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dem's batreps


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  • 2 weeks later...

against my ork buddy, who now ran his guard (again)


he ran:

command squad with lascannon and banner

primaris psyker

5 ratlings

guardsmen Marbo

10 man vet squad with chimera and 3 meltaguns riding a chimera

command platoon with 4 grenade launchers

4 squads with autocannons

leman russ with heavy flamer and heavy bolters

leman russ with heavy flamer

devil dog (the fast melta template tank anyway)

some tank that had 4 missles, firing d3 templates each turn


and here is my list (that i played anyway, couldnt find my previous list :huh:


liby with jumppack, UR and SoS

Furioso with blood talons

2 priests, both PW's 1 JP

10 man ASM squad, 2 melta, PF

10 man tac squad, PF, PG and MM

10 man tac squad, PW, flamer, LC

storm raven with hurricane bolters

8 VV's, 1 dual LC (sargeant) 1 pw and 1 PF


we had 3 hills on the table, a ruined stompa for terrain, some ruins a crater and a cluth of woods. also one of the GW ruined rhino+trees set (cant recall its name)


we both rolled for an secret mission, mine was to get double the amount of killpoints compared to my opponent (even if not playing kill points) and his was to have more units in cover then me at the end of the game.


we played capture and control with dawn of war deployment 9 did i say that right? both had 1 objective) i had won the roll to go first and took it.


i placed my assault squad with liby on the middle of the table, as close to his lines as i possibly could, held the lascannon combat squad on my own objective. he deployed his chimera with veterans and primaris psyker on the right, as close to my lines as he could, behind a piece of ruins so i couldnt see him


he dident sieze initative

lacannon combat squad

his chimera

assault marines and liby


i moved my stormraven on the table with a flat out move. the tactical squads both had been moved into combat squads. sent the grailbearers MM towards the chimera, kept the PF and PG close by incase they could get to rapid fire anything. the SP on foot ran inside the ruins to give all combat squads nearby (3 out of 4) FNP. the lascannon tacticals squad got the red thirst btw. my furioso i kept on foot, also to reinforce the lines incase his troops got near me (which i knew they would)


turn 1 movement

turn 1 movement - left flank all those guard models still have to come in on his turn 1.


sincei had no LOS to his only model (chimera) it was his turn.


his turn his army came in, he combined 3 infantry squads into 1 with an commisar and used the other seperatly. except his Marbo and his ratlings which he opted to keep in reserves. one of his leman russes (the one with the sponsons) and the devil dog came in from his left. the dog moved 12 inches and fired at the SR. but since it was immume to the melta rule suffered no damage. his leman russ fired at my assault marines, SoS saved a few, only lost 1 marine. his uber rocket of doom came in the table about 2 inches away from some woods, rolled for dangerous terrain and immobilized itself. the other leman russ was on the right side. his chimera moved forward 6 inches and fired at my nearby MM squad, scoring a grand total of about 12 saves, which i promtly ALL passed! then his leman russ fired over the hill, hitting a few and they passed their cover saves as well :) his sentinels came in about half of his board near the assault marines and SR. he wanted to fire at the SR but they couldnt see him due to nightfighting.


my 2nd turn, my assault marines jumped up 12 inches towards the leman russ, fired and blew the turret off and stunned it. in combat they wrecked it. the stormraven moved 6 inches, unloaded its VV cargo and fired 4 bloodstrike missles, taking the turret off the devil dog and stunning it. the VV's charged it and immobilized it. used the PotMs on the SR to blow up 1 Sentinel and take the autocannon off another. the MM targetted the chimera and missed..... the lascannon stunned the uber missle of doom tank in cover. furioso was stunmbling in the woods, used its run to get out and popped smoke.

a good turn 2!


his turn 2, he shot the other leman russ at the grailbearer combat squad with PF and PG, taking 2 bolter marines down. he fired at the grailbearer MM squad and reduced it to 1 bolter marine (i used go to ground to try and prevent melta shots from the chimera veteran but failed :( ) he shot his combined AC squad at the furioso and immobilized it and took the meltagun arm off :) useless right there! yay!

only 2 casualties, im glad!

well not entirely true.... 7 casualties in total

in his turn my VV's wrecked his devil dog

poof, no more tanks!


my turn 3 the 3 grailbearers moved up towards a piece of cover, but since i rolled a 1 for difficult terrain only the roll 5 on a run meant they got anywhere....



my assault squad charged the sentinels and took 1 out, and took the weapon off the other. dident use UR because i dident want to take it out in 1 turn. my VV's had jumped back in the stormraven and it was in hot pursuit off the assault marines. it fired its entire arsenal (minus 1 hurricane bolter who was behind a building) and killed about 10 guardsmen from the combined squad, they stayed put because of the commisar. lascannon fired at the chimera and took its multi-laser off.

sentinel combat


in his 3rd turn fired at my SR, taking off ALL of its weapons and stunning it (:sweat:) his leman russ fired and scattered off target, the chimera with veterans fired on the lascannon combat squad and killed 1 or 2 bolter marines, passed LD test to run) his single infantry squad was still walking towards my lines.in the combat with the senitel i forget to do UR. i stunned the bloody thing about 5 times, and immobilized it once.

some one doesent like SR's here....


my 4th turn. my VV's disembarked from the SR and went to footslog towards his objective (rolling an amazing double 1 for movement towards the terrain....(they dident even reach it with that...) and rolled a 5 for running (so they were now about 2-3 inches inside terrrain)

this is how far they got

i fired the lascannon at the chimera, and failed to pen. the assault marines wrecked the sentinels in combat (without UR).... had 2 inches to move them so opted to move them apart as far as possible (but keeping unit coherency) to avoid casualties when he would shoot at me. also charged the chimera with the single tactical marine but he dident do any damage.

looks whos out in the OPEN!!! :cuss

knock knock



his turn 4. he shot his ordenance at my assault marines, killing about 5. passed LD to run. his chimera moved forward some more, shooting some more at the lascannon squad. dont think i lost any models... his 4 grenade launchers from command platoon shot at the single marine and he passed like 3-4 saves (yay) oh yea, and he stunned my stormraven with his lascannon from command platoon.


my 5th turn, the 2 IC's moved out of the assault squad and charged the combined squad. killing about 7. both characters got 1 wound back and both characters failed their armour and FnP saves....(oh come on, really?) they stayed put thanks to the commisar. the assault marines moved towards his objective, and used a run move to get on it (wasent going to risk anything by jumping inside terrain now, he might contest my home objective....) the lone tactical charged at the infantry command platoon, killing one with bolter pistol and 1 in combat, suffering 1 or 2 wounds in return but passed his armour saves. the VV's were still stumbling through terrain (again like 1-2 inches of movement...) and could only reach the far side with a run test. since my secret mission was to score double the kill points compared to him the 3 marines from the grail bearers stayed put (also they couldnt harm the leman russ with his front armour towards them...) so were hiding behind the ruined predator. the combat squad with PW and flamer joined up with the SP, who charged the chimera (after the lascannon again failed to do anything) and wrecked it in close combat (yay S5 melee attacks) forcing its cargo out. he passed pinning test.

hi, im mr.badass!

go mortal strike!

liby against about 20 guardsmen...


his shooting phase he kinda found out he had completly forgetten about his marbo and rattlings, bringing those in now. his marbo came in next to my VV's, threw his demolion charge and hit 6, i failed 4 cover saves, they failed their LD test and ran 11 inches towards my DZ (:)) in combat i used UR on the liby who promtly fried his own brain by rolling a double 6 for his psychic test and passed away. he consolidated towards my assault marines (who had btw gone to ground for a 3+ cover save) the lone tactical in combat i wounded his guardsmen opponents once, who passed their armour save and wounded him once, which he also passed!

assault marines

omg! look, theres assault marines over there!

still fighting!

his veterans with primar psyker moved to the side and opend fire on the tactical marines with SP that broke their transport, 2 died and i passed LD.


we rolled for a 6th turn and got a 2, ending the game.


i had 2 objectives against his none. had 4 kill points (chimera, sentinels, leman russ and devil dog) against his 2 (liby and priest) had 1 immobilized furioso and a combat squad of 1 model left. if it had gone for another turn i might have lost my secret mission (would still have won though :P) i had 4 units in cover, he had 1 or 2 so he dident got his.


the thing that won me this game was the agressive move with the stormravens in the first turn. i really like it for that, but its paper armour meant that it took a heavy beating from all the autocannons beeing pointed its way (autocannons....not really tank busting weapons when you think about em..) so il be retiring it soon...


was a fun game overall, the gamble to not use UR against the sentinels kinda blew in my own face but SoS did pay off this game. nice to see my liby can still pass his psychic test (even if he did fail it in the last turn, taking him out of the fight)

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hey guys id like to say that there are 2 battles that i havent put up on the internet so far.


reason for 1 battle beeing that one happend a while back and i forget some details. that, and the batrep wasent entirely interesting since whenever i rolled a dice :cuss is what came up and i couldnt punch a dent in a pack of butter with a sledgehammer to name but a few thigns that were going on:


3 turns of combat with the rear of a leman russ, and i either dident hit on a 4+ or only rolled 1's for AP :blink: (did i mention this was with a powerfist? )


that itself isent game breaking unless your opponent runs a mech list...which he did :D


(first game using my SR) it got taken down by the first hit directed at it. it had moved flat out and got immobilized *crash* so much for that....


my furioso was blown up the next turn

VV's were running for 3 game turns after losing 1 wound to a lasgun (dont ask, they had taken casualties before sure, but come on....a lasgun :cuss )


no matter what tactical decision i tried to do the dice were a thorn in the eye and it basicly sucked out the entire fun off the game.


the other game was last sunday. it was at my friend Martijn (ork and guard player) house and we were playing with his terrain and board. basicly why i dident put the game on here was because i made some very bad tactical thinking. or rather, i was to afraid to commit my assault marines to well....assaulting stuff. and when i did they were already half strength and were easy pickings for the mob of 30 boyz...my furioso got immobilized the first shot that got directed at it.


he had a group of 10 lootas and rolled 3 shots per model FOR EVERY GAME TURN.....


only saving grace was that the game ended on turn 5. i had 2 tactical marines and an immobilized furioso left. luckily for me my marines were holding an objective, the Furioso was immobilized 3 inches next to another objective and ork mob that killed off my assault marines were holding on for the orks, so it was a draw. one more round and i would have been tabled.


im not blaming anything here, it was a factor of things to be honost but i dont like how the list plays to begin with. i have 2 full tactical squads and only 1 assault marines. and this wouldnt be bad if they actually did anything but eh...they dont really do that either :P the SR is to easily taken down for its pointcost and i dont have enough bodies to commit to the assault.


il be re-working this list asap.

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2 more batreps (got pictures but cant be arsed to put them on the web, sorry guys :() first game was 1000 pts against tau. i ran:


liby, jp UR and SoS

10 ASM's 2 melta and PF

10 man tacticals PF, PG (grailbearers)

10 man scout squad with snipers, ML and camo cloaks


he ran:

cheap boss with BS5 plasma and missle pod. 2 body guards with BS4, missle and plasma

2 suits with TL missle pods

8 man firewarrior squad

8 man firewarrior squad

8 man firewarrior squad

broadside with shield drone

broadside with shield drone

sniper drone squad


we were playing on the stores 40k beginners table (youve seen it before, play on it regulary, lots of ruined and rusty ruins on it, stompa assembly etc...) we were doing table quarters and both had 1 objective.


to summarize how the game went. my scouts i infiltrated on my objective (in a ruin opposite to his) and his force was castled in it. i held my speeder in reserve to prevent a first turn mess. assault squad and tacticals were behind ruins because he had first turn. dident sieze initiatve (i failed anyway)


he shot at my scouts, and 3 died after the first squad had fired at them (even with 3+ cover) so i elected to let them go to ground. i had absolutely 0 bodies to commit to objective holding other then the scouts so they had to stay alive. none died after getting a 2+ cover save.


my turn my tacticals and assaulters moved up and ran.


his turn he shot at my scouts some more, went to ground, lost another 1 scout. lost 1 assault marine


my 2nd turn, speeder came in. moving flat out and behind cover. assault marines moved forward some more, not jumping out in the open but mioving as fast as possible to his lines. tacticals moved and ran from cover to cover.


his 3rd turn, one of his broadsides saw a part of the speeder (he was on a tall ruin) but missed. the others killed a few tactical marines, he fired at my scouts but i passed cover without going to ground (yay)


my 3rd turn, my assaulters jumped out from cover, now standing in the open, the tacticals moved up as well. both squads beeing able to charge next turn, the speeder moved flat out again, standing right next to the assaulters. my scouts fired at his boss+bodyguards. blowing 1 up with a krak missle and wounding another suit, he passed the pinning test.


his 4th turn, he reduced my assault squad (8 man+liby+SP) to just the PF and my liby-1 wound :) he immobilized my speeder which meant it was a wreck now *sighes*


my 4th turn, the vet with fist and liby jumped up and massacred a unit of fire warriors. the tacticals did the same even though only 5 could hit anything. the socuts put a wound on his suit boss, they past their pinning test


his 5th turn, he killed my liby and assault marine (last wound got my liby :() and shot at my tacticals, killing 1 or 2.


my 5th turn i moved my tacticals forward. and elected to run to contest an objective rather then risk a charge through terrain (would have needed an 6). i rolled the dice for runnign distance and got a 6 (wouldnt have reached his commander with a 6 through terrain either btw) my scouts shot at his commander and failed to hit anything.


we rolled the dice for another turn and got a 1. victory for the blood angels! 1 objective to nill for my opponents! :P

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2nd game was against my buddy Dennis with his chapter charlie. 1500 pts and i ran:


liby with JP. UR and SoS (the ussual)

2 SP's both PW, 1 JP

10 man tactical squad, PW, flamer, lascannon

10 man tactical squad, PF, PG, MM (grail bearers)

10 man assautl squad, PF, 2 MG's

8 man VV squad with PW, PF and dual LC's (sargeant)

Furioso with blood talons

stormraven with hurricane bolters

(yea i know thats the list i meant to stop playing <_< give me break! havent gotten around to writing the new one yet :()


he ran:

captain with dual LC's and jumppack

10 man tactical with PC

10 man tactical with ML, flamer and PF riding a rhino. rhino had extra armour, extra stormbolter and dozerblades.

5 scouts with PF riding a land speeder storm armed with a multi-melta

5 terminators riding a standard double LC landraider

10 assault marines with 2 PP's and a PF


i had first turn, this game was sadly played on another intro table (4 by 4) so we were kinda strapped for space. we rolled standard 12 inch deployment with 3 objectives total. 1 in middle, 1 in my DZ 1 in his. i had my SR weith assault marines and the grail bearers on the right. and the other tactical squad spread out in combat squads with the priest on foot on my objective. (furioso and VV's were in the stormraven)


i moved my force forward 6 inches (to keep it together) fired the TLAC from the SR on his landraider, failed to do anything. fired lascannon on his rhino, stunned it but he had extra armour.


his turn he moved his raider and rhino up 12 inches. used PotMs to fire a lascannon on the SR and sved it with SoS (rolled double 1 though so liby was on minus 1 wound <_<) he fired his plasmacannon at my tacticals, blowing up 3 (even with SoS) passed LD.


my 2nd turn the tacticals moved towards the rhino and the assault marines the land raider. the SR moved flat out so i could harass the units in his DZ next turn. both meltaguns from the assault squad were in melta range, got 1 penning hit 1 glacne. immobilized and stunned it. the lascannon fired at the rhino and whiffed it. plasmagun rapid fired and also whiffed it (oh come on!)


his 2nd turn, his terminators barged out of their LR and charged the assault marines. his assault marines jumped out of their DZ (2 dieing in the process) and charged the grailbearers. his rhino zoomed off to about 5-6 inches distance from the ruin that contained my objective. his raider used PotMs to fire its lascannon at my SR (at a pretty awkward angle but ok) and missed (even with reroll) so there was no harm done. in combat the terminators killed 7 of my assault marines, and my SP and Liby whipped them all out to a man (caused 5 wounds, 1 for every terminator and he failed every single invunerable save :lol: ) the captain killed 2 of the grailbearers, his squad killed none and his PF killed 1. in return i killed the captain and 2 assault marines. (dont mess with the grail bearers :HQ: )


my 3rd turn, the SR moved towards his objective 12 inches, firing its TLAC and TLHB. (causing a few casualties, 4 IIRC) my assault squad PF, liby and SP jumped towards his assault marines and the characters between themselves killed 7 of his marines. only 1 marine left and he killed my PF, his PF killed my liby and got promtly killed by no retreat saves himself! the combat squad with PW/flamer and SP on my home objective walked to the edge of terain. the lascannon on the objective blew up the rhino and the combat squad then charged. SP was out of range but i won combat by 2 or so IIRC.


his 4th turn, his land speeder storm disgorged its scout cargo, they charged the combat squad. his LR fired its lascannons at my SR, blowing it up (pen 6) immobilized the Furioso with a glancing hit and pinned the VV's inside :down: in the combat with the SP, i killed 3 scouts, 2 of his tactical marines for a loss of 2 of my own (he had 2 powerfists, one of which was charging) i won combat and won the sweeping advance. the SP (last man standing at this point) killed the scouts, the PF from the tactical and was basicly just in contact with 1 more tactical marine....


my 4th turn, i moved my tactical and SP up his ruin with terrain and he condeded the game.


another victory for the blood angels! truth be told though it was the dice that won me this game. my opponent had such horrible luck in his assaults (most of which he launched himself) that it had nothing to do with tactical play anymore. i got charged by terminators and wiped them out in a single round of combat, on the first wound they even had to take (it were 2 3++'s and 3 5++'s but still...) his captain+ assault squad should have wiped my tacticals and almost got wiped themselves by an inferior number of tactical marines (without red thirst even)


i dont think ive lost any assaults this game, and i was the one who was assaulted every time :ermm: the dice can be fickle sometimes!

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  • 1 year later...



Already considering what list im going to play with 6th. So far ive only played old lists that you can find here in this thread.


Im considering a bike Captain with powersword, poweraxe. He will be joined with a bike squad. Not to sure on the rest of the list though. Im considering some mech elements but am unsure how it will hold up with the new HP system. Will need to test that bit some more before I commit to going that route...


Already got a stormraven modelled (made from a valk and land raider box) so am probably going to test that out abit as well :D


List experimenting ahoy! :lol:

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Hey Dem, looking forward to the Batreps!


A Stormraven is a great choice, I've been using it in every game I had so far and it rocks! If you want some other mech elements, I'd go with a Baal or two at 1750 points. Great to deal with a lot of different enemy units, fast absolutely devastating. :lol:


Capn' on bike is a good way to deal with powerfists to get that FnP against all but S10 weapons(and some other ID rules). Why powersword and poweraxe, if I may ask?


Some DC got a serious boost in this edition. Without forced movement and +2 attacks on the charge they are better than ever before. Actually you could call them the wrecking crew without exaggeration. :P



Well, that's only some input from me. Have fun with your list creation!





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Hey Snorri,


Thanks for the input :) I actually have a pair of Baals (hihi) and they have served me well in the past ^_^ If I add them together with the bike captain, bike squad and SR (with hurricane sponsons) however im already looking at around 1000 points, and I dont have any of my mandatory 2 troops yet at this stage :D


Im considering a walking assault squad (to go in the SR) and a scout squad. Add in 2 priests (one on bike one with the SR squad) and im already at 1500 pts, if not over :cry:


Some tweaking required... Currently at work!

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Played 2 games this week and figured id post the batreps :blink: today I played a 1500 pts against a buddies guard army. He normally plays marines and while he has a pretty sizable (for us) guard army this is about one of the first times hes playing it!


I ran:


Librarian with jump pack and force axe - precience and smite powers

2 sanguinary priests, one with JP and powersword

10 man tac squad with lascannon and PG, poweraxe

10 man assault squad with PF and 2 meltaguns

10 man assault squad with PF and 2 meltaguns

5 man assault squad with powersword and meltagun riding a TLLC razorback

Baal predator with heavy bolters

Vindicator with siegeshield

land speeder with HF/MM


and he ran:

Company command squad with standard and vox

platoon command

4 infantry squads with vox, flamer and heavy bolter (some had an autocannon/grenade launcher instead) one squad had a chimera

heavy weapon squad with 3 missle

veteran squad with 3 plasma, vox and grenadiers upgrade riding a chimera

2 bare leman russes

1 leman russ exterminator with plasma cannon sponsons


Righto... Staring down the barrels of ALOT of ordenance here... The game got a right start when we rolled for first turn and I got a 6 (he got like a 1 or 2) but we decided to look up how his flyers worked (and missed the first rule concerning them...) then when we came back to the table my opponent was convinced we hadent rolled yet. after argueing (shortly) I roll again and get a 1 to his 2. So he gets first turn ^_^ For our warlord traits I get the +1 to your charge rolls one and he gets stealth and move through cover (ruins) and considering 90% of our terrain were ruins at this stage.... For mission we got purge the xenos (kill points) and the 2nd deployment. However due to our table placing that wasent an option so we rolled a D2 and got the first deployment option (normal 12 inch deployment)


He sets his army up in long stretched out gun line. His infantry squads squashed together in what ruins they can find (never understand why he does that...theyre guardsmen :huh: )


I place my assault squads in places where they got cover against his template-y death. Baal, Vindi also somewhat behind cover. Razorback in front of the Baal to provide cover. Tactical squad on my right as he has good LOS to his flyer.


I try to sieze and fail. His first turn nothing moves... For shooting his missle hvy weapon squad draw LOS past their valk and only see about half my Razorback. Im thinking I get cover here but he complains about it saying his Valk isent there anyway, its way up high... Not looking forward to another argument in the first turn I let him have his way and only los 2 HP and have a stunned Razorback. His Valk blows up my Baal. His templates target my tacticals and blow up 3 (including the lascannon...why did I place him up front? ;) )


My first turn. I zoom forward with everything cause sitting and waiting will get me killed here. I cast precience on the Libies squad and hop 8 inches next to the Valk. Vindi and his nearby squad zoom past the building they were hiding behind and the speeder zooms to about 20 inches of the side of a Leman Russ (which is 13 as we found out :down: ) My Libies squad got 2 hits against the Valk but I roll a 1 and 3 for damage.... Razorback targets the Valk and misses. PG from the tacticals also misses and almost blows himself up but I pass armor. I get a glancing hit on one of the Leman Russes and nothing else. Vindi scores a direct hit and rolls a 1 and 2 for Armor Pen (even together not enough for a glancing hit....)


His second turn his Valk makes a 90 degree turn and unloads 3 twin linked lascannon :cusss in the side of my Vinidi taking 3 HP's off. I was unsure at this point if he still had to roll for damage as he had already wrecked it but couldnt find anything to state he wouldnt (and tbh it wouldnt make much sense...) and he got an explode for damage and killed 2 assault marines with it. He wrecked my speeder with his veteran squads with Plasma (one overheated and died, which he apparnetly forget later on...) and killed 5 more assault marines, who failed their LD test. He unloaded his pie platey death at my tactical who went to ground, but I still lost 4 of their numbers despite the 3+ cover save.... They passed their LD test.


My second turn. I zoomed my Liby assault squad forward, having precienced them. I moved the (now) 4 man assautl squad (including the priest...) behind a building and kept them safe, no point in giving him more easy kill points... The 5 assaults+Priest moved up from their wrecked Razorback and ran to give the assault marines FnP (which I then forget to use when I lost 2 marines to overwatch...) I charged his command platoon and an infantry squad, hoping to stay in combat but winning the combat with 8 kills to no losses in favor of me that wasent going to happen. I wiped them out and consolidated into cover.


His third turn. He fired his entire army (except for the 3 ML heavy weapon platoon squad... When I FINALY pursuaded that he couldnt see the squad through the floor of the tower they were standing on.....) fired at the Libies squad. When the smoke cleared only a meltagunner, the Pf sargeant and my Liby were left standing. OH! And he also moved his infantry squad down in his shooting phase (in an area where about 2-3 templates scattered) and proceeded to rapid fire at my squad, doing exactly 0 wounds but still...


My third turn. My mom was cooking dinner, I was hungry and quite annoyed with my opponent at this stage. Moved my assault squad and ran to get them someplace close to combat, but they were still 12 inches away (with run) from the nearest tank... Liby and 2 assault marines wiped his last infantry squad from the board.


And I called it there. Dinner was ready and quite frankly dident feel like playing anymore. The "win" went to the guard player. Honestly this guy is so loose with rules sometimes its not even funny...


Somethings we did wrong:

-Dident check LOS as well as we should sometimes. A few times squads were firing at things they couldnt see or could nly see a small part of.

-To go with the above point, giving cover saves when 25% of a unit was in cover. I had to point this out a few times....

-placing the Valk on the table instead of keeping it in reserve as we should. This had quite a big impact, or potential to be anyway, as it turned out it dident matter much as the Valk was the only target in range...but still


Things I did wrong:

-Forget to roll for red thirst

-Seperated my assault squads. Something I learned in 5th is that the 2 squads work best in concert. Specialy since the FnP bubble is only 6 inches! Also makes it harder for the opponent to pick a target!

-Unit placing. I made alot of errors in this regard, which caused assault marine meltagunners, lascannon toting tactical marines and my Libarian in the third turn to be the closest target for my opponent :nuke: Bad BAD move! Need to learn to deal with this as it can cause me alot of valuable special weapons, sargeants and characters....


And one that im placing here seperatly:


I let my opponent off far to easily.


Now before I say something else we play a rather loose gaming group. We sometimes let eachother move our units in the shooting phase when we noticed (to late) that we forget to move them or roll a psychic power half way through the movement (or shooting) phase. This swings both ways and were not to fuzzy about letting things like a charge go through if its a fraction of an inch short.


HOWEVER!!! Theres something else to be said about players repeatedly ignoring unfavourable rules, ignoring LOS and moving units at the END of their shooting phase after all the templates have been fired. I told him to pull that last one off and he did it anyway, and when he noticed it dident cause any wounds he shrugged it off, saying the move diddent matter in the end... Alot of times things were unclear or we were to inpatient(sp) to look it up thoroughly (like the LOS issue with the Valk) which in the grand scheme of the game means alot of things dident go down as they should have.


All that said, it was a nice game (if somewhat onesided) due to the friendly nature of it. Im however not planning to keep up with the rules bending for much longer. He doesent need little things like this to win a game and whilst I dont think he does it with much thought it makes the game rather annoying to play in that matter (if anyone caught a glimpse of the "6th edition bues" topic over in the Amicus, this guy was mostly to blame for that.... ^_^


I made some mistakes of my own in this game and am looking forward to the new list! Still trying to fiddle with points abit... Currently got 2 assault squads (jump packs) bike squad with captain and SP, one JP SP, 2 Baals and a SR with hurricane bolters. Seems its going to be a 1750 or 1850 list rather then a 1500 pts list....

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Nice batrep man! It's always a little bit frustrating if someone's not playing by the rules and pulling off some moves which he didn't in a 'normal' game.


The new list sounds interesting, and stronger than your current one. I can only say that the SR is a great choice, you'll probably stomp his vendetta into the ground. Make sure there's some guardsmen around so they don't miss the fireworks. :)


Will you be fielding a hammer unit beside your bike squad? Something smashy?





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Well the list has more points in it :lol: so yea id expect it to be more powerfull :) I was currently sitting at around 1620 or so points so id have to make some big changes to tune the points down abit to 1500... I was considering adding a MM/HF speeder and a few attack bikes until I realized I already had 3 fast attack slots in use :D


I could add a 5 man assault squad with meltagun and HB razorback for 130 pts. Would give me 3 scoring units to capture objectives instead of just 2. The new list would be pretty different from what im used to. Getting heavily out of my comfort zone here :P im also lacking the hammer unit that your talking about Snorri.... Perhaps I should rewrite it abit to get some termies in that Raven or some VV's or such... all ive got at the moment is the bike squad and 2 assault squads for potential combat units... Im more heavily invested in shooting units though. Most of the shooting is anti infantry, so against a list like my buddies Guard mentioned above id not fare all to well..



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double post :)


Ive reserved sometime tonight to put up 3 batreps ^_^ First a game between me and Deamons, then against me and Codex marines and then against Necrons. Last batrep I put up I was unable to store my pictures in my album... hope thats fixed now :(


Still would like some feedback on my suggested list..


Also got another list in mind (with abit more models I currently have) and thats:

Reclusiarch with jumppack

2 sanguinary priests, one with terminator armor the other with jumppack and powersword

terminator squad with assault cannon

10 man assault squad with poweraxe and 2 meltaguns

10 man assault squad with powerfist and 2 meltaguns

10 man scout squad with camo cloaks and powerfist (shotties and close combat knives)

10 devastators with 4 missle launchers

land speeder with MM and heavy flamer


I originally had a MM attack bike there but I had alot of spare points I couldnt put anywhere... I could swap the AB back in, upgrade the ASM poweraxe to powerfist and give my jump Reclusiarch a Plasma pistol (got a model like that )


No vehicles but should allow a rather agressive play style :) Thoughts?




afraid i was a little sceptical how much tim i needed to write the batreps :P pictures have been sorted though!

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Second batrep without pictures (as B&C still wont allow me to upload any <_<)


1000 pts vs necrons. Mission relic with the (sort of) table quarter deployment. I had the "roll 2D6 pick higest dice for run" and my opponent the "pick if you want nightfight or not" warlord traits.


My list:

Liby with jumppack and force axe with 2 rulebook powers (precience and iron arm)

jump priest with power sword

10 man assault squad with 2 meltaguns and powerfist

6 man assault squad with powersword, meltagun and HB razorback

10 man tac squad with heavy bolter, plasmagun and storm bolter on sargeant



he ran (roughly):

Special character that can block enemy special rules and grant his own units special rules

lord with 2+ save, warscythe and mind scarabs (not sure on that last one)

20 warriors

20 warriors



So I got first turn and setup in my table quarter, hiding my vehicles behind cover incase he siezed. My opponent hid his units behind a piece of cover (barricade) and had his monolith on my left. He tried to sieze and dident get it. I rolled for red thirst and dident get it on any unit.


My first turn, I zoomed up with everything, except my razorback which I forget to move :wacko: My Vindicator fired, got a direct hit on the monolith and got an explode! Yay!


Nothing else happend first turn, used run moves to get closer to the necrons.


Necrons castled up, fired a few times at my vindi, doing no damage.


I move everything up asap, except the assault squad. For some reason I was deadly afraid of losing half my unit to dangerous terrain (forget I get AS's and FnP against it now) so footslogged it.


2nd necron turn he fired at the Vindi, tearing 2 HP's off :ph34r: damn those lucky 6's!


my 3rd turn,assault squad moves off the terrain piece they were on, assault squad from razorback squad grabs the relic.


3rd Necron turn, they fire (outside of rapid fire range) at my assault marines getting about 9 wounds. I lose 6 assault marines :ermm: some terrible rolling on my part...


4th turn, I jump my assault marine up to charge his Necrons. My shooting kills over 10 warriors however and only on a double 6 would I be in charge range. I decide not to risk the overwatch... Assault squad with the relic board the razorback who drives off towards my deployment zone


4th Necron turn, both units focus on my assault marines, stripping them down to priest, liby and 2 assault marines :nuke:


5th turn. I jump my assault marines and 2 chars behind cover. Vindi fired again getting about 10 hits (he castled them up base 2 base behind cover, relying on his cover save) and losses about 6-7 men. He passes his LD test :( Tactical squad moves for line breaker and rapid fires at the (until now unmolested) warriors but some terrible rolling on my part only sees 1 or 2 of them down.


5th turn. His devasted 10 man warrior squad fires at the vindi and glances the last HP off my Vindi. His 18+lord unit moves up to my tacticals and rapid fires 7 to oblivion! They pass LD.


The game ends (both to roll, and otherwise we wouldnt have had time to finish the turn anyway)


I had the relic and first blood. The Necron player had nothing. 4-0 Blood Angel victory!

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battle 3, 1500 pts against Deamons.


My list ,it should be somewhat recognicible to you guys by now :-D


Liby with jump pack. Precience and Smite.

2 sanguinary priests, one naked with poweraxe, one with jumppack and powersword

10 man assault squad with 2 melta, fist

10 man assault squad with 2 melta, fist

5 man asasult squad with meltagun and powersword riding a razorback with TLLC

10 man tac squad with poweraxe, lascannon and plasmagun

baal predator with heavy bolter sponsons

vindicator with siegeshield

speeder with MM and hvy flamer


He ran (roughly)

Bloodthirster HQ (warlord)

big unit of screamers

2 x 3 flamers

unit of 10 dudes (dont recall name) with changeling

10 man unit of bloodletters with skulltaker

7 plaguebearers

7 plaguebearers

3 nurgling swarms

3 bloodcrushers, one with the rending upgrade


That was it IIRC


I won the setup to go first (or he made me go first, not sure) we played a D3+3 (or such like) mission with standard deployment. I had the +1 to your charge range warlord trait and I dont recall his. Furious charge on your warlord? :ermm:


I spread out my forces somewhat but focused heavily on the right (better cover) Both assault squads, Baal, ASM Razorback and Vindi right flank. Left flank had the tacticals in a ruin near objective and the speeder nearby. Since I had nothign to shoot at I moved abit and made sure I covered alot of ground so he couldnt deep strike near me. Dident want those flamers anywhere near me :ph34r:


He got his unfavored wave in. His bloodletters scattered way off target and actually ended up half an inch off the table. I shrugged it off and told him to put them on the table. A unit of flamers mishapped and I could place them. I put them in the open but so much out of range that they couldnt flame anything for the first turn (phew) his bloodcrushers narrowly not landed inside a ruined land raider (we were fighting in a GW here :)) and his plaguebearers also scattered. His nurglings landed on target... Go figure!


My second turn, I cast precience on the Baal, both assault squads zoomed up towards the bloodletters. A good shooting phase and charge later and they were gone for the loss of 2 marines (thanks to skulltaker) I refused challenge. Vindicator (and something else) fired at the flamers and put a few wounds on em. Put 2 wounds on the bloodcrushers by combined fire from the tacticals and speeder (both on a different one though)


His 2nd turn All his units stayed in reserve. I think only 1 unit showed but mishapped and got put back in reserve, dont recall what.... He charged an assault squad with his nurglins. He charged his bloodcrushers into my tacticals (or rather tried, he needed a 6-7 and got a 4. but I let him off the hook as my unit was right in the open) his plaguebearers shuffled towards a nearby objectives. His flamers were able to flame my Baal due to careless placing on my part. Only took a HP off though!


His bloodcrushers were kicking my tacticals collected arses. I did manage to put a wound on the unwounded one (go figure...) and stayed in combat.


My 3rd turn. I wiped the first 3 flamers off. Managed to wipe out his plaguebearers with my vindi, speeder (flamer and multi-melta action! woosh) Nurglings were also dead at this point. 2nd assault squad started moving towards his bloodcrushers (but not so close that either could charge next turn) in combat the bloodcrushers killed all but my sarg, and he passed a bundle of save (grrrrr!)


His 3rd turn. His screamers mishapped and were destroyed (yay!), his bloodthirster showed (booo!) his unit with changeling landed near the bloodcrushers and near my baal (booo!) His 2nd plaguebearer unit also arrived in the same location the first did (oddly enough scattering right on the same location!) His 2nd flamer squad stayed in reserve. His bloodcrushers killed off my tactical sargeant.


my 4th turn. I precienced my Baal and he wiped out the bloodcrushers. Liby with squad wiped out the changeling and unit. Vindi zoomed 12 inches and together with speeder fired at the Bloodthirster, taking a wound off. (we were under the impression that he had to deepstrike into the field, and thus couldnt sweep or swoop or whatever its called...) the unit with razorback finaly woke up (had them in the same position for over 1 turns <_< ) and moved to a nearby objective.


his 4th turn. He swept around with his Bloodthirster, drive bye hitting the Vindicator and wrecking it by glancing it to death. 2nd unit of flamers finaly landed near the assault squad who killed off the nurglings but scattered 1 or 2 inches, making sure only 1 flamer was in range, he put a few wounds on the unit and thanks to FnP noone died! The plaguebearers tried to finish off the speeder but couldnt dent it (yay!)


my 5th turn. assault marines disembarked from the razorback (or were alreayd disembarked? Dont renember) The unit near the flamers moved (on foot)towards the flamers, . Shooting saw the flamers wiped out and alot of shooting beeing wasted at the bloodthirster. One lucky hit from the TLLC on my razorback (without the reroll!) saw him crashing down. I charged him with the assault squad (now that I think about it not sure if it was legal :nuke: oh well...) In combat my unit survived 4 wounds (insanely lucky FnP rolls) and me putting a wound on him thanks to my priests poweraxe (yay S6!)


his 5th turn. All he could do was shuffle his plaguebearers on the nearby objective grumbling that his plaguebearers couldnt finish off the speeder. In combat he killed off only assault marines thanks to lucky FnP rolls (again) dident do any further wounds.


We rolled for 6th turn and got it! My 2nd assault squad charged in on bloodthirster and finished him off. Not before he killed off the priests assault squad though! (can only stay lucky for so long...)


his 6th turn he couldnt do anything. He only had a unit of plaguebearers on an objective. We dident get a 7th turn.


In hindsight some very unlucky moments for my opponent (tbh thats the nature of his army but he threw a tantrum in his first turn... And hes a buddy of mine so I cut him some slack....alot of slack...actually)


Im unsuire if we did the monstrous creature deepstriking properly and if my assautl squad was allowed to charge as I dont recall when they disembarked :wacko:


All in all a fun game though :) Really challenging game!



Thinking about the other batreps (both 1000 pts and filled with mistakes due to the new 6th edition) I dont thinki m gonna bother posting them :(

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  • 1 month later...

so this post has been collecting dust as life was hectic and draining. After work I dident have much time or energy left for gaming. And I wont post games with my bugs here so the few battles I had I couldnt post here.... BUT! Yesterday I had a 2000 pts game (still no pictures as the B&C STILL wont let me post new pictures up in my albums :huh: )


The list was basicly my 1500 pts list with 500 points strapped on with duct tape. The additions were:

Land raider with MM and hunter killer

8 vanguards, pair of lightning claws (sargeant), powerfist and powermaul(joined by bare bones SP)


My opponent had:


5 terminators with mark of nurgle, except sargeant all had TLC's. Sargeant had poweraxe and combi...something

2 obliderators with mark of nurgle

2 blight drones

unit of 15 plaguezombies

unit of 15 plaguezombies

unit of 10 chaos marines with mark of nurgle riding a rhino, champ had powersword and blight grenades, 2 meltaguns

unit of 9 plaguemarines with meltagun, no clue what champ has riding a rhino


unit of 7 or 8 bikers with mark of nurgle, 2 plasmaguns and bare bones sargeant

Dreadnought with MM (the new starter set model)


ps. did you guys catch the theme yet? :cuss


We play a mission with 6 objectives with varying degrees of victory point-ness. We pretty evenly distrubite them across the board. My opponent wins to see who goes first and takes first turn. He sets his bikers, both units of zombies, vindicator, a blight drone in the middle. Has the rhino with nurgle marines on the left, and the rest (terminators, dread and rhino with plaguemarines) on the right.


I setup my landraider on my left, tacticals behind a barricade in the middle flank to the right by an assault squad with my liby. More to the right are my Baal, 2nd assault squad with speeder hiding behind the razorback and Vindi.


I roll for the objectives and find the most central (and most readily available for me) is worth 4 points, the one to my rioght is 3, and the one on my left is 2 VP's. The more farther back ones are (from left to right) 3, 1,2.


Chaos first turn, zombies setup on the 1 and 2 VP's objectives. Rhino drives off to my left flank but is still some 24-30 inches away from my Land raider. The more left blight drone turbo boosts more to the left behind a ruin. The vindicator moves 12 inches behind cover and pops smoke. The bikers, finding no good targets on their flank turbo boost to the right. The 2nd blight drone moves up. Terminators, dread and plaguemarines advance towards my line. His shooting phase blows up my Baal and 2 nearby assault marines, thats about it.


My first turn, land raider and tacticals stay in place. The rest moves up. I blow up the closest blight drone with combined fire from several sources and the land raider blows up the Vindicator. Manage to kill 2 termies with Vindi.


Chaos second turn, the nurgle bikers turbo boost up the middle of the board, obliderators move off from behind cover and the right flank keeps advancing. Rhino on the left moves behind terrain and into 12 inch meltagun range but the shot doesent do anything. Oblits fire lascannons at Land raider and take 1 HP off with a glancing hit. His dread tries to fire in my vindis flank but somehow (dont renember why) the shot dident do anything


My second turn, both assault squads jump towards the bikers and unload weapons, but only the meltas manage to blow 3 up. Vindi shoots at oblits and scatters off target. Razorback shoots at off a wound on the oblits. I cast precience on my speeder who blows up the dread, causing an explosion. Land raider drives towards the nearby rhino and unloads its VV contents. I fire the MM, hunter killer and TLLC at the rhino but tits still standing. The VV charge it and the powermaul causes it to explode. Take a wound off the oblits with the other TLLC using power of the machine spirit. Charge in on the bikers with 1 assault squad and wipe them. Priest is challenged and slays the champion who fails to do anything in return. Consolidate back towards the other assault squad.


Chaos third turn. Land speeder is wrecked by the 10 chaos marines who got their rhino wrecked walk within melta range of my land raider and stun it, taking it down to 2 HP's. Blight drone fires at the large gathering of assault marines (spaced out though) and the shot scatters off target. Terminators advance some more but the deathguard disembark from their rhino and wreck the land speeder with bolter shots (meltagun failed to do anything :lol: ) oblits fire 2 assault cannons at the squad that wiped the bikers and kill 2. Oh yea, and Typhus cast machine curse on my Razorback!!


My third turn, the left assault squad jumps up towards the oblits, the other squad more or less takes their posistion (behind the central objective). Tacticals move away from their comfortable cozy barricade and start footslogging towards the left (2 VP's) objective, lascannon stays put though and they fire at the nearby nurgle marines near the land raider, killing the 2 (most close by) meltagunners! Vindicator zooms off 12 inches to the right and blows up 4 terminators (including Typhus!!!! woooooot!) leaving only the champion behind B) VV's charge into combat and the champ issues a challenge. The dual LC sargeant accepts...and then completly fails to cause any wounds :blink: he takes one in return but passes a FnP test! in combat both sides inflict one casualty...DRAW! The assault squad charges the oblits (both down to 1 wound) and all the normal close combat attacks bounce! the PF also fluffs his attack and only the Librarian somewhat saves my face by bashing one of the Oblits' faces in! The oblits kill 2 assault marines in return and I FAIL the LD test horribly (12 on LD test...) and run 10 inches back towards my lines...


Chaos fourth turn. Blight drone unloads its battle cannon on my assault marines, killing 2 from the falling back unit and 4 from the other one :wacko: The lone chaos marines "manually" falls back behind cover probably trying to save his heretic hide! the plaguemarines advacne towards the right objective worth 3 VP's (and whos about 10 inches to my deployment zone!) combat with the VV's sees my LC vet fluff his attacks (again...) and the champ getting +1 BS due to the call of the gods or whatever (thank god no deamon prince though!) in combat I kill off 2 of his marines for no (further) loss on my side. He passes LD.


My fourth turn. I zoom up my razorback near his blight drone, and unload the cargo. Land raider also moves up towards that pesky oblit, making sure the side TLLC can fire at the blight drone through a window in the ruin he is behind! Tacticals also fire at this pesky oblit but fail to do anything. I then fire with the 5 assault marines. Melta fails but the oblit dies to bolt shots! Nice! TLLC on the razorback and Landraider take off 2 HP's from the blight drone (my opponent said it was only 1 the next turn, but oh well...) and take off a weapon... Guess which one... The heavy flamer :angry: I zoom up my (now 2 man) assault squad with meltagun towards the blight drone but fail the shot due to low penetration roll. The other assault squad (down to 4 man) hides on the central objective with the SP and Liby. I will be needing (LIVE) troop choices after all.... IN combat with the VV my SP is challenged. He wounds the champ who passes his armour and he kills off my SP getting the crusader rule or something (still better then a deamon prince!) I reduce his squad to 2 man (champ and random joe) though, he passes LD. His terminator champ charges my 5 man assault squad and challenges. I decline and score 3 wounds. He bites the dust before getting to attack!


Chaos fifth turn, blight drone zooms to the side, and blows up 5 out of 10 tacticals who fall back towards my line. In combat with the VV's I wipe them out. VV's are now down to 4 man, PF, powermaul and 2 normal marines. Heavy casualties to take down a measly chaos marine unit, even if its marked :unsure:


My fifth turn. The marines zoom up again and the 2 marines with melta finaly put the blight drone down! the VV's move towards enemy linesb ut they are 21 inches removed from combat. Shooting from my army and combat combined kill off 13 plaguezombies. I lose 1 marine but contest that objective. I blow up about 7 of the plaguemarines with my Vindi but due to fearless they stay put. Tacticals move towards the objective again.


We roll for further turns and we get it, but my opponent concedes. He only has 17 plaguezombies and 2 or 3 plaguemarines left on the board. I on the other hand still have a 2 HP land raider, 1 HP razorback, full HP Vindicator, squad of 2 ASM, squad of 4 ASM with Liby and SP, 4 VV's with 1 powermaul and PF and 4 ASM with PW sarg in combat with 2 plaguezombies!


Opponent got first blood, I got slay the warlord. I had the central objective worth 4 VP's, contested his 2 VP objective. Had a unit of tacticals who could get the 2 VP's objective next turn and his plague marines would have to walk in sight of my vindicator (some 20 inches away) to get the 3 VP's objective on my right flank.


Victory to the blood angels!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Played the chaos player (same as last time) again but this time with his deamons! 1500 pts, my list is the same old as you can find in the last few pages of this log :lol:


He ran:

Bloodthirster with +1S upgrade

4 bloodcrushers, one with rending

deamon prince with 3+ save, mark of nurgle, wings and noxious touch (wound on 2+?)

deamon prince with mark of tzeentch and doombolt, dont think he had an armour save?

3 flamers

3 flamers

8 screamers

6 plaguebearers

6 plaguebearers

unit of 10 horrors, one with bolt and a 1 wound upgrade char (can force opponent to make a LD test and fire on friendliny units if you fail)


We played in our local GW and set up on 3 by 2 realm of battle board. Terrain was very scarce however as apparently the terrain is missing? :huh: we had some fantasy buildings for cover.....


We rolled for mission and got D3+2 objevtices (we rolled for 4) and had a sort of table quarter deployment. I took divination and rolled forboding and perfect timing powers. I swapped perfect timing for precience. I had the master of vanguard warlord power and chaos had master of ambush (haha!)


We rolled for first turn and my opponent got to choice, decided to give me first turn. I rolled for red thirst (after my opponent reminded me...) and got it on... ZERO units!


I setup heavily on my left, and placed my razorback to the right together with the vindicator. Everything else was to the left and behind cover.


My opponent dident try to sieze (why would he...) I moved the razorback and my speeder to the right, turboboostin to go as fast as possible. The assault marines jumped abit to the left left and spread out to avoid getting to many wounds from the flamers should they land close and on target...


My opponents first turn, he got his primary wave with bloodthirster, unit of flamers, screamers, a unit of plaguebearers and deamon prince of nurgle. Screamers landed in front of me and turbo boosted over an assault marine squad, wounding a few but killing none (I think) his flamer flamed (hur hur) my tactical marines killing my lascannon and 2 bolters. His flamers had slided down on the realm of battle hillside so would have been out of range..... But anyway....


His Nurgle deamon prince scattered out of cover (lol) but the rest mostly landed on target. Plaguebearers landed near an objective, bloodthirster on a far side (near my razorback and speeder)


My second turn I moved my left most assault squad with SP up to the nurgle DP, the other jumped to the side of the screamers. Cast precience on Baal, who together with the vindi let it rip on the Screamers. When the smoke settled I had scored a grand total of 3 or 4 casualties.... 2 wounds, 4++ with eternal warrior is a PAIN to get rid off :P Ended up having to charge them and wiped the screamers off the board, but not without losing 4 marines... My firepower was not enough to also tackle the flamers though.... Razorback and speeder moved to the bloodthirster, wounded him twice and both times he passed his saves (grrrr!!!!) My SP assault squad charged into the nurgle DP and wounded him twice, also lost 2 marines to the DP, a tie!


chaos 2nd turn. All but the bloodcrushers arrived. Horrors landed behind the razorback. Flamers landed next to the tacticals (spot on target) Plaguebearers landed to the side of the other plaguebearer squad. Tzeentch deamon prince landed about 12 inches away from the nurgle DP. The Tzeentch prince started the turn by blasting the Vindicator in the rear. Getting a penetrating hit and stunning it. The 3 flamers removed my Liby and remaining assault marines (every single hit wounded! :) ) and my tacticals were about to suffer a simular treatment! But... What is this? There is a SP in the unit! I had 1 tactical marine in front of the sargeant. After the smoke settled I had lost a grand total of... that 1 marine! He passed 1 FnP roll and then died. Another marine passed 4 look out rolls (of 4+) and then 4 rolls of 5+ FnP :wub: the Bloodthirster zoomed off the battle field using his wings but not before scoring 2 glancing hits on the Razorback. The horrors then finished the job and wrecked my razorback. In combat my assault squad tore the Nurgle DP limb from limb (actually just the SP who brought the smack down on that filth! others dident get to hit!)


My third turn, SP assault squad moved up to the 2nd DP and fired their pistols and melta. I scored a grand total of 4 wounds, my opponent rolls and gets 4 1's :( 2 game turns, 2 DP's lain low! The assault squad freshly disembarked out of their Razorback moved and charged the horrors and wiped them out. Speeder moved up and flamed a nearby plaguebearer squad but actually failed to wound.... As the melta missed... Tacticals moved to the nearby flamers, let rip with their pistols and then charged. The high number of wounds (think 6?) is mostly ignored by FnP, I lose 2! And wipe them out in combat! Baal shoots at the first flamer unit and does 5 wounds, killing 2 of and putting 1 down to his last wound! Vindi popped smoke!


Chaos third turn, Bloodcrushers dont show. Plaguebearers charge the speeder, plenty of hits, but no glancing hits. Single 1 wound flamer moves up and tries to flame the tacticals but think he wasent in to much range... He doesent leave much of an impression at any case! Bloodthirster zooms on the t able from the table edge, kills 3 assault marines who panic and flee 10 inches to my table edge.


My fourth turn, I kill off the remaining 1 wound flamer. The razorback assault marines move to their wreck (parked 2 inches next to n objective) and take some podshots at the nearby plaguemarines. Speeder, Baal, Vindi (stormbolter anyway), tacticals and assault squad ALL fire at the bloodthirster. I manage some hits, make some wounds but the bum simply wont fall down!


Deamons fourth turn, plaguebearers charge the assault marines. Both sides manage 1 casualty, a tie. Bloodcrushers arrive but my opponent lands them near his plaguebearer objective because hes afraid il send the assault marines that way. Bloodthirster flies over the Vindicator and wrecks it.


My fifth turn, tacticals run towards the nearby objective. Everything else fires at the Bloodthirster. Manage to take him down to 2 wounds and my last hit manages to pull to the ground *grumbles* assault marines lose a marine to the plaguebearers but hold.


Chaos fifth turn. Bloodthirster kills off the tacticals on my objective. Bloodcrushers walk towards my lines but have to run and are still way out of range!


We roll for 6th turn and get it.


My sixth turn. Assault marines jump up to the Bloodthister. Combined fire from my Baal and landspeeder (last wound) manage to bring the beast low! (huzah!) and assault marines RUN ontop of the objective :lol: assault marines lose a man and wound, but 5++ and FnP prevent casualties.


Chaos sixth turn, Bloodcrushers STILL out of range! Assault marines down to the sargeant, I wound but FnP AGAIN prevents casualties!


We roll for a 7th turn and dont get it.


We count the tally of VP's (both 1 objective, both slay the warlord and I have first blood) and the Blood Angels win! (due to first blood! everything else was equal!) one more turn and I would have lost in 2 major ways! The bloodcrusherrs would have wiped my assault marines off the map and most likely my single assault marine sargeant would have died...


Il add some more thoughts on this game later... To tired now -_-

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Cheers mate :)


Yea im waiting on word from Kurgan why I cant post any more pics in my albums... But if I read his semi-anwser properly theres a good chance that theyre full :( if that does appear to be the case il find a new to upload the pictures anyway (probably a third album if thats allowed!) and go back to the last 3 batreps and upload them ^_^


Some more thoughts on the last deamon game....


I totally dident deserve to win that one :)


First off, luck.... Fact that I survived alot was purely based on the insanely high amount of FnP rolls that I made!


Second, my opponent was terribly lucky with his scatters. I think the worst he scattered was 6 inches and even then it was no major loss. All his scatters turned out to be blessings in disguise for him (aside from his flamers scattering first turn, but even then they did not land off the table or in one of my units....) as their new locations were better then the ones he had intentioned!


Third, tactical blunders. The first two turns in particular are what come to mind. My initial setup was dead on and I shouldnt have moved...at all. When I did move I made myself an easier target to take apart... After that I made the error of moving my tactical out of rapid fire range of their intended target and out of the FnP bubble of the assault marines, who suffered for it, resulting in their deaths even -_-


Fourth, nastiness of the list(s). To keep this short, I feel my own is lacking in it whilst my opponent had it aplenty. To explain what I mean, there wasent a single unit in my list that my opponent would have preffiered not charging.... No Mephiston, no hammernators, no tooled out DC/VV's etc. What shooting I have is also very spread out. Whilst this allows me to miss out on some elements it also means I have no real dangerous element (well, other then the vindi...) that makes my opponent go "hmmm better not dwell infront of that one"


By making all elements work together its somewhat less of a problem as weight of fire/combined assault can accomplish the same. But again, against a list like this one its an uphill battle...


My list will be in the works after this. I already intended to do this for a while. But this last battle really showed that my old edition list needs some work...

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  • 4 months later...

Another few month brake and yay batreps biggrin.png

I dident completly sit still gaming wise but dident feel like most posting to much either... Mostly because im having trouble working with the new forum format, like blog settings and such and dont think I could add any more pictures which would make the batreps abit bland... That said I figured why not add a few more battles see if theyre "light reading material" without the pictures whistlingW.gif

My old list (because im to lazy busy to have to models finished for the reworked list) was used again a 1500 pts dark angels list

He had:

Belial with SS and TH

lvl 2 liby with terminator armour, SS and TH (apparently he can do that?)

8 terminators, 4 with SS and TH, 3 with storm bolters 1 with assault cannon

5 terminators, powersword on sargeant, assault cannon

5 scouts with snipers, 1 with missle launcher

10 devastators, 2 missle launchers 2 plasmacannons riding a rhino


1 dark angel flier with 2x hurricane bolters, some blind cannon and a statis bomb?

Belial was with the 8 man group, the liby with the 5 man group. We played mission 5 (emperor's will?) with table quarter deployment. My opponent won the roll to go first and took it. Setting up his whirwind and rhino with devies. Whirlwind was setup behind terrain, rhino was out in the open.

Setup my razorback on my right, vindi behind it. My tacticals were ontop of the objective. Baal and vindi were infront of them and the speeder was on the left. I had the "roll 2d6 for running" warlord trait and NOONE got red thirst wallbash.gif Liby had precience and psychich shriek. He infiltrated his scouts who got ontop of his objective which was ontop of the ruined skyshield landing pad. (GW Rotterdam has some expensive terrain choices...)

I rolled for siezing iniative and got it! teehee.gif

RB moved 12 inches around the building he was hiding with the vindi hot in pursuit. Assault squads jumped up and the baal moved 6 inches and fired at the scouts. Did 6 wounds but he passed all of them with a 2+ cover save (4+ for ruin, 1+ for camo cloaks and +1 because the store is in a campaign that allows players to pick an extra trait; with him choosing the +1 to cover for 1 unit!)

Speeder turbo boosted on the left to stay with the assault marines which he had severly lagged behind.

His first turn, both termi squads deep struck. The smaller squad with liby jumped infront of my RB and the bigger squad tried to deep strike right next to my assault marines but landed 9 inches in the opposite direction of where he wanted them woot.gif He shot abit at my RB and failed to do anything, shot his whirly at my defending tacticals and the 1 wound he did I FnP'ed! Both assault squads lose 2 man, nothing serious.

My 2nd turn, I move up my assault marines, confident that 1 blast from the vindi will solve the 6 termis. Both assault marines jump towards the rhino and have their meltas in melta range. I fire the vindi shot and it scatters 5-6 inches off target.... OOOOOOOooooo dear... My shooting blows up the rhino and both assault squads massacre the 10 devies inside (big suprise there)

His next turn his flier shows up, he slaughters one of my assault squads in combat with the 6 man liby termi squad. The other squad that lags behind wrecks the speeder with its assault cannon. The SP managed to flee from the combat as the sole survivor. Moving a mighty 6 inches with his jump pack fleeing move blush.png

Third turn, assault marines and lone SP form a unit together up on the landing pad. Assault squads kill the scouts up there (lose 1 marine to a overwatch krak missle) I fire at the termies some more and kill 1 or 2 but he makes a bucket load of invunerable saves! Did 5 wounds with the vindi which he all saved cry.gif My RB fires its lascannon at the whirly, stunning it.

His third turn the assault marines are out of range now. He fires and charges at the RB instead wrecking it. His big stompy termi unit runs to get close to something. His flier comes to annoy my marines some more and fires at them, killing another marine.

Fourth turn, I cast precience on the Liby his own unit (only thing in range anyway) and aim the meltagun at the flier. First hit misses, second hits. The weapon is in melta range and blows the craft to tiny bits! drool.gif My opponent couldnt believe his eyes! All my fire goes into the small terminator squad. With the liby and the last PF terminator beeing blasted to a paste by the vindicator!

His fourth turn, his whirly fires at stuff. Does nothing. Terminators stomp ever closer, becoming a serious threat now.

My 5th turn. Assault squad moves abit closer to the edge with the meltagun. I measure and see that the terminators are 18 inches away. Moved my tacticals abit so that they could all fire their bolters. Aside from the assault squad on the objective everything fires on them. Killing a mighty (wait for it...) single terminator.... Oh bugger...

His 5th turn. He uses split fire to shoot at my tactical, doing wounds which I all save and then wants to charge the Baal rolling a total of 4 inches charge against the 10 inches distant Baal. We roll for another turn and get it.

My 6th turn. Assault marines blow up the whirly with a mighty melta blast. Rest all focuses on the terminators, killing another....single lone terminator...

He stomps closer and beeing the good sport that I am I havent moved my tacticals further (would have won even if he had that objective due to first blood...) and he needs a 5+ to get the charge. He rolls a 4. (also we had the mysterious objective that halves charge range, that I only now renember....lol) he dident lose anything further to overwatch.

I roll for the 7th turn and we dont get it. Solid victory to the blood angels!

But wait, theres more. My opponent was grumbling that he wanted to play it out regardless. Again, beeing the good sport that I am I agree to see what happens thumbsup.gif In my shooting phase I blow up FOUR of the damned walking trashcans! Curses!

In his 7th turn he charges, kills 3 marines and I kill 1 of his remaining PF termies. He saves all 3 wounds that I do to belial with a poweraxe jawdrop.gif

Sixth or 7th turn is still the same, victory to the blood angels!

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Cheers mate :)

Played another battle today. Ran the same list, had +1inch to charge range warlord power and precience and puppet master as powers.

My Dark angel opponent ran:

lvl 1 liby. (warlord)

lvl 1 liby.

command squad with lotsa dakka banner (you guys which one whistling.gif)

5 deathwing knights with a flail on their "sarg"

10 man tac squad with plasmagun and plasmacannon

10 man tac squad with plasmagun and plasmacannon

5 man tac squad with plasmacannon

5 sniper scouts

5 assault marines with 2 flamers.

5 devastators with 4 ML's.

5 devastators with 4 LC's.

techmarine with some kinda forcefield.

We rolled that "d3+2) objective mission and got a total of 3 objectives. I placed 2 in my DZ and he placed in his. He reinforced a ruin to the side of his objective. Opponent won the roll to see who got first turn. He setup his devies on the reinforced ruin, had the 5 man tac squad joined with his warlord on the objective. The rest of his force (minus scouts) were on the right flank. Both tac squads in the front with the command squad in behind. One squad was joined by the techmarine and another by the 2nd liby. Both his libies had precience.

I deployed my tactical squad with poweraxe on the right ruin with objective. I placed my vehicles all behind the building they were in an decided to keep my assault marines in reserve. My right flank (cover heavy) was full now and the only placed I could place them now was on the right, which was pretty poor on the good cover and would only provide a 5+ cover at best. I also dident feel like running into his gunhline like a madman.... I tried to sieze and dident get it. No unit got red thirst wallbash.gif

His first turn he had a mighty 1 lascannon shot to fire from his gunline (nose of my Baal heavily behind cover) and that failed to pen. His army moved up and his knights deepstruck on my right flank (the part with hardly any cover) would need at least 2 turns to get to grips with anything so the move was kinda lost on me ermm.gif I lose a mighty 1 tactical marine to shooting from the scouts.

My first turn, my razorback moved up the left flank, safely behind cover. Baal and vindi move from behind cover and fired at the deathwing knights. Speeder moves up and the tacticals move a few inches so I can fire next turn (they would still be out of range no matter what I tried...) and I kill a total of 4 of the knights including the flaggelant flail toting sargeant.

Opponents next turn, he tries to deepstrike his assault marines safely behind my razorback and scatters to 1 inch of my Vindi's rear. He mishaps on a 1. Army moves up abit more but spreads out abit because some units run faster then others. His home objective plasmacannon (the only one who can see something) tries to fire and ends his own life as a ball of liquid plasma. (that is he overheats and fails armor save...)

My 2nd turn, both assault squads arrive thanks to descent of angels. I land infront of his devies and fire from my priests assault squad sees 3 of the 4 lascannon devies vaporised. I cast puppet master on the missle devies and to my horror find that only ONE model is taken over and not the whole squad! DANG! I fire a frag missle at the tacticals with 2nd liby but scatter horribly. rest of the liby squad's shooting sees a mighty lone devastator blown up whoops.gif oh dear.... Rest of my shooting blows up about 3-4 tactical marines from the squad without any IC's attached. Thankfully for my opponent my shot scattered though otherwise I would have hit half of his command squad to. Luck would have that out of a possible 7 or 8 hits I only get about 4 hits with the vindi. My opponent cant roll 3+ invul saves to save their lives though.... My speeder was shaken last turn so I moved it 18 inches towards his objective with turbo boost. His lascannon devy (well single lascannon devie and sargeant) failt their LD test and run of the board. First blood to me!

Opponents third turn. Everything moves up and aside from the devies and his liby on home objective. The devies fire on the assault marines and blow up 3 (pass LD test) and his libies squad rapid fires at the speeder getting 3 glancing hits and I fail a single 4+ cover save. Speeder crashes. Rest of the fire goes into the priests unit. And while the priest does what he can to prevent their deaths after the 2nd plasmacannon there wasent a great deal left of the unit. In fact they were all dead....

My third turn, I move the assault squad using their legs so I can use the jump pack's reroll to make sure I get the charge. Razorback emerges from behind buildings and my opponent had made a booboo move last turn, meaning that one of his tactical squads was out of range of both the banner AND of the 3++! Vindis opens fire and obliderates 4-5 of them. Tactical squad joins in, as does the Baal and when the smoke clears only the plasmagun, a single wound liby and 2 bolter marines still stand. They dont flee. Shooting from the libies squad sees the devies losing ONE of their numbers and fleeing off the board *grumble*

Opponents fourth turn. Realizing that his warlord's squad was in trouble he tries to back them away from the objective. His devastated tactical squad tries to "feck it" and rapid fire their weapons one more time before they are wiped (and kill 2 of my tacticals in the process) scouts wound the plasmagunner (precision shot) but FnP prevents his demise. His command squad and 2nd tactical squad try to move back to his objective. He fires his plasmacannon at my razorback and scatters off target (as I had placed it in front of the assault marines, so he couldnt fire at them if he had wanted) and his plasmagunner fails to glance, never mind penetrate. The deathwing knight tries to stumble outside the ruin he ran into first turn but gets a mighty double 1 for his movement phase and is short 1 inch of charging the baal (VERY good luck on my part)

My fourth turn, baal moves back to friendly lines as last assault phase made me realize just how close I was to getting charged by him...) Baal fires at the scouts and kills 2. Vindi and tacticals wipe the wounded tactical squad infront of them off the table. Assault squad jumps out of their razorback and fire at the command squad, leaving only the banner alive The assault squad moved up and charges my opponents warlord. He elects he challenges, stupidly I accept with my warlord who gets 2 wounds from a powersword and bites the bucket. The assault marine sarg kills the 2 remaining tacticals but the normal assault marines dont even get to hit at all (people were waiting to use the table so we sped up the gaming at this time)

Opponents fifth turn. My opponent jumps his scouts off from their high cover (losing 1 to dangerous terrain, he needed 5+ and was lucky twice...) so he has 1 objective now. His knight is terribly out of range of the baal but slowly slugs after it, making sure it gets no cover at all now (then again it has a 3++ so why should he care?) His command squad banner and command squad run back and charge my assault squad. He challenges again and since I like to at least get the chance to fight with my sargeant I accept. He whiffs with his attacks, the sargeant swings his powerfist and scores a homerun! Eye for an eye brother! His combined assault saw 1 mighty assault marine on my side go down but good saves on his sides means only his liby died. He passed LD.

My fifth turn, Baal shreds off a few dozen rounds at the scouts and my opponent concedes after failing the first cover save (out of 4, and hadent fired the heavy bolters yet...)

I still had:



about 6-7 tacticals+1 SP with power axe

5 assault marines with powersword, meltagun including their razorback.

about 5-6 assault marines including sargeant in combat with 1 banner barrier and a few tacticals. He had no special weapons on his sargeant, I had a PF and the 5 man assault squad was about to charge. The knight would die either to: TLLC from razorback, plasma/bolter fire from tacticals OR the vindi... (they had nothing else to shoot at...)

1 First blood, slay the warlord and 1 (without doubt) objective against slay the warlord.

Glorious victory to the blood angels! Ive made some pictures, il try to figure out if I cant upload them somehow!

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  • 1 month later...

Played a 1500 pts battle against Eldar this wednesday. Bit late with the report but oh well, ive been busy!

I ran the same old list.

He ran:

Farseer (with invisibility, pupper master and psychich scream powers)

10 dire avengers

10 dire avengers

10 scorpions with exarch with scorpion claw

5 or 6 rangers

6 fire dragons with exarch with firepike

wraithlord with wraithglaive

transport with twin linked bright lance

transport with twin linked 2xS6 AP2 weapon

fire prism

fire prism

All his vehicles had some sort of "+1 to cover save" item

For warlord traits I had "every model within 12 inches can use the warlords LD" and he had "+1 to your run distances" I rolled ofr red thirst and one of my assault squads got it.

We setup terrain and rolled for deployment and mission. Got the "1 objective in each deployment" and the "fight eachother from short to short table edge" which gave me the biggest "**** you buddy" if I ever felt one.... I got to charge headlong into a (mech) gunline....goody!

Picture of my deployment: http://image.bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_4389/gallery_11639_4389_2800666.jpg

Picture of eldar deployment: http://image.bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_4389/gallery_11639_4389_2198453.jpg

I got choice of first turn and gave it to the eldar as I had NO idea of what they were going to do or were even capable of. Failed to sieze initiative.

His first turn was pretty uneffective. He blew up 3 of my fearless assault marines and immobilized my razorback. In return I slogged forward and blew off 2 of 3 wraithlord wounds.

At the end of my turn (waithlord just out of sight in this picture): http://image.bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_4389/gallery_11639_4389_2584157.jpg

His turn he moved up, tried to assault my marines with his wraithlord and failed because he was short a few inches. He immobilized my speeder (he even used pupper master on the vindi but I passed the cover save against that biggrin.png) He shot at and killed a few asssault marines, nothing major yet. He failed to do damage against vehicles alot

My turn, I killed the wraithlord. Failed to do much else in the ways of damage because he either passed cover saves or I failed to do damage yucky.gif


Eldar 3rd turn, scorpions charged the libies squad and carved a path through the unit eek.gif Did some wounds back but was left with less then half the unit. THe rest of his shooting overwhelmed the speeder, took a HP (and storm bolter) off the vindi and blew up 1 assault marine of the razorback squad.


My 3rd turn. Cast precience on the bigger assault squad, charged them and the smaller razorback squad in the scorpions and wiped them (aside from the exarch due to _)#%)$^_$^ challenge) off the map. The exarch fled after killing my PW sergeant from the razorback squad censored.gif did a glancing hit on one of his vehicles and pretty much failed to do anything besides that...


His fourth turn his transport disgorged his firedragons and reduced the vindi to 1 HP. I was incredibly lucky that he rolled very poorly for AP considering the fire pike had snake eyes for penetration and only 1 managed to do any damage woot.gif Razorback was wrecked. Assault marines were greeted with a torrent of fire reducing the priests unit (that I forget was fearless) to 1 meltagunner and the priest who fled. Snipers managed to pin the libies squad (who were down to 3 and liby)

my fourth turn, I renembered they were supposed to be fearless but let it slide (considering I was the one who foget it blush.png ) split the meltagunner and priest up. The priest joined the libies squad (needed FnP to survive) and the meltagunner went up to the dire avenger transport that was flying full speed to my deployment zone. He hit and penetrated but the vehicle but the damn cover save prevented damage. Tried to turn my Baal around and immobilized myself on the terrain. the 3 assault marines from the razorback squad kill off the dire avenger exarch (die filthy xenos!!! cleanse, purge, kill and all that) did no damage other then that.

Fifth turn he wiped out my priest, liby and the few marines that were still with them. He stunned by Baal. He killed one of three razorback marines who fled. Vindi was wrecked by the firepike exarch. His dire avengers disembarked and did about 5 wounds on my tacticals. Since my plasmagunner was close by (2nd model to get hit) I rolled the armour saves one at a time to see if the bolter marine bit the dust. He saved all wounds thumbsup.gif

My fifth turn. Rapid fire from the tacticals wipes out half the dire avengers, baal then finishes off a torrent more. Only 1 dire avenger left standing. Meltagunner assault marine tries to do damage to vehicle and fails to even stratch the paint (with pointblank melta and his S5 attacks in combat yucky.gif ) the 2 razorback marines try to the same to the fire dragons tranport (and fail miserably as well)


I roll the dice for 6th turn and the game ends.

I had first blood and an objective. Opponent had linebreaker, slay the warlord and an objective.

Loss for the Blood angels!

Fact that we were fighting short edge to short edge really hurt here. On a 6 by 4 table that means you have another turn that you need to move (if not more) before you get into charging range and with all the AP3 (or better) pie plates what were thrown my way it wasent an enjoyable journey cry.gif fact that the worst damage that I was able to do to his vehicles was a glancing hit dident help either wallbash.gif Poor dice rolling and amazing 4+ cover rolls (think I only saw 5's and 6's....) meant that they were untouchable.

The things are expensive but also (for me) impossible to destroy. sweat.gif Looking to join my local club with matches again pretty soon and the meta is flier and new army (book) heavy so im not looking to do any games with this list. Having to rely on precience to hope to get a 6 as anti-flier weaponry isent really...reliable.

So im looking at a new list with at least a storm raven. Some scouts to hold objectives (just finishes sniper scouts for my vow!) as tacticals are to expensive for that imho. And...Well... Im not sure on the rest. I would keep the assault marines if it wasent for the fact that just about every list is a gun line.... Need to think on that abit!

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