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Ello Kids,


Today's topic is razorbacks!


I am planning for a whacky roster 1250 involving at least 4-5 of em and i was wondering:


Equipment Choices and Infantry Choices:


Major contestants are


Lasscannon with Plasma Gun/Assault Cannon/Twin Linked Lasscannon/Twin Linked Flamer


I ve been thinking of keeping 2 as Lasscannon/Plasma and turning 2 into Heavy Flamers,defending objectives

and/or my base and burning down any infantry that might pop due to transports or pods etc while the other two keep the opponent at bay.


You always have the choice of a 5 man tactical or a 5 man devastator squad but i thought,although tacticals are the cheaper option and thus you can fit more of em,that sternguards with razorbacks should be equally as fun!


Discuss Away!

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I think if you start upgrading the Razorback to anything beyond the TL Heavy Bolter, its gets really expensive really fast.

Considering the cheap access you have to firepower through Dreads, Predators, Attack Bikes and Land Speeders, I really woudn't go too crazy when it comes to your Razorbacks.


A Heavy Bolter can be ignored, but a Lascannon or Lascannon/Plasma has a much bigger "shoot me" sign on it and at the end of the day, its still only an AV11 platform.


The Las/Plas seems especially odd to me, considering you have a 24" difference in the max range of the weapons and the nature of the Plasmagun is that you want to get up close with it to maximize firepower.


If I took a non Heavy Bolter Razorback, it would probably be a TL Lascannon verision to work alongside a Devastator squad. Hide it in cover if possible and add to your long range dakka.


EDIT: Another thought is to run an AssCannon Razorback alongside a Vindicator. Fire the Vindicator at a full squad and use the Razorback to play cleanup. Similar to Blood Angels using a Baal Predator, just cheaper/less armored.

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I wouldnt do it with C:SM, since youcant even get a single special weapon at 5 men, I think that the hit in effectiveness to your squads isnt worth the upgrade to your transport.


And combat squading, every game, as your standard plan just seems... well, like a bad idea to me.


With C:SW, or C:BA Id do it though, and especially with C:CSM if they had them.

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Standard TL-heavy bolter razorback is my choice.


All of the upgrades are too expensive to make it worth it, IMHO, especially considering the fact you'll often be driving stuff around, which means you won't get to fire your gun anyway.

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40 points for a t/l heavy bolter, and the ability to scoot a combat squad across the field is great value. I wouldn't be putting extra points into them. I do toss around the idea of t/l lascannons to team with my pred, but haven't convinced myself it is a good idea. Definitely too fragile to be the anti-tank you rely on.



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I wouldnt do it with C:SM, since youcant even get a single special weapon at 5 men

The point is that 5-man, LC/TLPG = 170 points, whereas 10-man+Lascannon+PlasmaGun=quite a bit more, for less output.

The RB unit can move AND fire, and the PG is twin-linked. The 10-man features bodies vs AV protection.


Cheers, Paul.

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I wouldnt do it with C:SM, since youcant even get a single special weapon at 5 men

The point is that 5-man, LC/TLPG = 170 points, whereas 10-man+Lascannon+PlasmaGun=quite a bit more, for less output.

The RB unit can move AND fire, and the PG is twin-linked. The 10-man features bodies vs AV protection.


Cheers, Paul.

Ahh, but why must it be one or the other? The OP is talking about basing a whole army off of combat squads in razorbacks... so why not base a whole army off of tactical squads with razorbacks?

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Ladies and Gents,


My logic was and still is,to provide my enemy with MANY MANY MANY armor valued targets,he can choose only couple per turn,not all! Even if he gets the "dangerous" unit,i still pack 10 others,target priority will be a bitch!


My 1250 roster would go along the lines of:




1 Librarian with Null Zone and Smite




4 x 5 Tactical Squads


Dedicated Transports


5 Razorbacks (1 with Assault Cannon.1 with Heavy Bolter 2 with Lasscannon and Plasma Gun)




5 Sternguard with Plasma Guns and Combi Plasma


Heavy Support


2 Vindicators


Fast Attack


2 Land Speeders with 1 Multi Melta and 1 Heavy Flamer Each

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This list would look great on the table, but really, I think it would die horribly against most armies. You will not be able to stop hordes assaulting you. 2 Vindicators are pretty hard, but you have no counter assault. Yes, you can throw down some big templates, but ALL your armour except the vindicators can die to heavy bolters!


Still, it would look impressive.



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I think razors are great for delivering small units into combat, cowering behind rhinos, other heavier armor, or cover to unleash their fury. I use a TLHB razor for my command squad+captain in small games and while it gets killed too early too often, I think that's a sign that it's doing it's job as a fire magnet/pimp troop transport.


Razorback can be used to transport only a couple kind of squad sucessfully(in my opinion, at least):

Combat squadded tacticals, say a combi-melta/meltabombs sgt and meltagun+3 bodies, leaving a ML, PC, or LC with 4 bodies to hold an objective on foot, or act as a "mini devestator" squad sniping vehicles from tall cover such as a ruin.

Sternguard units of 6 or less. I've been wanting to try this with a TLAC or LC/TLPG razorback. Should do wonders for the units firepower if you can keep the razorback alive via a cover save

Devestator squad light, 6 man with maybe 1-3 cheap and effective(ML or HBs, I think)heavy weapons tops, move into position with the razor and then get to work with it's added firepower.

Command squads+ICs. Though you can't assault you can debark behind the razor and it can add firepower (and probably die) before you can charge/countercharge.

Honor guard or vanguard vets on foot(same as above). These units are high value and would be much better off in a Land Raider though.

Wannabee devestator squads consisting of techmarines and gun servitors(bolster some cover and get there in style!). Note that I haven't felt crazy enough to try this yet.


Could a rhino do any of these things? Maybe. Rhinos are great for what they do best: extend the effective fire range of rapid fire and melta weapons, and act as combat taxis and mobile bunkers. They're fragile for a vehicle, but cheap, and more often than not they get the job done.

The razorback, I look at it this way, is just a rhino with a heavy weapon strapped onto it that costs a mere handful of points. If you want to retune it to be an engine of destruction, fine, but it's going to cost you. And it's still just going to be a rhino with a big gun strapped to it.


EDIT: Oh, and I think the "best" loadouts are basic TLHB for cost effectiveness, followed by TLAC and LC/TLPG due to sheer killyness, was meaning to say that but I went off on a tangent there. :blush:

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