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Chapter tactics and specific foes.

Marshal Wilhelm

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In C:SM we have the following traits.

UM - chapter tactics, RG - fleet, Salamanders - TL Meltas, Flamers and TH, IF - stubborn, CF - Stubborn, SG are scoring, WS - Outflank.


Our foes are Orks, Tyranids, Tau, Dark Eldar, Craftworld Eldar, Necrons, "Traitor" Guard and Chaos SM.

Then you have particular variants in armies; footsloggers, mech, Nidzilla, etc.


Which of the Chapter tactics lends itself more than any other, to fighting a particular foe? This can be justified from experience or theory. This is not a fluff question but a victories tally on the table top kind of question.

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well in theory Gunline is meant for tyranids, buffed by some well timed retreats so I would say gunline UM for nids (theory)


Eldar I personally feel you have to give some welly, stubborn advance on them and grind them with a gunline/assault so mech IF for eldar (something I feel works best)


Guard are the ones who fall before massed death of templates and melta weapons so Salamander 'drive-by' mech list


chaos is a pain, they negate any bonus we have in states and such so we stalemate there. need some stubborn scores to win the day so CF gunline with plenty of sterns (theory)


Dark eldar are few and quite fragile but very agile and able to take out transports fast, a scout army is best here so RG scout army (theory)



Thats my opinion and as you all see it's theory but thats how I feel, well ciao for now!

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I can personally testify to the effectiveness of salamanders vs. Guard. But they're also effective against nids, but surprisingly weak against eldar. I feel Raven Guard would be very good against guard also. Again you have to remember, all the options from the chapter tactics reserve can be devastating in the right hands, that goes without saying.


Guard (Sallies and RG, maybe WS)

Nids (Sallies, CF, UM)

Eldar (WS, IF)

Tau (RG, WS)

Orks (Sallies, UM and CF)

Chaos (CF, WS)

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