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Chaos obliterator and Lord.

Tek 4

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Well, thus far i've painted less than 1k points worth of models, but this is my first attempt at painting a choas lord, and an obliterator. I couldn't get very good pics, just what the Droid i was using as a camera could do, so i appologize for the :cussty picture quality.


Most of the detail work done on either my lord or obliterator is done with a sharpened stick lol. I realize the red looks blotchy, but it's due to my actual paint, i managed to get ahold of a blood red that was messed up and not the right consistency, however i don't have the experience to fix it.


Any and all criticism, compliments, painting advice, advanced technique advice, etc. is very welcome. Thanks in advance.


First my zerkers


then obliterator






Then my lord, who i couldn't manage to get pictures of somehow.


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Basically they are, considering my skill in painting which is little to none... I haven't purchased any washes yet, but i'm not really sure how to use them either. I'll have to look at some painting guides on here.


Washes are basically inks, you apply it thinly and it goes into all the recesses and nooks and cranny's, basically providing a shadow. Then you highlight, which is basically just a lighter colour than the base coat which you apply to all the high points on the armour etc. Essentially anywhere light would catch it.

But keep up the painting mate, you will get better with practice and thats all it takes :D

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Great job for your first minis. Keep painting and you'll improve quickly.


As for your paint consistency problem, is it too thick out of the pot? If so, add a drop of water to the pot. It won't hurt it. Shake it up well before each use.

If the paint is too thin, just use several thin layers instead of one thick one. It's osmehting you'll learn to do in the future anyways.

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If you don't have washes and inks you can still experiment with simply very watered down colours instead. Sometimes they really help to add some shading, but beware, they will run into the recesses like hell. If it's your goal, add even a very little drop of dishwasher to the mix, if it isn't, get rid of the excess paint from the brush and apply it very carefully.
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