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Blood Raven Captain and others


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Heres a better picture of him.




Terminatorinhell @ the dark red is achieved bystarting out with a basecoat of Scab Red, then adding Blood Red red to the Scab Red in larger quantities each layers. So towards the edges of the armour or where you want it to look like the light is hitting it you add more blood red. It takes a while and alot of mixing but I find it much nicer than using mechrite red, which I haven't red much success with. Hope that helps. :huh:

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Cheers Cpt. Lysander, I managed to get out of my house today and went and picked up some marines so hopefuly he should have his squad finished up and next to him soon enough. Also nearly finished a Librarian for the TT but not really sure if I'll bother using him, it just seems that the BR should have a Librarian.
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Here's a completed Heavy Bolter Marine for my Tac Squad. Quite pleased with how he turned out. Certainly the best I've painted a heavy bolter before as normally they're just Boltgun Metal with a wash.






And here he is with the other members.




Looking at it I may go back and paint his left knee pad red.


Cheers for looking.



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Cheers, he's a nice model. I was initially a bit sceptical about him because he doesn't have an aquila on his chest to break up the red, but I'm happy with how he turned out in the end.


I finished the grenade throwing today so I thought I'd post him up. Quite pleased with the posing, nothing fancy just a cut with a knife and a quick hand reposition and he was done.






I'm happy so far with the group posing of the squad. It's the first time I've really paid attention to how they look as a squad, normally I just put each pose together individually. This time I want them to look like they're part of a firing line (being objective sitters it made sense :) ).

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Hi there,


Eikrem@ unfortunately mate I don't know what the grass is. I think it's just generic flock. I was given a bag of it by mate. You can't imagine how paranoid I was walking home with a little bag of green flock in my coat. ;)

Midnight Runner @ Yeah the badges are freehand. Getting some practice in before the new Blood Angel releases. April can't come soon enough.

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