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Chaplain loadout


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As my chaplain will be poncing around with my assault squad i was thinking either of these:


Jump pack & powerfist. 130pts


Jump pack, powerfist & digital weapons. 135pts.


Is a ranged weapon worth it?

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I don't feel the powerfist is really worth it on a chaplain. The squad he's with will usually have a powerfist, and why cost your chaplain the extra attack for two weapons? Assuming you are using the normal Marine dex, go with his bolt pistol and crozius and a meltabomb. Digital weapons are good too.
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You come standard with Kraks which is enough to pop anything not a Land Raider or Monolith so I wouldn't really worry about a single Meltabomb doing much.

I think the main benefit of the Chaplain is that its dirt cheap with the Jump Pack. 115 points is a steal for a solid HQ. If you start getting fancy, I think you're better off going with the more expensive captain.

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I agree with JamesI here, get the Chaplain a jump pack, meltabombs and digi weapons to go with his standard load out. Doesn't cost that much, and can be very effective. IMO digi weapons are a good investment due to the lower amount of attacks Chaplains have when compared with Captains.
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If you have a chaplain with a jump pack you are going to get the assault, in which case you re-roll all failed rolls to hit in that assault phase anyway. The best part about the chaplain is that he is cheap, so if you want the extra CC punch (though you lose litanies of hate) just spring for a captain because with just a jump pack and power weapon he is not a whole lot more than a basic chaplain with jump pack.
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I like standard gear, with a JP if I have assault marines, a meltabomb for good measure... digital weapons seems like alot to me for a reroll to wound- mastercrafting would be more worth it. Id never take a PF on him, despite the really cool model for him, because they nerfed his base attacks beyond belief.
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I'd have the echo the sentiment that metlabombs and digital weapons are the best bet for your jumpy Chappy.

I know the argument against meltabombs is that kraks are free, but you have to remember that you're rolling 6+d6 for the kraks. You need a 4+ to glance AV10 rear armor. The meltabomb is a guaranteed glance even if you snakeyes your roll (assuming you hit).

Digitals are great with that Crozius.

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Don't waste the Chaplain's I5 with a Powerfist, and let him hit people first with his Crozius Arcanum. Melta Bombs are nice and cheap for the lovely penetration goodness they do, too. Digital weapons are a little bit over overkill, and are probably points best spent giving something or someone else an upgrade or better equipment.


But, then again, there's no kill like overkill.

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If you are going to attach a character to a power-armored, non-jump-pack close combat oriented squad (assault/vanguard squad in a transport vehicle, command squad, etc), then get chaplain Cassius.

Cassius is the best chaplain option if you don't plan on giving your chappy TDA or a Jump Pack. For 25 more points than a stock chaplain you get the addition of the Feel No Pain USR, Toughness 6 (he can now take 'Feel No Pain's against Krak Missiles, lol), and a master crafted combi-flamer with hellfire rounds. You just can't beat that.


If you are going to attach a character to a jump pack assault/vanguard squad, go Chaplain with Jump Pack and MAYBE meltabombs and/or digi-weps if you have the spare 5/10/15 pts. Keep him cheap. Likewise for his TDA option with Terminator assault squads.


If you want a solo CC beast, get a Captain instead.

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Don't waste the Chaplain's I5 with a Powerfist, and let him hit people first with his Crozius Arcanum. Melta Bombs are nice and cheap for the lovely penetration goodness they do, too. Digital weapons are a little bit over overkill, and are probably points best spent giving something or someone else an upgrade or better equipment.


But, then again, there's no kill like overkill.

Most people these days dont have I5 chaplains. I think its just BA and BT at this point.

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Crozius with digitals is quite similar to a relic blade against mid range strengths. I like the chappy with digitals and the assault sergeant with the PF. You get the chappy up front and the Sarge rolling cleanup with a pile of S4 hits in the middle. Add a pair of flamers to start the party and you start to realize that assault squads are not dead yet.
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Crozius with digitals is quite similar to a relic blade against mid range strengths. I like the chappy with digitals and the assault sergeant with the PF. You get the chappy up front and the Sarge rolling cleanup with a pile of S4 hits in the middle. Add a pair of flamers to start the party and you start to realize that assault squads are not dead yet.

Hahaha nicely worded! :wink:

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Cassius is awesome, but having never used him, how useful is his toughness 6?


When attached to a unit it surely makes no difference when taking fire.


It's great for allocating and attempting saves against hits that would normally kill a Marine outright. Just take a lascannon shot? Give it to Cassius and let him roll his 4+ invulnerable without fear of losing him to one shot. A normal Chaplain would die if he failed, so you'd shuttle it to a normal Marine, and he'd die instantly. Same with Krak missiles, Battlecannon wounds, etc.

It basically gives him a limited form of Eternal Warrior that's only good against shooting.

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Don't waste the Chaplain's I5 with a Powerfist, and let him hit people first with his Crozius Arcanum. Melta Bombs are nice and cheap for the lovely penetration goodness they do, too. Digital weapons are a little bit over overkill, and are probably points best spent giving something or someone else an upgrade or better equipment.


But, then again, there's no kill like overkill.

Most people these days dont have I5 chaplains. I think its just BA and BT at this point.

And DA.

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Cassius is awesome, but having never used him, how useful is his toughness 6?


When attached to a unit it surely makes no difference when taking fire.


It's great for allocating and attempting saves against hits that would normally kill a Marine outright. Just take a lascannon shot? Give it to Cassius and let him roll his 4+ invulnerable without fear of losing him to one shot. A normal Chaplain would die if he failed, so you'd shuttle it to a normal Marine, and he'd die instantly. Same with Krak missiles, Battlecannon wounds, etc.

It basically gives him a limited form of Eternal Warrior that's only good against shooting.

What I meant was, don't you use the toughness value of the majority of the unit when rolling to wound? I've possibly misinterpreted the rule (on p. 19).

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Cassius is awesome, but having never used him, how useful is his toughness 6?


When attached to a unit it surely makes no difference when taking fire.


It's great for allocating and attempting saves against hits that would normally kill a Marine outright. Just take a lascannon shot? Give it to Cassius and let him roll his 4+ invulnerable without fear of losing him to one shot. A normal Chaplain would die if he failed, so you'd shuttle it to a normal Marine, and he'd die instantly. Same with Krak missiles, Battlecannon wounds, etc.

It basically gives him a limited form of Eternal Warrior that's only good against shooting.

What I meant was, don't you use the toughness value of the majority of the unit when rolling to wound? I've possibly misinterpreted the rule (on p. 19).

Yes, you do- wich is why you only use him on rather high strength things, ie 8+ that would wound him on a 2+ anyways.

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I'm going to parrot everyone else and say forget the powerfist on the chaplain. First, he has a powerweapon that rerolls to hit on the charge for free. Second, powerfists on ICs is a generally bad idea in 5th edition. Third, if you're taking a chaplain it's most likely to stuff him with an ASM squad which already has a powerfist for big nasties.


I'd say no to ranged upgrades, bolt pistol is all the dakka he needs. Focus on CC here. Combi weapons cost you your bonus attack and plasma pistols are expensive and the chaplain doesn't have the wounds or BS to properly take advantage of it.


Remember that you're not a captain, you come filled with the fury of the emperor straight from your blister and have no need for such silly toys. Faith, wings of fire, and maybe a meltabomb is all you need. :blush:

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