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dem's batreps


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had another game of 1500 pts today, and it was again against my teammate from the frenzy. i wanted to try some small changes to my list though and removed my 2 baals and replaced them with a terminators squad and extra DC marine. he had at 1500 pts: *take a long breath*

big mek with kustom force field

big mek with shokk attack gun

30 man boyz mob with nob with power klaw and bosspole, 3 rokkit launchas (mob had shootas)

30 man boyz mob with nob with power klaw and bosspole, (3 ?? special weapons) mob had sluggas.

21 man boyz mob with nob with power klaw and boss pole, big shoota and rokkit launcha.

21 man boyz mob with nob with power klaw and boss pole, big shoota and rokkit launcha.

10 gretchin and a runtherd

2 kannons with 6 grethcin crew

3 killa kans with custom mega blastas

3 deff koptas with twin linked rokkit launchas

we played killpoints mission with 12 inch deployment. the terrain, even though it had only 25% terrain on it was placed in such a manner that you pretty got a cover saves if you placed your units properly. in the middle we had a big rock, he had 2 small bases of woods in and near his DZ, a crater on my left flank near his DZ and 1 in the middle near the left corner, beneath the hill. between his half and my half was a sandbag placement, providing both sides a coer saves pretty much all the time. in my DZ on the left flank was a small "church" with in the middle of my DZ an small rubble placement. to the right was a sandbag placement between the woods from the centre and the rubble placement.

we rolled off for first turn, i won the roll and made him go first. he placed one 30 man and one 21 man boyz unit on either side of the rock. gretching were stretched in front of the big mob to my left. both bik meks were in the centre. his kannons were on a hill to my left in his DZ (we played on the realm of battle board, i hate the damn hills with a vengeance furious.gif ) the kans were also in the middle and the koptas were on his left flank.

i responded by placing a tactical squad in the church and in the rubble. 1 empty rhino to the left of the church. my assault marines hid behind the rhino and the vindicator hid behind the church for a cover save. in the rubble i placed 2nd tactical squad, rhino was behind it for cover, terminators were to the left of it and my DC was stretched out behind the termies and the rhino. i rolled for sieze initiative but dident get it.

his first turn everything moved forwards slowly (except the kannons but his shokk attack gun did move, nothing in LOS) the deff koptas turbo boosted 24 inches to the right behind a palcement of woods. he fired his kannons at my left tactical squad klilling 4 with blasts (curse those dice!) i failed my LD test but dident run off the board luckily enough.

in my 1st turn my rhino zoomed forward, my tactical squad regrouped and ran back into the building. my assault squqad jumped forward 12 inches behind the rhino. vindi moved 6 inches forward, terminators and DC moved to the left. the 2nd empty rhino moved to the right. in my shooting phase i fired at the big mob of 30 mobs in front of me with my vindi but because idident kill the gretchin yet he got a cover save. saved 6 out of 9 wounds.... my termies and the 2nd tactical squad then fired at the gretchin unit, killing all but 3 and the runtherd, they failed ld test but runtherd killed d3 (1 in this case) gretchin to reroll the LD test which he did make this time. my rhino to my right fired at his turbo boosting koptas but he passed the cover save he had to take (damn 3+ cover save from turbo boost sad.gif)

2nd turn, the orks were moving forward some more. his entire army (barring the kannons, duh) slugged through terrai. since he was very unluck y with rolls and running rolls he was moving 5-6 inches a turn at maximum speed, nothing really spectacular. his shooting phase his kannons fired the templates at my assault marines, but he scattered alot so only 2 of my marines died. he had moved his koptas forward 12 inches and tried to pop my rhino with it but he was unlucky with his AP rolls. his kanns fired and hit as well but were also unlucky with AP rolls.

my 2nd turn, i moved my RAS forward, DC jumped forward. terminators were slugishly moving forward as well (only 6 inches a turn...snails!) the rhino to the right and the one on the left moved a few inches so he would need 4+'s to hit them in combat. the left rhino fired a tt he kannons, doing nothing spectacular. the one on the right fired a tthe koptas, also doing nothing. my shooting wiped the remaining gretchin and runtherd of the table. (not that hard...) fired my tac squad in the rubble at the koptas, but either dident hit/wound or he passed cover saves. my RAS assaulted his 30 man mob and started kicking in heads. i figured my DC would be also to make the charge but they were short just an inch. i killed off 8 orks for no kills in return so the "no retreat" rule kicked in meaning the mob would be smaller still. i was very lucky here that his powerklaw was posistioned at the very back of his unit, so was out of range this turn.

his 3rd turn. the (previously) 21 boy z unit was cleared of the terrain now and started moving towards the DC (and they were very much in assault range blush.gif ) to the right flank his army slugged forward somemore, tripped and fell in the terrain and his units were now blocking eachother. his koptas destroyed my rhino with a pen 6 and 1 got wounded by the resulting explosion. the kannons fired blasts at my DC but4 (or even 5?) scattered. his big mek with shokk attack gun fired at my vindi but scattered ontop of 3 terminators and 2 DC. i lost 2 termies and 1 dc (i think only 1 dc) after the boyz unit charged i had killed all but 3 of his boyz before they got to hit. lost 2 DC from the powerklaw. wiped the orks with a sweeping advance. the Assault marines versus the orks kept fighting, winning combat again, they were still fearless though a few more died to "no retreat"

my 3rd turn. the DC moved towards my right flank, running behind the rubble to the right. i was expecting a waaagh soon so i figured i had to be ready for them. my tactical squad in the rubble killed off the entire deff koptas unit ( i love melta happy.gif)the tactical squad from the church moved out of terrain and ran towards the right. the rhino to my left and terminators fired at the kannons, killing 3 crew and a kannon and they failed their LD test. RAS kept fighting, won again from the orks ( i think by one) unit wasent fearless anymore but made a ld test. (dont recall if he had to use the bosspole or not)

4th turn. having pretty much cleared his left flank he set his hopes on the right flank, trying in vain to get the slow ork mushrooms out of the terrain (perhaps they communicating with their tree friends or something?) he fired the shokk attack gun at the vindi again and AGAIN scattered ontop of the terminators pinch.gif killed another one; just the sargeant and the assault cannon now. to the right his big mob of 21 boyz was slowly starting to clear the wooded terrain. combat with the assault marines saw me winning combat, and sweeping the last few orks of the table.

my 4th turn, i moved the 2 remaining RAS (yes just 2 remaining down.gif ) to his shokk attack gun big mek, rhino also moved to this fellow. DC stayed put. tacticals from the church ran some more and were now aside the rubble. my MM fired at the kans not doing anything. my vindi moved to the right, fired at the kans and scattered on the nearby mob. taking a few out. my RAS and rhino fired at the big mek, failed to wound so i cahrged him. the normal RAS missed all his attacks, big mek hit but failed to wound and the powerfist killed the big mek off. consolidated towards my own lines, hoping to get to safety soon.

his 5th turn, his big mek with force field joined the smaller mob accros the forest whilst the 30 man mob were moving towards my 2 RAS sweat.gif the kans finaly got out of terrain and they killed the terminators ith their custom mega blasta thingies. the big mek's unit fired at the smaller tactical squad, killing all but the powerfist and MM (only time ever the important units dident die to wound allocation....) passed LD test. he fired the 30 man mob at the 2 RAS and killed the sarg. passed LD also.

my 5th turn i moved my rhino and lone assault marine back to my lines, hoping to deny him easy kill points. vindicator moved backwards and my tacticals stayed put. i took out 1 kan with shooting. my DC jumped over terrain and charge the big mek's mob. killed off all but 3, powerklaw killed a few of my DC and killed the rest with a sweeping advance. my opponent rolled to see if we got another turn, we would.

his 6th turn his 30 man mob moved towards my line, fired rokkits at my DC and lone DC. i took 1 rokkit hit on the chaplain, hoping his 4+ invul would save him, it dident. the DC then got hit by a ton of shoota hits and he also went down. the 2 kans charged the vindi and in spite of me moving him wwrecked him.

my 6th turn i shot at the kans, killing one with a pen 6. had moved the lone RAS and the rhino away (RAS was hiding behind the vindi before he got wrecked) we rolled for aonother turn and got that as well.

his 7th turn his kan moved towards my 2 tacticals fired, and missed. he then charged and killed them both off. his 30 man mob fired abit but dident do anythjing (passed ALL armour save)

my 7th turn, i moved the RAS and rhino to the rear of the kan. fired the tacs to the rear as well. shooting in his rear tore off his DCCW (hurah!) and shook him, which he ignored. i charged him and stunned him, he dident kill any more.

we counted the KP's and i had won the game with 8 (2 big meks, 2 mobs of 21, 1 mob of 30, 3 koptas, gretchin, kannons) to 6 (tactical squad, rhino, chaplain, DC, terminators, vindicator)

a fun and pretty exciting game. my opponent was abit unlucky with his terrain rolls though and placement of his units meant they had to move through eachother which dident go all that well. his kannons and shokk attack gun proved to be a real pain and his mobs dished out alot of hurt both at range and at close combat. strangely enough i got 5 out of my 8 kill point in close combat. my shooting dident accomlish much this game and it probably has something to do with the fact that i took out the baals. the terminators were pretty much useless the way i used them and proved to be an almost free kill.

if anyone has any tips on using terminators id welcome them as im struggling with them. ive tried using them before and failed epicly that time as well....

Take this from a Deathwing player, TERMINATORS are your friend! when footslogging terminator's its important to make use of the relentless rule that they have, have them fire into enemy troops at their max range and keep backing up as the enemy tries to cover the ground between you. It's also important to have a sanguinary priest parked by them because i can tell you that there were some games where i made more FnP saves that 2+ -_-

But if you're worried about them drawing too much fire foot slogging it, have them deep strike near an enemy squad your troops are about to assault or are about to assault your own lines where their extra fire power will help tip the time of the assault in your favor or force the enemy to change their tactics and try to get rid of the terminators.

The last game i played was a deathwing foot slog right before the new codex came out against a tyranid nidzilla list where their high str power weapons and hardy saves proved too much for the MC and they were dismantled in CC once we had softened them up from shooting (see dozens of cyclone missiles).

I will swear up and down the usefullness of terminator's BUT if not properly supported or used, they can be a huge point sink; I'd really recommend fiddling around with them more and see how they work best with you!

If you want anymore advice or suggestions, feel free to ask!

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First of all thanks for commenting man :)

Second of all, thanks for commenting on a post from 2010 :D makes me happy to see that people read through my batreps ^_^

Im well aware of the dangerous potential termies have :) I was using those shooty termies poorly and they basicly died not doing much. I havent used shooty termies much since but combat termies on the other hand are 10 shades of awesome teehee.gif

Ive got a game scheduled today against the same player (only player in my group that I play against regulary...) and im trying a new list. It has no termies in it but some units that im not used to so im dying to see what effect that will have whistlingW.gif

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