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Is this a crazy idea?


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as the title says would it be really weird using both these expensive HQs together in a 2000pnt list? Shrike could outflank w/ an assault squad while lysander rushes up the field in an LRC w/ a termy squad backed up by the rest of the mounted force and they meet somewhere in the middle killing everything in their paths.


or is the 395pnts for 2 models too much and not very diverse in roles (just kill everything)?

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If it's worth doing it's worth over doing

in a 2k game 400points isn't too much, and at the very least you get the rush of watching your opponents face drain of colour as he has two rip-you-to-tiny-pieces characters converge on his mostest favorite <insert suitable HQ/ELITE> in the whole wide world.

I say go for it and let us know how it turns out... and my money is on Lysander for the most kills

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Dude, go all the way. I tried Shrike with 10 DLC terminators coupled with Lysander DSing in with 10 regular terminators, who had CMLs, and my opponent was totally not ready for it. I lost, but it was still funny as hell watching 20 terminators surrounding half his force.
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