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Termy Chapy


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I was wondering if y'all thought a terminator chaplain is worth it $ wise and point wise?

I don't have any assault terminators (I have a 5 man shooty terminator squad though) but may get some if I get a chaplain.

Also what tactics are chaplains suited for?

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I don't like Terminator Chaplains for the tabletop because you're paying to lose an attack. In the case of the Librarian, you're atleast getting an Inv save in the deal but Chaplains are losing an attack to gain a 2+ save. Factoring in the point cost and losing grenades and the ability to do sweeping advances and I think it a bad deal.


There is no reason a PA Chaplain can't lead Ass Terminators.

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Maybe it's because Terminator Armor looks cool? O.o


Losing an attack is hardly a loss considering that his real purpose is to provide fearless and the rerolls for hitting in CC. With Terminator Armor, he gains the ability to deep strike with the assault terminators and survive a little longer with his 2+ save. Losing grenades is hardly a loss when whatever you hit with those terminators is going to be wiped out, almost guaranteed. Especially with the rerolls to hit... >.>

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Seconding terminator armor is awesome.


With the termie chaplain you're trading 33% of his offensive power for a 16.67% increase in defensive ability vs high AP weapons. All things being equal, I'd rather take the extra attack, but if I were running a squad of assault termies on a regular basis(espescially with a few lightning claws mixed in - rerolls to hit and wound is tasty) I'd take a terminator chaplain, probably with a combi-weapon(it's a fistful of points and you're already losing that extra attack), just for style points.


While it's true that terminator armor is great and all, it's not so great on the chaplain where he relies on that extra attack more than a captain or master who has one more to begin with. At least in my opinion, of course. ;)


I'm not a huge fan of Terminator HQs in general, but they can be great for leading an assault out of a raider or deep striking to unleash a hail of fury with an assault cannon or cyclone launcher.

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If you want a Terminator HQ, I think the best choice is Librarians as it gives them an Inv save and you're mostly taking them for their powers. Since people rarely take the Heavy Flamer (and you can't if you take Ass Terminators) I think the Avenger power is a nice bonus. Thin the horde prior to the charge. Null Zone is probably the best backup power so you don't get tarpitted by units with Inv saves.


After that the Relic Blade Captain is another good one, since you lose the +1 attack anyway.

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