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My WIP, Space Marines

Brother Mordeus

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Heres some of my WIP tell me what you think. They are for my combined pre-heresy army of Luna Wolves and Dark Angels. The Space Wolf was started for a GW comp though i missed the deadline.


Wolf Guard, he is getting a power weapon and a plasma pistol and terminator shoulder pads.








Luna Wolves





















Dark Angels Lord, true scale, could even count as a draft Lion El'Jonson for the dimensions and ideas.








C&C Appreciated

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You want serious C&C or just praise?



Nice sculpting and ideas, I really like the dirty white of the luna wolves.


As per your request the criticism, skip this if you can't take any:


Wolf Guard:

His left leg is positioned oddly, his foot in particular. It looks more like a fancy dance move than running.

The idea is god, but you wouldn't run one way with your lower leg facing the other way would you?

The gap in front between lower and upper leg could use detailing to.

But I really lie the pose in general, nice and aggressive


Luna Termy:

No problem with the pose this time, but the shoulder guards (plasticard I presume) look folded instead of rounded and uneven at that.

If you want to make plastic round, curve iut against a round object, like a needle file handle. The problem with the thinner cards is that it doesn't stay rounded and you'll need to add something of a former for it, like a piece of tubing or round cut plastic.

If these are dread leg guards, I am completely wrong and you just messed them up a lot.

If they are cardstoc, don't use it, it doesn't age well and doesn't stay well when handled a lot.


Luna Marines:

I like the colour, simple and dirty.

However, I don't recall them being so clad in furs, actually I think they were almost clean compared with wolves. But then I've not read the books for some time now so might be wrong.

Also, as they were pre-heresy, one would expect more pre-heresy stuff, but then as both the artwork and GW modellers are not consistent no-one will see this as a problem


Dark Angels Lord:

The sword pose seems a bit awkward to me, but that might be because he needs his other hand filled.

I like the angels on his chest, but the chest could be bigger to compensate for the bigger (and wider) legs.

You also could've taken the effort to de-terminatorise the legs, for example file down the support bars a bit so they look like raised rims instead of terminator support bars, and maybe remove the giant buttons on the knees (the round hinge like thingy).

Just little things to make it more one model instead of a random collection of parts.

And what are the huge blobs of plastic on the edge of the left shoulderpad? are the rivets? if so, why so big, they'd be about the size of a humans fist, slightly large in my opinion. using 0,5mm rod works best unless you lie to use small balls.


So, that's done, remember, you asked for it :P

And it's all to help you improve, you are free to dismiss or accept the above.





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You want serious C&C or just praise?...As per your request the criticism, skip this if you can't take any.

I don't think you could sound any more like a pompous ass with that comment. I just want you to know that.


On another note. You have an awesome start with all of your models. The skin looks pretty good thus far on them.


The wolfguard is too dark, though. Either the bronze or the grey need to become brighter. The model looks good, but it needs a lot more contrast. A model with no contrast looks like one colored blob. Since you're typically going to be far away from the models (IE table top) you want it to stand out more.


There needs to be more work done on the terminator before you can get some good feedback on it. Keep working on it, it looks ace so far.


The DA lord has a really promising start, but it does need some work. His entire left arm looks awkward. I don't know what you are honestly going for with how his hand looks, but I think it should be scrapped. I would just use a new arm at this point. The left shoulder pad doesn't tickle my fancy either, but that's because I dislike the huge studs on shoulder pads. The part of the mask that you sculpted is crooked as well.


Hope this helps.

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You want serious C&C or just praise?...As per your request the criticism, skip this if you can't take any.

I don't think you could sound any more like a pompous ass with that comment. I just want you to know that.


I would have to agree with that... It was a highly unnecessary comment.


As far as the models go from my personal opinion:


Wolf Guard: I do agree that the posing of his legs currently does look a little bit odd from certain angles in these pictures, however I think depending on how you model the arms to go with it, it could look really good.


Luna Wolf: I really like this guy. He looks extremely aggressive and is well posed. However I do think that the shoulder pads need a little work. From behind and above they don't quite look like they match together and I think that just rounding off the edges a little would make a big difference.


From here on I really don't have an criticisms that I can think of:


The Luna Wolves in power armour look great, I love the white and the posing of the models. Its all very well done. Same goes for the tank which is already looking good.


The true scale Dark Angel is probably my favourite of the models shown. He looks well posed, with a good choice of pieces and good green stuff work. My only criticism is the right hand shoulder pad ( if looking at the model from the front ) The small bobbles on it don't look so good in my opinion and detract a little from the model.


Overall I think these models look great, with only a few tiny changes I think they ll look even better though :D

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You want serious C&C or just praise?...As per your request the criticism, skip this if you can't take any.


Hey dont be honest i dont mind.


Thanks a hell of a lot for the criticism. This is what i wanted, this will help me improve. Usually, i get no answers or just a small remark which is usually usseless. This is the best comments i have had in a while. This is how forums should work so thank you.


I noticed a lot of the mistakes when i took the pictures. I knew the legs of the space wolf where off, thing is i had started painting when i noticed hehe.


I was always a bit sckeptical about using the space wolf bits for luna wolf, but then i thought that they would just look like white marines with a wolf logo.


The termi shoulder pads are made of cardboard and do look a bit weird. If you say they wont last then ill scrap them.


If any of you know a good tutorial for pre-heresy shoulder pads im open for it.



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Bleh, I might sound as a 'pompous ass' but in my experience you get flamed on this board for honest criticism so I add the disclaimer.

I'd like more criticism on my work too...


Wish I was as rich as most pompous people are though :lol:


The guide from Heresy-online is pretty good, and nicely explained. One thing I wanted to add is the option of using plastic tubing instead of plasticcard/cardstock. It's already curved and you only need to cut out the shape, which you could make a template for like in the heresy-online tutorial.


Just a thought.





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I like the work you've done, and you definitely get props from me for bravery! I'm not to the point that I am comfortable attempting a lot of conversion projects myself.


Most of the things that I noticed have already been pointed out, though I think there is actually a tip I might be able to throw in here! I noticed that the Luna marine on the left of the photo is facing one way while his feet are pointing another way. I have some experience moving with a weapon and can say that it is definitely not a comfortable position at all. Even a slight turn of the torso toward the direction his feet are pointing could do wonders for making him seem less off-balance. I'm still a beginner compared to a lot of the fine painters and modelers I've seen on B+C, so please take my critique with a grain of salt ^^

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Thanks for the answer guys,


ok something to point out, the terminators shoulder pad isnt glued, its just blue tac, which is why its a bit sideways. It looks better when i spend time putting right, sorry about that.


Stryker, i see what your saying thanks for the advice, lol its true hes stretching it a bit too much hehe ill try and change it,



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The grey on the wolf guard started as a 40 shadow grey, 30 codex grey, 10 regal blue, and 20 chas black. Then, i mixed shadow grey with codex grey in equal proportions, and added water to smoothly blend it in. Then i mixed shadow grey with black and did the same thing except in the opposite direction. Iv been told that it needs more highlights and contrasts, so maybe add a bit more codex grey to the lighter mix.
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Nice models. I am going to have to steal that helmet idea for something in my army. I'm in a way angry with you for posting this AFTER I have finished most of my VAS squad (Blood Angel lingo for Veteran Assault Squad). Seriously though keep up the good work, all the little bits of criticism have already been addressed. I think you have some good looking figures here. I especially like the dark gray you have going on the first guys.


What heads did you use for your Luna Wolves?


Good work man.


Obey the Emperor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update did some painting,


This is a WIP of course, the green stuff in the middle is just to hold it together.






and my Loken, very work in progress, and im looking for help on what colors to use on him.



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