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[commission] Ultramarines Terminator Squad


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Another part of the immense Ultramarines commission I'm working on - Terminators!


This guy's the first complete of a squad I'm just about finished on. The client's also bought a load of Secret Weapon Miniatures' excellent trenchwork bases which you can see one of here.


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I like them a lot, what are you using for the blue tinged shading on the helmets?


Oh and I like the flesh tone on the sergeant, can I ask what you've used to achieve that as well?


Ok pestering done, and well done with the great miniatures, although I may have to steal the heraldry on the shields idea.

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Nice work!


That's a shade of blue I quite like, care to reveal the colours?


Only fault appears to be on the commissioner's behalf, he has no chainfists! :)


Also nice hazard stripes on the powerfist, cleanly done.


Also those Secret Weapon bases are just lovely, though I prefer the urban ones.


Might have to consider your services in the future.

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The blue is done with exactly the same technique I used on the sternguard shown in another thread:


Black undercoat

All over light coat of Mordian Blue by airbrush

Zenital Mordian Blue by airbrush

Zenital Ultramarines Blue by airbrush

Zenital UM Blue / SW grey by airbrush


Blend on UM blue and/or Mordian Blue to adjust zenital and touch up where required - usually shoulder pads.


The white is a shadow grey base, blended up through SW grey to pure white highlights.

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Oh, and the flesh tone:


VMC leather brown base coat, highlighted up with dwarf flesh and elf flesh.

Mottles in leather brown.

Wash of ogryn flesh

VMC ivory eye, black dot.

Re-highlight with elf flesh, bleached bone and VMC ivory glazes.

Hair and stubble in dark grey glazes (black / codex grey mix), including some on mottles on top.

Red glaze across cheek and nose.

VMC burnt cadmium red glaze on lower lip


Sounds like a lot of work, but it's really quite quick.

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