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How to mobilize AoBR?


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I played a game earlier this week against Tau using the marines from two AoBR sets and two of the squads from the prev set.


2 upgraded (2 powers per turn) Librarians w/Gate and machine curse, and null zone (the machine curse libby had a melta bomb to use up 5 pts.)

2 non-upgraded Terminator squads

1 assault cannon Dreadnought w/hvy flamer.

4 non-upgraded Tactical w/missile launcher and flamer.





Pretty basic stuff, but that's what I have. The problem is making the Tacs mobile, without vehicles, hence the Librarians w/Gate.


Worked OK, managed to get lucky and not deviate too much on my Deep Strike rolls. But it was super chancy. Good thing was, most of the rail guns were denied vehicle targets, and the Terminators have an invulnerable. Did pretty well with a tie game, but Tau firepower is impressive. Will also face Necrons.




Low budget suggestions?






Warprat :(

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Rhinos. Razorbacks. There are no shortcuts to mobility, unfortunately. If you want to play all infantry armies, try out the 4th edition space marines codex. In there, you could give your tactical squads and devastator squads infiltrate for the small price of a drawback. I doubt that codex will ever see the light of day in any competitive setting, but for gaming groups, I'm sure you could work an arrangement out with your buddies for you to use the 4th ed codex.


I used to run Double Trouble Melta tac squads and 3 quadruple plasma cannon devastator squads, all backed up by a Chaplain leading a 10 man assault terminator squad. The tac squads and devie squads infiltrated into good positions on the table while the chaplain and termies ran counter-attack duty. It was my idea of a RG/IF hybrid army, so meh to you ;)

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Step 1: make monies.

Step 2: buy poor forgotten rhinos on >famous intarnet auction site of choice<

Step 3: bathe in simple green for a few days, brushing clean occasionally

Step 4: Paint in chapter livery

Step 5: Enjoy your mobility?!?


In all seriousness, gate is not a replacement for a good armored rhino(mine always get blowed up, but then again that's their job!), but it can be a nice supplement to it.

I have gotten several rhino hulls off of ebay, both the old and the current model, and while they can be had for cheap(less than a lunch on the town), but it's a bit of a mixed bag and you usually have to spend quite a bit more work getting them presentable then just buying a new box kit(I regret nothing).


I could see your list working well with a minimum of 2 rhinos. 2 squads get into position with gate, two squads advance up the board on rhinos, terminators teleport in(you seriously need hvy weapons for those termies, both cyclone and assault cannon are gold), killing ensues. Ideally you want rhinos for every squad -even if they aren't going to use them-. Remember true LOS and the way vehicle cover saves work means you can hide a bunch of rhinos/on foot models behind an empty rhino(or two). I also suggest picking up some more special, heavy, and sgt upgrades to add some punch to that list(missile launcher/flamer combi is adequate 80% of the time though!).

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Unfortunately, or fortunately, (take your pick,) my playing partner insists upon no coke cans or other non-GW proxies...



I have a couple Teleport Homers for the Tacticals to use. So, the Terminators can home in no problem, if the Tacticals can survive a turn of fire. The problem then becomes how to provide the Tacticals mobility on the cheap. The Librarians can Gate 1st turn, but with probable deviation.


I'm thinking Locator Beacon via a scout move, so 3 Scout Bikes, unless somebody can think of anything better... $36. Works good for going first, but going second is still tough.


A Drop Pod w/Locator Beacon would be a good backup, as well as getting a 3rd Tactical squad mobilized. Potential of 3 Tactical squads turn 1, backed up by 2 Terminator squads Deepstriking turns 2-3. $30...





Warprat ;)

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Don't buy rhinos; buy razorbacks. For 5-10 (whatever it is) bucks more you get the weapons turret sprue, simply don't glue the top hatches on and your tank can be either.




I second this. I bought a Space Marine Battle Company a ways back, and regret not getting Razorback upgrade sprues when GW was still selling bits from all their kits. Now the Razorback gun sprue is quite expensive (approx. 15 USD) compared to the price difference between the Rhino and complete Razorback kit (5 USD).

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You got 4 tactical squads?


Get 4 razorback boxes.


Don't glue the top turret. This way, when you need rhinos, you can remove the turret and voila, you got rhinos! When you need razorbacks, just put the turret back on. :rolleyes:


It might be more expensive then you wished for, but I'm afraid there's no shortcut here, as others have said.


BTW, you can avoid your terminators deviating on their deepstrike by getting some teleport homers on those tacticals. Combined with rhinos, it really allows you to get some safe teleports for those terminators. :P


Finally, if you want mobility for the termies, get them a LR. I prefer the classic LR with godhammer lascannons.

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Step 1: make monies.

Step 2: buy poor forgotten rhinos on >famous intarnet auction site of choice<

Step 3: bathe in simple green for a few days, brushing clean occasionally

Step 4: Paint in chapter livery

Step 5: Enjoy your mobility?!?


In all seriousness, gate is not a replacement for a good armored rhino(mine always get blowed up, but then again that's their job!), but it can be a nice supplement to it.

I have gotten several rhino hulls off of ebay, both the old and the current model, and while they can be had for cheap(less than a lunch on the town), but it's a bit of a mixed bag and you usually have to spend quite a bit more work getting them presentable then just buying a new box kit(I regret nothing).


I could see your list working well with a minimum of 2 rhinos. 2 squads get into position with gate, two squads advance up the board on rhinos, terminators teleport in(you seriously need hvy weapons for those termies, both cyclone and assault cannon are gold), killing ensues. Ideally you want rhinos for every squad -even if they aren't going to use them-. Remember true LOS and the way vehicle cover saves work means you can hide a bunch of rhinos/on foot models behind an empty rhino(or two). I also suggest picking up some more special, heavy, and sgt upgrades to add some punch to that list(missile launcher/flamer combi is adequate 80% of the time though!).



This, but if you don't want to put them in Simple Green for days, use Easy Off oven cleaner and it's about 20min per layer of paint per rhino. If they layers were thin (ie, the paint doesn't look like extra armor), you can strip several layers off in one pass. Hit it with the spray, let it sit for a while, then run it under some water while scrubbing with a toothbrush. I stripped a Razorback like this, may as well be new.


Of course, I'm an American, I prefer things to be done quickly. If you take this route, wear gloves. It's oven cleaner, after all.

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I played another game yesterday, after giving each of the Tac squads a Teleport Homer.



Got my ass handed to me in an annialation mission, 1 KP vs his 5 KP. Problem is hitting his two squads (side by side with transports blocking between terrain) piecemeal.


Gave the Librarians the hvy flamer type power and Gate. Seemed fairly reasonable...




I think the Termies may be better deployed before turn 1, and need some hvy weapons. Cyclone and ass cannon come to mind. Power fists on the sarges would probably be good as well.


Thinking of advancing as a swarm, with Libraians gating from squad to squad to help flame down concentrations. The slow advance (with run,) will suck, but it avoids the piecemeal destuction by his Fire Warriors (hopefully).



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Both cyclone and assault cannon are good, but I wouldn't mix them in the squad, take two of one or the other for range and target selection purposes. Cyclone is better vs vehicles at range, and things with a 3+ armor save(firing as krak), and obviously better vs closely packed hordes(frag), but inferior when your targets are in cover and spread out. The assault cannon is pretty good vs everything(but ap4 means a lot of things will get a save vs, but rending is still awesome and makes the assault cannon good vs vehicles up close). Overall, given the range and versatility of the cyclone, and the fact that the terminator doesn't give up his storm bolter for it, cyclone wins(but assault cannon are a lot cooler in my book!). If you footslog the terminators, cyclone launcher all the way, even if it means costing a little firepower, the range and being able to fire on the move means that you'll be able to shoot most of the time(4 cyclone missiles vs a transport heavy list is respectable).


Fist sergeants are a good choice too, espescially in a tactical heavy build(otherwise take meltabombs).

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Another idea is to buy a Land Speeder. It won't help you move the tacticals around, but it's added mobility is awesome. A note thought, wait until after you have the rhinos/razorbacks, one speeder without any other vehicles is dead meat. If you don't want to use the Speeder as a Typhoon, you can realatively(sp?) easily put the Typhoon Missile Launchers on the back of a Terminator for Cyclone Missile Launchers on the cheap.
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