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Alternative use for Shrike


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OK so we all know about Shrike and his ability to infiltrate Assault units however what hasnt really been discussed heavily is allowing a shooty unit to infiltrate.


So I was sitting here reading another Shrike army and a comment made me stop, I wont quote it but essentially it suggested using Shrikes ability to bring his units up. Why oh Why did I not think of this before?


Take a Devastator squad for example, now we all know that logically we put said unit in a field of fire and keep shooting with it, this tactic however usually means they are sat in the back and using long ranged heavy weapons, which of course instantly rules out MM's. There are of course theories on how we might include MM devastators, one of which is to drop pod in first turn and blast away.


Add in Shrike and you can now put all heavy weapons within 18" of the enemy. Ok this is not exactly within prime Melta range however thats 4 BS3 S8 weapons, add to that the +1 to armour penetration and the fact that you will be able to place them anywhere within 18" after the enemy has deployed and you might just have a tactical edge.


Think also the following possible rules extension, from a thread a while ago it was suggested that you could place a librarian in a Squad of Attack Bikes and Gate them. Well using the similar idea now you can place a unit of Attack Bikers within 18" of the enemy, allowing them to shoot and likely destroy any armoured vehicle.


Think of this, Shrike leading a shooting unit inflitrating whilst your other elements move up in Drop Pods or other transports to try and get a bulk of deadly shooting into the enemy on turn 1 or 2.


Not challenging the established use of Shrike in any way, just trying to further the potential for using his rules.


Ideas? Comments?



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I like the idea, but you are going to need to support those dev's quickly. For example, only place them in the forward position if you have 1st turn, then pod stuff in and advance with your mobile forces. 10 marines will get shot up fast unless they have other targets they need to focus on. My favorite choice would be podding in Ironclads.
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I like the idea. It might work real well against some armies, but would also be quite ineffective against others. For example, what good does it do you to put those devs and shrike close to an army with a strong, mobile close-combat unit (such as nob bikers or a th/ss termies squad in LR).


On the other hand, combining this with something droppoding, and a gate-ing librarian really does open up a lot of options. Gotha try it out. :D

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I like it, and might use it someday.

The best part about this is that you'll know in advance whether you'll have first turn or not. If you do, and have juicy armored targets available, go with the Devvies. If not, you can call off that operation in favor of soemthing else.

The only tricky part is that you might end up with your opponent deploying far away from your MM range. Of course, this allows you to dominate the area of the board that the opponent vacates to avoid the meltadeath.

Shrike has enough speed that he can even detach himself from the squad and join something more choppy later, say a unit of Assault Marines that just jumped nearby.

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I did this all the time in 4th edition. 3 devastator squads with plasma cannons galore and 2 tactical squads with meltas galore and a chaplain with 6 assault terminators in a land raider was what i fielded, and every single squad infiltrated.


The concept works, but it's expensive paying 195 pts for one devastator squad to deploy in that juicy cover.

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Split the difference- infiltrate shrikes biker command squad with PW/PFs and Meltaguns, and relentlessly destroy and assault your enemies. With Fleet.


I'm not sure Fleet has much use for Bikers, since Bikes cannot Run.

Oops. That should have read: "With Fleet Scouts."

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