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Thunderwolf cavalry


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I have played against them only 3 times so far and with my Biker army it is a bit of a stretch to get around them. However! What I have found is that such a huge unit (points wise and physically as well, the current model is huge) is that the will kill what ever they go after but with such a huge amount of points tied up in one unit there can be a bit of a power gap with the rest of their army. If you are able to cripple the rest of your opponents army then it really is great that they poured around 500 points into one unit. The game should never be tied up into one unit no matter how scary!


A dirty trick against them as well, move your objectives and Scoring units up a floor or two and bury them in heavy cover. The big bad wolf won't be able to do much if he can't reach your units.


Another point, the 24 inch charge range is in NO WAY guaranteed! Running won't constantly provided 6s every time. More than once in my game my opponent ended up just out side of range due to bad rolls. Great for me as I could get more shooting off before the meat grinder hit.

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I have played against them only 3 times so far and with my Biker army it is a bit of a stretch to get around them. However! What I have found is that such a huge unit (points wise and physically as well, the current model is huge) is that the will kill what ever they go after but with such a huge amount of points tied up in one unit there can be a bit of a power gap with the rest of their army. If you are able to cripple the rest of your opponents army then it really is great that they poured around 500 points into one unit. The game should never be tied up into one unit no matter how scary!


A dirty trick against them as well, move your objectives and Scoring units up a floor or two and bury them in heavy cover. The big bad wolf won't be able to do much if he can't reach your units.


Another point, the 24 inch charge range is in NO WAY guaranteed! Running won't constantly provided 6s every time. More than once in my game my opponent ended up just out side of range due to bad rolls. Great for me as I could get more shooting off before the meat grinder hit.

Err, what current model? They don't have one yet. That'd be pretty silly (and expensive) if your opponent is buying a bunch of Canis Wolfborne models to represent them. Me, I've been proxying with some of my bikers, until I can build my models mounted on Cold Ones, which really isn't going to make them any bigger.


Just as someone using TWC shouldn't count on 6" Fleet rolls, someone playing against them shouldn't count on 1" rolls, either. :)

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