theyre coming right for us!


aside from his sternguards he dident accomplish much this turn.


my 2nd turn, my speeder came in, moved 12 inches from the board and fired its MM at the razorback. missing ofcourse....i moved my baals abit to the right so he wouldnt hit them on the flanks and to get better fields of fire, moving 6 inches so all weapons could fire. i was carefull with the liby's unit moving forward really carefull not to get charged by his ASM. furioso moved further inside the ruin (not at a really fast pace mind you, 2 inches IIRC...) ASM on the left got ready to exact some payback on the sternguards. after shooting from nearby tactical squad there were still 2 left but they passed LD. vindi fired at command squad but scattered, only hitting and killing 1. the left devastators fired at his pod, but couldnt get through his armour. right devastators and left baal fired at his tacticals, felling 1 from the right ruin (only ML carrier left now) and er...thats it both fired at this squad but he passed all his saves but 1...right baal fired at his ASM squad, felling 3 IIRC. my left ASM squad finished the sternguards off, losing 1 in the process.


his 2nd turn, his 2nd droppod arrived with 10 man tac squad arrived and it used the locator beacon to land 12 inches near the first DP, crashing in hard behind my vindicator. after his shooting phase (middle ML fired at the vindi as well) all he had done was stun it (really lucky there) his right razorback moved forward 12 inches, and unloaded its cargo. his ASM squad followed suit and lowered their PP's to fire on the baal...and failed to do anything (otherwise i had passed shield of sanguinius for the coversave, sponson was in range...) his combat squad fired its flamer at my ASM squad and covered 10 models...but after armour saves and FNP only 1 died. another 1 died to the mass bolter volley that accompanied it. his right ML also fired on the baal and failed to do anything. his middle ML fired at the furioso and failed to do anything as well (even when i thought its front AV was 12...) his command squad zoomed up to the scouts (whom i had failed to charge into the razorback last turn :lol: ) and killed them all off, but the chapter champion died due to dangerous terrain (which was part of the plan, just dident think it would work!)


right flank

right flank top vieuw

2nd droppod (the egg)

the "egg" was actually a tyranid droppod that i made for an apoc datasheat, but thats something for another time and another forum

the ASM squad now on their own, sandwhiched between 2 droppods...

my failling left flank


my 3rd turn, vindi popped smoke. my right ASM squad jumped up to ASM's and tacticals, performed a double charge and proceeded to kill of both units without losing any models in return :D the right devastator fired on the lone MLer dude and failed to kill him (talk about failing to do your job....) so the right baal predator took over and showed them how its done, kill him with his AC alone. the left baal fired on the new tactical who arrived by droppod, felling 1 or 2. the speeder had moved towards the razorback, failed to hit with his MM again (sigh) and then flamed the squad, killing 1 of the tacticals (the one the ASM finished off) but failing to do any damage to the razorback. in the centre, my tacticals moved to the edge of the terrain (we actually had agreed that the base itself wasent terrain but i forget that part) and the furioso turned around as well. after shooting there were 3 tacticals left who bravely (or stupidly) held their grounds and were then killed to a man before even getting to hit themselves (furie dident get to attack either...) with consolidation move i moved the tacticals back on their objective (rhino) furie moved towards the pod. my left ASM squad wrecked the first pod and consolidated to the centre of the board.


his 3rd turn his terminators came in and landed just to the right of my left devastator squad, using the remaining beacon to land safely (dont ask me why he chose to land there...) his left razorback also moved towards the devastators and unloaded its cargo to rapid fire. one of his bikers (think it was the apoc) died to a dangerous terrain test and then attacked the devastators, killing all but a single ML toting devastator who then proceeded to make about 4-5 saves! forcing him to charge (well not force but he did so anyway) and ANOTHER one of his bikers died (IIRC) but killing my devastator as well, ah poo! his right flank had been rolled up but his razorback was still intact, it fired at the speeder and shook it. cant recall what the ML combat squad did (poop its pants most likely! :-D)


my "previous" left flank

ignore those blood angels, thats my pile o dead....


previously there were actually enemy infantry models there!


we see your point but dont agree, we respectfully ask you to leave sir!


centre objective cleared

just joking offcourse, they werent civil at all! they wrecked him with grenades 9well actually immobilized him and removed his weapon twice....come to think about it was already immobilized and had its weapon destroyed in the shooting phase...hmmm)


my 4th turn, left ASM squad jumped to the edge of the centre truin (objective) and ran in, speeder who couldnt fire turbo boosted behind his ML combat squad. ASM squad jumped towards them as well. left baal fired at his terminators, actually making him fail 1 of his armour saves (huzzah). right devastors fired on them as well but had no luck. the furie charged and wrecked the 2nd droppod (the egg) left assault marines jumped to the ruin and ran in. furioso wrecked the 2nd pod (the egg) and my right ASM squad wiped out the combat squad for no 1 wounds in return (i love FNP and FC!!!) the 2nd baal scored a crew shaken on his right razorback. the vindi moved 12 inches and fired its demolisher cannon on the tacticals, scoring a hit and killing all 5!


his 4th turn he only had his command squad, terminators and left RB left. he fired everything and charged all at the vindi, taking the demolisher cannon off. (and tbh i let him charge, he was actually out of range by the merest fraction of an inch, but i felt like i had to throw him a bone here)


we would like words with you sir!

poor vindi crew :-(


last one in buys the drinks!

securing the middle objective


hmm a stash of beer!

right ASM on his homeobjective


5th turn, both assault squads moved abit more into the ruins to get cozy on their new objectives. tacticals fired and killed of the terminators (LC one) and furioso charge, hit 3 times and i rolled a snake eyes for wounding, and he rolled a 3 for his TH/SS invul save ^_^ ) he then hit back and wrecked my new shiney furioso *cries in a corner abit* my speeder however did my proud this turn, actually HITTING with its MM and scoring a pen 6 to boot! i knew he could do it! the gunner was just looking for his glasses i bet :-P


his 5th turn, he charges the vindi again and explodes it with the thunderhammers, getting wounded alot but passing all his saves! bah :P


we rolled for a sixth turn and got a 2. there wouldnt be any! i got 3 objectives to his non, and a signicant larger portion of my army alive as well! my opponent made the classic mistake of stretching his army to thin, leaving his units isolated which resulted in him beeing torn apart piecemeal. he had invested a ton of points in 2 units (command squad and terminators) that only killed 8 scouts and 5 devastators. (i call shenanigans on the furioso, that was unfair, clearly he had dust in his eyes! :P and the vindi died because i felt kinda bad for him, seeing his entire army torn apart, but anyway he did it anyway even after i drove 12 inches! cudos to him i guess!


his command squad was where the real epic fail was located here. i had killed a total of 1 and somehow the rest all managed to get themselves killed by driving into terrain! i lured him with the scouts (although admitatly i had forgetten to charge his razorback....) which paid of handsomely, although they paid the ultimate price for it. they however ensure that 2 bikers wouldnt plague more vital units to my gameplan for what they receive some more merit for.


TBH i was abit disapointed that my Furioso whiffed it at the last second....he was performing so well until that point! :-( but i digress, i think this was an interesting list and il try it again someday. just have to find a better use for the scouts....


btw i meant to ask earlier but forget... are the batreps easier to read with links compared to pictures? 30 pictures is abit much and im sure this is alot easier for people with broadbands modems!

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  • 2 weeks later...

ugh why do i still post these? noones interested :(


had a gmae today, 1500 pts against an eldar player. and eldar beeing an army i havent fought in ages i was about to face a version of the army ive never faced before either.


full mech eldar :blink:


his list was something like this:


farseer with runes that make me roll psychic tests on 3d6 and doom (IIRC)

unit of 10 dire avengers with exarch with blade storm and 2 guns riding a transport filled with guns and er...spirit stones? coutned as a sort of extra armor anyway

unit of 5 rangers

unit of 5 jetbikers with lancewearing upgrade char.

fireprism with stones

fireprism with stones

unit of 5 firedragons with transport on crack

unit of 10 banshees with exarch who wielded a S5 2 handed powerweapon riding another of those uber transports


that its, pretty small army but oh boy are those transports tough as nails and can they dish out an inmense amount of firepower !



the table was setup for us, as our local GW has made a 6 by 4 table with permanent terrain for us (looks really nice but im not all that fond of a "fixxed" table tbh... we rolled for sieze ground with dawn of war deployment (i think, both had 1 objective in our DZ anyway)


he won the roll to gofirst and took it. placinhg his rangers on the ramp 12 inches from the floor, his dire avengers with farseer in transport he placed in the middle of the board. i placed tactical marines in the small patch of ground i had, kept the rest of the board. i rolled for red thirst and got it on 1 assault squad.


his turn everything came up, except his bikes whom he held in reserves. since we had nightfighting first turn he dident do much. tried to fire with the 2 transports was out of range, rest was either turboboosting or staying back.


my turn, everything came on. i turbo boosted the speeder towards ramp with snipers, let the jumppack priest and liby join a assault squad on my right and kept the rest onf the left. baals and vindis moved forward, both baals tried to fire at a transport and were in range but failed to do anything.


his 2nd turn he popped my vindi, shot the MM off the speeder and stunned 1 of my baals.


my 2nd turn speeder turbo boosted again, this time landing underneath the ramp in a spot where he would at least get a cover save next turn, the right ASM squad moved to the edge of the ruin so they could jump out next turn. to my left the stunned baal popped smoke, other baal shot at his bikes killing the "sargeant" love wound allocation when it works for me :tu: left ASM squad (the one with red thirst) also moved up and placed themselves infront of the baal, hoping to at least provide a cover save for it.


eldar 3rd turn he linked his 2 prisms and killed 6 of my left ASm squad (tbh i should have seen that one coming ;) ) stunned the speeder.


my 3rd turn, my shooting shook the left fire prism (with TLLAC from baal IIRC) my ASM squad on the right all jumped out of terrain, none dying to dangerous terrain (to my amazement)


his 4th turn the shaken fire prism turbo boosted to the far left corner. the transport with banshees turbo boosted and tried to land in difficult terrain wrecking the vehicle and causing the banshees to pour out (dont know if the crew was supposed to get damage? we dident play it like that) he killed 4 of my 2nd ASM squad with his rangers (passed armour saves for all the other stuff that got thrown at them ) and liby failed shield of sangy power, almost frying his brain (rolled a 11) speeder got shaken (again! argh.....)


my 4th turn the speeder moved up into the ramp, ready to flame next turn. left ASM squad (the raging ones) jumped as far as they could to the fire prism and lowered their meltas (PF died landing on difficult terrain to provide a 2 inch chain for the lads...he will be missed :) ) both hit, both scored a pen hit, 1 got saved with the cover save from turbo boosting (or intervening terrain, take up pick) and the other scorred a pen 5, with AP1 making it a 6! BOOOOM!!!! god that feels good :woot: right ASM squad fired bboth meltas at the prism and got a dubble 2 for the effort. dual charged his prism, who dident move last turn and the dire avenger transport who moved 6 inches. i tried unleash rage and got perils, losing a wound on the liby. my result charge......shook the fireprism....and the powerfist was targetting him as well :-( gos they failed me so horribly this turn! lastly my tacticals over at my objective rapid fired into the shees, causing about 7-8 wounds and he lost 4 of the screaming harlots, still 6 left though.


and then time ran out and we couldnt complete the game :cuss


fun game, steep learning curve....it ended when things just started to get interesting as they could have gone either way at this point. a draw, loss or win everything was possible! i build my lists with balance in mind, so i can both take on horde and tanks alike but i found this heavy mech list to be a huge challenge. fun guy to play though, hes from the uk and came here to study and work abroad or something, oh well should get a rematch sometime soon :blush:

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heh, yeah, don't stop posting. I read them to learn, and since I have little experience gaming myself (despite collecting and painting on and off for at least 5 years...), I can't really give much feedback or thoughts :D


but I like batreps, so don't stop :blush:



PS; yes, linked pics are better :)

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haha glad i was able to get a repsonse out of you guys -_- feel kinda stupid posting these things without anyone saying..well anything, made me doubt if people were still reading them :)


kinda still find it odd people learn from my mistakes/musings...like i said in my blog (shameless advertisement there :P) i always find it odd people can learn from me as i see myself as a moderate players. most of my moves and tricks are pretty obvious whilst i regulary fail to see things my opponent might do (like the twin linking from the fire prism last game that cost me 6 ASM's :) )


glad the linked pictures work better, il do that from now on then, keeps the people with the low bandwith happy ;)

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and then time ran out and we couldnt complete the game :cuss


This really seems to be a problem for you, so it really makes me wonder in what kind of store you´re playing? Is it more like a club or do you play in a GW?

The local GW I use to frequent is open from 10.00 am ´till 20:00 pm, so your case sounds like really tough luck to me, a pity for not finishing those games! ;)


Still, nice batreps, looking forward for more! :)




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the store is a local GW who's thursday night is "club night" i.e. veteran night. ojnly people who have an own army and know their rules are allowed to play. the reason i cant complete most of the later games is that iive since found a job (sorta) and thus have far less time spare to game. i work till 5 o clock so the quikest i can manage is about 6 o clock. the store OFFICIALY closes at 9 but that means you have to pack your stuff at 8:30 :( and since its club night we tend to uh....slack abit more then ussual :devil: ;) so thats where the problem arises from. mind you its not just me, as every other person in the club (about 8 regulars) cant finish games, not even if their lives depended on it.


i guess because we have a campaign going for a while now, everyone is beeing all serious and makes sure not to forget any particular movement, more thought goes into said movement and this all slows down the game. because the campaign is going stuff also gets bogged down, units get special rules they normally wouldnt have (like my relentless and fearless tactical marines :wub: ) and people squable more about rules because alot of people who played last in 4th edition have joined in, thus leading to a great deal of rule debates.


for example the eldar player i mentioned last game still had the "skimmers are always hit on 6's in close combat" stuck in his mind so in the last turn dident move his fire prism. we lost a few minutes there going back and forth through the rulebook with him conceding that i was right. (if im not someone please reference a pagenumber to me) i also hadent played eldar in a loooooooong time so i needed him to refresh my memory on just about everything he did. what unit is in that transport? what weapons does it have? does it allow me an armour save? all these things together bogged the momentum of the game down to a grinding halt (and mind you my turns went pretty quijlky due to the small army size, his army also wasent that bigi but he only started looking at his options when it was his turn)


so thats gentlemen is why i cant for the life of me finish any of these games :(

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Are you playing a Planetary Empires campaign? I'm extremely interested in these, if you did a thread on your campaign I would read it religiously.


I've wanted to play a 40k campaign (I almost always prefer campaign games to one-offs), but simply have no time for gaming lately.

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Are you playing a Planetary Empires campaign? I'm extremely interested in these, if you did a thread on your campaign I would read it religiously.


I've wanted to play a 40k campaign (I almost always prefer campaign games to one-offs), but simply have no time for gaming lately.

a reply? :ermm: eeeeeeeep!


were not using the planetary empires campaign atm. (though it was the intention) were using the rules for experiences points in the BBB and simplified it abit. if you lose a game you get to pick 1 unit and roll a d6 for a power. if you draw both players get to roll 2d6 for 2(or 1) units. and a win gets you 3 points to devide.


i played a game today. ran against the only player aside from me who only played 1 game so far. he ran:

-lord with terminator armour, deamon weapon and twin linked bolter.

-unit of 5 terminators, 2 champions with twin LCS, 1 with PW and HF, and 2 normal terminators without any upgrades(and with 4 powers from the BBB, counter attack, preferred enemy, fearless and move through cover (IIRC) he only dident have powers 1 and 2....cba'ed to look it up)

-a landraider.

-unit of 5 marines with melta riding a rhino with havoc launcher

-unit of 5 marines with melta riding a rhino with havoc launcher

-unit of 5 marines with melta riding a rhino with havoc launcher

-defiler with havoc launcher reaper autocannon

-dreadnought with TLLC and missle launcher

-predator with TLLC turret and heavy bolter sponsons

-2 obliderators


pretty heavy on anti-tank, really poor on the troops though.


our GM (closest person near the game really) setup the table, some ruins sprayed out with a mslal cluser of woods to the far right corner. we rolled mission and deployment and got dawn of war with Anniliation mission.


he won the roll to go first and deployed both his rhinos behind cover and as close to me as he possibly could (to deny me a proper deployment no doubt) his lord he kept in reserve.


i deployed....nothing. the rulebooks doesent say you have to deploy anything at all, it says you can deploy UP TO 2 troops and 1 HQ. so denying my opponent a first turn shooting phase seemed like the lame ass thing to do :teehee: .


his 1st turn, his army came up, defiler and a rhino with troops near the woods. in the middle part of his DZ he had his obliderators, predator and land raider. in the middle was a rhino with troops and to the left a rhino with the dread coming from the edge. the squad from the left and the middle rhino had disembarked. middle squad walked into the ruin in the middle of the board, let squad hid behind cover.


my first turn everything came up, placed both of my baals to the left of the ruin in my DZ (tacticals with relentless and fearless were inside moving up to the windows of the ruin so they could fire next turn) vindi was in the edge of the ruin as well. half of it was behind cover for the save and he had LOS to the disembarked unit in the centre. hid my ASM squads behind the baals and my speeder was hiding behind the tactical squad ruin as well. all were within 6 inches of the librarian and/or a sangy priest for the 6 inch bubble they providded ^_^


baals fired at the left rhino and failed to impress it. vindi wanted to fire at the squad but dident have LOS due to nightfighting :angry:


2nd chaos turn, his shooting tore of a TLLAC from 1 of my baals and he immobilized it as well, killed 3 ASM from 1 of the squads and he killed 2 tacticals. passed LD test. his troops had moved more towards my lines.


my 2nd turn, sent both of my squads to the left, most forward ASM squad (with liby and priest) killed of his 5 man squad, easily. my unmolested baal moved alongside them and fired all its weapons (including hunter killer) at the left rhino and damaged it a little i then fired the tactical squad's multi-melta at it and blew it up with a pen 6 (baals HK whiffed it and missed btw ;)) immobilized baal fired HK at the middle rhino, hit and failed to pen...so much for wasted points :down: speeder turbo boosted to the right and vindi moved 12 inches to the right and fired on the squad in the centre, killing 2.


chaos 3rd turn, everything (just about) moved forward. terminators disembarked and began moving towards my ASM :huh: he exploded my (previously) unmolested baal with a pen 6 (only got 1 inch explosion though) and took an ASM down alongside it. he killed another tactical marine IIRC. he tore the right HB of my baal.


my 3rd turn, moved both ASM squads slowly inside the ruin so they were mostly all out of LOS but all would most definitly get a cover save. the dreadnought and uber terminator squad were near and i was in the lead and dident really want to see my awesome unit of epic d00m get torn to shreds.... my speeder on the right moved 12 inches and fired its MM on the defiler, scoring a pen 6. (fact that he hit in the first place was somewhat of a suprise to me....read some of my older batreps to find out why <_<) vindi also moved 12 inches to the right and fired at his right rhino, penning horribly and shaking it.....*sighes* tactical squad fired at the middle rhino wrecking it. baal with only 1 HB left popped its smokes.


his 4th turn, his dreadnought moved towards my ASM and opend fire, killing 1 or so. his terminators were bogged down by terrain. his landraider, twin obliderators and predator all fired at my baal and failed to put a dent in it (lol) the middle squad in the ruins ran towards my vindi and immobilized it with its meltagun (glancing 5, lucky for me he dident wreck it!) he tried to ram my speeder with his shaken rhino but came just an inch short.


my 4th turn, vindi only having LOS to the rhino shot at it, penned, and only immobizlied it. the speeder then fired and got a pen 6 (seriously whats with the awesomeness that is the multi-melta this game?) both of my ASM squads moved up to windows on the ruin (same through which the dread fired at them) and fired back. scoring ANOTHER pen 6 (seriously...)


at this game we had to close shop, but it was clear who had the upper hand. i had 6 kill points against his 1, and the majority of my army was still around and kicking. he still had his uber squad of d00m and his landraider, predator and obliderators but for some obscure reason they couldnt put a dent in my armour (or my infantry for that matter) i had lost 1 tank and a grand total of about 10 models. he had lost 3 rhinos, a defiler, a 5 man squad with melta and a dreadnought.


not sure how much difference thats in points though but id like to think i have the upper hand there as well. MVP was most defenitly the speeder gunner, who apparently returned from boot camp and COULD hit the broad side of a titan this game, even making me proud by killed stuff every time he pulled the trigger! killed almost 200 pts worth of stuff against his 70 pts cost. and netting me 1/3 of my total scored KP's, guess he couldnt keep letting me down huh? :-)

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Nice reports!


I'd paint the Speeders MM golden. I always do something like that when one of my guys gives an extraordinary performance. :huh:

A golden bolter and some laurels for example for a single marine who defended a mission objective all on his own against a rampaging ork horde. Since he got this "master-crafted" bolter he always surpised me with his aiming skills. Maybe that helps for future games with the Speeder. ;)

"The emperor guides my aim!"





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Do you not consider his uber terminator squad to have had an impact in turn 5 then? How far away were they from your lines at the end of the game?


not really. we were playing the realm of battle (or whatever its called, the 24 inch by 24 inch) gaming board and he was just over half the way. he was at about 14 inches away so even if he rolled a 6 for terrain he wouldnt be able to charge, thank god he dident have fleet :lol:


Wildfire Posted Today, 08:41 AM

Yay for speeders. Are you going to keep that thing, then?

i am :) ive already gotten the model for ages but it dident really shine until last game :) so far its only killed some orcs wth its heavy flamer and other non essential stuff but a defiler? hes redeemed himself for the battle against tomas his thousand sons :lol: (in which he failed horribly and died to a charging defiler :huh: when moving flatt out....) i guess i did use him properly this game, keeping him out of harms way for the first 2 turns and then giving my opponent more terrifiying targets to shoot at, a speeder or a vindicator, take your pick B)


im not to sure on rewarding my speeder that quikly DokSnyder, if he hadent performed i would have still won most likely and this was the first time that he dident suck for me :blush: have to say though that i WILL repair the sensorry antena on it now. it had broken of during transport a while back and i guess it has deserved a repair at the very least. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

and yes im actually NOT dead (unlike popular belief im sure :D)


had a game against my ork buddy today, he wanted to try out the forgeworld mega dread model he had and well...i dident mind :D we were supposed to start at 13:30 but since i was *shrugs* delayed i dident arrive until 3 o clock....we had till 5 o clock and knowiong we probably wouldnt be able to finish started anyway.


we played on the LGS newest 40k intro table (real fine piece of work i might, played on it before but it was now finished i think) he had roughly:


big mek with KFS (what else)

big mek with shokk attack gun (ugh not again)

unit of 10(?) lootas

mob of 30 boyz with various weapons and powerklaw

mob of 30 boyz with various weapons and powerklaw

unit of 20 boyz with shootas and powerklaw

unit of 10 gretchin with runtherd

10 stormboyz with powerklaw

3 killa kans with kustom mega blastas

mega dredd with 2 big shootas and the huge S7 AP 3 template.

battlewagon with big shoota and deffrolla (20 shoota boys and big mek went in here)


and i had (in case anyone forget, or i used a different list last report...)


Librarian with Shield of Sanguinius and Unleash rage, with jumppack

2 Sanguinary priests, 1 jumppack, 2 powerweapons

10 man assault squad with 2 meltaguns and powerfist

10 man assault squad with 2 meltaguns and powerfist

10 man tactical squad with PG,MM and powerfist

baal predator with TLLAC and heavy bolters

baal predator with TLLAC and heavy bolters

vindicator with siegeshield

land speeder with multi-melta and heavy flamer


we played sieze ground (or capture and control....cba'ed to look it up, d3+2 objectives...we got 5. we actually palced down 6 but it wouldnt have mattered much tbh) with table quarter deployment. i won the die roll to go first and took it. used my tanks to form a shield (in case he got first turn my troops would be mostly unmolested from his shooting) with my 2 ASM squads with encoutrage behind it. my tac squad was on the edge of the board to make a run for an objecvtive and the speeder was hiding behind the ASM squads as well.


My DZ (picture taken at an angle)


he deployed his gretchin (dident know he had those until we finished the game btw) ontop of an objective, completly out pof LOS (seriously could only see these if i would have to his side of the table <_<)

the 2 big mobs were on foot as close to my lines as possible. in between that were his megadread and battlewagon (ensuring everything got a cover save.....) his kans and his stormboyz were to my left and his lootas were in the ruins next to the gretchin (in plain LOS though so they could fire)


His DZ (picture taken in a hurry so excuse the blurryness )


he rolled a d6 to sieze initiative and....








his entire army moved forward asap, he fired at my lines killing 2 ASM (IIRC) and shaking my vindi, thats it....he was very VERY close to my lines though and i DIDENT like it 1 bit....


End of turn 1 for the orks.

Minor left flank move....the big mek wasent there, he was in a vehicle


so i would have lots and LOTS of green men knocking on my door next turn and most of them were carrying huge axes :ph34r: it was time to act fast.


i moved my tactical squads and tanks forward, tactical squad ran up into a ruin so the heavy weapons would be able to fire next turn. the baals both had moved 6 inches so could let all their weapons rip in the shooting phase. the vindi moved backwards abit and popped smokes. i mobed both ASM squads forwards carefull, 1 squad was within melta range of the battlewagon and the other was holding an objective (1 meltagun just barely in range) my entire shooting phase (baals and trimmings included) killed off 4 orks from 1 mob and immobilized the battlewagon....oh dear!


Right flank, gunline


Left flank, defensive line, come to me...if you dare!


his 2nd turn.the megadread clanked on forward, as did his mobz. the 20 shoota boyz and big mek disembarked and stood there...well not doing anything tbh. the other mob moved forward abit and parked itself ontop of another objective. the stormboyz moved backwards abit because he feared they would get charged (i guess?) the kill kans moved forward at a slow pace as well. his shooting dident do much (again) as units had armour saves+FNP or thigns to stopped by cover saves (that i got due to terrain, couldnt cast shield of sanguinius this turn, rolled an 11) his shooting cost me (IIRC) 1 tactical marine and no assault marines (passed cover saves)


Slow yet steady ladz!


my 2nd turn, my entire shooting went towards his mega dread (and i do mean ALL of it :pinch: ) no person should stop so many meltagun and multi-meltahits in melta range...noone....damn cover save *mumble, rage, whine* at the end of it all i only had stunned it (so somewhat stopped it i guess....sigh)


no pictures as nothing is to be seen, his complete line was unharmed (aside from a somewhat shaken ork :-P )


his third turn he called a waagh (oh :cuss) and 1 mob of 26 orks ran 12 inches towards my lines and proceeded to charge the tacticals in the assault phase. his assault cost me about 2 models, but i killed about 8 in return :wub: gotta love the SP in this unit, he already paid for himself with the amount of FNP rolls this unit made! he was still (barely) fearless so stayed put.


Orks oncoming charge, Oh dear

Aaaaaand the aftermath, not so bad after all i guess (powerklaw whiffed 3 of his 4 attacks!)

sadly these were the last pictures i took, forget to take any further pictures...


the rest of his army shuffled around abit but dident move much. his lootas fired on my Baal and immobilized it, the shook attack gun hit...with S6 (do we have a gloating smiley? :-P) OH! and lost 2 ASM's to his kill kans.


my third turn, vindicator shot at his megadread and missed, blowing up a few orks instead (good as well i guess) the tacticals were in combat. speeder fired at the megadread, dident do much (cover save passed IIRC) but the nearby ASM squad fired at it and destroyed it with a pen 6 (woohoo) and the 6 inch blast radias took even more orks down with it. i jumped 1 of my ASM squads to the left, towards the kans and stormboyz (since it was an objective gam and probably the last turn i wanted to contest) shot and blew up a kan, a dread CCW off another and dual charged the stormboyz and the kans. i killed a few stormboyz and shook 1 kan (which it ignored...) and lost 4 marines....OUCH!!! they pass LD though.... the other ASM squad (the one that had blown up the dread) was formed in a chain towards the objective so it was still mine.


tacticals only killed 2 orks in combat (including the SP) and took 2 casualties in return, so a draw.


at this point we had 10 more minutes till the store closed to sadly had to call it a day. since the game could have gone plenty of ways from this point (well...not after i made such seriously stupid mistakes this turn, but i hope to learn from it :blush:


which was a good thing to tbh because he had 3 objectives to my 1, and things looked grim! i would have most likely lost my last 3 assault marines from the left squad, COULD have lost a fair portion (or all) of my tacticals if dice were against me. 1 of my baals was immobilized and the other ASM squad was standing there with a finger up their nostrils....


i had made a classical mistake that i keep making TIME AND TIME AGAIN!!!! i devided my army while i KNOW my army works best if i keep my units together. even more so my best fighting unit (the biggest ASM squad i had left with SP and liby) were standing still doing nothing! i should have handled my 2nd and 3rd turns completly different. i was so focused on destorying that megadread that i lost eyes for the bigger picture (i knew it at the time and dident care) my opponent also said i was making a classical mistake and he was right. in the 2nd turn i put all my eggs in 1 basked trying to blow that damned dread up and all it did was stun it, the result was that my tacticals got charged by an (almost unmolested) mob of orks....


i should have done some target prioritizing and failed miserably at it. just a good thing for me the battle couldnt have been finished cause i would have been steamrollered (most likely anyway)


my faults aside some other things that really stalled the game as well were some rules arguments that arose, namely the following:

1: can an supporting upgrade char (no b with powerklaw in this case) attack and IC? we ruled that he had to be in B2B and tbh i cant find anything in the rulebook that states otherwise...

2: can a unit that has a weapon (lets say...speeder with heavy flamer) fire a weapon at his chosen enemy target (lets say mega dread) even though he cant harm it with it? i fired my MM/HF speeder at the dread but because it couldnt harm him he felt it couldnt be done. the local redshirt agreed with me that even that i couldnt damage it, i could fire at it, so killed 2 orks hiding behind it.

3: multicharge. AFAIK you can charge multiple units if they are within charge range. you just have to move 1 (one) model to it FIRST so your in contact, then you can move the rest of your squad towards the closest MODELS if you please.


im really unsure on whetever or not i did #2 and #3 correctly, could you guys give me your input on this? my opponents wasent aware of these moves so doing it made me feel like an *** but again, as far as a i know it was legal..


-edit- added my own army list, kinda forget...

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Not that it needs be said, really, given your constant mention of it... NEVER SEPARATE YOUR FORCES. :D


The majority of my Space Wolf and 13th Company losses are tracked to doing just that; separating my forces. Since then, I've never really had them in anything less than an 18-inch box, even against multi-Vindi lists, and I've yet to lose (Granted, I've only played ten or twelve games, but still.)


Other than that repeated mistake, you seem to make correct tactical decisions, though I don't profess to know BA tactics better than anyone here... I may be commending a horrid, horrid tactical mistake or two, for all I know. Anyways, always a pleasure reading your reps (Though I think this is the first time I've responded to one.)

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