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with the new dex m8? im not sure, depends if you count or local "campaign" games as well (though truth be told none of the special rules in it mattered but still)


currently im running 1 win and 1 loss (if you count the campaign game as well 2 wins 1 loss) not counting half the dozen games that i coudlnt finish because of lack of time....and not counting the apoc game that i played till turn 2....dident post pictures yet because..well only turn 2 ;)

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Hello gents, another game today! (lats one this week i promise :) ) and i even made pictures! yay!


was a campaign game though so expect to find yourself saying "bwuh?" a few times okay? okay lets go!


i was facing the guy placing first thus far, he ran:


sanctioned psyker

unit of 10 penal legionairs.

command command squad

infantry squad

infantry squad

infantry squad with chimera

unit of 2 devildogs with BS 4. and ignore crew shaken (IIRC)

unit of 2 banewolves with increased BS (dont ask, its useless....)

leman russ punisher with knight command pask and eavy bolter side sponsons (29 S5 AP4 shots hitting on 3's :ph34r: horde armies beware)

unit of 2 vendetta gunships with AV14/14/12, BS4, ignoring crew shaken results and rerolling dangerous terrain tests :down:


for the campaign i had the following experience points: assault squad 1 (the one i always join my liby to) had counter attack and feel no pain. assault squad 2 had hit and run. my vindicator ignored creew shaken results. my speeder could reroll dangerous terrain test. my tactical squad was fearless and had relentless (w00t)


and erm...thats it IIRC....we played a d3+2 game with dawn of war deployment, we had 4 objectives in total. both had 1 close and 2 somewhat in the centre of the board.


i won the roll to go first and decided not to deploy anything. my opponent (called Quintin btw, nice chap) deployed one of his infantry squads on an objective (woods) and another in a ruin near my deployment zone (he thought i had to stay 18 inch away from, how cute!!! like the got a restraining order :teehee: ) his command squad jumped on the objective near his edge, the chimera (with nothing in it) was deployed against the centre table (as far forward as possible) and the penal legionaires and added psyker joined them. the 3rd infantry squad was also behind them.


tbh i wasent really sure if this went according to the rules. he said that his company was 1 troop choice and thus deployed all of it, but i dident feel like objecting since he said he was stressed for time.... and it wouldnt matter much anyway i figured. your thoughts on this guys?


Guardsmen in the bush

And guardsmen in ruins

Rest of his deployment


he dident get to sieze iniative so my entire army came in. my 2 ASM squads jumped to the edge of the ruin with objective in it and the tac squad followed. the baals flanked this building. my vindicator and speeder were to the far left. my vindicator shot at the chimera, scorred a penetrating hit and i rolled a 1.....yippie! my speeder hit and whiffed it at the penetration roll... rest of my shooting killed of 1 guardsmen from the squad in the woods (8 wounds and only 1 died....seriously?) and 2 from the other squad. (same thing, 8 wounds only 2 died....)


Shaken not stirred

1 whole guardsmen down

And 2 guardsmen down

Main body of the host

Flanking tanks


his first turn, his vehicles came in. his 2 devildogs and banewolves sped up 18 inches forward, the devildogs in the centre and the banewolves to my far right, trying to flank the ruin with the 8 man squad in it. his vendettas came in from the far left. the psyker and co jumped in the chimera and drove off a few inches. his vendettas shot at the vindi and took off the demolisher cannon, immobilized it and stunned it (dident wreck it though, lol) his psyker did his 2d6 lightning attack from the chimera and wrecked the speeder (hmm come to think about it he couldnt have done that <.<)


dident take pictures, cause only the flanking force was taken down


my second turn, both assault squads jumped out of the ruin (both losing 1 marine to dangerous terrain) my jp SP (previously attached to ASM squad 1) joined ASM squad 2 (as squad 1 already had FNP of its own) i moved my left baal back up abit since i was expecting his devil dogs to fire their cannons at him the next turn. the other baal moved 12 inches forward to fire on his banewolves. my tactical squad tumbled forward 2 inches (just like last turn *sigh* ) my shooting dident do much but in my assault i wiped out both infantry squads (or rather he just removed them, he dident wanna bother rolling dice as he was strapped for time and he beleived his squads woudlnt survive anyway....i understood tbh)


ASM squad +liby kicked some behinds and took names

ditto for squad 2


his second turn, his banewolves drove 6 inches and were now in perfect flame position to nuke one of my squads :nuke: the devildogs moved 12 inches but only 1 could fire at the baal (like i was afraid off) his command squad did the 2+ to cover save command on itself. 3rd infantry squad embarked 1 of the vendetta's. the chimera with psyker fired through the gap between the 2 devil dogs at my ASM squad. his vendetta's fired at the baal and stunned it. his devil dog hit but failed to do damage. he flamed my ASM squad 2 but due to FNP i only lost 1 model (w00t) his punisher also fired an ungodly amount of firepower at the them and i only failed 1 armour save, which was then saved by FNP (insert family guy giggedy here :-) ) my ASM squad in the woods faired the same thing, except that i just plainly passed all the armour saves that they had to take.


Speeding devildogs

And flaming banewolves

Imperial air force


my third turn, both ASM squads walk towards the nearby tanks. my tac squad still only walked 2 inches (:)) but was the heavy weapons were in LOS of the bane wolves at least. my left baal used smokes and the right one positioned itself 6 inches to the side so the vendetta was hitting its front armour and he could fire at...you know stuff. my tac squad whiffed it (MM hit but failed to do damage plasma rolled a 2 to hit) so it was up to the 2 ASM squads now. ASM squad immobilized 1 banewolf (who due to the vehicle squadron rules counted as destroyed) and the squad charged the remaining one, tearing its chem cannon of and stunning it. ASM squad 1 also wrecked 1 of the devil dogs and took its melta cannon off, but failed to reach the vehicle cause i rolled snake eyes for charge distance......


ASM squad 2 likes the chemical bath, it rejuvinatess the skin ^^

ASM squad 2 popping devildogs


his third turn, his devil dog zoomed up 12 inches towards my rine, and he aimed it at my ASM squad 2 (oh-ow) the punisher stayed put. his vendetta's moved 6 inches and his command squad went to ground again (although he forget the order) his devil dog hit with its MM but rolled a 1 for damage (yay) his punisher unloaded its firepower on the ASM squad but all damage was negated by armour saves and FNP rolls (god i love it ^_^) the vendetta's fired at ASM squad 1 and killed 3 with their lascannons, passed test. chimera and crew fired as well but damage was negated. in his assault phase the 3 assault marines in contact scored 3 penetrating hits on the stunned banewolf and blew it up, the schrapnell hitting every model. none died though the SP was wounded.


ASM squad 1 survives...abit

Beaten to death in his own assault phase :-)


my fourth turn, (we mistook this for turn 5 btw) my ASM squad 2 jumped behind the leman russ punisher and blew it up with a pen 6 (naturally enguilfing all of them again....) but none died to the explosion. ASM squad 1 walked (as in not using its jumppack) through the woods towards the devil dog. the tactical squad suprisingly moved 6 inches through terrain and fired its MM at the devil dog...and blew it up. (wrecking it, not pen 6ing it) and since both my baals and ASM squad 1 were kinda pointed their direction as well and with nothing else in range i uh.... kinda wasted the turn right there......


Devil dogs MIA

Punisher MIA


his fourth turn he fired the vendetta's at ASM squad 1 (who was surrounding the objective now btw) and i went to ground, only losing 2 further marines (now down to 5 marines and liby) and the chimera did his power but failed the psychic test. and the multi laser (or was it a heavy bolter...) fired at ASM squad 1 but passed my 1 armour save (yay)


GO TO GROUND!!!! the ones outside the woods are casualties


my fifth turn i moved both baals towards the vendetta's hoping i could take it out with rending hits. ASM squad 2 jumped towards the centre objective. but came short, and running only gave me 1 further inch... i scored 2 rending hits on the AV 14 vendetta's and only 1 penned (the other failed to pen) and i shook it (which it ignores due to vehicle squadron....)


his fifth turn (he mistook it for 6th) and he rolled for last turn, which this would be. and moved his vendetta's flat out ontop of my woods objectice (well ok 2 inches away from it) and moved the chimera with penal legionaires towards the other objective near him


the move that made me lose on the last turn

Penal chimera holding objective

Still sleeping on the first floor...


loss for me.







now dont get me wrong it was a very fun game to play and i dont mind losing it all, he swung it over in his favour with a nice tactical move. the thing that kinda bugs me is that while im typing this (dident realize during playtime) is that because we wanted to rush the game because he had to go somewhere we missed some basic stuff....


1: first turn nightfighting special rule. could have easil;y meant he couldnt fire (or me) and thus saved my vindi (or his 3 guardsmen...) the vindi and vendettas were a good 30 inches apart, so good chances that nothing would have happend....


2: the fact that on turn 1 he wrecked my speeder by a unit that shouldnt have been able to fire that turn....


3: the fact that we got the turns all wrong also griped me because be both agreed then that if i would have gotten another turn i would have won...hands down. now off course lots of things could have happend but still losing on turn 5 when you think its turn 6 is kinda annoying (specialy when you find out after the game, if its apparent during it you can just keep playing)


4: and last but not least...i COMPLETLY forget about red thirst....i found out at turn 2 when i was about to charge...to do it then felt.....wrong. and this isent the first that i keep forgetting either!


now mind you im not blaming him, we play this game together and made the errors together but after such errors i can just kick myself making such ****ing stupid mistakes....


live and learn they say, i on the other hand, need a drink after this :pinch:

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  • 3 weeks later...

had a game against my orky friend (now with guard however)


his first time using guard and my first time with this list...



liby with jumpack. SoS and UR powers.

Furioso with heavy flamer

2 SP's, both PW 1 jumppack

10 man assault squad with 2 melta PF

10 man assault squad with 2 melta PF

6 man assault squad with lascannon razorback, power weapon and melta

10 man tactical squad with lascannon, flamer and powerweapon

8 man scout squad with ML and PF

dreadnought with missle launcher and TLLC

speeder with MM and HF


now alot more infantry and walkers compared to the previous lists, which all had about 1/3 of the list worth of points in vehicles :lol:


he ran:


company command with 4 grenade launchers

primaris psycher

6 man storm trooper squad with flamer

unit of 5 ratlings

10 man veteran squad with 3 melta in a chimera

platoon command with ????

4 infantry squads, 3 with autocannon and 1 also had autocannon and 1 had an attached commisar.

1 devil dog (or whatever the fast melta tank is called) with heavy flamer

3 sentinels with autocannons


leman russ with hull...something and heavy bolter sponsons (hull was probably a heavy bolter)

leman russ with heavy flamer


thats what i can renember at any case.


terrain pretty straight forward, a big LOS blocking piece of terrain in the centre (really old storepiece, loooked like a DIY ammodepot, or bunker without roof or something) in his DZ 2 in his corners and a trenchmark terrainpiece in the centre , ruin on my right corner, centre DZ and far left DZ. in the centre right were some trees, centre left a small ruin. we were playing 12 inch setup with both 1 objective. i placed mine in my right corner and he did the same.



we rolled for who would go first and he won it, electing to go first. he placed his stormtroopers and sentinels in reserves, using both to outflank. he placed his basilisk in his far left corner behind the ruin. abit to the left of that his devil dog and sponson less leman russ. in the trenchworks he placed an infantry squad with autocannon. to the right of that he placed his other leman russ and behind those he placed 3 combined squads (2 with autocannon 1 with commisar) in the ruin on the right he placed a 10 man squad with grenade launcher and autocannon, together with his command squad and ratlings


i combat squaded my tacticals, placing the lascannon on top and the rest downstairs with the footslogging SP. behind the ruin i had a 10 man assault squad with liby. to the left of the ruin i placed my razorback who was shielding my ranged dread. to the left of the razorback was my furioso (all within SoS range btw) in the centre ruin i placed my second AS. the jumping SP joined them. i placed my 2 meltagunners, PF and SP behind the terrain (they couldnt all fit in and i wasent sure if you can "snipe" your own models with difficult terrain so i wasent taking any chances....


i rolled for red fury and got absolutely nothing....rolled a ton of 6's though <_< then came the roll for sieze iniative and got another 6....phail!



his army dident move much. his leman russ (the sponsoned one) fired its BC at my lascannon at my lascannon squad, wounding all. i elected for them to go to ground all rolled 1's and 2's for cover >_< the rest of his shooting took of the lascannon from the razorback. his basilisk used indirect fire to fire at my assault squad hiding behind my objective...and he scattered...thank god 0_o the rest of his army either had nothing in range or was moving in range to fire (devil dog mostly)


my first turn, razorback moved forward 12 inches and popped smokes. my squad hiding behind the ruin jumped forward. the unit in the middle ruin did the same. my furioso and ranged dreadnought slogged forward. start of my shooting phase i shot the ranged dread at the leman russ, rolled a 6 for AP, and a 5 for a result....HUZZAH!!!! REVENGE IS SWEET!!!! (btw, this is the first game in which this dreadnought actually accomplished anything....he killed more in points in this game then all the other games combined i think...) the furioso ran forward. at this point i discovered i had split up my 2 assault squads, so i used a run move to move them towards eachother again. (and SoS would effectivly screen my entire army now)


his second turn, his sentinels dident come in, his storm troopers did, who decided to come in at the other end of the table :teehee: his devil dog broke from the cover behind the building. his 2nd leman russ also moved but couldnt fire (nothing in LOS) his shooting was mostly nulified by FnP


my 2nd turn, both my speeder and scouts arrived. i rolled for outflank for the scouts and got a 6 (or 5) so could decide where they landed and decided to let them arrive 2 inches away from the basilisk ^_^ the speeder arrived by flying 12 inches from my table edge right next to the devildog (w00t) my middle AS jumped 12 inches over terrain, right past the devil dog about 4-5 inches in front of the 2nd leman russ. the SP had cut away from the squad and had jumped forward 12 inches alongside the first AS with my Liby. they were a few inches outside charge range sadly. the ranged dreadnought also walked towards the devil dog. my furioso joined the rest of the gang and moved forward and ran alongside them.


my shooting saw my 2nd AS blow up the 2nd leman russ, speeder take of the melta cannon from the devil dog and the dreadnough immobilizing him. i immobilized the chimera that housed the veterans by moving the razorback forward 12 inches and disembarking its cargo meltagun took care of the rest (but dident make it go out with a bang :( ) and my scouts immobilized and tore of the big cannon from the basilisk.


his 3rd turn. the veterans disembarked. his stormtroopers moved forward a few inches through the terrain, towards the 2nd AS. dont think the rest of his army really moved.... his combined squad of 30 guardsmen got a first rank fire second rank fire and scored 10 wounds on my assault marines, taking down my sargeant (boooo) and john doe from the squad. ratlings took down another one. passed pinning test by snakes eyes (renembered for pure awesomenes!) the 6 man squad got shot down to 4 and failed its LD test and ran for the hills (or rather my table edge) FNP dident help them :-( the 2nd AS got cut down by the veteran's meltaguns and rapid firing lasguns and finally the last 4 were cut down by the hotshot lasguns from the stormtroopers. in his assault phase my scouts attacked the basilisk once more with krak grenades and i scorred 2 pen's, blowing it up with a 6 and taking down 2 of the scouts with it (>_<)


my 3rd turn. the 3 man AS kept walking but i used my run move to get closer to his lines (not sure if this is legal?) my 1st AS jumped infront of the big guardsmen unit. the furioso tagged behind and used a run to get closer. the razorback zoomed of 18 inches to the right with the intent to contest an objective. my speeder cooked 4 of the 6 stormtroopers and failed to hit for the 5th with its MM. the dreadnought kept walking towards the devil dog but failed to hit with both his weapons (??) scouts moved towards the trenches in the middle and ran forward some more (were out of charge range and most vehicles were taken care off) Furioso walked towards his objective and popped smokes. the 1st AS with liby and SP charged the combined guardsmen unit and killed 9, suffering no wounds in return...but the blighted currs remained put because of the commisar (sigh)


his 4th turn, his sentinels came in. and he deployed them next to the scouts. they shot and killed about 2 and charged them killing another two. i felled 1 sentinel in return. alot of his shooting went towards my furioso who shrugged off...well...quite litterally everything he threw at it :lol: the ratlings killed 1 of the 4 man AS and pinned them. combat saw me kill about 6 more guardsmen for again, no wounds in return and still he hold! (grrr)


my 4th turn. scout sargeant bit the dust before he could take a swing at the sentinels. my speeder cooked the last 2 remaining stormtroopers and my dread fired and took of the devil dogs heavy flamer, rendering it useless (but not wrecked by the rules IIRC) so he charged and finished the job. my razorback moved 6 inches through terrain to land on his objective. in the resulting tankshock i made the ratling runs off the table (even with reroll from his banner...oh yea did i forget to mention? he had a banner :P ) in combat i killed some more. his commisar rolled a 10 for LD! but then rerolled it with the DAMNED banner and got a 3 or so stayed put.............


at this point i kinda asked my opponent if he wanted to play. i kinda had to be somewhere soon but he felt like he wanted to try.


his 5th turn. all his shooting either bounced off things because he dident roll high enough for AP or missed.....so he called the game.


it was 1 objective against nill. victory for the blood angels!


2 wins 1 loss...yay. doesent sound so good when i mouth it, but then again the campaign sucks up most of my time nowadays and the rules are so silly and units are so inmensly buffed that by no account they can be called normal anymore, so this was a nice change of pace :) it looked bad in the first turn when he took out 2 of my 3 lascannons but only got better and better as the game went along. even the loss of an assault squad (well 2 if you count the running chickens) dident matter much either! happy day

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Did you do talons or fists with the Furioso? I find them a bit fragile without a pod, but love the models so I just can't resist :D And the extra armour value makes it standard Furioso over the DC version for me


Anyways victory for the Blood Angels, huzzah!

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Dem - you know you dont HAVE to roll for Seize the initiative, yeah?

(Or did you mean you rolled a ton of 6s then rolled a 1 for that?)


Also, how did you find the tons of guys? How very Matt Ward of you :lol:

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i used the normal fists for my furioso. i like the idea behind the talons but 1 lowly weapon destroyed means he loses his special ability, and the fists work wonders against tanks, monstrous creatures and normal infantry, not just infantry :huh: S10 versus S6 still wins out in my book. the reason i dident pod them is...well....i hate pods to be frank. unreliable, you have to deepstrike them and since i ran double dread i like the idea of them supporting eachother (even though i split them in this case) and the pods would negate that :)


i rolled a ton of 6's, even for sieze iniative...not a single 1 among them ;) and how i found that much guys? i almost have a full company of marines m8, if i want to i could burry my opponent in them by not taking any bling ;)

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  • 3 months later...

hello hello gents! ive played a few games the last couple of months and well uh...thought it just post them up finaly :blush:


this particular game was on the 7th of June so its from way back...


i played my orc buddy again. we both tried some new units. he tried lootas, normal Orc bikes and sotrmboyz (he had some minor experience before but wanted to give them a go again) all this alongisde his normal 30 boyz mobs, gretchin mob and 3 killa kans. i ran the same list as last game (but since thats a great deal to scroll up il say it again) liby with jump pack, 2 assault squads, scout squad, furioso, ranged dread, 10 man tac squad with LC and flamer and speeder.


we played a scenario from a (back then) just released booklet with scenarios. not sure which one it was but we had a normal 6 by 4 table but deployed on the small edges. hacked the table in 3 pieces and placed the objectives in the centres of those spaces.


this was the board


he deployed his entire horde as forward as possible, except for the lootas who were in a building with great LOS of the battle field and the gretchin mob who were on the objective closest in his part of the board. his killa kans were on my right flank, his bikes in the centre and the stormboyz on the left.


ork deployment


i deployed both assault squads with added jump pack SP, liby and furioso in my centre DZ. the combat squaded Lascannon tacticals were also here:


centre DZ


on my right flank i had the other 5 tactical marines with SP, ranged dread and speeder (dont know why the 5 marines were in the following picture)


right flank


not sure who went first...but either way. i spend the first 2 turns shooting at his kill kans. my assault squads stayed put, as did the ranged dread and the 5 combat squaded tacticals with SP. my scouts i had infilitrated (but might as well not as i dident wanna risk them) so deployed them in my deployment zone. i moved those to the left flank.


start of turn 3


by turn 3 the ork horde was slowly walking towards me. i had FINALY taken care of the kill kans with shooting so was starting to move my troops up. my scouts moved in the centre left of the board, hoping to draw his orks out. the 5 tacticals with SP and furioso were now walking towards his right flank.


right flank



on the left he took the bait, assaulting the scouts with his stormboyz. only the sargeant and 2-3 (not sure how many) survived the assault.


battered scouts (the marine is the proxy sargeant)


i responded by sending both assault squads towards them, only 1 squad was in range and i wanted to charge his bikers with the other one but was out of range. i slaughtered the stormboyz before they and the scouts got to attack.


right before they charged


on my right flank the 5 tacticals and furioso moved back to the ranged tacticals since they were almost in charged range of 2x30 orks....


tactical withdrawal!


finaly the orks couldnt wait anymore and started to move forward. both mobs surged forward (IIRC he even used his waagh move) but only the middle one got into conctact, the other one was bogged down by terrain) they charged the tacticals and furioso but since only a few got into contact the amount of incoming attacks was minimal. the SP also meant the unit stayed mostly unscathed.


tacticals in trouble.


in my turn i jumped ontop of the ork mob with assault squads and annihilated them with impunity (big suprise there) i used my consolidation to get ontop of the middle objective...


middle objective

the other squad formed a shield against the upcoming assault from the orks.


the big ork unit rolled good for terrain and easily charged the nearby squad.


big pile in


i dont got much pictures of the following. the lootas wrecked my furioso, i walked my ranged dreadnought into the melee and alot of casualties were had by all. we rolled for the 7th (IIRC? otherwise 6th) turn and got it.


fleeing marines and upcoming orks.


he charged the assault marines and made them fall back, he consolidated. i charged with the tactical squad+SP.


huge ass melee

only 1 assault marine from the combat was left, the tacticals including SP were in combat and the ranged dread was forced to help them to help them survive. seemed somewhat despresate. in the meantime my scouts had tried to kill off the gretchin only to be fired upon by the lootas. in the heat i forget they were fearless (due to red thirst) and made them fall back...


the gretchin gave up their objective and headed towards the middle one. in the last turn i charged the 2nd assault squad (who had in the meantime dispatched the bikers) and let them help with the big melee, but i failed to kill the big mek and he passed his LD test. i was stuck in combat.


the gretchin moved on the objective and scored a win for the orks. that was the game. my opponent was super happy he scored a win out of all that and cursed FNP alot. then i renembered we still had his assault phase to fight out. i dispatched his big mek, and consolidated 6 inches towards the middle, denying him the objective.


oh NOOO you dont


in the end a draw 0 objective for either side...


still a hard fought game (as always against him :) ) the lootas only had about range till the centre of the board (since we were playing small edge to small edge) and they couldnt only fire at the scouts (and i think they took out the speeder as well) so they were kinda useless. the moving of his gretchin was also a mistake imho. my troops were all in combat still so i effectivly had NO objective. i had thrown everything (including the lascannon squad) at the orks. forgetting the scouts were fearless kinda hurt in the end cause it would have made it a major victory for me (well denying him any objectives anyway) but oh well, you forget some things in the heat of the moment ;)


the game was way back so i hope i got most of the details right. il post some more reports later on.


-edit- got the end result wrong, its fixxed

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another we game we had fairly close after the last game (almost 2 weeks later) was a fun game at my house. we decided to switch armies and see how it would go :)


and to find out what big weekneases in our armies were, we never played with any army then our own so it was a nice way to get some perspective....and my buddy wanted to have FNP on his side for a change ;)


i (as ork) got 2 trukks with boyz (1 had a boss with powerklaw) 2 mobs of 30 each. unit of grechin, lootas, big mek and a battlewagon with shootas.


he had (as blood angel) 2 assault squads, 2 SP's with PW's (1 on foot other JP), vindicator with siegeshield, speeder with MM and heavy flamer, 10 man tac squad with LC, flamer and PW, LC ML dread and a 6 man assault squad with LC RB.


we rolled for the scenario and got table quarters and about 4-5 objectives. i deployed first (i think)


well..to make the story short heres a picture as the orc army has far to much units to describe <_< )




he deployed as far forward as possible:

blood angel deployment


left flank


better picture of his deployment


centre of the board

top right you can see a big blackish dize, that was an objective...

the rhino was an objective

behind the rocks was one

and on the hill between my lootas

the guardtower was one

(also this is from first turn shooting, the rb was stunned)


he tried to sieze initiative and failed, i had first turn. i moved the battlewagon forward slowly (dident wanna isolate my own force) and used them to block of LOS to the majority of my army. the kans walked to the flank flank (as did 1 of the mobs and the gretchin) the other mob moved towards the right flank, running and leaving big gaps between each model so the vindicator could only hit so many....the unit still had a few models in the big mek's range so that they got a 5+ cover save anyway :D i stunned his razorback, and as far as i can renember that was it.


he moved towards the centre with just about his entire force, the tacticals stayed put and made a pot shot at the kans, blowing one up i think. the rest of his shooting wasent all that impressive, i lost 4 boyz the entire turn

oh noes 4 orcs!


2nd turn, moved the battlewagon forward, wanted to move the trukks forward as well and disembark but found out i couldnt place my models so they stayed put. the 20 boyz from the battlewagon disembarked. the right mob moved forward towards his vindicator. i flanked him with 2 kans, and charged them into a unit of assault marines.


what do you mean self-preservation?


the squad that they charged are way up in the picture btw, they failed LD and fled :)


this was shooting at the 5 man tactical squad with SP

thought it was funny how cross-eyed they were :lol:


then his turn came, the vindicator...er....did something (not sure if i shook/stunned it or not) his speeder flew by and fried some orks with its flamers. i dont recall what he did with his assautl squad (the big one) think he went to help the left flank. (which was in some serious ****) his dread moved and fired at....something.


next turn i moved the battlewagon to the side, and moved the trukk with the warboss in its place, disembarked them. i charged the vindicator with the big mob. the mob of 20 shoota boyz (mostly intact even after last turn IIRC) shot its rokkits at the dread, failed to destory and charged and did destroy it (explode it IIRC) the vindicator wasnt wrecked and the warboss+co made the poor tacticals day go sour. on the left flank my big mob charged the tacticals who fled after taking a few casualties.


oi come back!


the next turn the liby assault squad charged the kans and took them out. my warboss and co killed the SP


speeder was still thereb ut useless, the vindicator drove off, and the SP was in combat soon to die


shooting (probably from the vindi) took a heavy toll



on the left flank the assault marines disembarked from the RB (who had at this time failed to do anything...at all) and charged the left mob alongside the assault marines. the mob was getting torn a new one.

eh....this aint going so well


my turn, i moved the 2nd trukk squad up to the liby squad, disembarked and charged.

oh right you were still there as well...


sp hits the dust

the assault marines with the left mob kill off all they were in contact with and consolidate towards the nearby gretchin (oh ow)

oi little ones! ruuuuuun


no clue what mob he was a survivor from...


his next turn his assault squad charged the gretchins, killing them to a man. thats all he could do IIRC, rest was in combat or dead.

to puny (no wounds back...) fist killed the last


i charge his static TLLC RB with the warboss+co and take off its weapon.

did you put pennies in the metre?


his assault marines+liby killed off the rest of the trukk mob, i take out his razorback in his turn

finaly the stopped trukkin

and pow


i charged his liby+few marines with the warboss and co



please note that the liby instant killed the warboss with his forceweapon :)


the lone survivor from the mob ontop of the tacticals:

my tower!

last assault marine trying to get an objective, moved the trukk to contest.


end game picture:


vindicator was wrecked, speeder couldnt move or fire (IIRC)


i had 2 objectives (tower and the big mob near the vindicator and speeder) and he had 0 as i was contesting his assault marine


more a harsh lesson for my buddy then for me i guess.


i learned (and kinda already knew; that)orks are nasty on the charge but lose their punch after FC has died out. their numbers are high and they can dish out pain, theyre less good at absorb it however. ork transports are very well suited for their army. theyre fast and can deliver the troops where you want them, by charging them after the transport moved you can really suprise your opponent!


what i guess he learned: FNP and 3+ armour saves come at a cost. the blood angel army is small and needs its units to support eachother. he was somewhat reckless at times and I inmediatly took advantage of that (by charging in with the killa kans for example) i played very agressivly and force him to make choices on what to do with his units.


a bad day for the blangels overall but it was a fun day (took a ton of time to do since neither of us knew eachother rules very well :D)


-edit- got the point cost wrong, it was 1500, not 2000

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new game today, played my ork buddy, he was playing guards today though ^_^ its a army that hes building "on the side" as it were, its not his main army and hes not aiming to make it such.


to recap i had:

liby with jumppack. unleash rage and shield of sanguinius.

2 SP's with PW's, one with JP

6 man assault squad with PW, MG and TLLC RB

10 man assault squad with PF, 2 MGs

10 man assault squad with PF 1 MG (scratched the flamer as i was over by 3 points)

10 man tac squad with PW, LC, flamer

speeder with heavy flamer and multi-melta

vindicator with siegeshield

dreadnought with TLLC and missle launcher


he had roughly:

primaris psyker

10 man vet squad with 3 meltaguns and riding a chimera with multi-laser and heavy flamer

5 ratlings

guardsmen marbo

infantry platoon consisting of:

command squad with 4 grenade launchers

3 x 10 infantry squads with autocannon, one joined by commisar.

infantry platoon consisting of:

command squad with lascannon

2 infantry squads, one with autcannon one with lascannon

devil dog (? the fast melta template shooting tank...)

3 sentinel scouts with autocannons.

leman russ battletank with ?

leman russ battletank with ?

(never found out what they had...)



picture 1

picture 2


the board we played on was quite small. it was 38 inches wide so we missed 5 inch on both sides. it was however all the space that we had available so it would have to do. we placed 2 ruins in both our DZ's, some woods was on the central left, a ruin on the central right, and a tank was on the far middle right. we played the mission where we both had an objective and had to capture your opponent's objective (while keeping your own) we had the 12 inch deployment (as all the other ones just simply werent an option)


i won the roll to go first and took it (against so many templates? hell ya!) i combat squaded my tactical squad, the lascannon going on the top of the building with the objective, the sargeant, flamer, 3 random dudes and SP on the buttom floor (marines in cover with FNP are good objective holders ^_^ ) my speeder behind the ruin, the vindicator to the right of it. to the left i placed my razorback with assault squad inside, both assault squads spread out as far as possible to negate potential wounds from the ordenance and the dread to the left of my objective building.


my objective

left flank (chaplain is my liby)


my opponent then spread out his army across his line. his tanks basicly had coverage against my entire line without much terrain blocking LOS.


guardsmen left flank

guardsmen right flank


he rolled to sieze initiative and dident get it.


i moved my forces forward agressivly, as his firepower wouldnt give me a chance if i stayed passive for long. both squads stayed (mostly) spread out. the dread slogged forward and i positioned the vindicator so that the ruined predator (terrain) would provide cover from incoming fire. the speeder was more or less in the open.


moving forward

vehicle flank


i shot at vehicles and wrecked his right leman russ with my vindicator. the left leman russ was stunned by my razorback. the rest of the shooting bounced off, both assault squads ran forward. with both leman russi effectivly taken care off for the following turn i was confident the incoming fire wouldnt be all that heavy.


i was right...in a sense, but it had nothing to do with his army, his dice failed him miserably. he shot the melta tank at the assault squad, and scattered about 10 inches. the basilisk hit spot on, hitting 6 and wounding all of them. i then passed 4 of the cover saves from SoS. he shot all 3 sentinerals at the speeder, and failed to do anything. he then shot (with reroll from an order) at the speeder again and i passed the cover save that i got as he was firing through his own units. he fired his lascannon (with reroll from order) at the vindicator and stunned it. and...well...that was it :huh:


just shaken

only infantry casualties


2nd turn.i moved my razorback forward, passing the dangerous terrain for the woods, disembarked the assault squad with the melta in melta range. both assault squads moved up. the dread slogged trhough a ruin but only moved 4 inches. the razorback fired at the remaining leman russ but failed to do anything. the nearby melta then hit and rolled a pen hit but cover intervened. then the nearby assault squad opend up and blew it up with a pen 6. the 2nd assault squad fired its single MG at the nearby fast melta tank and immobilized it. the lascannon from the tactical squad fired as well but failed to do any damage. my dread also fired and also failed to do anything. i had turbo boosted my speeder 24 inches to the left side to where the juicy targets were :cuss


centre of the board

right flank, vindi had popped smoke


his 2nd turn. he again; only moved his sentinels. his chimera with veterans moved to my razorback. the chimera flamed the assault marines. and the vets inside shot at the razorback, blowing it up with a pen 6. his sentinels shot at my speeder, and also blew it up with a pen 6. his lascannon again shot at my vindicator, i failed my cover save (again) and he blew it up with a pen 6 (starting to see a pattern here :blink: ) he caused 1 or 2 wounds on my assault marines, nothing to serious. during his shooting phase he noticed he forget marbo, i let him roll for reserves, he came in and placed him a few inches behind my assault marines in the woods. he threw the charge at the assault marines, wounding 3 (out of 4 hit) i passed all 3 saves from SoS... his ratlings fired at the 6 man assault squad, killed 1 and the unit got pinned....


my vehicles getting slaughtered...


my 3rd turn. both assault squads moved up. i remove the liby from the small assault squad and join him with the (unscathed i think) assault squad. they assault his combined 30 man squad with commisar. both liby and sp kill 4 with PW's, i kill 15 with the assault marines and he kills 1 marine in return, the guardsmen hold due to beeing stubborn. the assault squad charge the chimera, and only manage to pull its turret off. as the fist fluffed all its attacks....

it moved like 1 inch and wont die

massive melee


his 3rd turn, marbo and sentinel fire at my dread, fail to do anything so charge him. marbo hits with meltabomb and scores a penning hit, stunning him. nothing else happens there. the rest of his shooting was terrible. the melta tank and basilik both scatter (about 8-10 inches each) his veterans in his chimera fired at the assault squad in combat with it (tbh i thought he would have to fire through his own tank so id at least get a cover save but everyone in the store thought otherwise) lost 3 more marines and they fled 15 inches.

fleeing assault marines

incoming sentinels


in combat my assault squad with characters finished off the rest of his combined squad.

free from combat in his turn


4th turn. the marines that just fled regrouped and jumped back. they jumped to the right of the chimera. the (now) unpinned assault squad moved to the left of the chimera. the first fired and dident do anything, the latter blew it up with a pen 6 (seriously...) hitting all of my nearby marines but i lost none due to armor. i killed about 6 of the embarked members, and killed them off in the assault phase. my lascannon stunned the melta tank. my assault squad with both characters charged his basilisk and blew it up (guess how?) lost none to the explosion, he lost 3 guardsmen. consolidated towards his objective (the combined squad was ontop of it) marbo scored another pen on the dread and wrecked it. they consolidated towards his objective.

the fiend Marbo kills my venerable friend :-(

consolidated towards his ratlings


moving up to charge

what remains ofh is right flank

his 4th turn. he shot his remaining infantry i in his DZ at the big assault squad, killing 4 with lasguns (yea thats right lasguns) one with lascannon and (i think) one with grenade launcher... 2 members and the characters left. he makes a last ditch effort with his ratlings and he charges (as we found out later he couldnt as he fired but oh well) which gave us the biggest laugh of the day. i rolled terrible and still trampled the poor little men, and consolidated towards the middle

poor dread :-(

right before the lasgun treament....

and after


my fifth, we rolled for another turn, and dident get it. i moved both characters off from the assault squad, and joined up with the other assault squad. the 2 marines left hid behind the melta tank, fired at it and failed to do damage and got ready to attack. the assault squad (now with 2 characters) fired at the sentinels and wrecked 2 (gotta love AP1 and open topped :blush: ) and the libby finished the last off in combat.


at this point he conceded. as even if he killed all off the assault marines near the objective (3 units and he only had 2 to shoot with) i still had my home objective so won anyway.


picture of the end game (he dident bother to remove the sentinels...)


overall a rather odd game. it dident really matter what he did with his ordenance his dice seemed to fail him. his sentinels shooting was also quite horrible. they couldnt even scratch my speeder.... he scattered so many times it was unbelievable....i think the only time he hit was on turn 1, and then i passed 4 out of 6 SoS saves.... marbo even rolled double 6 for scatter distance....only fact that meant he still hit was because because of his high BS and the fact that my squad was spread out alot so even targetting in the centre meant he still hit some in the edge of it.


the other odd thing was (aside from 2 exceptions: my dreadnought and one of his leman russi) exploding whenever a damage roll happend :huh: funnily enough some guy was constantly saying stuff should explode before the game started...perhaps he jinxed us?


SoS really payed off this battle. i think that it alone saved about 10 marines from a horrible demize, and the rerolls from UR also proved very VERY fatal. (one assault saw me having 5 hits on about 15 attacks orso...before reroll offcourse :P got about 7-8 more hits with....)


a win i guess. its still a dice where we roll dice so its kinda strange to complain about that i guess....

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  • 3 months later...

so... a few months have past since ive last played 40k. i went to my local store and got a chance to play a game and took it with both hands. was a guard player, who frequents tournaments alot so i basicly figured i wasent going to enjoy the game as much (try as i might)


he ran:


command squad 4 plasmagunners mounted in a chimera

command squad 4 plasmagunners mounted in a chimera

10 veterans with 3 meltaguns

10 veterans with 3 meltaguns




2 Medusas.

leman russ

leman russ


so er....yea <_<


to refresh everyones memory my list was this:

liby with jumppack. SoS and Ur.

2 SP's, both PWs and one with jumppack

10 man tactical squad, lascannon, flamer, powerweapon

6 man assault squad, PW, MG, TLLC RB

10 man AS, 2 MG's, fist

10 man AS, 1 MG, fist (took out the flamer as ive had people commenting on the WHOLE 3 points that i went over budget -_- )

dread with TLLC and ML

vindicator with siegeshield

land speeder with MM and HF.


most of my vehicles are pretty light on armour so i feared the worst. our table had a few woods, some ruins and a ruined lan d raider in the middle. the scenario we played was capture ground (or something, both have 1 objective) and we had the old 12 inch deployment. we rolled for first turn and i got it


terrain layout - 1 right flank

terrain layout - 2 left flank


i deployed my tacs with the SP on foot in the ruins. basicly swarmed my army around them and held my speeder in reserves.


right part of my deployment

centre of my deployment

my left flank (the little grey board thingy is my "objective"


he deployed his leman russes on the flanks of his objective, all 3 his vendetta's were on my left flank and his chimera's with crew and medusa's were hiding behind a temple of skulls (i think it was that piece anyway) he rolled for initiative and dident get it. btw he started his veterans inside the vendetta's...is that legal? i though only dedicated transports could do that?


he turbo boosted his vendetta's 25 inches to towards the left flank.




i started the game by moving my army forward 6 inches and opend fire. the vindi got a pen 6 on his medua but since he hid one of his medusa's behind terrain and they were a squadron he got a cover save, a save he promtly passed.... >.< rest of my shooting wrecked one of his vendetta's and shook another one.


his DZ before i started firing stuff ^^


new centre of my force

i walked forward slowly and used run to again move slowly forward while keeping my force about 2 inches (when he started firing i noticed it was more like 1 inch apart....) to avoid damage from ordenance...


ditto to the above

but on my left flank


he flew his vendetta's to my right flank opened fire with the onmolested one and immobed my vindi. rest of his shooting was poor or none excistant. the veterans from the wrecked vendetta ran towards his objective which was eh...empty :)


my 2nd turn still moved quite carefully, vindi scattered, speeder came up and dident do diddly, i managed to shake a leman russ (<_<)


half way across the field

all hugging for that all imnportant 5+ cover save :-)


his second turn he killed my vindi, shot both arms off my dread and immobed it, wrecked my RB (and killed a few of the assault marines), made my speeder crash....OH and he blew some more marines up....




the 1 MG assault squad

a few models i accidentily mixed up with the other assault squad...as i see in this picture...


my 3rd turn, both assault squads jumped up, the AS on foot walked to the nearby chimera. all opend up with their meltaguns. the result was that by the end of this turn i had blown up (and hacked to pieces) 1 command squad, both chimera's and both medusa's were gone. OH! and i blew another vendetta out of the sky B)



last picture of the game, we had to call it quits.


at this stage the store was closing soon and they asked us to pack our stuff. while i did so my opponent asked if he could fire a whole turn of stuff at my assault squad (who had finished the Medusa and were now comfortably standing B2B...might i add that HE moved MY models? he was very civil about it, and suddenly they were all clustered together...) after his round of firing i still had my liby (on 1 wound) PF sarg, and MG assault marine left. the AS on foot was gone and the other AS with 1 MG was largely intact (7-8 marines or so?), the devastated squad was about 12 inches away from both leman russes who had only moved 6 inches :(


tbh the game could have gone either way. he was an odd opponent though...such as moving my assault marines os that they were "by chance" all standing B2B.... he knew all sorts of little trapdoors in rules and basicly knew stuff i dident (or forget in the few months of absence...) he was also complaining ALOT. i was commenting that he just blew up 4 anti-tank units and he just commented that his dice were crap and it should have happend last turn :blink:


all in all an odd opponent. enjoyable game though, never expected id blew so much up :D

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@dargoan and ebsolom, its more like he moved the models so i dident have to move around the table. since it was the last turn anyway i dident think anything of it... it dident matter anyway, that turn never happend. it was a what if scenario. (he just wanted some satisfaction after seeing half his force blown up im sure :()


had another battle yesterday. against a good friend of mine that i havent seen in...about half a year or so!


he plays vanilla marines, his own "chapter charlie" as he calls em.


he ran:


captain with jump pack and lightning claws

10 man tac squad with missle launcher and flamer

10 man tac squad with missle launcher and plasmagun

8 man tac squad with plasmagun

8 (or so) man assault squad with powerfist and a single plasmapistol

a dreadnought with multi-melta

5 man tac squad with flamer, powerfist and mounted in a razorback


since he only had 1250 points i had to cut some points off my list. i cutt of my razorback squad and took 3 marines off my single melta squad.


we played dawn of war with both 1 objective in our deployment zone.


he went first and deployed one of his missle tacticals on his objective, the 8 man plasma squad was on the bridge in the middle of table.


his objective to the right

closeup of said objective (marines in the middle were in reserve)


i combat squaded my tactical squad. top half with lascannon on top, sarg with flamer down stairs. i tried to sieze initiative and failed.


my deployment

buttom floor


his turn 1. his force came on the table, he tried to shoot but nothing was in range. his terminators are in reserve.


chapter charlie, turn 1(forget to take a picture of the marines in the bridge during deployment. theyre the red ones...


my turn 1, my units come in. i try to shoot the 8 man plasmasquad, am about 2 inches out of range, i run with my assault marines.

turn 1

turn 1 left flank dread ran due to nightfighting rule


his turn 2, he shoots, doesent do diddly (think he blew up 1 marine)...i think the plasmagunner on the bridge blew himself up :)


my turn 2, move up some more. as he was playing defensivly i was trying to set up a charge carefully. vindicator scattered, and the rest of my fire missed or he passed cover saves


his turn 3. his razorback immobilizes itself by going into terrain. he jumped his captain out of nowhere (they were actually there but i dident know they were so close ^_^ ) after doing this move he renembered his terminators were in reserves and rolled for it (asked if it was ok, i said yes) and he deepstrike them on target near the captain as he apparently had a teleport homer (looking back i should have said no because that move cost me dearly) now he suddenly has 5 close combat terminators 14-15 inches away from my table edge and an assault squad with character :) his captain and AS charge my (weakend 7 man squad) and slaughter all but the vet who flees 18 inches :wub: (one inch away from the table edge...)


perilstotaly forget to mention this, at the start of this shooting phase i wanted to do SoS and got perils...thus also failing my secret mission (hq units cannot get wounded this battle)

chapter charlie on the spot my assault squad previously owned...


my turn 3. feeling my pride hurt a little (and not wanting to give my opponent even more an edge then he already has) i charge his assault squad with mine. SP an liby kill all his marines before they get to hit. his captain kills like...3 or so and my PF vet instant kills his captain (revenge is sweet) consolidate backwards abit and cross my fingers :x (vindi popped smoke)


what goes around comes around


his turn 4. the marines jump out of the razorback and run in terrain towards my objective. he shoot abit, nothing major and the terminators wipe out my AS with attached characters (brought the squad down to 2 now) my lone PF vet and the dreadnought charge in, kill the last lightning claw termi but the PF vet dies.


"morning" , "morning"thats probably all they did, sip tea...lazy minis!


his turn 5. his 7 man unit without plasmagun walks down the bridge. combat with the dread and termi results in nothing. he shakes my vindi and his squad is now 1 turn away from contesting my objective!


my turn 5. i tank shock his unit of 3 man with my vindi, they fail their test and run 2 inches (BWAHAHAHAHA) shooting seems me...shooting at something, dont recall. combat between termi results into nothing....




we roll for 6th turn and get it. his 3 man squad keeps walking, and his 7 man squad and dread continue to walk towards me. combat between dread and termi results into nothing.


my 6 turn i fire the vindi at the 3 man squad (kill 2) and the ranged tacticals fail to manage to kill the last remaining one (powerfist) i (FINALY) move my combat squad with PW and attached SP towards the terminator to finally finish him off in case we get a 7th turn as well.


we roll for 7th and the game ends. a tie.


middle of the board

the 7 picknicking marines


one that has hurt me more then it did him :huh: (but then again the teleport homer thingy was kinda illegal, even if it wasent intentional...)


we rolled off to see how many turns it would take before either the dreadnought and/or the terminator would bite the dust.....turned out it was 21 turns of both sides getting a combat phase :)


all in all it was a very friendly game with lots of bantering, thinking back theres a few rules we mixed up and some mistakes (like the deepstriking terminators at the end of a movement phase) that kinda altered the course of the game. but all in all it was a load of fun and thats what its all about right?

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i rather like it. its hard to keep it working well though, as as soon as 1 part leaves the group it all comes apart...


and aside from the couple of lascannons i hardly got any (ranged) anti-tank weapons in my army :) (not to say that the meltaguns dont work well, its just abit...hazardous to walk the field with leman russes and the like shooing you :down: )


last game i missed a few marines and a mounted squad and i must say that i sorely missed them :(


thats kinda why ive been thinking about trying some new stuff out.


i finished constructing a stormraven today so im going to see if i can fit that in my list somewhere :) will probably will have to include a close combat dread as well now, oh well :lol: i was thinking about giving the furioso with claws a try. and my new shiney VV's that im constructing will need a test run as well :P


im afraid that would put all my eggs in one basket though so i havent figured out how im going to make it work out ;) will have to get back on that.

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going to give my storm raven a test drive tommorow. will run the following list:


liby with jump pack (fear of the darkness and unleash rage) want to give new psychic powers a go, but since i dont use a chapy in this list...UR has to be in :huh:

2 sang priests, both PW's one with jumppack

unit of 8 VV's, pair of LCS (sargeant), powerfist and powerweapon. 1 model has a meltabomb (5 points to spare)

10 man tactical squad with PF, MM and PG (the grailbearers, if anyone is following my campaign blog <_< )

10 man tactical squad with PW, flamer and lascannon

stormraven with hurricane bolters

10 man assault squad with PF and 2 MG's (liby and jump priest go here)

speeder with a multi-melta (had to cut the heavy-flamer for points :))

and a furioso with blood talons. (also want to give this one a go :) )


all in all im trying out 3 new units and my HQ is missing a power that has proven to be very helpfull in dire times. not to sure on what kind of tactics i should use and/or if the list is viable ^_^



anyone have any experience with a stormraven?

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played a game today, sadly not one with a stormraven, or one at 1500 points either (well..kinda) i met up with the chapter charlie buddy and when we were looking for a table there were these 2 new guys over on it about to go head to head with 750 pts each.


the guys from the store only could open 1 table so we either had to wait till they finished or......do a 2 on 2 1500 pts (combined) game.


since i had observed the end of their previous game i knew playing a game after them was out of the question so i agree to it.


i ran:


liby with jumppack. UR and sword powers.

SP with JP and PW.

10 man assault squad, fist, 2 mgs

10 man tac squad, PG, MM, PF. (grailbearers)

speeder with MM and HF


charlie ran:


captain with jumppack, 2 LCS

8 man assault squad with 1 fist and 1 PP

10 man tac squad, ML, flamer

10 man tac squad, ML, PG

AC predator with heavy bolter sonsons


our opponents ran:



necron lord with ress orb.

10 man warrior squad

10 man warrior squad

3 destroyers



prince with MoN, wings and warp time

10 man chaos marine squad with plasmagun

10 man chaos marine squad with...nothing

8 man bezerker squad with skull champ...with nothing



you get some funky armies with 750 pts a piece :blink:


either way, the board was a 6 by 4 city fight board (basicly the board i fight on every time im in the store <_<) we moved some of the terrain around so that both sides got some cover here and there. we rolled ofr mission and objectives. we got table quarters with both 1 objective (capture and control IIRC) we rolled to see who would go first and our opponents told us to go first.


i set up my tacticals around the objective, making sure to keep my unit spaced out against the defiler's battlecannon. my buddy combat squaded his tac squads, setting the missle launchers uup on the high ground and put the rest as far as possible towards our flank towards our opponents. i had my speeder on the same flank and in the middle (or rather to the left of the previously mentioned) was his assault squad with captain and predator.


chapter charlie ML

centre of our DZ

right flank


they deployed their defiler as much to the centre of the board as possible but against their board edge. necron warrior squads were on the objective and in cover near it, lord with orb joined the one on the objective. the marine squads were hiding in various pieces of terrain. the prince was hiding behind one such squads. the destroyers were basicly in the open.


their left DZ (dont think anyone deployed anything yet....)

right flankdefiler is on the right of this picture...


i held my ASM's with characters in reserve (cant afford to have them pie plated now can we :ph34r: )


they tried to sieze initiative and failed. and THEN made a dick move (powered by GW Rotterdam) they removed our homeobjective with the campaign money :jaw: holy ****


we started by flying the speeder 12 inches their way, charlie's predator mvoved 6 inches so he could still fire the autocannon. my tacticals started moving (since their objective had kinda disapearred :)) chapter charlie moved up towards their lines as well (except the ML combat squads) i fired my speeder at the defiler got a hit (was already suprised there) rolled a 6 for pen, then rolled a 5 (BOOOOOM)


with the first shot of the game i blew up a 150 point defiler with my 70 point speeder! to make it even better the explosion also downed 2 necron warriors B)

defiler stood here....hmm kinda anti-climatic picture....


rest of our turn dident see much, we downed a destroyer, that was it i think.


their turn it became just how nooby they were. they were premessuring to see if they could get a charge off the next turn and/or were checking to see what weapon could hit what :huh: we kindly told them that it was against the rules and they appoligized, but withdrew certain events since they saw that they could get charged next turn and such....


my speeder was downed (no suprise there) that was it i think, perhaps some of charlie's assault marines went down.


our second turn, i rolled for reserves, dident get it. my tacticals moved further up the board, charlie jumped forward as well and slogged along the way. his tacticals were exchanging pot shots with bolters. nothing major really happend. charlie ffired both ML's at the prince and both missed, he rolled snake eyes.


their second turn, prince jumped up to strike next turn, the beserkers moved up and fired at charlie, about the rest of the army opened up on the assault marines as well. i think about 5 (including captain) still were standing.


sneaky git


our 3rd turn, my reserves came in. my tacticals moved back to avoid a charge (could either charge and get charged by the nearby chaos squad or pull back) i made a mistake with the reserves, thinking we played on a standard deployment. when we found out i just moved my reserves to the right spot. ran to catch up with charlie but only rolled a 1. charlie's assault squad jumped up and shot at the beserkers, the PP blew up and nothing happend. then he charged and decimated 6 out of 8 beserkers for no casualties in return (woot) charlie's ML's also wounded the prince.


my faulty reserves move

backwards men theres a deamon in the bushes!

skulls for the emperor!

forward men!


their pre 3rd turn perspective. assault marines near. a prince hiding behind a wall and lots of static necron warriors


their 3rd turn the prince jumped out of hiding, guessing the tacticals to be out of range (im pretty sure they werent) he charged the static predator instead. blowing it up. the 2 beserkers died in combat and charlie lost a full combat squad of tacticals to shooting. (strangely, they found the tacticals more frightening then my assault marines....)


our turn 4. charlie walked up and charged the necron warriors squad , wiping them out in combat with a sweeping advance (he lost 1 marine to combat). the units in our DZ opend fire on the prince, wounding it again (once) i charged with the grailbearers, losing 4. i took off a wound with normal hits and the PF got the last one!


back to the warp ye panzy!


charlie jumped up (passing dangerous terrain test) and charged the next warrior squad. winning combat by 4, but the necrons stayed put. our shooting (cant recall the source) downed 2 of the destroyers.


their 4th turn,


the destroyers dident come back, the single one moved to the centre of the board, and started firing at my ASM's. the rest of the chaos marines ran towards their objective in a hope to at least contest it a while longer. charlie's combat with the necron's was going nowhere, both sides werent doing much harm.


our turn 5. my assault marines jumped up, charged and killed a full 10 man squad (before they got to hit back no less. charlie's ASM's were down to the sarg and the captain (combat was still louzy) my tactical squad rapid fired their bolters (plasma gun missed both shots) and took down the last destroyer.


their turn 5. the chaos squad rapid fired at my ASM squad, downing 2. combat in the warrior squad was equally bad. the PF marine was killed, his captain wounded once. he still downed 3 though which was nice.


ASM after they destroyed a CSM squad

captain charlie in combat(dont know if thats his name)

we rolled for a 6th turn and rolled a 2.....NOOOOOO!!!!


a draw :wacko: i HATE draws! i only get draws! no fair! after all that footslogging and all we get is a draw because we dont get another turn to finish off those 10 marines. the necrons had fased out after last rounds combat. we had a captain with LCs, a liby and SP with PW and 8 marines RIGHT THERE....


this makes no sense *insert nerdraging smiley here*


*ahem* well aside from the rather dissapointing ending it was a fun game. the guys were obviously new to the hobby. after the battle we gave them some advice and the necron asked me what units he could use for combat since his buddy's deamon prince kept giving him atomic wedgies...


no clue if i told him the right things... it was an allright game, just wish i could have tried out my stormraven *sighes*


also interesting to note is that the dick move that our opponent did at the start of the game cost them 40 credits in the campaign. since at the most taht you can win is 30 credits (win nets you 10, draw nets you 5, a loss 1, special objectives 10 and you can bet money on yourself winning for 10) it cost them a great deal more then it did us. it sure made the game a paint though!


thats it for today guys. ive got a killer of a headache and im off to score some painkillers! woooo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played a game against an old friend of mine. he plays necrons, the first army he started a few years back. he has abit of a problem with staying focused on a single thign at a time so he picks the game up, plays a few games and phases out (no pun intended) again.


we played 1500 pts. my army lists was the following:


Liby with jumppack. UR and SoS powers.

2 SP's (1 pack) 2 PW's.

10 man tac squad, flamer, lascannon powerweapon.

10 man tac squad, PG,MM, fist (grailbearers).

10 man assault squad, PF, 2 MG's.

stormraven with huricane bolters.

8 man VV squad with 1 pair of LCS (sargeant) PF and PW.

Furioso with bloodtalons.

MM speeder


he ran (roughly)

lord with destroyer body, orb warsythe.

unit of 5 (or so) Pariahs (?? necrons who werent necrons with warsythes :ph34r: )

10 warriors

10 warriors

10 warriors

3 destroyers

unit of 10 scarabs



we rolled for mission, got 4 objectives and standard 12 inch deployment.


the board had some ruins, a patch of woods, a ruined temple and on a hill some fences provided a cover save. we rolled first turn he got it, and took it. he deployed 1 warriors unit on a ruin in his DZ with objective (since the board was 4 by 4 we decided the objectives could be placed a little closer to the edge of the board. allowed for better objective placement. and was a friendly game anyway) the destroyers he placed ontop of the building his warriors were in. the rest he held in reserves :huh:


necrons hugging a building....the equila has a hat! (objective was on the first floor, the "hat was for humor porpuses)


i put both tactical squads on an objective (both about 10 inches from the edge, reducing the placement wouldnt have been that much of a deal for me) my VV's and furioso were inside the stormraven (obviously) which i had on my left flank (behind the woods) the assault squad with liby and SP to the left of that (libby placed to be in SoS range) and i totally forget about my speeder (dident have the model with me, and forget to ask if i could borrow it from the store)


tactical squad 1

stormraven and tactical squad



rolled for sieze initiative and dident get it. rolled for the red thirst and NONE of my units got it. (starting to get a bit annoying now...in my last....5 or 6 battles ive only had it once....on a RANGED dreadnaught :angry: )


since most of his army was off the table he couldnt do much. his destroyers (which i thought to be heavy destroyers! boy was i relieved!) shot at my lascannon tactical squad. scoring a few wounds. i rolled and saved.


my assault squad jumped up 12 inches. my stormraven flew 6 inches behind them (made sure to keep the liby in SoS range by forming a small chain), the rest stayed put. stormraven fired its blood missles at the destroyers blowing 1 up! (missed with 2, and rolled a 1 to wound with the 3rd, 4th wounded and killed!) i shot the heavy bolter as well and downed another one :wub:


his turn 2, he rolled for his monoloth reserves, it dident come. he rolled WBB for his 2 destoryers, they stayed down. his scarabs were able to move up and charge my assault squad but instead decided to bunker up in the nearby ruin. his shooting proved....spectaculary ineffective :huh: and what did cause wounds (1 or 2 total i think) i saved.


my 2nd turn, my assault squad jumps up and assault the scarabs. i did 2 wounds with the SP. liby was out of range and the assualt marines themselves do 14 wounds *.* scarabs hit back, dont do anything. then the powerfists takes out 3 more bases. the rest dies in no retreat saves.

scarabs stood here


necron 3rd turn. monolith turns up, and lands exactly in the middle of my army <_< he got a hit on the scatter dice.

Dun dun DUUUUUN!!!

a unit of warriors also comes from reserves. after the dust is settled and his entire army shot at me he killed....0 models the lascannon tactical squad even had 9 wounds to take (without FnP) and none died. the lascannon and flamer had rolled seperatly :jaw: its not that he dident score any wounds, he scored plenty...i just made all my armour saves (and i think a total or 3 or 4 FnP rolls) OH! and he stunned my stormraven with his destroyer!

still the same number of marines standing...


my 3rd turn. VV's and furioso disembarked. the furioso went the quikest way through the woods, the VV"s walked around the forest. (forget to move them btw, did disembark em. was just shooting with my first unit when i found out, he was ok to let me move them anyway) i downed 1 or 2 with shooting. the assault squad jumped out of the terrain they were in (well 4 were in....and my liby) 1 died to dangerous terrain and my liby got 1 wound (if an IC is in terrain MUST he roll seperatly? not sure but i did for the sport of it. he got wounded as well. rolled dangerous terrain for the liby with the same dice that the 1 assault marine failed his test with....hmm....) used power of the machine spirit to fire the twin-linked assault cannon at the monolith. got a penetrating hit and immobilized it! then my assault squad charged the necron squad inside the ruin (on his objective) my furioso and VV's did the same near the woods. at the end of the turn....2 units of necron warriors were dust! (VV"s dident even get to hit!)

consolidated back in the wounds (for particle whip)

and on their turn (those necrons you see there are casualties...)


necron 4th turn. he let his lord and entourage (warsyches) come in. his monolith (again) shot and wounded lots but again all saves were passed! his warriors shot at the furioso' stunning him. then he charged. the lord SHOOK him (which he ignores) the furioso then hit back at the warsythe dudes killing 3 before they got to hit back) at this point we had another 15 minutes (plenty for another turn) but my opponent called the game. i had 3 objectives against his 0. i had lost ONE model the entire game (dangerous terrain) and he had nearly lost his ENTIRE army.

endgame picture. (he kinda allready moved his models away before i could take it...)


a massacre for the blood angels! turns out, the assault marine just had a sprained ancle, no casualties were reported! :teehee:


this was just "one of those games". it dident matter what my opponent did, the dice (or rather mine) dssagreed with him and were a thorn in his side!


fact that he doesent play regulary. has one of the oldest (still active) codexes and a force of random models dident really help him either. his decision to hold 2/3's of his force in reserves was the final nail in the coffin. turns out necron reserves (as we understood the wording) can only come in from reserves via the monolith (if you bring it obviously) and not via the normal way. that meant because he held his lith in reserves that more then half of his army dident arrive till turn 3,and when they did they arrived piecemeal! i needed to kill 3 necrons more for phase out!


The stormraven. this is his second game actually (still have to post the previous one) and firing the bloodstrike missles early worked like a charm! against this army there wasent a more perfect target for them anyway and they even killed something!


Furioso's with bloodtalons are BEASTS in close combat! i missed with the first 2 (out of 4) hits, hit with the other 2 but only wounded with 1. that 1 wound however kept beeing rolled again and again until the entire necron warrior squad was dead! the VV's never got a chance....


i find it abit amusing after this game that jumping out of terrain appeared to be more hazardous for the health then fighting necrons....oh well!




forget some things and tidied up the layout abit

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Always a pleasure reading your batreps, Dem. I caught up on a few I hadn't read, as well.


In answer to your question from back in december: any squad can start the game in a non-dedicated transport, even ones that have their own dedicated transport.


Also, your friend charlie should probably know that he must have a full 10-man tac squad to get a special or heavy weapon.

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cheers m8. yea i knew about the transport option. saw it in a topic here a while ago and the guys at my local store also said its ok. (to lazy to look it up myself these days ;) )


got a new battle, had it on the 14th:


battle against a space wolf player, he ran:

2 puppy librarians (dont know the name) with both a S7 D6 shooting attack. one had a 3d6 shooting attack, cant recall the names) one had a spotter of sorts?

lone thunderwolf cav with a storm shield and wolf claw

3 squad leader guys. all with powerfists, 2 with combi-melta 1 with combi-plasma

2 squads of 8 grey hunters with 1 meltagun. mounted in a rhino

1 squad of 9 grey hunters with 1 plasmagun.

vindicator with dozer blade

vindicator with dozer blade

squad of long fangs with 4 ML's and TLLC razorback

speeder with HF/MM

speeder with HF/MM


we setup a 6 by 4 board with some ruins, a wood and ruined predator. we rolled for mission and deployment and got 5 objectives and dawn of war deployment. i won the roll to go first and took it.


deployed my lascannon tactical squad combat squaded on my right flank near an objective. my opponent dident deploy anything. he rolled for sieze initiative and dident get it,


my army came up, turbo boosted my storm raven and land speeder 24 inches at an angle so that they would get an cover save if shot at but still only were about 12 inches from my table edge (in retrospect not such a good iea because he still couldnt see me due to nightfighting) the grailbearers (alongside priest) walked up to a nearby objective in the woods. my assault marines zoomed alongside my SR aand that was basicly it (liby was in range of the SR and the speeder for SoS)


my left + middle dployment

lascannon tacticals holding the objective on my right flank.


his turn his army came up. his vehicles formed a castle, his long fangs jumped out of the razorback and used their run move to get on the first floor of a building (standing on a hill) for a good firing posistion. he wanted to fire with the TLLC razorback but was horribly out of range. (LOS wise anyway thanks to nightfighting)


wolf deployment


my 2nd turn. i moved my speeder and SR forward abit at a slow pace. his army was huddled together so charging in there was a suicide mission. i was waiting for him to make his move more or less. my assualt marines followed abit as well and the grail bearers walked forward so they were ontop of their objective. i opend up with my lascannon and rolled a 2 to hit. i shot with my MM from the speeder, hit and rolled a 1 for AP. fired 2 bloodstrike missles at the TLLC razorback. 1 missed, 2nd rolled a 1 for AP. (oh how the dice gods must loathe me for some reason...)


his 2nd turn. his speeders moved up. his rhinos moved slowly (im guessing about 6 inches) towards the centre of the board. his vindicator moved up as well, one moved out of the piece of terrain they were hiding in since there wasent enough room for both to poke their guns out :( his shooting started. he stunned the SR (3 times) he shot my speeder down and blew up 1 or 2 marines. i tried SoS but rolled a 11 for the psy test :P

yay 1 down and the 2nd cant do diddly...

absolutely no hurry to get anywhere fast....


my 3rd turn. at this point i discovered i forget to roll for the red thirst (like so many previous times. he was ok with letting me do it now. the LC tacticals got it) my SR couldnt move, i moved my assault marines towards the middle abit (making sure to keep the liby near the SR) shot the SR's TLAC using POTMS and downed a speeder. the grailbearers shot at the 2nd speeder and immobilized it. lascannon rolled a 2 (or 1) to hit.

get off my lawn!


his 3rd turn. his 2 rhinos carrying the grey hunters moved up 12 inches, disgorged its cargo. their cargo rapid fired at the assault marines and liby (who failed his 2nd SoS with a roll of 11 i might add) i lost about 4-5 assault marines there, they dident run. vindicator targetted the grailbearers, the shot scattered off and blew 1 up. the 2nd shot at the SR, it scattered and landed on the grailbearers, blowing up a few as well. passed test as well. the 3rd rhino (with the plasma grey hunters) also zoomed towards the grail bearers and fired stuff. cover and armour stopped everything. he took of the TLAC from my SR with the long fangs IIRC.


my 4th turn. the PW, flamer combat squad from the lascannon squad moved up, alongside the assault marines. my SR zoomed up 12 inches. disgorged its VV and furioso cargo and looked pretty bad ass itself! the grail bearers were sitting still having a picknick. i wiped the unit of grey hutners out without losing any in return (his PF whiffed all its attacks) and i consolidated towards his vindicators. my furioso immobed the closest vindicator with his meltagun wbut was unable to phase him in combat (damn S6!) my assault squad and combat squaded tac squad charged 1 grey hunter squad and wiped it from. liby cast UR which got promtly stopped by the 4+ crap that their liby has...) lost my liby but nothing else. tac squad consolidated back in cover (but the flamer dude couldnt reach it) and the assault marines kept out of cover but moved back as far as possible (4 inches)

love the smell of cut up puppies in the morning ^^


his 4th turn. the 2nd grey hunter squad moved towards my assault marines, shot and charged, wiping them. the thundercav charged the tac squad's flamer dude (he said that because he could move into contact with him he wouldnt have to roll for difficult terrain; even though 4 out of 5 marines were in cover?) lost combat but the tacs were fearless, losing 1 marine to the no retreat save that they had to take. he shot at my VV's and killed all but 3 or 4. passed LD test. he shot at the furioso but couldnt penetrate the side armour.


my 5th turn. the VV's blew up the vindicator, the furioso blew up the other (both blew up! yay) my lascannon tactical squad moved down the terrain and rapid fired at the grey hunters...killing none (wow...really? :P) the SR moved up 12 inches and helped out, but only managed to kill 1. (fired the hurricane bolters, TLHB and last remaining bloodstrike missle...)

this aint going very well...


his 5th turn, his grey hunters slaughtered my tacticals (save one who heroicly passed 7-8 saves) his thundercav killed the others. my VV's were blown up by krak missles from the long fangs and my furioso lost a close combat arm.

good day to die eh?


we rolled for 6th turn,...and got it.


i moved flat out with my SR. electing to land 0....05 mms in terrain so i could contest the objective (you know...incase my single tactical marine wouldnt survive 4-5 grey hunters, a Pf AND a space wolf liby :ph34r: ) rolled a d6 for terrain and the bloody useless piece of trash crashed.......

inmagine a crashed SR in this picture....


now let me stop right here for a minute. a flyer, who basicly doesent even have to TOUCH the ground crashes whenever it FLIES very fast OVER terrain....am i missing something here? :blink:


right back to the game: my furioso moved to the edge of the terrain the long fangs were in, shot and dident do squat. he rolled snake eyes for his charge range.... *sighes* the lone tactical got beaten down.


his 6th turn the thundercav moved 6 inches, fleeted 6 inches and rolled double 6 for this charge range. killed 2 men from the grailbearers who completly FAILED to do anything back in return, turned tail and fled...... OH and he wrecked my furioso....

coome back ya pansies!


er.....right...im reworking this list....


im relying to much on that god awfull liby to pull of his SoS. and quite frankly he hasent for a few games and it completly destroys my game plan....


im also far to dependant on 1 vehicle (SR) to get up close and personal with my opponents. which quite frankly isent working since i dont got any other assault elements that can travel as fast as it can <_< so this leads me to keep it back abit and since its mighty armour of 12 it keeps getting blated out of the sky, or stunned or what have you....


dont get me wrong its a fun list but as soon as 1 part breaks down the entire army does...also aside from the grailbearers who SOMETIMES manage to do something the other tacical squad (with a LASCANNON mind you) does even less! they just sit there MISSING every turn with their oversized lasgun. what the **** is up with that? hes become a running gag in my games. im bloody suprised in games where he does manage to hit something (and when he does he ussualy fails to pen anything...)


also (and this is a big point) the dice seem to be failling me the last few games that i played...im rolling far below avarage, specialy on rolls that have ANYTHING remotly related to armour.... dont know if im supposed to sacrifice a virgin or a first born or something but quite frankly it starting to be very noticable. my marines can be very survivable at times (to the point that i only lose 1 marine against necrons last game, and that was against dangerous terrain) but at the same time i cant put a dent to a tin can...with a lascannon!


up until the 4-5th turn it was looking like it could swing in either of our favors, then he got the advantage because my dice abandoned ship or something....what did i do to piss them off? :blink:

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Unlucky with the dice rolls man, happens to all of us. I have a DA friend who has the very same problems with his lascannons :lol: .


On a side note that is THE worst SW army I've seen ;) . Don't get me wrong, the individual models are nicely done but as a "counts as" army?!? :yuck:

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haha i totally get what you mean m8. the thing is though, i was in the shop early in the day and noone was around with a 40k army. the space wolf player is a friend of mine and had a few models on hand. he asked the store if he could borrow 1500 pts worth of army so we could play a game. the kind staff employee at GW Rotterdam was ok with it :P


so if you think that army looks like a proxy army....then thats probably because it is one :P


it has black templars, ultramarines, angels of fire (DIY vanilla/blood angels) and a few space wolf models. what mattered for me was that i could play a game, as i generally dont have much 40k time and i had the day off :D

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