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Chaos dreadnought conversion


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Long time lurker posting. This is my new Tzeentch chaos dread converted from a Black Reach dread. I used GS and leftover vehicle, defiler and dread bits and made the buzzsaw out of plasticard. It was my first major conversion and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.


I based it with my usual dead world ash flock, but went for a bit of black humor with the arm holding a melta bomb sticking out of a mess of smashed marine. I was going for the "you failed your Death or Glory roll" feeling.


My modelling skills are decent, my painting skills are OK - game table quality.


Comments and critique appreciated.












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I did drybrush the blue sections in a lighter blue color, but it's barely visible on the model and not at all in the photos. Is it better to drybrush a much brighter shade, or white/off-white instead? Sorry if asking this is more suited to the PCA questions forum...


I'm getting a better grasp on painting techniques, but I only use a couple simple ones. Prime, basecoat, wash, drybrush, detail - usually in that order although sometimes I DB after detailing. I haven't attempted layering paint shades yet, have to more homework on it.


Thanks for the advice,



EDIT: Just searched and found links for painting tutorials >.< thanks.

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I'm definitely going to check out other highlight methods, anything to make them look better. I may build another dccw arm and try out a framework with pistons that looks less crude. Still going with a buzzsaw though, love it even if it smacks of Ork :P


Thanks for the comments and advice.


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