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Ensis Ferrae's Iron Snakes

Ensis Ferrae

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Hey B&C, i thought that since basically every pic since my first couple on the WIP blog has been that of completed marines, i would just do a hall of the honored for my iron snakes army, as it becomes completed.



first squad's SGT




one "apothecary" (he's merely another bolter brother, but since iron snakes are notorious for their use of apothecaries, i will have one in each squad, tho gameplay wise theyll be a standard brother)





second squad's SGT





both squads bannermen and a bolter marine






most of the rest of the completed squads






the captain of the army






C/C is always welcome and appreciated, hopefully ill have more updates soon.

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there very good, but where are the trade mark 300 spears and shields?

i like the iron snakes i would have done them if it there wasnt so much mettalic on them.

anybody kno a way of painting mettalics without mettalics?


edit: i would go over them and touch them up on some of the white places though

thw white is looking thin

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personally i am glad they don't have the shields and spears that type of weaponry would be okay for captains/ chapter masters whose spears are relic blades but c'mon its the year 40,000... Very well done, nice to see some "standard" marines without too much ornamentation...

yes i see what you mean but out of the hundreds of chapters, why pick the only chapter that uses spears and shields then not model spears and shields on them. defeats the object of here being different space marine chapter (modeling wise not fluff wise)

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The chapter used wooden spears and shields in a phalanx formation to kill thousands or orks. Tis a little silly to go straight from the book because of stuff like that.


'Tis true, plus that was only ONE small part of the book. I'd much prefer to think of the Iron Snakes in the lines of the CSM scene of the book, where they were using modern tactics to break into a military base and kill rebels. And originally, if im honest, i only intended to paint up one or 2 minis in this scheme, but i found it so easy to paint, and look good (at least to me) that ive gone and been working on a whole army... and am actually thinking of repainting all of my Raven Guard and Salamanders :(

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small update here, got pictures of the captain and a bannerman, doubtful i will use a command squad, but i liked the model and i think looks quite nice.











C/C is always appreciated and most welcomed. we cant become better painters if we dont know where to improve B)

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I like them but think they are spoiled by their very basic bases. You need to at least stick on some gravel and paint it in dark grays / blacks (maybe) to tone in with the Chapters' colour scheme. Think too about the edging colour – brown isn't a colour I'd pick for metallic marines. I think a little more effort here would transform the overall look of your models tenfold.




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I like them but think they are spoiled by their very basic bases. You need to at least stick on some gravel and paint it in dark grays / blacks (maybe) to tone in with the Chapters' colour scheme. Think too about the edging colour – brown isn't a colour I'd pick for metallic marines. I think a little more effort here would transform the overall look of your models tenfold.






i fully agree that the bases need work, and that will come, once the army becomes legally fieldable :D of course, i then have to decide just what theme to use on the bases once that gets started.

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Looks good, but I'd try to apply a thin coat of either badab black, or black ink ( or washed out chaos black ) on the metal. This I think would really make all the details pop up, and if you then just brush 'em up with a highlight of mithril or boltgun they'll really shine! :)
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Looks good, but I'd try to apply a thin coat of either badab black, or black ink ( or washed out chaos black ) on the metal. This I think would really make all the details pop up, and if you then just brush 'em up with a highlight of mithril or boltgun they'll really shine! :)



it must be the pics, but i have done almost exactly that on them. you could probably tell better that black wash has been applied by looking at the aquila on the chests of the marines. As a small update, i now have all 20 marines of my tactical squads done, however the pics have come out crap so i am still working on taking decent enough photos to post up on the interwebs.

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Yeah looking at the eagle I can see it. Like you say the pics probably aint doing the models justice ( pictures pretty much never do TBH ).

A way to improve could be to set up a "studio", meaning white underneath and behind and a good light, Like you did on some pics.


I've used everything fron normal printing paper set up as a wall and a few pages on the table, or a white shoebox etc. That'll usually give a pretty good result :)


Good to hear that there is progress being made! :D

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So, i recently rebased and repainted all of the bases on my Iron Snakes, and now present the full 2 tactical squads, their captain, and a company/chapter bannerman (and no, i have no intentions of using a command squad, i just liked the idea of using those bits)




Squad Medusa:







The Captain and bannerman:





Squad Elapa:












C/C is always welcome and appreciated. And yes, before you ask, the plasma gun does have an "Army of Two" style shield on in, and yes i did that on purpose :D

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