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Help for a noob


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I agree with the plans alot of my peers have suggested; try and find you favorite play style useing proxys. I even cut out standing paper versions just to see if it would work right before i bought anything. I had the same set, AOBR, and decided for White Scars and the bike/fast attack style. So i bought the DA(Dark Angels) RW(Raven Wing) Battleforce unorthodox! I know! The person who sold it to me gave me a weird look when i told him my intent lolz. It gave me a squad of bikes, includeing attack bike, and a landspeeder. So buying the Space Marine Battleforce didnt make sence.


Personally i think space marines are shock troops. Even in the fluff they strike with the holy swiftness of the emperor. Kiteing will work well with the AOBR set. Also keep in mind the beautiful chosen fall back rule(dont have name of it on me). Termies and dred tyDng up orks in assault, they shoot every turn of course. While The rest are close behind pouring bolter shells into the ork menace! They jump away during the movement phase, everyone shoots, then everyone assaults! This is what the emperor made us to do! HAHA! You might still get trounced of course, i fought a veteran ork player my first two games and lost completely, also played Guard and never got to their fireing lines lolz! That time was with a borrowed black templar army though.

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