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Storm Giants WIP


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So, now I've decided I'm doing the Storm Giants, I thought I'd share some photos with you. This is going to be a continuously running WIP topic. Hopefuly I'll have a lot done over the christmas period as I'm home from uni.


The plan for the core units are:


Pedro Cantor(counts as)

Sternguard Squad

Tactical Squad x2

Rhino x2

Land Raider Redeemer

Vinicator x2


First of all, my first ever painted mini ever posted on the B&C










This was more of a test mini, so though it will be in one of the squads, the others should hopefully look a little better. Some things I'll do differently/in a different order. IMO theres somethiing missing. It could be the colour/theme of the base. I don't think it fits with the colour of the mini. What are your thoughts guys?


I'll have some more pics up soon of some assembled stuff

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Here's the next one I'm going to paint. A Missile Launcher from the first tactical squad.




I did a little custom job on the backpack.




And heres a commander mid-build, not sure yet whether it will be my counts as Pedro.




And some better shots of the basework





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You seem to have the same problem I have/had. Your detail work is great, but your actual armour is no where near as good.


The storm giants yellow/green colour is hard to acheive, I grant, but it works better if you build up. Your paint is way too thick, and lacks depth. I'm not one to give advice (not on these guys anyway) but I'm sure there must be a better tactic! The red is pretty decent actually, maybe a little watering down of the paints and some highlighting, but not a bad start.


I will leave it to better qualified people to give painting tips. I'm not just being nasty, I think these models have potential, and your painting skills are up for it.

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Thanks for replying, I thought nobody would. First of all, I'm going more for this kind of look(the picture on the left).


The paint doesn't look as thick in real life. It doesn't have that grainy look in some of the pics, but as I said it was more of a test mini, so yes it is a bit thick.


What do you mean by it lacks depth?

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Cheers. I've changed the way I'm painting them, which I think makes them look better. Instead of leaving the wash(which I originally did to make it look like dirt/battle damage) I've painted over it, leaving the wash in the recesses. Pics will be up as soon as soon as i find betteries for my nans camera.
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hrm...What was your process of painting the armor? Your formula might be off a bit. I would start with


White Primer

Knarloc Green (I think this is the lightest foundation green, I may be wrong)

Rotting Flesh

Then mix RF and Skull whit a bit for the highlights


Now IDK if this is what you did, or this is the right way to do it, just a formula I thought up off the top of my head when I saw what you where shooting for.


Good luck either way.

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