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Landraider against Necrons......

monkey boy

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Is it worth it?

My friend is switching from Guard to Necrons, I want to use a squad of chappy lead assault termies, but will a land raider be a good transport for them, bearing in mind Crons can glance the tank with even their most basic weapons.



Thanks in advance.

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Land raiders are pretty good verses Necrons as long as you go with the Godhammer variant. Stay at 42" and hit them with it's lascannons stopping their "I'll be back" rolls. I would think the risk of using it as an assault transport for assault termies would also pay off but should you do that I recomend the redeemer as the flamestorm cannons will also ignore their "I'll be back" rolls.
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Is it worth it?

My friend is switching from Guard to Necrons, I want to use a squad of chappy lead assault termies, but will a land raider be a good transport for them, bearing in mind Crons can glance the tank with even their most basic weapons.



Thanks in advance.


I was recently the victim of a vindicator being glanced to death by necrons. That would have been even more painful with a 250 point model. Not worth it IMO.

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On one hand glancing can really hurt a LR, but on the other termi chappt+lit claws=dead necs which means they phase and you win. If you're planning on killing as many crons' as possible before it goes down get a Redeemer (The only time I've ever recommended that variant) it is toast if it gets immobilized. though.
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Godhammer Land Raider is the only type that can reliably annoy necron players. Crusaders require a dangerous range to be effective, and the redeemer even more so. You want to be either point blank and in close combat or very far away with big guns. Mid range is necron territory.
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Godhammer Land Raider is the only type that can reliably annoy necron players. Crusaders require a dangerous range to be effective, and the redeemer even more so. You want to be either point blank and in close combat or very far away with big guns. Mid range is necron territory.


Because It's not like the necron player is going to have Destroyers or anything :P Regardless he's right, stay out of mid-range unless sure of your unit getting the charge out

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I dunno, but I think the redeemer would do a darn good job at wrecking a necron phalanz- run up, dislodge some termies or other veterans, flamestorm units to each side, and then kill the lord with orb who lynchpins the whole phalanx with your PW armed models.
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should you do that I recomend the redeemer as the flamestorm cannons will also ignore their "I'll be back" rolls.


Flamestrome would NOT deny WBB (they are neither S8 nor close combat weapons that deny armor saves).

Also due to the unlikelyhood of them being without a rez orb, las cannons probly won't either, but thats a different can of worms entirely.


If you are going to try getting in close (to unload those termies) then GET EXTRA ARMOR, necrons glance like crazy but rarely pen (only heavy destroyers and the monolith have the Strength to do so, well and ctan), so your sudenly ignoreing 2/3 of glances from the 1/6 of hits from the 2/3 of shots. (so going from a 1/9 chance of somethin hapening per shot to a 2/27 chance). Add storm bolter/multimelta and hope you dont get imobilized.

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i'd personaly go with my ravenguard hq and retinue. i'd take shrike and a 10 man assault squad (sarge w/ power fist). this has infiltrate and the ability to outflank and move 12", run, then assault. combo that with all tghose power weapons and your mowing down on average 6 necrons without any wbb... not to mention the mass ammounts of other wounds.


and about the LR, i'd go without it. its just a points sink if you go with the outflanking assault squad. plus it just begs to be weapon destroyed to death.

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I'd say the combination of those units can be awesome. Just some things to watch out for:


I'd say that the chaplain will be more beneficial in the Assault Squad. His ability is worth more the more models there are in the unit. Also, a Terminator Assault squad will be deadly against Necrons anyway. The Assault squad needs the extra punch (and the extra power weapon).


Run them in concert with each other. Especially against large mods of warriors. The Land Raider moves up the board with the Terminators inside. The Assault squad comes up in support, using the Land Raider as cover. They can then intercept any enemy who are getting a little too close. They can also do one thing that the Terminators can't, and that is to perform a sweeping advance. If you're assaulting the warriors with either unit then you have a good chance of making them break and run. With their low Initiative you're more than likely to run them down and wipe them out, preventing their WBB rolls in a way that even a Resurrection Orb won't help. You really want that sweeping advance, as if you don't wipe them out then they are likely to regroup on their turn thanks to their high leadership.


Also, for the resurrection orb to work, the Lord has to be very close. Take two units into the assault. One can focus on the unit and the other on the Lord. Kill him and you take out the orb (assuming he stays down).


While this focusses more on the Termies and Assault troops, it is still relevant as you need that Raider to pull it off. While they CAN take out a Landraider with concentrated gauss weapons, it is still far from easy. The Gauss-Glance rule, in my experience as a dedicated Necron hater, sounds scarier than it actually is. A Tactical squad with a melta gun/melta bombs has more chance of killing your Raider than the warriors do. So you do need to be careful, but don't let fear of Gauss get the better of you.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to broken models and dice being inserted where they shouldn't.

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I usually have a LR with termies in my lists, and I think it's very useful against necrons.


Pop that smoke, pray to the emperor you don't get immobilized by the glances, and deliver those termies into close combat. The termies, especially if they got an IC to keep them company, will on average wipe out an entire unit of necrons in a single assault phase, which is what you must do, otherwise they'll just teleport out of close combat and shoot you.


Basically, just rush them necrons with your entire army (that's what I do), and assault them. Don't be afraid to hang out for an entire turn in your transport, while standing in the face of the necrons, and then disembark in the next turn and assault. The more of them you can assault the better, as it means there's a big chance you'll win combat and maybe sweeping advance them.


Whenever I fight necrons, I try to phase them out. It's usually easier then it sounds.

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