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i like to Run a 5man TH/SS as read guard/escort/screen for my PC/DCCW FL Dread. if this doesn't make sense to you. i'm sure is not going to tell you...


I love how after a while people can just read all that and understand.


I havne't used Termies in 5th, due to not having a Land Raider and being told they'll die horribly without one. Once I do I'll be using my Assault Termie in a Crusader as either a spearhead or a problem solver.

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For assault termies theres imho nought better than loyalist TH/SS guys. Especially Considering the crazy rules you can give them with special characters (vulcan or shrike).


But i'm a big fan of take all comer units and in that regard i simply love the very customizable chaos and wolf guard terminator units. The wolf guards especially are pretty nifty. The bread and butter terminator there is slightly cheaper than his loyalist counterpart (30 and 33 vs 40). For this you give up power fists and downgrade to power weapons but I actually prefer that. Striking at initiative with power weapons is not to be underestimated, sure double str is nice and all but initiative surely does have its merrits (especially in terminator vs terminator fights, where every armor ignoring swing is potentially disastrous. I'd much rather run a squad with only 1 or 2 fists per 5 bodies instead of all fists. Theyre not _as_ good as assault termies at killing things in cc but theyre enough of a threat to make most units think twice about charging them while still being able to bring the pain at range (for about 200-205 pts instead of 230).


The customizability of the chaos/wolf terminator units also brings with it the mighty combi weapons. Eventhuogh they can only be shot once, their effect can be downright devastating. Especially for chaos (who do not need to buy a drop pod to deepstrike) the ability to make small surgical strike suicide units with combi melta or plasma is a beautifull thing. You can have a unit that is cheap enough to throw away, will most likely kill whatever tank you drop it near and is still tough enough to take at least some quality firepower away from the rest of your army (and if they dont they have 3 terminators with power weapons in the middle of their ranks, something that can still cause damage). For 105-115 ish points depending on loadout, i'd call that a friggin steal.


But the real terminator gem imho is the ability of the wolf guards to mix and match terminator armour and power armour. Giving your termie tacs a few cheap(ish) ablative wounds to bleed of lascannon fire really is a beautifull thing. The simple yet effective (and cheap) setup of 4 power armours + a cyclone missile termie is a fantastic rearguard squad. Long range, good damage for the cost, survivability and not completely useless in cc. Alternatively you can give the 4 power armours combi meltas, put them in a pod for suicide duty and attach the cyclone guy to whatever squad needs more fire power. For a foot slogging, land raiding or drop podding army list, wolf guard terminators are just the most beautifull thing ever. the ability to put a good value for money power weapon sarge with a 2+/5++ save in your squads will make daemonhunters (f-ing justicars) and chaos players (friggin expensive fistchamps) cry. (as long as youre not rhino based)

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Other unmentioned potentially powerful terminator combos are Lysander with tactical terminators for the storm bolter rerolls, and BT lightning claw termies with Preferred enemy(rerolls to hit and rerolls to wound? owch).
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I use a squad of five Terminators with a heavy flamer. I always deep strike them, even if there's no beacon on the board. I am very daring with my deep strikes, I want to get in my opponents face, or in a position to do some serious hurt or mess up his plans. Sure, sometimes they scatter and dies, but no guts, no glory! They are there to contest objectives or to take out troop choices.


My assault terminators are very straight forward. Five thunderhammers (sometimes 8!), sometimes with a Chaplain. Put them in a crusader and move up the board to contest or delay any foes trying to grab/contest objectives.

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I somehow managed to fit in a 10 man tact squad in a 1500 one vs two. My opponents were 'nids and chaos. The idiotic chaotic player whipped my temy guarding commander squad CLOSER to his DP and I ate him and promptly wiiped out his men hiding on the temple we were using. TAKE 10 TACTICAL TERMIES WITH AC AND CML and the results are FUNNY.
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My standard termies teleport in after a drop pod with locator beacon, sporting a heavy flamer and often a librarian terminator with the avenger as well for dedicated anti-infantry template work. If the unit survives the expected turn of massed firepower then they will either multi-charge weaker units (IG, tau), or work towards contesting any backfield objectives.


The assault termies (4x TH/SS, 1 LC) ride a LRR with extra armor along with whoever is leading the army that day for a turn 2 assault unless the deployment is not in my favor. Their main purpose is to blunt the enemy's main advance and eliminate advancing troops units. The LRR is my preferred ride for the single TL-AC while moving 12" and then the flame-storm cannons once the termies come barreling out in the opponent's face.


Neither tactic is overly subtle or complicated, but that is why I like them; they're hard to screw up and obvious enough that my opponent is forced to change their plans before the game begins. It is rare for either unit to survive to see the end of the game, but they often don't need to do so to achieve their objectives.

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I run Shrike with 10 TH/SS terminators, and basically jam that into my opponent's throat. I then couple that with two sternguard pods where they will hurt the most, then watch the carnage unfold.

Man that is simply insane. Agressio de luxe.

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I'm toying with this idea and it seems like it has some potential, purely from a point perspective.


1 Loyalist squad of 5 Tac Terminators + CML or AC = 230 points

2 Chaos squads of 3 Terminators + Reaper AC = 230 points


Chaos gets 2 Heavy weapons and 1 more body but loses 4 Power Fists and better mobile firepower (StormBolters vs TL Bolters)


Is this a proper way to look at it you think?

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I rarely take Terminators due to their high cost, but when I do, it's always a five-man team of TH/SS'ers.


I don't like normal Terminators because they're neither particularly good at killing via shooting, compared to a cheaper ten man Tactical Squad; nor are they as good at killing via pounding as a commensurately priced Assault Terminator Squad.


I don't take Lightning Claws because of what Terminators are meant to face. Lightning Claws deliver a large number of low-powered attacks. This is good for taking down a large number of enemies. If your Terminators are meant to engage large numbers of low-powered enemies, you are using them wrong. They are now swamped. Even if they are not killed, they have been taken out of the game. Large numbers of low-powered enemies should be shot, not asaulted, generally speaking. The low number of Terminators and their low number of attacks is best suited to facing small numbers of incredibly hard enemies, things that only a Thunder Hammer will smash.

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I don't take Lightning Claws because of what Terminators are meant to face. Lightning Claws deliver a large number of low-powered attacks. This is good for taking down a large number of enemies. If your Terminators are meant to engage large numbers of low-powered enemies, you are using them wrong. They are now swamped. Even if they are not killed, they have been taken out of the game. Large numbers of low-powered enemies should be shot, not asaulted, generally speaking. The low number of Terminators and their low number of attacks is best suited to facing small numbers of incredibly hard enemies, things that only a Thunder Hammer will smash.


If by large you mean more than 10, I can mostly agree with that. However, for most lists I prefer tactical terminators over pure combat ones. In my opinion, the terminator is at its best when it kills things both in shooting and in close combat. Ther are certain units you don't want to run tactical terminators into that the new 3+ stormshield will protect against, but I find that some support fire mixed with a large amount of powerfist attacks can generally take a unit down to size.


I think with the new tyranid codex releasing this weak that tactical terminators will be even better. Shoot up the small things, assault the big things, and generally come out on top. The Cylone Missile Launcher is gonna be the weapon of choice with all the new MCs runnign around, and all those missiles and powerfists will still make quick work of warriors.

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I use terminators quite regularly in my armies, but then they are Deathwing terminators and I tend to use them as my troop choices in addition to regular tactical squads.


My usual set up is just 5 terminators with an assault cannon and a single chain fist. Sometimes one of the members will swap out his storm bolter and powerfist for a thunder hammer and storm shield or a pair of lightning claws (mostly for wound allocation purposes than actual combat effectiveness). The unit is quite versatile. Able to start on the board with impressive firepower (if deployed centrally can hit most things on turn 1) or deep striking near the enemy (with 24" range deviating won't hurt their chance of reaching out and touching someone) or deploying from a land raider (if there is too much plasma on the table).


I generally use a pair of these squads (at 1000pts+) and concentrate them on one part of my opponent's army (usually the backfield units that are holding the objectives furthest away from me). They can usually shoot up and crush whatever is on the back objectives and then hold and wait for the possible counterattack. If no counterattack comes they can still provide fairly decent ranged support from their position (most objectives will be within 24" of at least one or two others) and still claim the objective (mind you this ability is unique to Deathwing and Wolfguard terminators with appropriate character).

However, it rarely goes this well as inevitably they scatter too far or their transport gets blown up or there are too many shots going towards them (i.e. four full squads of fire warriors) or whatever.


The one thing I don't like about the whole TH/SS Termis in a LR is that if the LR gets immobilized or wrecked that's 200+ points of models that won't get anywhere. They are an incredibly powerful unit but if you take out their bus they are slow and easily ignored or kited. Mind you I've only played against them a few times, but each time I focused on their raider and then basically ignored them for 2-3 turns as they travelled towards my lines. With tactical terminators, even if the raider gets stopped they can still walk and shoot and dish out the pain.

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