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How do you actually use melta bombs?

captain sox

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I'm planning on converting many of my sergeants/elites with melta bombs.


The only problem is, I don't quite understand how to use them. What phase are the deployed, and how do you roll them? I've read the book, but it's all too vague to me.


Thanks for you help once again!

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Meltabombs are grenades, specifically used against vehicles in close combat.


all basic marines have krak grenades which are used in lieu of base attacks in order to get higher strength hits against vehicles, in this case krak grenades have S6. (frag have S4 vs vehicles).

Meltabombs have S8 +2D6 armour penatration, which makes them brilliant at getting through armour.


You only get a single attack with grenades though, and most of the time only sergeants/vets can be upgraded to have meltabombs.


a ten man tac squad with meltabombs on the sergeant will get 1 meltabomb attack and 9 krak grenade attacks regardless of charge bonuses or number of attacks etc.


hope that helps

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How do you actually use melta bombs?, please help


1. Apply bomb to enemy armour

2. Recite Liturgy of Arming, whilst removing the pin of chastisement

3. Run like blazes!






Assault phase, roll to see if your 1 grenade attack hits (dependent on how far the vehicle moved, or if it is stunned/immobilised etc)

Then roll to see if it penetrates the armour.

If it does, roll on the vehicle damage table. No +1 though, a meltabomb is not actually a melta weapon...



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Great information!


Thanks so much.


Now, do you put the actual Melta Bombs on your models or proxy them?


Its best to model them on if you can but some people don't mind if they are modelled on as long as you have a list saying they are on :D

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