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1500 Point Imperial Fist


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Hey Guys/Gals


Please tell me what you think of this list. I am thinking of doing some Fists, because I love their fluff and the one time I saw a fully Painted IF army on the table it looked great.


I'm not looking for this to be a super hard list, but I don't necessarily want it to get stomped. Its supposed to be pretty shooty, with a IF/ siege type thing goin on.


HQ :


Command Squad [ Company banner, Champion]



Troops :

Tactical Squad [ +5 marines, meltagun, plasma cannon, fist ]

Tactical Squad [ +5 marines, meltagun, plasma cannon, fist ]

Tactical Squad [ +5 marines, meltagun, plasma cannon, sword ]


Elite :

Dreadnought [MM, Storm Bolter, No upgrades]

Terminators [Cyclone launcher]


Heavy :


Thunderfire Cannon


1500 Points on the dot.

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I agree, there is nothing that can get into the enemy quickly, while I have a similar list myself, its not easy to play and you really do need to learn to master the use of terrain to survive..


That being said, it looks like it could be fun.

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There is a lot to be said about creating an army list just because you like it, rather than it necessarily being the most effective.


It looks good, but I think the lack of transportation could be your undoing in some battles. You'd have to sacrifice firepower to get transports though, so it kind of detracts from the spirit of your list.


If you were defending objectives or something, your guys would probably be pretty hard to knock off.

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Id say you should upgrade one of the plasmacannons to a Lascannon, just to give you some Str 9 at range for killing vehicles. It can really come in handy.


Id also say that dropping the command squad for a couple Lascannon Razorbacks instead wouldnt be a pad idea, in wich case keep your PCs in the squads. It would allow you some mobility in objective missions *where combat squading is a decent idea* and give you extra firepower in KP missions- particularly the las/plas variant.


And make sure theres ruins about, you get to fortify two of them, wich is amazing for the resiliency of your marines.

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